**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I hope everything is ok wonder and greats.
I've really popped too. I can't believe it. Guess it's time to start the tummy shots.
Getting the harmony blood work tomorrow. Nervous about how much blood? I hate blood.
Nice bump at 13 weeks already everything's gonna be good don't wry hun!!! Fx
Thanks Kylasbaby
Mummy 3d so sorry hun for your loss :hugs::hugs:

Wonders hang in there have you booked yourself an appointment pls book it asap to know wats actually happening :hugs::hugs:

Jo M yet to knw if it's a baby girl or boy so once I knw I am sure to start thinking about the names

Thank you, I have an app tomorrow to rescan and book d&c but I don think I'm goint to need the d&c this time as I'm bleeding quite heavily so looks like I'm miscarrying by myself xx
I'm a bit of a latecomer but hope there's room for another mum-to-be here in the group?

I'm Jo and I'm 13 weeks with not one but three babies! My husband and I have battled infertility for several years and are expecting triplets after a successful second round of IVF.

Holy smokes!! I was hoping for twins... But wow triplets! DH used to joke if we got triplets I'd have to decide which one we were selling on the black market lol.

Freaking out a little...I wiped this morning after peeing and there was a brown tinge and a little bit of brown cm on toilet paper. I can't help but freak as this was how my mc started last time. I will call Dr Monday as I am not sitting in the ER for a spot of brown. My boyfriend and I had sex in Wednesday, was our first time since my bfp. Could it be from that? i thought blood from sex would happen within a day. Trying to stay calm but would love some reassurance. I feel like I'm being punished because I got too excited, thinking it's actually going to happen :cry:

Wonder I hope everything works out fine for you. Fx'd!

169 is the heartbeat!! What do you guys say?? Boy or girl

My baby's hearbeat has been 160's (164/165) and we are like 60% sure it's a boy.

Lovelies, I've not been around much,but I am now leaving you as having a mmc and will have a d&c this week, wishing you all a h&h 9 months x

mummy I'm sorry for your loss hun :( :hugs:

Thank you all for kind welcome messages!

Has anyone started thinking of names yet?

Yes!! We have our boy names narrowed down to Nicholas or Nathaniel for a first name. And James or Riley for a middle name. DH won't discuss girl names because he's convinced it's a boy. lol.

Greats...hope everything is ok for you. I'm also calling my dr in the morning. They are good about squeezing you in for these types of things.

It was just a little this morning when wiping. I don't know what to think.

Ugh what is going in with us? I'm still cramping now. It's not painful at all but with my brown discharge it's very discouraging.

I'm almost too afraid to post a 13 week bump shot but here goes... I popped so much from last week!!! Everyone at church kept asking if I am having twins :dohh:

I get cramps and twinges still. And I'm not posting a bump pic until I can remember to take one with my bra on lol.

greats your bump is looking great :D

Thanks ladies! I'm starting to get uncomfortable with it! Especially when I'm sleeping or leaning forward.

I can't lean forward either. and I'm used to sleeping mostly on my tummy but I can't now =/

AFM - Nothing new really except I find myself with my hand in my pants touching my belly or talking to baby. I really want my doppler to come in today so I can try the "after shower" trick that Kyla showed us.
Just wanting to say hi. There's no way I've been able to keep up with all you lovely ladies in this thread but I hope everyone is going ok.

For those who have had some brown spotting - I too have had some spotting / brown discharge at 7 weeks, and again now at 11 weeks. Even though it scares me, there's not much of it and I also had similar with #1. Also part of me thinks that it could be something like breakthrough blood as it's been at almost the time I would have had a period if I'd not been pregnant. Even though we haven't done it much, it can also happen after sex as your cervix becomes more sensitive when pregnant. My obs wasn't too concerned about it at my 8 week appointment and I've seen baby twice now with good little heart going. I also have a doppler and have been able to find the heart beat every night when I go to listen (at least I am sure it's the hb as it's twice as fast as mine and not the whooshing sound that i hear just near it). My scan on 7th Feb (at 13 weeks) cannot come soon enough. Really really hoping to be able to get some idea on the sex of bubs then too.

I'm sure my tummy is popping out a little already too. I still have my "pouch" left from #1 so its probably just the flubber being pushed up, but there's something there.

I definitely think it's possibly to feel flutters or bubbles at this early stage, especially if you are very tuned into your body. I definitely felt #1 around the 10 week mark when I was lying down at night. I am sure I have felt similar in the last week with this baby.

Will check in again soon!

Poppie that's awesome you can feel it already!! I wish I knew if I was feeling it or not. Sometimes I get a weird twinge on one side and I have to lean to the other for it to stop lol.
Poppie that's awesome you can feel it already!! I wish I knew if I was feeling it or not. Sometimes I get a weird twinge on one side and I have to lean to the other for it to stop lol.

It's a very strange sensation, hard to explain. It's almost like a really light tickling with a feather but inside. Another reason I am fairly certain it is baby is because its in the same spot that i find the heart beat on the doppler. Nothing beats being able to feel those definite movements and kicks later on though.
Hi can I join? I had my NT scan today and they moved my EDD to August 2nd :)
Congrats Pearly on having a wonderful scan!

Sass, I feel the same way, totally feel like I have a belly all of a sudden, going to be tough to conceal this pregnancy at work for the next couple of weeks…I hope your bloodwork today goes well.

Greats, glad that you got a bit of a break this weekend, I hope your DH starts pulling his weight more. I also hope that your Doctor is able to put your mind at rest re the brown spotting. Lovely bump btw!

Mommy3ds, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time and sending you big :hugs:

Wonders, I hope all is OK with you. Can you get in to see your doctor for some peace of mind?

Welcome Wiggler :hi:

Nothing new for me, starting to feel better during the day but am still so flipping tired it is incredible. I’m thinking of calling in sick one day this week just so I can sleep for the entire day…:blush:
I think I'm going to go with 8/29 which is what my doc told me this past appointment. I was 8w6d but only measured at 8w4d but he's going with my dating rather than measurements for now. Thanks!

kylas - is the panorama test the new thing they are doing along with the NT scan to test for downs, etc? My doc briefly mentioned something like that and said it tells gender too. It’s a blood test, right? We’re going to ask them to put the gender in an envelope and we’re going to do a gender reveal cake. With our first, we did a whole photo shoot with balloons in a box and that was a lot of fun. This time we’re doing the cake route :thumbup: What sucks is that DH wants to wait until his mom visits in March so she can share in the experience :cry: I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!! :nope:

Will add that to the front page!
No they don't do the Panorama with the NT. It can be done as early as 9 weeks so of course I had it done at 9 weeks exactly :haha:
It is a blood test, yes. It tests for a bunch of trisomies and chromosomal deletions and also can tell gender if you opt for that, yes. Of course we did lol. Baby is a girl with 99.9% probability.

Ugh what is going in with us? I'm still cramping now. It's not painful at all but with my brown discharge it's very discouraging.

I'm almost too afraid to post a 13 week bump shot but here goes... I popped so much from last week!!! Everyone at church kept asking if I am having twins :dohh:

Cute bump!

I hope everything is ok wonder and greats.
I've really popped too. I can't believe it. Guess it's time to start the tummy shots.
Getting the harmony blood work tomorrow. Nervous about how much blood? I hate blood.

I'm not sure for that test, but for the panorama test they took 2 vials. Wasn't bad, but then again having blood drawn doesn't bother me at all. I had 14 taken at my initial OB visit lol.

And yes, tummy shots :thumbup:

I definitely think it's possibly to feel flutters or bubbles at this early stage, especially if you are very tuned into your body. I definitely felt #1 around the 10 week mark when I was lying down at night. I am sure I have felt similar in the last week with this baby.

Will check in again soon!


I've definitely felt the occasional flutters/bubbles and what feels like a cell phone vibrating in there and flips. So I definitely think it is possible.

Hi can I join? I had my NT scan today and they moved my EDD to August 2nd :)

Definitely! Congrats! Will add you.
Here's my 12 week belly shot from last week to add to the collection :)
Can we say holy belly....lol
It is pretty high up so the old wives take of carrying a girl high is true for me.

Hi. Mrs Eddie thank you so much!! And taking a day leave is indeed the best thing do right now relax as much as you can!!!

Kylas omg bump at 13 weeks awesome!! This surely Luks like girl as its high up and you definitely know it!!

I hope even I get to feel flutters soon want to feel baby
Kylas has your doc ever talked about taking metformin during pregnancy since you had pcos too??
Kylas has your doc ever talked about taking metformin during pregnancy since you had pcos too??

No never mentioned it. My blood glucose was good when they tested it at my initial OB appointment. I was on it for a bit as a teen, but came off as it was a pain and didn't do anything.
Awesome!! My blood glucose level is great too but my endo who checks my tsh level keeps mentioning metformin as she says pcos are more on risk of developing preclempsia even though I don't have any issue with my insulin or anything and my ob gyn to,d me not to bother it's not required at all when my results are all great
If your tests are great I wouldn't worry about it.

Preeclampsia is high blood pressure which isn't a PCOS thing. And the metformin wouldn't do anything with high blood pressure anyway as it's a diabetic drug that helps with insulin levels....so I'm not sure what metformin would do to prevent preeclampsia. I've never seen PCOS as being linked to preeclampsia. I just did some research and of the couple sites I looked at PCOS wasn't a risk factor or cause of preeclampsia.

So I'd say you're probably best going with your OBs advice. I have heard those with PCOS are more likely to develop gestational diabetes and in that case metformin may help, but I won't be asking for it unless I really need it. I don't like to take anything while pregnant unless absolutely necessary.
You are absolutely right Kylas and likewise I am thinking the same!! Dh is all mad at that doc who is behind me from day one for metformin that crazy lady really lol
But listening to such stuff coming from a doc is really scary and that too when pregnant

But my ob said if you are really worried we can run all the glucose tolerance test again after first tri just to give that doc an answer that everything is alright and I really don't need that metformin which I am really happy about
Yeah doing the glucose test early would help to reassure you. Or you could always get one of those diabetic blood test kits and test yourself at home to make sure.

I'm just watching for signs my blood sugar is an issue. If not I'm just gonna keep on thinking things are fine lol. I was diagnosed 13 years ago and never had a blood sugar issue. And I give my body lots of chances especially with that Apple pie and cupcakes I had last night.... :)

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