greats your bump is looking great![]()
Thanks Kylasbaby
Mummy 3d so sorry hun for your loss
Wonders hang in there have you booked yourself an appointment pls book it asap to know wats actually happening
Jo M yet to knw if it's a baby girl or boy so once I knw I am sure to start thinking about the names
I'm a bit of a latecomer but hope there's room for another mum-to-be here in the group?
I'm Jo and I'm 13 weeks with not one but three babies! My husband and I have battled infertility for several years and are expecting triplets after a successful second round of IVF.
Freaking out a little...I wiped this morning after peeing and there was a brown tinge and a little bit of brown cm on toilet paper. I can't help but freak as this was how my mc started last time. I will call Dr Monday as I am not sitting in the ER for a spot of brown. My boyfriend and I had sex in Wednesday, was our first time since my bfp. Could it be from that? i thought blood from sex would happen within a day. Trying to stay calm but would love some reassurance. I feel like I'm being punished because I got too excited, thinking it's actually going to happen![]()
169 is the heartbeat!! What do you guys say?? Boy or girl
Lovelies, I've not been around much,but I am now leaving you as having a mmc and will have a d&c this week, wishing you all a h&h 9 months x
Thank you all for kind welcome messages!
Has anyone started thinking of names yet?
Greats...hope everything is ok for you. I'm also calling my dr in the morning. They are good about squeezing you in for these types of things.
It was just a little this morning when wiping. I don't know what to think.
Ugh what is going in with us? I'm still cramping now. It's not painful at all but with my brown discharge it's very discouraging.
I'm almost too afraid to post a 13 week bump shot but here goes... I popped so much from last week!!! Everyone at church kept asking if I am having twins![]()
greats your bump is looking great![]()
Thanks ladies! I'm starting to get uncomfortable with it! Especially when I'm sleeping or leaning forward.
Poppie that's awesome you can feel it already!! I wish I knew if I was feeling it or not. Sometimes I get a weird twinge on one side and I have to lean to the other for it to stop lol.
I think I'm going to go with 8/29 which is what my doc told me this past appointment. I was 8w6d but only measured at 8w4d but he's going with my dating rather than measurements for now. Thanks!
kylas - is the panorama test the new thing they are doing along with the NT scan to test for downs, etc? My doc briefly mentioned something like that and said it tells gender too. It’s a blood test, right? We’re going to ask them to put the gender in an envelope and we’re going to do a gender reveal cake. With our first, we did a whole photo shoot with balloons in a box and that was a lot of fun. This time we’re doing the cake routeWhat sucks is that DH wants to wait until his mom visits in March so she can share in the experience
I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!!
Ugh what is going in with us? I'm still cramping now. It's not painful at all but with my brown discharge it's very discouraging.
I'm almost too afraid to post a 13 week bump shot but here goes... I popped so much from last week!!! Everyone at church kept asking if I am having twins![]()
I hope everything is ok wonder and greats.
I've really popped too. I can't believe it. Guess it's time to start the tummy shots.
Getting the harmony blood work tomorrow. Nervous about how much blood? I hate blood.
I definitely think it's possibly to feel flutters or bubbles at this early stage, especially if you are very tuned into your body. I definitely felt #1 around the 10 week mark when I was lying down at night. I am sure I have felt similar in the last week with this baby.
Will check in again soon!
Hi can I join? I had my NT scan today and they moved my EDD to August 2nd![]()
Kylas has your doc ever talked about taking metformin during pregnancy since you had pcos too??