kylas - Ill have to try that app! I took some pics this morning of my bump
I want to pull up my progression pics from last pregnancy and see how different I look this time around. Ill try to post later today.
nixm - please send some heat our way! Its been a very cold winter here
though the snow is pretty today

You cant take too much vitamin C as its water soluble so youll just pee all excess out. For that same reason, theres no point in taking 1000mg at once as ull just pee it out. Its much more effective to take 200mg every 2 hours or so. I used a belly lotion by Mustela with my first
I havent started using anything yet this time. I guess it worked as I didnt get any stretch marks last time but maybe Im not prone to them!!!
jaspie - Im so sorry about your loss

My heart goes out to you and your family.
MrsHudson - Im blown away to hear its 70F in Colorado this time of year!

Thats not typical right? I totally thought you guys had cold winters like we do here in the northeast. Im getting lots of round ligament pain in my right side too
it sucks
AFM, we are stuck inside but its finally stopped snowing. LO is napping and I might take her outside to build a snowman if she doesnt wake up too late. We baked scones this morning. Im running out of ideas to entertain her as weve been stuck at home since Sunday afternoon!!!!!

I have another ultrasound this Thursday. Ill be about 9.5 weeks. My doc says that rate of miscarriage drops dramatically after 9 weeks but ti doesnt get detected until the 12 week scan most of the time, which is why he does a 9 week scan so his patients can know sooner if something is wrong. If everything looks good, he will give me a script for my 12 week NT scan and for non invasive blood testing for downs, etc. Im a little nervous but trying not to think about it
but its hard. Congrats to everyone whos had their 12 week scans and whos made it into the second trimester! How exciting