**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Congrats on all the wonderful news girls! :hug:

I'm just sitting around counting hours until my NT scan on 2/12...I'll get blood drawn for my prenatal testing so I should know gender by the end of the month. Seems like ETERNITY!!!!

Mrs Chezek. I've got a semi off topic related question for you only cause I see in your siggy that you did an u medicated birth? How did you make that happen? I was not with my first one and had a terrible experience with a ton of complications and I feel like all the complications were the result of my epidural. So I'm only 11 weeks now but starting to research other options already. And nervous. I'm already stressed about having to repeat a terrible delivery. :nope:

I did a Bradley Birth course which I guess teaches you the details of what will be going on and how to deal with it using your own body. The method really resonated with me and my husband and we both took the time to practice all the tips and tricks in there. However, when push came to shove, I arrived at the hospital at 7-8cm dilated so meds weren't even an option! I labored at home for most of the process. You can read my birth story if you want more details :flower: But I highly recommend Bradley Birth classes (https://www.bradleybirth.com/) and you can read the books too:
Husband-Coached Childbirth by Robert A. Bradley, M.D., Marjie Hathaway, Jay Hathaway, James Hathaway

Natural Childbirth The Bradley ® Way by Susan Mc Cutcheon, AAHCC
In such an annoyed mood today. Rant ahead! Not pregnancy related lol

My SIL is 25 weeks pregnant and I'm helping plan her baby shower. Well apparently hubby's family is annoyed that I'm trying to help even with me paying for almost the entire shower. So I said f$&k it, I'm not helping anymore. The shower is 7 weeks away, SIL is annoyed that I keep asking for a list of names and addresses so I can send out invites in 2 weeks. She says March 28 is too far away to plan the shower now. Um, hi, it's only 7 weeks away. People need time to take off work if need be, to RSVP, and buy you a gift.

Then she went behind my back and told the whole family how she doesn't want me to cater food, she wants a variety. Does she think I'm going To cook all the food like I did for my daughters bday party? Yeah right, I don't have the time for that. She can cook her own shower food.

She refuses to start her registries, and is having my other SIL do them for her.

I don't understand wth is wrong with her?

Grrrrr. On top of this the boy I watch keeps hitting my daughter today and I texted his parents that they need to come get him.
Omg hun this sil and mil drama is always there at my place too even though I try to make things better for everyone they have their own way of doing things as they feel they are the best ever and my mil thinks no one can compete her daughter!! Well who the hell is interested lol anyways hun sorry to ur rant I added mine too but one thing I have learnt why to lose ur control in their drama do as much as u can do dnt over stress of she thinks it's too early then let her plan her own u were a,ways there to help they are mad ( sorry) to not understand it U've got ur life too u can't just run behind her and tell her politely if u need my help I am there
So jealous of your scans next week poppie and chez! Congrats and gL!
My results never came in today so now to wait til Monday. So bummed.
Step out of this shower greats. Your SIL sounds so ungrateful. Let her family deal with her.
Nothing good to report this week, but 14 week pic :)

I know, I'm so glad I haven't put any money towards it yet. My husband just shook his head and said I don't know why you even bother with my family, they're all nuts. Made me laugh lol

Bummed we have to fix hubby's car... It went haywire suddenly last week out of no where and it's only a 2010 car. I had to set aside $2,000 in my budget just in case, I'll find out how much it'll cost on Tuesday. Praying it costs less than $1,000 bc I REALLY want to spend that on the new baby instead (which is what I had originally planned that money for....)

I'm 15 weeks today! Haven't really felt the baby move all day, but I keep telling myself most people don't even feel the baby at this point lol
This pregnancy is so much harder for me too! I wonder if that's a common thing....

I think it is. Most of my friends who have two said that the second pregnancy was tougher.

My first was not great, I was really sick and lost 15 lbs. My second was sooo easy, all of my symptoms were really mild. This one though has been harder on me. I've not been sick very much but the nausea was pretty bad for awhile and I lost 5 pounds just from not eating too much and only eating real food (as opposed to junky snacks) when I did eat. But the worst part has been being so damn tired! I literally do not even want to get up and move.
Hi ladies!

Sorry for my absence over the past couple of days, we moved house on Wednesday and it's been exhausting! We're slowly but surely getting things together.

I can't believe I've hit 15 weeks today and I could well be half way through my pregnancy. It's a daunting thought to know that I will almost certainly deliver fairly prematurely but I know the babies will have a great support team whenever they do come.

How are you all doing?
Hi ladies!

Sorry for my absence over the past couple of days, we moved house on Wednesday and it's been exhausting! We're slowly but surely getting things together.

I can't believe I've hit 15 weeks today and I could well be half way through my pregnancy. It's a daunting thought to know that I will almost certainly deliver fairly prematurely but I know the babies will have a great support team whenever they do come.

How are you all doing?

How are you feeling?? Have you started buying anything for the triplets, yet?
I still can't get over the fact that I'm 15 weeks, now. I think I've hit that point of pregnancy where I don't feel really pregnant anymore as all my symptoms have gone away except for my acne and bump. I felt the same way with my daughter around this time until I started seeing baby's kicks on the outside around 20 weeks.

I have 10 days until I have my private gender scan! I'm really hoping baby cooperates and we find out that day haha my SIL is 25 weeks and has had 2 gender scans so far and baby never cooperates so looks like I will probably find out before her.

I keep switching back and forth between thinking baby is a boy or girl. The past couple weeks I've convinced myself I'm having a boy but then hubby had a dream the other night that we brought home a baby girl from the hospital so now I'm picturing a girl haha
Eek! 14 weeks today! And we decided on our boy name. Cole Daniel Semcho!
Hi ladies!

Sorry for my absence over the past couple of days, we moved house on Wednesday and it's been exhausting! We're slowly but surely getting things together.

I can't believe I've hit 15 weeks today and I could well be half way through my pregnancy. It's a daunting thought to know that I will almost certainly deliver fairly prematurely but I know the babies will have a great support team whenever they do come.

How are you all doing?

How are you feeling?? Have you started buying anything for the triplets, yet?

I'm feeling pretty good, surprisingly! How are you doing?

We have all of the furniture as well as the pushchair ordered. We've got lots of white vests etc. as well as lots of nappies!
How exciting Jo! I feel like having all the stuff makes it so much more real.
Love the name dsem.
How nice to be feeling good greats! And I hope you find out before your SIL. In her face! We keep going back and forth from boy to girl as well. I really hope we find out Monday.
Are you feeling any better mrs. Eddie?
Afm, generally feeling good too, just really tired. Dragged my butt to the gym again today though. And dug out all my nursing clothes and Jammie's from storage so I could feel confident they didn't get lost in the move.
Just so sad over the loss of my maternity gear. I loaned it all to my SIL who loaned it to her cousin, and I told them both I'd need it back once the cousin was done with it, but she hasn't returned any. She offered me the maternity clothes from one of her friends, but then I had the mc so she didn't pass them along and hasn't offered again.
Hi ladies!

Must be baby brain because I just couldn't for the life of me find this thread again!

I'm 14weeks today and don't feel pregnant. I have zero symptoms apart from my hair looks like it's NEVER been washed!

I must try to keep up with this thread!
Just had my scan last week. Baby was measuring 2 days behind based on LMP which means 2 days ahead based on CD18 ovulation. Nuchal fold was ok, 1.7mm and other measurements look ok, so fingers crossed.

Although there are some similarities with DS, I feel like this one could be a girl. MS was worse and nub was also girlish, if I'm seeing it correctly. Also, kinda roundish skull features. Well, I was hoping for another boy, but it's probably good to have one each.

Just had my scan last week. Baby was measuring 2 days behind based on LMP which means 2 days ahead based on CD18 ovulation. Nuchal fold was ok, 1.7mm and other measurements look ok, so fingers crossed.

Although there are some similarities with DS, I feel like this one could be a girl. MS was worse and nub was also girlish, if I'm seeing it correctly. Also, kinda roundish skull features. Well, I was hoping for another boy, but it's probably good to have one each.

View attachment 842735

I dunno, I think the skull looks boy. If you look at my avatar you can see Ava's forehead is more rounded whereas yours looks more blocky. I think you could get your wish!
Scan yesterday was great. Everything was perfect with baby, measuring a couple days ahead but I'll just stick with my original EDD for now. The sonographer was so lovely, it was the best place we'd been to for a scan ever. They had a massive screen for us to view everything and she explained everything really well. We didn't get all that information when we had #1, so glad we went to a different place this time. Baby was flipping and moving and jumping around in there, we got to see hands and feet and everything. All things were in their right place.

I asked about gender and she said she'd be able to tell with about 90% accuracy (and 99.9% at the 20 week scan). So she told us she thought this would be a boy. I held it together ok for the rest of the scan but did have a bit of a cry in the car with hubby. We swayed for a little girl but I was fairly sure I could tell it was a boy while she was doing the scan. I feel terrible for feeling this way but I knew I would. My main concern was that baby was happy and healthy and it is and it's such a blessing, I am so happy to just have this precious miracle. Anyway, since then (even though it's not 100% that is is a boy) we've talked about it much more and I am ok. I had a terrible issue that we didn't have a firm name for a boy. We have had a first name that we both loved for awhile but the second name was really frustrating me. I really wanted to have a family link with the second name as we do with #1. After investigating our family tree some more, we have found a second name that we both love (one that I'd actually had on my list) and it has a family link. This has made me feel much much better and excited about having another son. I have also been looking more at the nursery ideas for boy and I know once I do start getting into decorating I'll be so much more excited.

So don't write me up has being team blue just yet, I'll update that at the end of March when I have my 20wk scan.

Now we are starting to tell more people, which is exciting. We have also been talking with DS about the baby in mummy's tummy. He seems excited too.

Anyway, here's the pic! :cloud9:
Scan yesterday was great. Everything was perfect with baby, measuring a couple days ahead but I'll just stick with my original EDD for now. The sonographer was so lovely, it was the best place we'd been to for a scan ever. They had a massive screen for us to view everything and she explained everything really well. We didn't get all that information when we had #1, so glad we went to a different place this time. Baby was flipping and moving and jumping around in there, we got to see hands and feet and everything. All things were in their right place.

I asked about gender and she said she'd be able to tell with about 90% accuracy (and 99.9% at the 20 week scan). So she told us she thought this would be a boy. I held it together ok for the rest of the scan but did have a bit of a cry in the car with hubby. We swayed for a little girl but I was fairly sure I could tell it was a boy while she was doing the scan. I feel terrible for feeling this way but I knew I would. My main concern was that baby was happy and healthy and it is and it's such a blessing, I am so happy to just have this precious miracle. Anyway, since then (even though it's not 100% that is is a boy) we've talked about it much more and I am ok. I had a terrible issue that we didn't have a firm name for a boy. We have had a first name that we both loved for awhile but the second name was really frustrating me. I really wanted to have a family link with the second name as we do with #1. After investigating our family tree some more, we have found a second name that we both love (one that I'd actually had on my list) and it has a family link. This has made me feel much much better and excited about having another son. I have also been looking more at the nursery ideas for boy and I know once I do start getting into decorating I'll be so much more excited.

So don't write me up has being team blue just yet, I'll update that at the end of March when I have my 20wk scan.

Now we are starting to tell more people, which is exciting. We have also been talking with DS about the baby in mummy's tummy. He seems excited too.

Anyway, here's the pic! :cloud9:

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful experience at your new scan place! Your sonographer reminds me of my new one, too!

It's ok to have felt the way you feel about baby's possible gender. We already have a girl and are absolutely hoping for a boy to officially complete our family and I guarantee I'm going to be a little disappointed if we are having another girl (which is what dh thinks we are having). I think it's only normal but then life always works out that way and regardless you'll have a healthy baby and that's all that matters.

Having trouble sleeping again. I'm freaking myself out a bit about my loss of symptoms. Nausea is officially gone, boobs don't hurt, and my stomach is shrinking. I've also stopped feeling baby move... I went from feeling baby move a lot for the last week to the past 3 days it's the faintest nudge that I'm not even sure if it is baby I'm feeling. I had a horrible dream that we went to our private gender scan only to find out something happened to baby. I don't know why but I can't shake that feeling. I'm hoping I'm wrong.

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