I wanted to do a gender reveal, but I want a girl so badly I will probably cry if it turns out to be a boy. I know I will love it either way, but I really want a girl. So we are finding out at the private ultrasound and doing a gender reveal for our family. Might pretend we don't know though haha
That was us last pregnancy. Wifey wanted a boy so badly- and got it. I didn't (and still don't) care!
I will say, I hope you get your girl, but if you get a boy it will be ooooookay. Promise!
Even for someone who doesn't have experience with boys... little boys are adorable and they grow on you.
Oh I know it will be. I will be disappointed at first, but I'll get over it. Healthy but is most important. Last family I watched had a little boy and he was the best baby/toddler ever! I loved him so much. The GF and I both feel this is a girl. For some reason our donor looks like he makes girls...
But I will love it whatever it turns out to be.
Update my edd to August 13- according to Fertility Friend.
I always wanted to do a gender reveal party. That sounds sounds awesome Ace!
KaylasBaby I totally understand, I was like that with my 2nd. I wanted a girl so badly, I got her so I am happy to wait this time around for our little tie breaker. Ace is right, even if you are initially upset you will still be thrilled! My DS is my snuggle buddy, and boy he is the best!
Will update the front page for you
I know I will be happy with a healthy baby. I'll just be disappointed at first. I feel that's only natural and many women are when they don't get what they want. But we get over it and love our babies!