**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I'm one of the lucky ones as my hospital is a 2 minute drive down the road :haha:

I'm having a huge nesting thing going on today. I've been cleaning non-stop since I woke up this morning. Even went to the grocery store to stock up on cleaning supplies! My husband thinks I'm nuts lol

Putting together my daughter's toddler bed and re-arranging her room tonight to fit her new bed, the crib, and her dresser and toy chest. Throwing away my old crappy computer desk and this random coffee table that's sitting in our room so we can fit the rocking glider that's in my daughter's room.

Getting our new living room furniture mid-March.

Ordered a new bouncer this morning! $40 at walmart. They don't have it in any of the stores near me so had to order it on their website. So excited! Also bought some new bottle nipples for my daughter's old bottles as well as some baby wash cloths and some baby gowns!

Hubby told me to sit my behind down on the couch and relax bc I've done too much today. I can't help it :haha:
Ditto!! DH and I are always joking that we want go to a different hospital to have (i.e. get) our next baby. Because the hospital where we had (i.e. got) DS 'screwed' us bigtime by (giving) us the naughtiest baby they had :haha:

Anyway, I think we'll stay team yellow this time. This could be our last baby, so we'd like to experience the surprise and mystery of not knowing. If it were just up to us, we'd love to have 3, but we're just plainly exhausted even now. I am also just starting another undergrad degree (already have a doctorate, but its not useful) as I plan a career shift, hence by the time I can finish my degree and have a stable job, I will already be in my 40s.

Ha ha. That's pretty funny...I totally feel you on the 'this is probably' our last although I'd love to have three...parenting is SO hard! My first is a huge handful - big ball of energy. And the first 4 months with her were crazy hard - she was a high needs baby for sure. Maybe if #2 is a completely easy, laid back baby I'll consider having another...we'll see!

Gosh we haven't even been able to look at the hospitals, but I know that one that comes suggested is like a 30 - 40 minute drive from where we will be living.

Nothing new this weekend except DH got jalapeno juice in his pee hole.... :rofl: He was screaming that his penis was burning and I was like :haha: the whole time.. I couldn't help it. He got mad and slammed the bathroom door shut. I ended up calling medical and they suggested sugar water (a lot of sugar) which actually worked.

OUCH!!!!! Poor guy!!!! :wacko: I know how much jalapeño juice hurts on my lips so I can only imagine - I won't ask how it happened :nope:

I have always wanted a home birth but I'm too scared to commit. I tend to have such bad luck and I'd be scared that everything would go wrong. I don't think I'd be able to relax. Plus, I absolutely love my OB and he can't do home births so I'll be at the hospital...tho now I probably jinxed myself and I'll be delivering in my living room!!!! :dohh::haha:

AFM, my materniti21 results came in today! Everything was negative and I'm sooooo pleased. Such a weight off my shoulders. For some reason, I was really stressed about it this time around...maybe cause I'm 37 this Saturday and DH is 43! But everything is good and I'm ready to relax :happydance:

Our gender results are also here! I'm picking them up at my doctor's office tomorrow and then giving them to our bakery. They are going to put the results into my and my mom's birthday cupcakes which we're going to have at our birthday brunch on Saturday. Cannot wait!!!!!! :flower: I love surprises :cloud9:
Gosh we haven't even been able to look at the hospitals, but I know that one that comes suggested is like a 30 - 40 minute drive from where we will be living.

Nothing new this weekend except DH got jalapeno juice in his pee hole.... :rofl: He was screaming that his penis was burning and I was like :haha: the whole time.. I couldn't help it. He got mad and slammed the bathroom door shut. I ended up calling medical and they suggested sugar water (a lot of sugar) which actually worked.

OUCH!!!!! Poor guy!!!! :wacko: I know how much jalapeño juice hurts on my lips so I can only imagine - I won't ask how it happened :nope:

I have always wanted a home birth but I'm too scared to commit. I tend to have such bad luck and I'd be scared that everything would go wrong. I don't think I'd be able to relax. Plus, I absolutely love my OB and he can't do home births so I'll be at the hospital...tho now I probably jinxed myself and I'll be delivering in my living room!!!! :dohh::haha:

AFM, my materniti21 results came in today! Everything was negative and I'm sooooo pleased. Such a weight off my shoulders. For some reason, I was really stressed about it this time around...maybe cause I'm 37 this Saturday and DH is 43! But everything is good and I'm ready to relax :happydance:

Our gender results are also here! I'm picking them up at my doctor's office tomorrow and then giving them to our bakery. They are going to put the results into my and my mom's birthday cupcakes which we're going to have at our birthday brunch on Saturday. Cannot wait!!!!!! :flower: I love surprises :cloud9:

Omg but it's funny!! He was slicing jalapenos in half, and forgot to wash his hands before going to pee. Then when he started spraying cold water on his weewee it got the capsaicin into the urethra. I didn't realize how bad it was so I was rolling.

Omg you have the results but you're waiting! I couldn't do it lol.
I'm sorry Rach.

I swear, I'm going to kick DH in the scrotum before this pregnancy is over. He just told me he doesn't want to "waste" two hours of his day off going off base to the ultrasound. UGH. If it wasn't the gender ultrasound I wouldn't care as much - I'd still care regardless, but not as much. But instead I told him it was his choice and that I'd get a video anyways. And he went, so you're going to make me watch the video? I said nope.
Hi ladies, I've been a bit of a lurker because of my fear of something going wrong in the first tri. We've had our ultrasound and everything is looking good. They couldn't do the NT measurement because of the position baby was in so we are giving that a miss. Todays ultrasound put me at 13+3 instead of 13+1 so my due date has been moved up to the 29th of August - could this be changed on the front page? Thanks!

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the magic point where the nausea and exhaustion settle!

Wow Greats, haven't had the nesting bug yet, send some of your energy my way :haha: Hoping that after we find out the sex I will get inspired to start getting things together...

Sorry to hear that you got bad news Rach :hugs:

MrsChezek, congrats on great results. And amazing that you are waiting until this weekend to find out the sex, that's an awesome way to reveal though. We did a cake with our families last time too but we knew the sex beforehand.

Loobs, I just started feeling a bit less tired this week, hopefully you get a bit more energy soon!
Can you please take me off the list bad news yesterday

So sorry for your bad news :hugs:

Hi ladies, I've been a bit of a lurker because of my fear of something going wrong in the first tri. We've had our ultrasound and everything is looking good. They couldn't do the NT measurement because of the position baby was in so we are giving that a miss. Todays ultrasound put me at 13+3 instead of 13+1 so my due date has been moved up to the 29th of August - could this be changed on the front page? Thanks!

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the magic point where the nausea and exhaustion settle!


Updated the front page. My nausea went away around the time when 2nd tri started so hopefully soon for you. My exhaustion went away for a week when second tri started and then came back so I'll let you know when it goes away haha.

AFM, 17 weeks today!!

There's a November group started already!
I'm cleaning things. Why am I cleaning things? Very unlike me lol
Posted this on the fb page too -

Discussion time - tdap vaccine. I'm on the fence about it. It's a category c drug. Animal testing has shown adverse effects on fetuses. There have been no human studies. I've been doing research all morning and nothing has definitively shown that it even prevents whooping cough and that even though they push it on pregnant woman it hasn't been shown to prevent the infection in infants. They recommend it in the third tri, but I don't know. I stopped taking my allergy medicine which is category b because I don't want it getting to the baby. I'm really uncomfortable taking anything category c. This isn't a vaccination debate. I fully believe in vaccinating, but not something I have to get while pregnant that hasn't even been proven to prevent what it's vaccinating against never mind it hasn't proven to be safe either.
Posted this on the fb page too -

Discussion time - tdap vaccine. I'm on the fence about it. It's a category c drug. Animal testing has shown adverse effects on fetuses. There have been no human studies. I've been doing research all morning and nothing has definitively shown that it even prevents whooping cough and that even though they push it on pregnant woman it hasn't been shown to prevent the infection in infants. They recommend it in the third tri, but I don't know. I stopped taking my allergy medicine which is category b because I don't want it getting to the baby. I'm really uncomfortable taking anything category c. This isn't a vaccination debate. I fully believe in vaccinating, but not something I have to get while pregnant that hasn't even been proven to prevent what it's vaccinating against never mind it hasn't proven to be safe either.

Do they recommend it even if you're up to date on the vaccine?
I can't believe that there's already a November group :wacko:

I've never heard of that vaccine before Kyla nor have I ever had it offered to me so I can't comment. Does your doctor recommend that you get it?
It's recommended for each new pregnancy. So even if you're up to date they want you to get it while pregnant between 27-36 weeks. They claim it takes two weeks for the baby to become immune before birth. I was reading studies that showed no difference in infection rates among infants whose mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy or after the birth. Also what I keep finding with my research is that the vaccine hasn't been proven to even prevent pertussis or to be safe during pregnant. So I'd put it in my body and risk my baby's health because?

The tdap is three vaccines in one - tetnus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). My doctor hasn't said anything yet, but I wouldn't get it until the third trimester anyway so I'm assuming she will mention it then. My boss was trying to tell me I HATE to get it and they would force me......they can't force me to get anything I don't want to get.
Omg but it's funny!! He was slicing jalapenos in half, and forgot to wash his hands before going to pee. Then when he started spraying cold water on his weewee it got the capsaicin into the urethra. I didn't realize how bad it was so I was rolling.

Omg you have the results but you're waiting! I couldn't do it lol.

I swear, I'm going to kick DH in the scrotum before this pregnancy is over. He just told me he doesn't want to "waste" two hours of his day off going off base to the ultrasound. UGH. If it wasn't the gender ultrasound I wouldn't care as much - I'd still care regardless, but not as much. But instead I told him it was his choice and that I'd get a video anyways. And he went, so you're going to make me watch the video? I said nope.

Well it seems that the jalapeño accident was no accident at all but KARMA!!!! :haha: That's what he gets for being such a weaner about the ultrasound that means so much to you :winkwink:

It's recommended for each new pregnancy. So even if you're up to date they want you to get it while pregnant between 27-36 weeks. They claim it takes two weeks for the baby to become immune before birth. I was reading studies that showed no difference in infection rates among infants whose mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy or after the birth. Also what I keep finding with my research is that the vaccine hasn't been proven to even prevent pertussis or to be safe during pregnant. So I'd put it in my body and risk my baby's health because?

The tdap is three vaccines in one - tetnus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). My doctor hasn't said anything yet, but I wouldn't get it until the third trimester anyway so I'm assuming she will mention it then. My boss was trying to tell me I HATE to get it and they would force me......they can't force me to get anything I don't want to get.

Are you reading any data about it affecting babies in womb negatively? Are there cases of death or illness or any other issues in fetuses due to the vaccine? I'm personally super ANTI vaccines as the whole idea of putting these things in my body or my babies body makes me cringe - BUT I am fully up to date on all my vaccines and so is my LO as it seems they cause more good than harm. I got the tdap last time as I was would never forgive myself if I didn't and something happened to my baby, but that's because I didn't see any data around it causing adverse effects. I realize it may not be effective or whatever but I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. Not sure this helps your decision but it's just my thinking process... :shrug:
Oh and the only reason I haven't torn the envelope open is that it's not actually in my hands. I plan to pick it up tomorrow and drive it straight to the bakery!!!! I'd probably cave and open it if I had it in my possession for more than an hour :haha:
Posted this on the fb page too -

Discussion time - tdap vaccine. I'm on the fence about it. It's a category c drug. Animal testing has shown adverse effects on fetuses. There have been no human studies. I've been doing research all morning and nothing has definitively shown that it even prevents whooping cough and that even though they push it on pregnant woman it hasn't been shown to prevent the infection in infants. They recommend it in the third tri, but I don't know. I stopped taking my allergy medicine which is category b because I don't want it getting to the baby. I'm really uncomfortable taking anything category c. This isn't a vaccination debate. I fully believe in vaccinating, but not something I have to get while pregnant that hasn't even been proven to prevent what it's vaccinating against never mind it hasn't proven to be safe either.

I wouldn't get it. They don't offer anything like that to pregnant women here in Canada. I am not immune to Rubella and I cannot get the vaccine for that till after the baby is born. This is my fourth pregnancy and I haven't had problems with whooping cough with any of my children (knock on wood). Here the babies get immunizations within the first few months of life. I would steer clear but the decision is entirely up to you your the mommy :)
MrsC - there haven't been any studies like that in humans, but studies have shown adverse effects in animal fetuses.
Hmm. I know that animal tests can differ a bit than in humans, but knowing that and having it be a risk category C drug I'd personally hold off getting it until after baby. Another Canadian here so I won't be offered it.

DH on the other hand is getting all up to date with boosters so that's one of us all covered! :)
Omg but it's funny!! He was slicing jalapenos in half, and forgot to wash his hands before going to pee. Then when he started spraying cold water on his weewee it got the capsaicin into the urethra. I didn't realize how bad it was so I was rolling.

Omg you have the results but you're waiting! I couldn't do it lol.

I swear, I'm going to kick DH in the scrotum before this pregnancy is over. He just told me he doesn't want to "waste" two hours of his day off going off base to the ultrasound. UGH. If it wasn't the gender ultrasound I wouldn't care as much - I'd still care regardless, but not as much. But instead I told him it was his choice and that I'd get a video anyways. And he went, so you're going to make me watch the video? I said nope.

Well it seems that the jalapeño accident was no accident at all but KARMA!!!! :haha: That's what he gets for being such a weaner about the ultrasound that means so much to you :winkwink:

It's recommended for each new pregnancy. So even if you're up to date they want you to get it while pregnant between 27-36 weeks. They claim it takes two weeks for the baby to become immune before birth. I was reading studies that showed no difference in infection rates among infants whose mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy or after the birth. Also what I keep finding with my research is that the vaccine hasn't been proven to even prevent pertussis or to be safe during pregnant. So I'd put it in my body and risk my baby's health because?

The tdap is three vaccines in one - tetnus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). My doctor hasn't said anything yet, but I wouldn't get it until the third trimester anyway so I'm assuming she will mention it then. My boss was trying to tell me I HATE to get it and they would force me......they can't force me to get anything I don't want to get.

Are you reading any data about it affecting babies in womb negatively? Are there cases of death or illness or any other issues in fetuses due to the vaccine? I'm personally super ANTI vaccines as the whole idea of putting these things in my body or my babies body makes me cringe - BUT I am fully up to date on all my vaccines and so is my LO as it seems they cause more good than harm. I got the tdap last time as I was would never forgive myself if I didn't and something happened to my baby, but that's because I didn't see any data around it causing adverse effects. I realize it may not be effective or whatever but I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. Not sure this helps your decision but it's just my thinking process... :shrug:

Oh and the only reason I haven't torn the envelope open is that it's not actually in my hands. I plan to pick it up tomorrow and drive it straight to the bakery!!!! I'd probably cave and open it if I had it in my possession for more than an hour :haha:

Hahahah early Karma... Love it!!!!!

And omg I'd cave too!! Like someone asked me why don't I wait, and I was like why would I???? Hubs said it's the only one we get because he refuses to have a second so I'm going ALL out... 3D/4D ultrasound (cheaper here so that's why I'm doing it early), L&D photos... Gonna take my own maternity photos for funsies.
I'm pretty much leaning toward getting it after birth. Im just jot comfortable with it for two main reasons - it hasn't been proven anymore effective in peventing the infection in newborns as opposed to getting it after birth and it hasn't been shown to be safe. OH will get it and we are trying to make our parents but they're a lot resistant.

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