**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

According to my OBs scale I've gained 8lbs. That's with clothes and boots on. According to my scale it's 4/5. I've honestly expected more based on how much I'm eating haha. So im happy with it.

How much every woman should gain is different. Depends on prepregnancy weight and your height. Your doctor should be able to tell you how much you ahould gain. Mine hasn't said anything yet so im doing good. All she's said at my 8 week appoibtment is to try to exercise when I'm feeling well enough to. So I figure I'll be feeling well enough to when all this snow melts and it's warmer out ;)

I've been feeling light taps for weeks now, but started feeling proper kicks on Friday which was 17+3. It's my first. Not I feel her at least once a day. Yesterday three times! Kicks still kind of weird me out of im honest lol. Like being flicked from within my own body. I love it but it's weird at the same time. And just for good measure I just got a kick ;)
congrats on your scan kyla.....can't wait for mine on monday :)
as for weight gain I've gained back 2 of the 6 lbs I lost so far so I'm pretty happy with that...any of you ladies still getting some nausea?
Well when I went in today I'm down 1 lb pound again. So they're starting to watch me. Maybe it's because I threw up everything I ate last night... This baby is killing me!

Other than that baby's heart was still beating away. Have me some good kicks on the way home too. I'll be able to schedule the anatomy scan in April on Friday. I'm so excited!
I think the general rule is nada in the first tri then 1 lb each week after. There's some apps that will calculate your pre preg bmi then tell you how much to gain after.
I gained 50-55 lbs with my first! Still carrying 14/15 lbs from that so I didn't gain in the first tri this time, but instead of feeling like a success, it just feels like a wash. So I am 5'3" and 144 pre preg, so my bmi is classed as obese. I've gained 1/2 lbs this week and feeling so big. I hope this isn't the beginning of a landslide.
I'm so sorry your feeling so bad m. Hudson. I'm sure you're doing all you can to keep food down. If your ever feeling decent, those carnation instant breakfast mixes pack a ton of vitamins etc in each serving. No worries for your baby though. They will take it from you no matter what. It's yourself you need to worry about.
After having dd, I think I pinched a nerve in my shoulder while bfing. It was so painful. My dr did an X-ray on it and they thought she had stripped the calcium out of a part of my shoulder! Turned out to just be the nerve and my bone was ok, but seriously! How insane? Watch out for yourself gf.
I think the general rule is nada in the first tri then 1 lb each week after. There's some apps that will calculate your pre preg bmi then tell you how much to gain after.
I gained 50-55 lbs with my first! Still carrying 14/15 lbs from that so I didn't gain in the first tri this time, but instead of feeling like a success, it just feels like a wash. So I am 5'3" and 144 pre preg, so my bmi is classed as obese. I've gained 1/2 lbs this week and feeling so big. I hope this isn't the beginning of a landslide.

I've heard this method too. It really depends on what you weigh though...I'm overweight and my doctor said I could get by gaining only 15 lbs. That seems impossible, but I went a little overboard in the beginning with the eating for two mentality. The past few weeks I've maintained and made some better eating choices. I've given myself another 17 lbs to gain and still be ok with my overall weight but I don't know if its all up to me.

OT: I have to chime in here. You are considered obese at 144? That seems impossible only because I used to do weight watchers and 140ish is the high mark for goal weights at that height (I'm 5'3", 5'4"). Either way, it doesn't really matter as its all about how you feel and how you carry it.
I'm so sorry your feeling so bad m. Hudson. I'm sure you're doing all you can to keep food down. If your ever feeling decent, those carnation instant breakfast mixes pack a ton of vitamins etc in each serving. No worries for your baby though. They will take it from you no matter what. It's yourself you need to worry about.
After having dd, I think I pinched a nerve in my shoulder while bfing. It was so painful. My dr did an X-ray on it and they thought she had stripped the calcium out of a part of my shoulder! Turned out to just be the nerve and my bone was ok, but seriously! How insane? Watch out for yourself gf.

My mom just suggested protein shakes to help me with sickness too so I'm going to pick some up at the store. I feel good for a bit then bad and so on. I told DH I think the baby is killing me. He said no just stealing your nutrients. Sounds about the same to me lol. Oh well I'm happy to be pregnant and have gotten here fairly easy.

I was 117 lb prepregnancy at 5'4 and am said to gain 20-35 lbs. for our wedding back in May I weighed 105 (way too skinny) and had Iaintained that, I would have gained more since that's underweight.

Ouch on the shoulder!
I'm still getting sick a few times a day. I still have the picc line, so at least I'm getting fluids with folic acid, thiamine and multi vitamins (put in the fluids) and I've gained back 2 of the 8lbs I've lost :happydance:
If it helps I've gained 20lbs and my diet is actually pretty good. I've been staying active as well. Doctors are worried bc of my weight gain, protein in my urine, and now today I've thrown up 7x so far and my head is pounding. Waiting for a nurse to call me back bc I feel like something isn't right. I'm so shaky and weak right now.
Oh greats! That's terrible! I hope you get an answer soon.
The site says I should shoot to end up between 160-170 as my final weight. With dd I ended up closer to 180, so 160/170 would be a huge improvement and hopefully help me in having a better l&d experience, or so I hope. That's what I keep telling myself.
It's just so hard with how often I'm feeling hungry and it seems like there's sweets every where! Ahh!
Ahhh greats that's not good! Hopefully there's answers for you soon!

Thanks ladies! All I have to go by right now is the Ovia app guide for weight. I'm below the range where it says I should be, so I've got to wait until I can see my midwife for an appointment to get the specifics.

I know there have been ladies I've talked to who have barely gained any weight and their babies were born 100% healthy so I shouldn't worry, but it's hard not to!
I've only gained about 5lbs this time so far and pre-pregnancy I was 125 lbs and 5'4 (so average sized). With Isla I was so hungry I could eat all the time, this time I just don't have that same type of hunger :shrug: I was talking to my midwife about it at my appointment yesterday and she said that mothers with second babies are often eating healthier than before they had their first (because they are focused on feeding their child healthy food) and so their nutritional requirements are being met more efficiently.

My 16 week appointment went well; heard baby's HB again and also heard the baby kicking away the Doppler when it would come near it; seems like maybe this baby will be feisty like their sister, we're in big trouble :winkwink:

Mrs. Hudson, protein shakes will definitely help! I have Crohn's disease and during flares I have been able to get my nutritional requirements through those if necessary. Hope that you start to feel better soon.

Greats, really hope that everything is OK, update us when you can :hugs:
Hi ladies. After throwing up 8x yesterday, I did manage to keep some Gatorade down. The nurse wanted me to keep down a shot glass of Gatorade every half hour and I did. I went to bed feeling pukey but woke up feeling a lot better! I must have had some stomach bug.

I've been drinking Gatorade all morning and ate a small breakfast. So far so good! I'm super dehydrated though so need to just keep drinking liquids all day.

My face and neck look horrendous, though! Broken capillaries ALL OVER. It's so gross.

Oh and I had a bunch of blood work done on Tuesday and a culture done so I should find out why there's a lot of protein in my urine by tomorrow.
Greats hope you feeling better now! Protein in urine is definitely something to get checked up soon and do drink lots of water hun as vomiting causes dehydration

Let us know how u feeling hun!

Also I am just 5 and my weight is 54kgs my pre pregnancy weight was 53 kg so I have gained 2 lbs so far

I also want to Download the apps which help in estimating the weight so I can calculate the weight I should gain

Well had my scan yesterday saw bubb after a month and he was cutely sleeping on his tummy but they were able to take all the measurements well and he measuring perfect but I just have a doubt as the nurse said he is 6 oz so is it big? As I read everywhere 16 weeks baby should be 3-4 oz but she said he is a perfect weight
Has anyone here not gained much during their pregnancy thus far?
I'm still down. On my home scale, I lost about 10 lbs during the first tri. I've started to gain back, but I think I'm still down about 7 or 8. I had a lot of nausea this time. Not much actual throwing up, but the nausea made it really hard to eat anything for a few months.

How much should be the weight gain and how are u guys managing that?
In my first pregnancy, I was 130lbs (I'm 5'7") and they told me I should expect to gain at least 20. I ended up losing 15, but then gained the 15 back PLUS the 20, so I was 150 at delivery. I didn't lose any of it and in my second, I gained 50. Delivered at 201. This time, my goal is to not go past 200. I started at 170, so that's allowing myself 30 lbs. Other than having that goal in mind, I'm not really doing anything special to manage it.

Only in my first pregnancy did an OB mention an amount to gain. The other two offices haven't said a word about weight.

AFM, my anatomy scan is a week from today! :happydance: I bought some pink and blue paint in preparation for the gender reveal, now I just need to find a plain white shirt. I thought I'd get a tank top from Walmart (sized up so I could wear it for awhile as it got hot out) but they didn't have any out yet.

I have girl as my official guess on the front page, but I'm not sure how I feel. I was so so very sure it was going to be a girl, even before I got the bfp, I knew if we conceived that month that's what it would be. But then when I had my u/s (I was 10w4d, they said I was 11w), as soon as I saw that picture pop up onscreen, my gut reaction was that I was looking at a picture of a baby boy.

So I can't decide how I feel anymore. Do I keep my girl guess because that was my initial gut reaction, or did I have some sort of flash of insight when I actually 'saw' the baby? And then I think that maybe my reaction to the scan was boy because both my older kids were boys, so BOY is what I'm conditioned to see on the screen? :shrug: We will find out soon!!
Glad you're doing better greats! The last couple of times I've gotten sick was like that. I was violently throwing up then mostly fine the next day. I was thinking it was a bug at first until it happened again.

Yay for gender reveals! I already bought the stuff for that and my scan isn't even scheduled yet lol. I've seen most people are correct with their first gut reactions. But well see. You have a 50/50 chance.

AFM I feel great today. It's actually kind of weird. Made myself breakfast showered and am now dealing with our broken washer. The thing is brand new and was not cheap so I'm not Very happy.
Greats - Glad you are feeling a little better. Keep taking it easy! Hope there is a not serious cause for the extra protein :hugs:

Queso - From the beginning, my gut said this baby was a girl. When I had a second ultrasound, I started to waiver for a little bit for a few days but its a girl! I'd go with your initial instinct :thumbup:
Greats, glad to hear that you're doing better, hope you figure out what's going on soon.

QueenQueso, I would go with your initial instinct too. I thought Isla was a girl initially and then convinced myself she was a boy later on. I also thought this was a girl early on but am waivering again...

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