**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Glad he came home to help Greats, hope you're feeling better today.

Sass, also glad to hear that your scan went well and everything looks good. This baby was measuring ahead at my last scan too, will be interested about what they say at my next one.

Yes, Mrs.H, we are very lucky to get a year here. There is no way I could go back before then. I actually contemplated adding additional unpaid time to this leave so I would be off for 18 months but now I'm probably going to be coming back to a new position (promotion) so will likely have to come back when my leave is up.

Nothing really new here. Baby was kicking a lot last night while I was in bed and I can literally feel stretching happening on my left side, (like where my bump is growing). Funny how much more I can feel these things the second time around, (don't remember feeling that at all last time :shrug:)
Greats great u feeling well and hubby cooperated that's great even!!! Yayy for the great scan!!! I am counting no of greats I wrote lol

Mrs h m doing great morning sickness all gone but I am sometimes more dizzy so I keep eating at regular intervals hope u start feeling better soon from morning sickness

Mrs Eddie yayy we have scans on the same day mine is at 9 am so will be done very soon hope I get to see everything good and all the good wishes to u as well ha I dnt feel much as it's the first time for me but m glad I finally started feeling flutters

And awesome u get an year gap what a great firm u are in!!

Planning to start prenatal yoga from next week on so excited about that
Greats great u feeling well and hubby cooperated that's great even!!! Yayy for the great scan!!! I am counting no of greats I wrote lol

Mrs h m doing great morning sickness all gone but I am sometimes more dizzy so I keep eating at regular intervals hope u start feeling better soon from morning sickness

Mrs Eddie yayy we have scans on the same day mine is at 9 am so will be done very soon hope I get to see everything good and all the good wishes to u as well ha I dnt feel much as it's the first time for me but m glad I finally started feeling flutters

And awesome u get an year gap what a great firm u are in!!

Planning to start prenatal yoga from next week on so excited about that

Hahahaha about the great!

I keep telling myself I'm going to do prenatal yoga and I never do! Maybe I'll make my hubby do it with me after our daughter goes to bed lol

I am so tired of being sick! I woke up with no voice. And I'm babysitting all day so trying to talk to 3 toddlers isn't going over very well lol
My scan is at 10:30 Pearly so they're not too far apart! :thumbup:

I love prenatal yoga! Right now I'm just doing it at home but I plan on starting a class at the beginning of May.

Greats, I find I feel so much better after doing it. I must admit that I :rofl: at the thought about having your husband doing it with you. Mine has a lot of talk about connecting the baby moving inside you and a section on kegels, (let me know how he enjoys doing those :haha:)
The job I just got said maternity leave is 6 weeks! Isn't that crazy? I don't get it as I'll be part time and haven't been there long enough but still.

Pearly I'm in the same boat. I get a lot of dizzy spells so just try to take it easy. I do get ms maybe every couple of weeks now. This morning I did but it wasn't awful.

Greats I'm glad he came home to help. Baby H loved tea too!

I did prenatal yoga once. While in the sitting position I felt like I was going to pass out so haven't since. I seem to do fine on walks or hikes with the dogs though.
Really need some reelief on dizziness though every time I eat i becomes ok does that mean I need to keep eating lol
I get my blood pressure checked too and it's always normal so I am wondering it shouldn't be a blood pressure issue too

Then comes Bieng anaemic which I think I am not and I take my Prenatals religiously after lunch

What else can be the cause of dizziness m wondering
It's really normal! Your blood doubles for baby and sometimes it's just too much for your body. There's nothing to really do but stay hydrated and don't get up too fast.
Mrs. Eddie, lol! I can honestly picture him saying what's a kegal? :haha:

Pearly, I never got dizzy with my daughter but have with this pregnancy. I was sitting on the couch earlier eating tortilla chips and salsa when all of a sudden the room started spinning.
I usually get it after walking up our stairs. Or when Im getting dressed. The other day I had to do my hair and make up sitting on the toilet. We needed to leave so I was determined lol.
Lol mrs H

I get it random that's why I feel ill ask my doc too !!
I got a call with the blood results today! Turns out I was the lowest possible risk factor for everything tested (hooray!) and we are now team pink! :pink: My crazy hunches and dreams were right! I'm soooo positively excited right now!

Congrats on team pink!

Congrats Lavender!

So nervous for my anatomy scan. 3 hours to go! Me and DD woke up with a head cold. And I still have an upset stomach. Soooooo glad hubby is taking off work today! And no babysitting today, either. I plan on sleeping after my ultrasound!

Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Sorry you all are sick.

AFM, today is a bittersweet day. This day a year ago I was having my D&C. Today I hit the halfway mark with my baby girl. Not sure how I feel about today...

Awe, hugs, hun. :hugs:

Let's hear your names! And the meaning behind it, if any. If you don't know gender, give your top boy and girl names (one for each)!!

This little one is Ashlyn Juliana. We had settled on Ava Grace. Ave we just loved and Grace after OH's great aunt who passed and she was very close with. Then I realized there are Ava Graces everywhere. It was too popular for me. Then I loved Juliana and Ashlyn. OH loved both and couldn't decide between them so I decided on Ashlyn. I wanted Ashlyn Grace to keep her great aunt's name, but she didn't like them together so she suggested using both names. And voila Ashlyn Juliana :)

Names are still kind of up in the air for us. For girl, we're talking Evelyn Rose. Had talked about Grace for middle as it's one I've always loved, but then baby would end up with EGG for initials and I could see teasing happening with that later on down the road. As for boy, we really have nothing. I said Zachary, but DH shot that down real fast. Now he's said okay, but I think it's only because we've failed at coming up with anything else lol! I'm really trying to talk him into Leo for a boys middle name if it works with anything we come up with for a first if we have a boy. My grandpa was Leonard, and I still miss him like crazy, nearly 10.5 years later. Sometimes I think he sent this baby, we finally got our BFP the same month my grandpa was gone 10 years. Also around that time I started hearing my grandpa's favorite song in instrumental at my acupuncture treatments.

Sassy, everything will be fine, don't worry!

Afm, I'm really sick... Again! I'm seriously sick every week now! And I need to vent. Any time we have an ultrasound, my husband will take the entire day off from work no problem. But when I had the stomach flu last week he refused to leave work early so that I could go to the doctors. And today, I begged him to take the day off so that I can rest, and he refused. He's ignoring all my texts as well.

I don't get it? It's not fair!

Edit: I have a slight fever now... 100.8. I sent him a picture of the thermometer. No reply.

Thanks ladies. After bitching him out via text he finally came home from work at 2pm so that I could rest and not chase after our daughter and the boy I babysit. I stopped at the store to pick up some lemon and honey so I've been drinking hot tea with that and slathering Vicks vapor rub on my chest every hour. This pregnancy is kicking my ass!

Baby liked the hot tea with honey and lemon... She's kicking like crazy! Lol

Glad he finally came home to let you rest. I never knew until now how much more brutal colds could be in pregnancy! This one is beating me down something fierce. DH tried hard not to give it to me, but that was unsuccessful...even non-pregnant though, I tend to catch everything I come in contact with. :growlmad: Hopefully you're feeling better soon!
Let's hear your names! And the meaning behind it, if any. If you don't know gender, give your top boy and girl names (one for each)!!

This little one is Ashlyn Juliana. We had settled on Ava Grace. Ave we just loved and Grace after OH's great aunt who passed and she was very close with. Then I realized there are Ava Graces everywhere. It was too popular for me. Then I loved Juliana and Ashlyn. OH loved both and couldn't decide between them so I decided on Ashlyn. I wanted Ashlyn Grace to keep her great aunt's name, but she didn't like them together so she suggested using both names. And voila Ashlyn Juliana :)

We've decided on Daisy River.

On Daisy, we wanted a first name with a strong 'E' sound in it, because that's the only common factor with our two boys names. Otherwise, different letters, etymology, meanings, etc. So I went through and made these huge, ridiculous lists of every name I liked that had the E sound somewhere in it and then DH went through it and marked off the ones he hated, then we just revisited the list every few weeks until we had a couple favorites, then made a gut decision the day of the Ultrasound.

On River, a couple of things. We are die-hard Browncoats, anyone who knows what that means will know the importance of that character in that world. And then also, we have a campsite that we all refer to as 'the river'. It's a plot of land owned by a family friend and we and all of our friends and all their families basically spend all summer there. They started doing it as kids, over two decades later we still do and we take our kids. We met there, we started dating there, we were married there.

Anyone else's family on a ridiculously tight budget? Ever since I left my career as a police officer we have struggled financially. Even babysitting our money is tight. But I really love being home with my daughter as opposed to risking my life every day on the streets.
I do a budget every month, and always have my hubby check it over just to make sure I didn't forget something. Well, apparently I forgot to put our $150 car insurance on it this month and we both missed it (even with a checklist I follow... Stupid pregnancy brain!) so now I can't make a full car payment on my car. I'm so upset!
With Easter coming up and my sister in law's baby shower, I feel so stressed all of a sudden. :(
We're on an extremely tight budget. I budget for an entire year so I can see where we'll loose or gain money and what we need to be prepared for. With me quitting my job we were in the hole $7000 as of August. Great timing. Luckily we had a unique tax situation happen so we gained $4000 back. Long story. With my job cashiering at minimum wage until August we should make up the rest. Now we just have to figure out how to make extra money. DH builds big jeeps and trucks for a living and used to own a fabrication business making bumpers and things of that nature for jeeps. He's going to start doing that on the side. Me quitting cut our income almost in half but well make it work.

So in long, no you're not the only one freaking out about money.

Soast night dinner didn't come out right and I was starving so we went out (shouldn't have because of above post lol) and my stomach got funky so I took diclegis to help me eat. It helped so at bedtime instead of taking my normal unisom/b6 combo I took another Diclegis. Well bad idea. I did not sleep a wink. I think I'm dependent on unisom to sleep now. But I did get really far into the book I'm reading and felt baby's kicks at 3:00am lol. That being said, I'm still in bed and plan to go get starbucks as soon as I get up.
Yeah me leaving my department cut our combined salary by 2/3. The money and benefits were phenomenalllllllll but just not THAT worth it to me. I'm not used to being on a tight budget like we were a few years back. And our landlords raised our rent starting next month so need to figure that in as well. I love budgeting and am pretty decent at it, but it's still definitely stressful. Bah! I'm ready to win the lottery, please! Lol

This chest cold is killer! I sound like a frog, nose is clogged, coughing up all this nasty phlegm, and can't take a deep breath. I'm wondering if I have bronchitis now? Contemplating going into immediate care later today since my doctors office closed & they never called in my antibiotic. Hopefully I can hold off till tomorrow morning bc I'd much rather pay $20 to my doctor than $250 for immediate care.
I think we can both agree though that not working is far better on us this regardless of the money loss! I'm a lot more happy.
I hope you feel better soon. It really sucks you keep getting sick.
Money is really tight here too. It's normally tight all winter anyway, but it was really bad this year because the weather got really bad. Several feet of snow, weeks of temps hovering around 0 (Fahrenheit), and if it wasn't snowing, it was raining. So DH was basically laid off from Thanksgiving until about two weeks ago. Besides days here and there when it would warm up a bit (and when the snow was actually falling, he would do snow removal for a private company). And then the kids I sit for, their dad also works mainly outside jobs, so he was ALSO basically laid off for the same amount of time, which meant that he kept the kids himself and I was 'laid off' too! It was like a nightmare scenario, basically no one working for three months. We don't have credit cards, so charging things and putting off the bills until later wasn't even an option.

We're used to being feast or famine moneywise anyway, but that was waaaay too extreme. We're getting a bit back on taxes and while I had been hoping to use the money to go away for a long weekend, it's all just going to catch-up now.

On the upside, DH has been back to work for two weeks and they have tons of work lined up (it's been lined up all winter, they just couldn't do it because of the weather) and the dad of the kid I watch started a new job, also two weeks ago, because his original boss still wasn't calling even though the weather had broken, so I'm 'back to work' too.

Before this year, I was working at a gas station so even though the pay was very low, it was steady and could be fully counted on. I make twice as much babysitting, and I prefer being home with my kids anyway, but I even asked DH if he wanted me to go start back at the station and he basically told me to f*ck off. Lol.
We're on a tight budget here, too. :(

DH's wages got garnished right when I got my BFP and will continue to be until July which is bad considering he's the only one working. Add to that the debt we need to pay off still (that isn't going anywhere because of the garnishments) and ugggggh. All of our tax returns went to credit card debt that I'm shocked DH even had. He's not great with money either so this is another thing I'm freaking out about that's a whole 'nother subject all on its own.

We're supposed to be having extra help come to us financially but the whole thing has been delayed for almost 4 months now. I'm just very glad for my local mom community and for things like Freecycle because otherwise we'd be in a lot worse shape for baby.

I keep telling myself in the back of my mind that this is all temporary but I can't help but get stressed.

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