Mrs. H, really only 6 weeks

Only that's horrid, there is no way I would go back to work that soon after having a baby. I honestly can't get over how terrible the mat leave is in the US
Greats, yes there is like a couple minutes where you just sit and do kegels. My DH would also be asking what they were
Jo, I love the names
Good luck on your scan DSemcho!
In terms of money, we are more stressed about paying day care for two in August 2016, which will be like $1600 a month

. Unfortunately (fortunately?) neither one of us can justify staying a home as our monthly salaries are greater than the cost of day care. We also have both worked hard for our careers and love what we do. However, if I could justify it, I would definitely stay at home and I think that what others have said re the sacrifice being worth it would be totally true. I did not want to go back to work after Isla was born and tried to figure out a way to stay home with her and still make some money (couldn't figure that out

). I am now enjoying being back at work but I wonder if I will go through the same thing with this LO

If I could find a job working flexible hours from home so my kids only had to go to daycare part time that would be ideal but unfortunately those jobs are few and far between here.