**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Is there anyone who is NOT Team Yellow/Green who is still waiting to find out the gender, or does everyone who wanted to find out know now?

Im still waiting and will know by the 4th! I have everyone telling me its a girl but I honestly have no idea!
Afm, This is kinda dumb, but I'm starting to get worried that no one will throw us a shower. We don't really need one, but it's common around here for every baby to have one. It's considered a bit rude to throw your own, someone has to offer to throw it for you. So I just assumed going into it that someone would have one. Several friends have asked DH about when it might be, but no one has actually offered to be the one to have it. Baby will still have everything she needs, of course, I'll just be left feeling let down about it. :cry: I know, first world problems, right?

I had a work shower already, but it was also my going away so yeah. But I know when we move back to the states in a couple of weeks I won't be getting one. We are moving to an area where I don't know anyone and the closest family is 12/14 hours away. However I am letting people buy me things if they want, and I am having an "online shower" event where I will open all of the packages at once and let them then tell me who sent what lol. I'm thinking I'll do it at the end of June or beginning of July because baby can come between beginning of July and beginning of August.

My best friend had an online shower as she and her DH lived quite far away from her friends and family when she was pregnant with her LO. It was actually quite fun, we all chatted through an online forum while she opened her presents (she set up an online registry that we could order from). This was like 8 years ago so now it could be even more fun to do an event with FaceTime or Skype I would think :thumbup:
Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:
Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:

It is here too. People don't really have anything for the next baby. Maybe a small get together if they really want, but not with gifts.

Is it bad that I'm super excited it's supposed to be 48degrees today?! Lol. Can't wait for the snow to go away.
Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:

I love that you call the second shower a "sprinkle", that is too cute!

I'm actually thinking of trying to arrange a day after this baby is born for everyone to come meet them (like a little get together at our place). That is mainly for selfish reasons though; we had visitors bombarding us constantly for months after Isla so I'd like to try and get it most over with in one day :haha:
I think I will be having a sprinkle, even though this is our first baby. It'll be small since my family is small and not to sound pathetic, but I don't really have any friends that would come locally so I'm thinking just a small lunch somewhere or at someone's house and a few gifts. I wasn't going to do anything but my SIL said I have to do something, even if its small, all up to me. My boyfriend works in a school (I do too) and all the women are just ecstatic over all things baby so I'm wondering (hoping lol) if his department will get him a gift or something for baby.
Wow thanks lovelies Luks like everyone has their own way of calculating weeks to months lol
I also read, when 18 weeks starts, you enter fifth month. Will be asking my doc this question as well let's c what he has to say lol
Wow thanks lovelies Luks like everyone has their own way of calculating weeks to months lol
I also read, when 18 weeks starts, you enter fifth month. Will be asking my doc this question as well let's c what he has to say lol

My doctor considered week 12 the start of 2nd trimester and said I'll be 5 months at 20 weeks. :shrug: I guess it all comes out the same in the end lol!
I've always based months off my due date? So I will have 5 months completed next week, 6 months complete April 30, 7 months complete May 31st, and so on until my due date of July 31st equals 9 months complete.

Annoyed at the mother of the boy I babysit. He comes here every day and it's always the same crap... Oh I couldn't get him to eat breakfast or lunch so you'll need to get him to eat. Seriously? It's 1:41pm and he hasn't eaten anything all day? I don't even think she's trying. He's this tiny itty bitty peanut, is about to turn 2.5 years and is still wearing 12 month clothing whereas his mom is a whale. So then I spend the entire afternoon and evening trying to get him to eat as much as I can. Grrrrr.
Wonders it sounds like that will be a lovely get together. I'm sure you and your boyfriend's work colleagues will also get you something. Both mine and DH's work friends got us lovely presents :thumbup:

Greats, I remember you posting about that little boy before. So sad that he hasn't eaten anything before almost 2 :cry: I know some mornings we have trouble getting Isla to eat her breakfast when she first wakes up (we have to get her up for day care) but I can't imagine her ever not eating anything all morning unless she was ill. Poor little guy; does he eat a lot when you offer him food at your place?
Does anyone still have issues with nausea/ morning/ all day sickness? I am almost 18 weeks and I will have about 2 days out of the week that I dont get sick :cry: And it is always after I eat. Water and fluids stay down for the most part which is good but I'm really frustrated and cautious of what I am eating.. :sick:
Does anyone still have issues with nausea/ morning/ all day sickness? I am almost 18 weeks and I will have about 2 days out of the week that I dont get sick :cry: And it is always after I eat. Water and fluids stay down for the most part which is good but I'm really frustrated and cautious of what I am eating.. :sick:

:hi: Yep! 19w1d here. I have been taking unisom/b6 combo, which helps immensely. I actually ran out of unisom a few days ago and forgot to go out to pick more up. I was sick the next evening, and the morning following that (yep, STILL forgot to pick some up at that point). That morning, on our way into the clinic for ultrasound/midwife appointment, I asked DH if he will have time for us to stop for some before going back to work lol. Starting to think I will be taking this stuff for the entire pregnancy.
I threw up this morning actually and I'm 19+5. It's seems like now certain things trigger it though. Once I puke I'm usually fine. But yeah I isually go a week then will get sick and so on.

Ugh I had my first day of work and it was great but now I'm so tired! I took a nap and am now trying to dust the house before I have to pick up DH and it isn't going so well.
So sorry you guys feeling sick still hope the nausea and stuff goes away soon

How do u guys manage cooking and job at the same time since in pregnancy home made food is inevitable
I go by 4 weeks a month too. I think it makes most sense to my math challenged mind. ;)
We don't do second showers here either but sprinkles are catching on. I'm actually going to one the second week of April. I wouldn't mind a sprinkle but I know I don't need one with this being our second girl. I did set up a small registry though for our families (especially my mil who notoriously gets bizarre gifts then wants huge thanks) and even if no one uses it, we can still do the completion discount.
As for the surgery, I'm pretty disappointed in my dr too. I think he really neglected telling me many things. Like I wasn't allowed to be without another adult for 24 hours post surgery. He sent me home with a note saying that do dh had to call off work last minute. Why didn't he tell me that at my consultation 2 weeks ago? Sigh. At least the worst part is over I hope.
So excited to find out what you're having mrs. Eddie! The 2nd is just around the corner!
Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:

I'll be in IL in about 2 weeks lolol. But near STL.

I've always based months off my due date? So I will have 5 months completed next week, 6 months complete April 30, 7 months complete May 31st, and so on until my due date of July 31st equals 9 months complete.

Annoyed at the mother of the boy I babysit. He comes here every day and it's always the same crap... Oh I couldn't get him to eat breakfast or lunch so you'll need to get him to eat. Seriously? It's 1:41pm and he hasn't eaten anything all day? I don't even think she's trying. He's this tiny itty bitty peanut, is about to turn 2.5 years and is still wearing 12 month clothing whereas his mom is a whale. So then I spend the entire afternoon and evening trying to get him to eat as much as I can. Grrrrr.

What is her personality like? I mean... I hope she is making an effort. But I know it happens that some parents don't.
Thanks Sass, can't wait to share the news with you ladies :flower: I totally get setting up a registry to get discounted items, a very smart idea, I might do the same :thumbup:

Pearly, we meal plan which I find helps in terms of making dinner; (have all the ingredients, know what we're eating each day of the week). I get home earlier than my DH so am always making dinner, (normally while also entertaining my daughter :haha:). I try to stick to things that are fairly easy to make but are healthy, like casseroles that you can stick in the oven with lots of veggies or crock pot stuff that I can put together the night before and then turn on before I leave. We rarely eat out and I think that the meal planning is a big reason why we don't :thumbup:
Thank you all for the kind words you've sent me regarding my niece. It means a lot.

Greats, I remember you posting about that little boy before. So sad that he hasn't eaten anything before almost 2 :cry: I know some mornings we have trouble getting Isla to eat her breakfast when she first wakes up (we have to get her up for day care) but I can't imagine her ever not eating anything all morning unless she was ill. Poor little guy; does he eat a lot when you offer him food at your place?
Most days he acts like he has never eaten a meal in his life and eats everything I place in front of him. She also refuses to give him anything other than water (which is fine for some kids) but with him being super small I have him drink at least 1% milk for the fat or have him drink fruit/veggie smoothies for the nutrients. I made pancakes for lunch today and he ate an entire one by himself (and it wasn't a small pancake, either).

Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:

I'll be in IL in about 2 weeks lolol. But near STL.

I've always based months off my due date? So I will have 5 months completed next week, 6 months complete April 30, 7 months complete May 31st, and so on until my due date of July 31st equals 9 months complete.

Annoyed at the mother of the boy I babysit. He comes here every day and it's always the same crap... Oh I couldn't get him to eat breakfast or lunch so you'll need to get him to eat. Seriously? It's 1:41pm and he hasn't eaten anything all day? I don't even think she's trying. He's this tiny itty bitty peanut, is about to turn 2.5 years and is still wearing 12 month clothing whereas his mom is a whale. So then I spend the entire afternoon and evening trying to get him to eat as much as I can. Grrrrr.

What is her personality like? I mean... I hope she is making an effort. But I know it happens that some parents don't.

She seems like a nice person, but both her and her husband are kind of air heads. Like I'm constantly having to remind them to dress him warm when it's cold outside bc they don't dress warm themselves. I also have to remind them to pay me otherwise they'll "forget." Just things like that.
So sorry you guys feeling sick still hope the nausea and stuff goes away soon

How do u guys manage cooking and job at the same time since in pregnancy home made food is inevitable

It's hard. Sometimes my husband takes over cooking duties. So I make sure to prep the meal that morning so I just have to throw it in when I get home.

Greats, I remember you posting about that little boy before. So sad that he hasn't eaten anything before almost 2 :cry: I know some mornings we have trouble getting Isla to eat her breakfast when she first wakes up (we have to get her up for day care) but I can't imagine her ever not eating anything all morning unless she was ill. Poor little guy; does he eat a lot when you offer him food at your place?
Most days he acts like he has never eaten a meal in his life and eats everything I place in front of him. She also refuses to give him anything other than water (which is fine for some kids) but with him being super small I have him drink at least 1% milk for the fat or have him drink fruit/veggie smoothies for the nutrients. I made pancakes for lunch today and he ate an entire one by himself (and it wasn't a small pancake, either).

Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers! Here it's bad taste to have more than one baby shower. You can have a small sprinkle for babies after your first but even those are rare here. My sister wants to throw me a sprinkle a few weeks before I'm due and so I set up a small registry at buybuybaby but I doubt I'll go through with it. I have everything we need except for a new bouncer but I'm buying that next month lol

I am so tired of the cold and snow here! I am craving summer and sunshine SO badly that I end up researching beach vacations every night before bed :haha:

I'll be in IL in about 2 weeks lolol. But near STL.

I've always based months off my due date? So I will have 5 months completed next week, 6 months complete April 30, 7 months complete May 31st, and so on until my due date of July 31st equals 9 months complete.

Annoyed at the mother of the boy I babysit. He comes here every day and it's always the same crap... Oh I couldn't get him to eat breakfast or lunch so you'll need to get him to eat. Seriously? It's 1:41pm and he hasn't eaten anything all day? I don't even think she's trying. He's this tiny itty bitty peanut, is about to turn 2.5 years and is still wearing 12 month clothing whereas his mom is a whale. So then I spend the entire afternoon and evening trying to get him to eat as much as I can. Grrrrr.

What is her personality like? I mean... I hope she is making an effort. But I know it happens that some parents don't.

She seems like a nice person, but both her and her husband are kind of air heads. Like I'm constantly having to remind them to dress him warm when it's cold outside bc they don't dress warm themselves. I also have to remind them to pay me otherwise they'll "forget." Just things like that.

Ugh people like that just.... Ugh.

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