Crazy how different IL and IN are for baby showers!
It's not really IN as a whole, it's all the different areas and groups of people. For example, I usually tell people I'm from Cincinnati because that's what I'm right by. I lived in Indianapolis for almost two years and it was like culture shock! The people and ways of doing things were soooo different! I'm sure there's places in IL that would be like that for you, too.
Annoyed at the mother of the boy I babysit. He comes here every day and it's always the same crap... Oh I couldn't get him to eat breakfast or lunch so you'll need to get him to eat. Seriously? It's 1:41pm and he hasn't eaten anything all day? I don't even think she's trying. He's this tiny itty bitty peanut, is about to turn 2.5 years and is still wearing 12 month clothing whereas his mom is a whale. So then I spend the entire afternoon and evening trying to get him to eat as much as I can. Grrrrr.
I can relate to that with the kids I sit for.

They'll drop them off late, starving, and wearing what they slept in (which was often what they wore yesterday), with a little bag of clothes for me to change them into later. Half the time, the clothes for the little girl don't even fit. She's not small, she's always been perfectly average, but here lately she's really um... chunked up. When it first started, I was thinking she was about to have a growth spurt and gain maybe an inch or two, but no. Now I think it's because they eat nothing but fast food or microwave meals and junk food snacks.
On the size, my DS1 was teeny tiny. He was 50% in everything at birth and by a year old he had actually dropped off the bottom of the percentile chart. I think he was in 18mos at 2.5, but at about 15mos, the doctor had us start a high calorie diet, whole milk, full-fat cheeses and everything, we were even adding heavy whipping cream to things for the extra dairy fat. He's still small, age 9 and the size of an average 6yo, and drinks pediasure every day to try to add calories. So unless he has some kind of food allergies, which you would know about as the fulltime sitter, then her not feeding him and only doing water is probably directly against doctor's orders as well as against common sense...
I think long dresses will really be key this summer.
Yes they will be! I'm still putting off dragging my mat stuff out. It's mostly cool/cold weather stuff anyway as my boys were born in November and February, but last time I made it through all the hot weather times by wearing mostly dresses and skirts bought a size up (or really long ones that I pulled up above my belly instead of them sitting at my hips). That's my main plan for this time, too! Hope it works! I bought two pairs of mat shorts last time and they were both AWFUL!