Greats, glad that your walk went well! Also, can't believe you will be doing classes in August, that is awesome. I'm giving myself until October before I even attempt on becoming a properly functioning human again

My bump this time is higher than it was last time but I still feel like he's pretty low, definitely not near my ribs yet.
Sass, even though it will be tough getting your daughter to preschool I'm sure it will be worth it for extra time with the baby. Can your DH drop her off some mornings? Isla will be going to day care two days a week so I plan on having DH drop her off and I'll do pick up...
Pearly, I hope those bumps don't bother you too much, they may be related to heat...
Kyla that sucks about the walk and the volunteers making your OH feel so bad, sounds like they all needed to chill out.
Nice to see you on here again Mrs. H!
I had a lovely weekend; the spa was amazing. Was so nice to be pampered and spend time with my girlfriends (even though we just talked about our kids and pregnancy the whole time

) One of my friends is almost 38 weeks pregnant so it was exciting to see her and realize that the next time we get together she'll have her little one.
I also had a midwife appointment and did my GD test yesterday. My midwife said she would be shocked if I did have it so hopefully I will pass. We also talked about my home birth plan a bit and figured out when our at home assessment would happen. Ethan was going crazy after I had to drink that disgusting orange drink and was bouncing all over the place. My Midwife was actually laughing as he was kicking so hard when she was trying to monitor him that he was moving my stomach all over the place. He really hates the Doppler...