**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Greats, it's more the season than your neighbors, I'm sure. We frequently battle them in the Spring, especially when there's rain. Other than caulking up the baseboards to seal gaps, just buy some ant bait traps and put them down. Get the ones that allow the ants to take it back to the nest so they don't keep coming back. We use ones that are pet safe (pretty much a solution with borax in it). You can also mix borax with powdered sugar and it will do the same thing. Because the particles of both are a fine powder, the ants consume both and it's slow acting so they take it home with them.

You'll see an increase/or consistency for a few days but after that, they'll begin to disappear!
Greats, it's more the season than your neighbors, I'm sure. We frequently battle them in the Spring, especially when there's rain. Other than caulking up the baseboards to seal gaps, just buy some ant bait traps and put them down. Get the ones that allow the ants to take it back to the nest so they don't keep coming back. We use ones that are pet safe (pretty much a solution with borax in it). You can also mix borax with powdered sugar and it will do the same thing. Because the particles of both are a fine powder, the ants consume both and it's slow acting so they take it home with them.

You'll see an increase/or consistency for a few days but after that, they'll begin to disappear!

Thank you!!! I'll have to do that! They're seriously driving me crazy! Lol We didn't have them last spring at all so it's all new to me! Lol
Just checking in to say Hello!! Not much going on here, took my GD test and the didn't call, so I assume that means it's all good. I have a scan coming up on Thursday, hoping it will be done in 3D!

Still don't have BIL moved out, everyone is dragging their feet moving FIL's ex-wife's stuff out of FIL's apartment and FIL isn't pushing the matter because he doesn't want BIL moving in with him anyway. I'm giving it until next weekend and then I've decided that *I* will pack a bag and move out instead. I'm absolutely fed up and while moving out is overly-dramatic, it will definitely get my point across.

In other news, DS2 spend all afternoon throwing up but seems to be fully recovered now, and DS1 had to go to the doctor yesterday to get a steroid injection because he is covered neck to ankles in poison ivy, poor guy! He's had it before without this reaction, but the doctor says it appears that he's become hyper-sensitive to it like my brother is.
just wanted to share my good news. with you all.

I am now 5 weeks pregnant with a rainbow baby. didn't think I wanted to try again after my loss in march. but I wanted to share with all of you fireflies. I miss you all. and think of you all daily.

I will pop in from time to time to check in on all of you. I am due January 14th of next year. nervous as heck. but excited.

love and hugs.
just wanted to share my good news. with you all.

I am now 5 weeks pregnant with a rainbow baby. didn't think I wanted to try again after my loss in march. but I wanted to share with all of you fireflies. I miss you all. and think of you all daily.

I will pop in from time to time to check in on all of you. I am due January 14th of next year. nervous as heck. but excited.

love and hugs.

What a wonderful update to receive! Congrats Hun, wishing you a very H&H 9 months!
Hey Ladies :hi:

Haven't had a chance to be on here much over the past couple of days. We were busy while I was off and in my downtime I was finishing up my assignment that's due this week. Back at work today and it's going to be a crazy day so probably won't be on here much again.

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well.

Re potty training Greats, I have friends who have done what you are proposing and it worked really well for them. Isla's actually been asking us to go pee on the potty and she actually used it on Sunday. I don't think she's quite ready to be trained yet but the fact that she's interested at least is encouraging.

Still haven't heard anything re the glucose test I took on Friday; if I don't hear anything back by next week I'm going to assume that it's fine :shrug: I have a MW appointment on June 1 so will know for sure by that point I would guess...
just wanted to share my good news. with you all.

I am now 5 weeks pregnant with a rainbow baby. didn't think I wanted to try again after my loss in march. but I wanted to share with all of you fireflies. I miss you all. and think of you all daily.

I will pop in from time to time to check in on all of you. I am due January 14th of next year. nervous as heck. but excited.

love and hugs.

That is wonderful news! Congratulations! :hugs:
M sure it is fine Mrs Eddie !!

Well entered third trimester yayyy time is flying by quickly!!

Regarding baby movements I have a concern my baby has been really really active from last three weeks, however starting this week I feel more of him moving more than kicking so is any form of moving fine? or should it be only kicks ?

Are you guys increasing your diets in third trimester or more or less remaining same ??
M sure it is fine Mrs Eddie !!

Well entered third trimester yayyy time is flying by quickly!!

Regarding baby movements I have a concern my baby has been really really active from last three weeks, however starting this week I feel more of him moving more than kicking so is any form of moving fine? or should it be only kicks ?

Are you guys increasing your diets in third trimester or more or less remaining same ??

Thanks Pearly; hard to believe that we're in the third trimester already :wacko:

As long as you're feeling some movement I would say that you're fine. He might be in a different position so you're just not feeling his kicks as much.

Re diet, I think you're supposed to do 300-350 extra calories in 2nd tri and around 500 in the 3rd so really only 150 extra calories (not a lot). I would eat when you are hungry. I actually found my appetite went down after 34 weeks last time; partially because I had less room in my stomach and because of the weather I think (too hot to pig out :haha:)
Thanks a lot hun :hugs!!

I knw its hard to believe third trimester is here already ha I keep feeling his movement so I think everything is fine then my next ultrasound is. On 4th June so looking fwd for that and then will be going for 3d /4d as well once m 30'weeks I guess that's the best time to go for it

Recently I have broken out a lot want to knw if anyone using anti marks serum or brightening serum which is good during pregnancy
Yes, I can't believe we're in 3rd trim already. We literally haven't done anything yet. Well, we're planning to just use re-use all of DS clothes and portacot plus my bf stuffs. But we need a new carseat for this one! We got DS a 2nd carseat before, and that was a bit worrying, so we might buy another one for him as well. So that is easily like 400 bucks Ouch!! Well, we are finally debt-free after buying that new car (which we only got because our old one is really clunky already and has no safety features, not even an airbag).

Anyway, Pearly, I think you will just tend to eat more or feel hungry more often. So, I do not really monitor the calories intake, just stop eating when you feel full. I think I'm putting on weight very gradually, which was the idea. And still, I'm just using organic coconut oil to moisturise my whole body.
Dylan has pooped on the potty randomly. Never peed. Then she just stopped and says no every time I ask if she wants to go. So I'm list as yo how to interpret this. It would be so nice not to have two in diapers. But it would also be bad to her in underpants and then regress. I'm just torn. Can it hurt anything just to try the two day program?
So happy for you 2kids! This is a rainbow baby for me too. Congrats!
Congrats 2kids!!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

Queen...that's terrible you're still dealing with that crap. Isn't your hubby being forceful in getting him out?

I don't imagine I can increase my calorie intake because my heartburn has kicked it back up a notch and some days I have to take 3 Zantac :( I ate for 6 in my first pregnancy but no change in appetite this one.

With potty training, we did it last year over Easter holidays when there were no playgroups or anything so could dedicate a few days at home just a bare bum. Pees came pretty easy and we used stickers as a reward. Poops were trickier. He was anxious to go and was holding it in so we brought out the chocolate buttons and he got that within a couple of weeks.
Congrats 2kids, that's wonderful!

3rd Tri - it's come around so quickly!! We are fairly organised with everything, just bought a new breast pump yesterday so that's all the main big things purchased. Just need to get into his room to start putting it all together. He's got loads of clothes both new and lots of hand-me-downs from his brother and some lovely things from a good friend of ours. I'll need to stop myself from getting in and washing everything too soon though. Hanging out for my maternity leave to start on July 3rd.

Potty training here with DS#1 is good for #1's but #2's we just cant get it happening. He'll either poo a little in his undies or wait until he has a night time nappy on or pull up when we go out. He'll also hold on or do just a little bit, then get a sore bottom from having it there before we detect it. We have tried lots of things including showing him a poo-prize which is a Hulk action figure that he'll get when he poos on the toilet or potty, but it's not getting us far. I think once I'm on leave we may get more success as having all the kids here each day is a distraction.

I had been waiting to hear back from my Obs about taking Nexium instead of Zantac for my heartburn. I've suffered from heartburn all my life, and despite a gastroscopy showing no issues or damage down there last year the Nexium is great when I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding. I know some women on here and others who are pregnant who take it so I asked my Obs again at my last appointment. Finally heard back from her today (after a few missed phone calls to each other) in a letter with a script for Losec to try. Really hoping it's better than the Zantac as I've really been suffering, mainly at night of course. She just said she didn't have enough information on the testing of it to be confident to prescribe it to me. That didn't mean it wasn't safe, just that she'd rather me try the Losec first.

Hope everyone is well.

I was on Zantac for years but had to start on the Losec a year or so ago. It changed my life but they took me off it during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Mom has recently had some bone density problems and apparently long term use of Losec can put you at an increased risk of osteo problems. She was on it for years before she had her gall bladder out. If there's not one thing, there's another!
So sorry for you Ladies dealing with bad heartburn. I had it quite a bit when I was pregnant last time and it was awful.

Still nothing re my glucose test.

I am going a bit crazy as we are still in the process of setting things up for the nursery and I really want to start putting away clothes and getting things organized. We have guests coming the first weekend in June so want to keep that room as a guest room until then...

Sass, I feel the same way re potty training. I am really afraid because Isla's so young that she will regress after baby's born, (in some ways it will be easier if she's still in diapers). I still don't think she's fully ready yet anyway but if she keeps asking we will obviously let her use the toilet. I may talk to day care about it more since they mentioned that they thought she might be ready soon too. Two of my friends kids are just a month or two older than Isla and both are now fully trained...:wacko: I was planning on working on it with her after Ethan was a few months old and I was at home full time.
I'm absolutely terrified of potty training Rylee. I know she's ready, but I don't know if I'm the one who's ready, yet. We decided to start this Saturday morning because dh is off work & I won't have all the kids I babysit here. This way I can spend 2 full days just focusing on her potty training. She likes to sit on the potty, but has never actually gone. But she keeps taking her pants & diaper off all day long and pees on her bedroom floor so she's driving me crazy!

I'm having such a shitty day. I've been without my thyroid meds for 3 days bc of a mix up at the doctors office & pharmacy, and it's been making me feel on edge. The kids aren't listening at all, Rylee keeps screaming & throwing tantrums, & I'm just so tired. I'm so glad I finished my semester at school last night so that I can just focus on stuff at home and getting this place ready for July.
I'm still a little way off third trimester. Counting down since that's my next ultrasound and cardiac echo too.

We've been potty training. My son was 3 last week. He's been pooing on the potty since 15 months and rarely did it in his nappy, but weeks are a different issue as he suffered bladder damage from a congenital abnormality to his urethra. So we never knew if he w would ever be able to potty train or face a lifetime of incontinence problems. So potty training was a stressful time here! We started over Easter and it's going really well. He has accidents quite often but some days he doesn't, or only one or two small ones, so we're very confident now he will have full bladder control when he's a bit older. And I already prefer the occasional accident to being in nappies.
Maggs, no, he's not forceful at all. At this point, him suddenly having a fit about it wouldn't change anything, and his brother is so backward that he can't possibly find a place on his own. He doesn't even have an I.D., no way would anyone ever rent to him. It's just keep trying to hurry his dad along, but (and I can't remember if I said this on my previous post or not) I've decided that this weekend is it. If there's not forward movement, then I'm moving out. Overdramatic, yes, but I think it'll make enough waves for something to be done.

Re potty training, my DS2 is 3 1/2 and still fully in diapers. He has no interest whatsoever in using the potty and couldn't care less to be left in a soggy diaper all day. I have to fight him to let me change it. I've tried to explain to him that he would never have to have one changed again if he'd just use the potty... DH is currently trying a massive bribe: If he doesn't need diapers anymore, DH will buy him a Jeep. He's also offered a dollar for each successful pee or poo in the potty, but he's not done either yet. Like a year ago, there was an accidental poop that happened while he happened to be sitting there looking at a book, but he won't even do that anymore. I'm not fighting with him about it at all. I'm going to wait until it's warm out (it was warm, but then it got cool again) and put him outside naked and see what happens. I fought with my DS1 about it for TWO YEARS before giving up. A few months later, he trained himself in a could days when he realized I was serious that he wasn't allowed to go to pre-school in a pull-up. He had just turned 4.

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