Lesbianism!!! Best thing I've read all day! Lol
Posted on the fb group, but my BH turned into real/painful contractions and eventually died off after about 6 hours. Was about to head into l&d but then they fizzled off. They checked me at my doctors appointment and I'm currently 1cm dilated & 50% effaced. Baby is also SUPER low and doctor could feel her head through my cervix. I'm on strict bed rest today and have to go into l&d immediately if I get any contractions 5 mins apart. Mine were 2:30-3 mins apart all night.
Feeling crampy today and my lower back aches, but Livia is moving like crazy so much so that her movements hurt.
How come ur dilated so early hun??
I still have yet to have any leakage... I didn't have any last pregnancy either. I feel like I'm broken haha
I didn't have any early labor issues with Rylee... Naturally went into early labor at 37+6, made it to 4cm then went into established labor and had her at 38+1.
Starting to get a couple random BH again but nothing crazy. Literally laying on the couch right now watching the travel channel lol
Hopefully she stays put for a few more weeks Greats; I have heard that with your second you can be dilated as much as 3-4cm for weeks before baby is born...
Maggs, unfortunately not a good sleep for me again last night. Woke up at 2:30 am sweating and then could not get back to sleep until 4:00 am.
Glad to hear you're feeling better Lian!
Not much new here. Maternity photos went really well, can't wait to see them. Also have my 32 week midwife appointment this afternoon.![]()
Work is stressful but the exhibit I have been working on opens on Saturday. Our IT Manager is really pissing me off at the moment so trying my best not to throttle him![]()
Wow Hivechild, 4-5cm dilated already, that's crazy. Glad that they are still staying put for you. Are you attempting a vaginal birth or are you scheduled for a C-section?
Hope is insomniacs sleep better tonight! On the other hand, I'm getting through the shows I've got recorded. Call the Midwife at 5am this morning!