**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Hello, Ladies!

I'm due with a rainbow baby on August 6th.
We found out Friday but got our official bfp (digital because I don't trust blue dye tests) on Monday. :)
My symptoms are nausea (lots of it), sore boobs, fatigue, and some moodiness.
I've had some mild cramping, but my doctor assured me today that it's normal.
I'm going for an ultrasound at 7 weeks, and I wish it'd get here already!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 9 months. :)
Just wanted to pop in and wish you August mummies a huge congratulations!! This time last year I'd just got my BFP and now I have a beautiful little 4-month-old sleeping at my side. August is a great month to be due and even though my august baby came very early and became a July baby, I still think August is the best month :haha: happy and healthy nine months to you all!
Congrats Celtic! I'm due on the 9th. I'm also still breastfeeding. My baby is 17 months and she nurses like a newborn. I'm hoping she doesn't wean once the milk supply drops off. I hope to nurse her until she's 2.

Thanks and congrats to you as well :flower: yea I am hoping the same, I have heard though that once colostrum comes back in they feed great again so hoping I get to two my self which he is on the 9th of August :haha:
I had noticed my milk taken a dip LO still interested but a friend said she felt the same but it went back to normal with in two weeks so hopefully next week :)

I am doing Slimming world as well so hoping I can keep that up going forward and control weight gain!
Hi Ladies!

I just found out yesterday in a HUGE surprise that I am pregnant also! Long story short, I started a new fertility doc yesterday and we both thought that I hadn't ovulated yet this cycle. So, he was gonna start me on Femara again but he always tests for pregnancy first. Well, blood results came back a few hours later and I am PREGNANT! My HCG was 38.5. I was completely blown away! I went home and used a FRER and digi and BOTH came back positive! My cycle started November 16, so I am technically 2weeks and 3 days pregnant. :)

A little about me, Hubby and I have been trying for 15 months for baby #1 and my goal has always been to have baby #1 before I turn 30. Just so happens that my due date is August 23 and my 30th birthday is August 19! I was diagnosed with PCOS in May 2014, and I also had my thyroid removed August 2013.

I am going in tomorrow and Saturday to check how my HCG is doing. :) And my progesterone was low so the doc has me on progesterone (vaginally) and they've also had me start taking baby aspirin and more folic acid on top of my prenatals.

Only symptoms I've had so far is that my back hurt abnormally yesterday and I was getting up to pee more than usual the past few nights (but obviously didn't think anything of it until now lol). Today I have some tightness in my uterus area. Otherwise, I feel perfectly normal :)

Congrats, need an EDD for the front page.

jumping in and have not even introduced my self lol but just wanted to say stop temping no need now it is common for them to dip and will only worry you! I remember that from charting and temping after I got a BFP freaked out when I saw a dip but when I looked it up ! it can happen and it recommended better to stop temping at this point :flower: :thumbup:
Just in case your still worried about it

Now intro:blush: only just found out I am expecting due date August 8 :flower: hoping all goes ok my LO is 15 months and still feeding so my cycles were all over the place had strong OV signs though so can figure DD out

Will add you, congrats!

Hello, Ladies!

I'm due with a rainbow baby on August 6th.
We found out Friday but got our official bfp (digital because I don't trust blue dye tests) on Monday. :)
My symptoms are nausea (lots of it), sore boobs, fatigue, and some moodiness.
I've had some mild cramping, but my doctor assured me today that it's normal.
I'm going for an ultrasound at 7 weeks, and I wish it'd get here already!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 9 months. :)

Will add, congrats!

Just wanted to pop in and wish you August mummies a huge congratulations!! This time last year I'd just got my BFP and now I have a beautiful little 4-month-old sleeping at my side. August is a great month to be due and even though my august baby came very early and became a July baby, I still think August is the best month :haha: happy and healthy nine months to you all!

Thank you! August is pretty great. I'm hoping to have a July baby myself :)

So I've been nauseous off and on, but usually when I start getting hungry so I eat and it goes away. Well, not today. Had to force myself to eat and it didn't help. For snack I usually have maple and brown sugar oatmeal mixed with a blueberry Greek yogurt and the blueberries made me want to vomit. But it makes me feel like the pregnancy is progressing, so as miserable as I am it's comforting.

And EVERYTHING is irritating me. I seriously just want to lock myself alone in a room.
haha, sorry for the Doritos comment. I seriously think we should make a pact to NOT talk about cravings (with the exception of what I just did earlier by accident aha). Otherwise, we'll all go crazy and get really fat. Anyone?

I have no nausea yet...but I have noticed my appetite is increasing. I'm not usually a breakfast person, at all...but I needed food this morning!

Congrats to the new joiners. So exciting!
I'm going to guess girl for me, since I already have 2 girls.

Kinda nervous...I had severe HG with my last pregnancy and I'm not all that nauseaus these days. I Have a few waves of nausea a day, but nothing like my last pregnancies ..kinda scared!
I think August will be a good month to have a LO too! My daughter was born in February which was so miserably cold and we were stuck inside most of the time! Yay for summer babies!
haha, sorry for the Doritos comment. I seriously think we should make a pact to NOT talk about cravings (with the exception of what I just did earlier by accident aha). Otherwise, we'll all go crazy and get really fat. Anyone?

I have no nausea yet...but I have noticed my appetite is increasing. I'm not usually a breakfast person, at all...but I needed food this morning!

Congrats to the new joiners. So exciting!

The Doritos were so good. No regrets. Will probably have some more later too. Not sorry lol. Baby wants it:haha:

My appetite is HUGE. I'm usually not a big eater at all. I barely eat and never snack. Now I have to eat every 2-4 hours or feel sick.

I'm going to guess girl for me, since I already have 2 girls.

Added :)
After my mom started referring to the baby as "he", and I already felt that pull, I'm going to go with :blue:
Hi Ladies!

I just found out yesterday in a HUGE surprise that I am pregnant also! Long story short, I started a new fertility doc yesterday and we both thought that I hadn't ovulated yet this cycle. So, he was gonna start me on Femara again but he always tests for pregnancy first. Well, blood results came back a few hours later and I am PREGNANT! My HCG was 38.5. I was completely blown away! I went home and used a FRER and digi and BOTH came back positive! My cycle started November 16, so I am technically 2weeks and 3 days pregnant. :)

A little about me, Hubby and I have been trying for 15 months for baby #1 and my goal has always been to have baby #1 before I turn 30. Just so happens that my due date is August 23 and my 30th birthday is August 19! I was diagnosed with PCOS in May 2014, and I also had my thyroid removed August 2013.

I am going in tomorrow and Saturday to check how my HCG is doing. :) And my progesterone was low so the doc has me on progesterone (vaginally) and they've also had me start taking baby aspirin and more folic acid on top of my prenatals.

Only symptoms I've had so far is that my back hurt abnormally yesterday and I was getting up to pee more than usual the past few nights (but obviously didn't think anything of it until now lol). Today I have some tightness in my uterus area. Otherwise, I feel perfectly normal :)

Congrats, need an EDD for the front page.

It's August 23rd :)

And I really, REALLY want a girl and everything in my body has said I would have a girl first. So my guess is girl. :p
Last time I had nausea started at 6 weeks exactly. So, I hope I still have time!
Soooo tired today, I literally have done nothing besides feed the kids. I feel like my belly is already changing, but DH says it's not. But my 'tight' jeans, you know, that one pair that are just a bit small but you still wear anyway, are now too tight to deal with. Sucks, I'm going to have to go get new pants, I think. I only have 5 pairs of jeans, one is now too tight, one had a hole in the crotch and one started off with little decorative rips/tears and how they're huge accidental holes down the thigh. And one of the two remaining pairs are skinny jeans... Sigh... It's far too early for maternity clothes.

Going to call the doctor maybe tomorrow to set up an appointment, hopefully for first thing in the morning so I can make DH go. He won't take off work for it, winter is slow season at work, but I'm sure I can convince him to go in late. We'll likely get a scan because I have a tilted uterus and the HB can't be picked up on dopplar until usually the 2nd tri.
Though we're hoping for a boy (or twins!!), my official gut prediction is :pink:.
It's August 23rd :)

And I really, REALLY want a girl and everything in my body has said I would have a girl first. So my guess is girl. :p

Did you O really, really early?

Apparently! lol! I was on Femara to make me O since I have PCOS and wasn't Oing on my own. I have no real clue when I O'd since my temps are really wonky this month but it seems I O'd CD10. I am literally only 8DPO today and I didn't even think it was possible to implant this early and get pregnant but the blood results don't lie lol!
Evening all. Welcome to all the new members.

Some bloating and mild cramps today- as long as the nausea stays away I'm not complaining.

My husband is not overly excited I think he feels its so early best be cautious. He also knows what he has let himself in for, so is mourning the freedom we have with our kids being a bit older. He knows I won't want to leave the new baby for the first year at least, back to nappies and lack of sleep. We know its worth it but is is daunting. My first is nearly 5 and I can count on one hand how often he slept all night even now.
Hello ladies, please can I join you? I got my BFP this morning making me 3 weeks & 3 days today. I'm due around August 16th.
Hi, I'm new here and somehow I found this thread haha. I just found out I was pregnant on black friday! This is my first baby and I'm so excited! I believe I am around 4 weeks but haven't seen a doctor yet to be sure. Have you all been to a doctor yet? When should I go? Anyways, based on my cycle I believe I will be due in August. :)

Congrats to everyone else in here! :hugs:
Hi coco1985, congratulations! I found out I'm expecting baby number 3 this morning, so exciting. I'm planning on phoning the doctors on Friday morning to make an appointment.

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