**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Hi Ladies! I'm excited to join you. Im 32, wife and mom to two girls (13,8). Just found out we are expecting and due 08/06/2015. I'm looking forward to continuing on this journey with you ladies.

Welcome! :) how are you feeling so far?
Congrats to all the new ladies! As for everyone wanting there hcg bloods, I say don't wrap yourself around it too much. This is my 4th pregnancy and I went and got my bloods done 2 days ago and the next day I got a call saying my hcg level was 268 which is low for 5 weeks and a day from LMP...however I believe I ov'd late and my cycles are usually 34days but this dr didn't care and was stuck on no no no they are very low you may mc WHAT!!!! and when your pregnant your supposed to stay away from stress so hey lets add some to the plate ugh.....anyways I went and got my bloodwork done again today and am now awaiting the results to see if its doubling every 48hrs......which I'm sure everything will be fine, my last pregnancy was a twin and at some point in my 4th week my levels were only 150....so keeping fingers crossed, we'll see
Congrats to all the new ladies! As for everyone wanting there hcg bloods, I say don't wrap yourself around it too much. This is my 4th pregnancy and I went and got my bloods done 2 days ago and the next day I got a call saying my hcg level was 268 which is low for 5 weeks and a day from LMP...however I believe I ov'd late and my cycles are usually 34days but this dr didn't care and was stuck on no no no they are very low you may mc WHAT!!!! and when your pregnant your supposed to stay away from stress so hey lets add some to the plate ugh.....anyways I went and got my bloodwork done again today and am now awaiting the results to see if its doubling every 48hrs......which I'm sure everything will be fine, my last pregnancy was a twin and at some point in my 4th week my levels were only 150....so keeping fingers crossed, we'll see

Thanks for the reassurance. Let us know how your results then out but it hi m you've got a great attitude :)
I'm done testing now :)

Whew...just went to the gym and did shred!! I really hope I'm able to keep it up this time. and not give in to Doritos cravings...

I'm to scared of mc to even go to the gym!! I lift weights with my husband and now I'm just stopping cold turkey and watching what I eat. But that's just because I'm overly paranoid lol.

Gave in to my Doritos craving. They were delicious. Thanks Sunshine. Great suggestion haha. Now I want more...

Mmm.... Dorito's... I tried the Hot Corn ones over the holiday weekend (while in Izmir) and even though I hate spicy stuff normally they were so good. But right now I want some good ole fashioned nacho Doritos.

Just wanted to pop in and wish you August mummies a huge congratulations!! This time last year I'd just got my BFP and now I have a beautiful little 4-month-old sleeping at my side. August is a great month to be due and even though my august baby came very early and became a July baby, I still think August is the best month :haha: happy and healthy nine months to you all!

Thanks!! What day was your baby born on??

I think August will be a good month to have a LO too! My daughter was born in February which was so miserably cold and we were stuck inside most of the time! Yay for summer babies!

I'm excited to be pregnant, but I am not looking forward to summer and being full blown out there. I'm living in Turkey now and moving to New Mexico lol. Extreme heat to a lot of heat.

Hello ladies, please can I join you? I got my BFP this morning making me 3 weeks & 3 days today. I'm due around August 16th.

Welcome!! I kinda hope you have your LO 3 days early (mine and DH's anniversary lol)

Hi, I'm new here and somehow I found this thread haha. I just found out I was pregnant on black friday! This is my first baby and I'm so excited! I believe I am around 4 weeks but haven't seen a doctor yet to be sure. Have you all been to a doctor yet? When should I go? Anyways, based on my cycle I believe I will be due in August. :)

Congrats to everyone else in here! :hugs:

That's awesome! 6 years ago my little sister found out she was pregnant with my oldest niece on black friday... in a walmart bathroom.... we're redneck fabulous like that. She wasn't even trying lol. Had her on July 29th!

My tests have turned negative so seems like this one wasn't meant to be. Good luck to all of you ladies for healthy sticky beans xx

I'm so sorry Newbie :( :hugs:

I'm really hurting today. Havent got out of bed unless it's to puke or poo (diarrhea) I'm hoping this is normal, but it just feels far too strong for 5 weeks along. :( hoping this goes away.

Wow I'm so sorry you are going through this! I'd suggest calling your doctor to see if they can help - don't want to get dehydrated.

Congrats to all the new ladies! As for everyone wanting there hcg bloods, I say don't wrap yourself around it too much. This is my 4th pregnancy and I went and got my bloods done 2 days ago and the next day I got a call saying my hcg level was 268 which is low for 5 weeks and a day from LMP...however I believe I ov'd late and my cycles are usually 34days but this dr didn't care and was stuck on no no no they are very low you may mc WHAT!!!! and when your pregnant your supposed to stay away from stress so hey lets add some to the plate ugh.....anyways I went and got my bloodwork done again today and am now awaiting the results to see if its doubling every 48hrs......which I'm sure everything will be fine, my last pregnancy was a twin and at some point in my 4th week my levels were only 150....so keeping fingers crossed, we'll see

The only reason I want a HCG level told to me is because they haven't done a single one this time, and the doctor had reassured me they'd always do a quant. But right now she's not here and it's only her nurse so she didn't want to do a quant.

I'm done testing now :)


Ahahaha I'm the same! Except we don't have the weeks indicator one here. But o nice my test line hit twice as dark as my control line I stopped!

AFM - Kidney still hurts so I'm worried I may have some kind of infection. Feeling lots of tugging/pulling/small cramping so it has me paranoid. Back pain seems to be moving up slightly but I'm not letting myself stress over it. If I don't hear anything from my doctor's office by 18Dec I'm going to call them - or if I start spotting. I know they can't stop it if I start to lose it, but I'd feel better.
I'm with you KylasBaby! I took another digi today pregnant 3+. It will be my last one, as of tomorrow I will be 5 weeks.
I've never taken the digital tests before, now I'm curious... Haha but I told myself I was done POAS. Though it is kind of fun :haha:

Cramping a lot today and had lower back aches off and on. I realized I have a crazy sense of smell and never had that with my dd. My dh made quesadillas and the cheese smelled so sour I started gagging. Wth, I love quesadillas!
Due date question. Would you base it off of your ovulation date or lmp.
If I can see when my O was , it's pretty clear and when we probably made baby. (O day. I think was later in day and had bd late at night /wee hours midnight). It makes a difference. In date four days. But makes me 4w 4 instead of 3w from lmp.
What do you ladies think. Or it don't matter until us in a hundred weeks. Well it seems that long aways
Due date question. Would you base it off of your ovulation date or lmp.
If I can see when my O was , it's pretty clear and when we probably made baby. (O day. I think was later in day and had bd late at night /wee hours midnight). It makes a difference. In date four days. But makes me 4w 4 instead of 3w from lmp.
What do you ladies think. Or it don't matter until us in a hundred weeks. Well it seems that long aways

Even though its not even possible and really stupid, due date should be calculated from LMP. Thats how the docs do it anyway lol. And thats also where you start counting how many weeks you are along.
Thanks for the welcome :happydance:

Gender guess my track record is boy so going to prob go with that I am good at making them have 5 :blush:

techheather if you know when you OV I go with that! I am going by
Ovulation as my cycles were very long and I know when I ovulated , many of the on-line DD calculators allow you to enter OV date and calculate due date that way.
If I went by last AF it would have me 6 to 7 weeks and I am not that far a long :winkwink: I ovulated on November 15, I have done it that way in the past and when I had dating scan it matched my dates exactly!
Anybody else have found that they require less sleep. -well for now that is. lol. The week that I found out BFP I kept waking up early. On my days off. 7 am. I like my 8+ hours of sleep. But I've been getting five or so. This week I'm working midnights and go home fall right asleep and bam. Awake 5-6 hours later . Evey day. I wonder if it is my excitement. Or baby reading(BnB ) obsession that prevents me from sleeping. I don't feel exhausted like others talk about. But I want my sleep. Haha. I bet the tiredness is coming since I'm early yet.
Anybody else have found that they require less sleep. -well for now that is. lol. The week that I found out BFP I kept waking up early. On my days off. 7 am. I like my 8+ hours of sleep. But I've been getting five or so. This week I'm working midnights and go home fall right asleep and bam. Awake 5-6 hours later . Evey day. I wonder if it is my excitement. Or baby reading(BnB ) obsession that prevents me from sleeping. I don't feel exhausted like others talk about. But I want my sleep. Haha. I bet the tiredness is coming since I'm early yet.

Yes I am not having alot of sleep at all. I either sleep 11 pm till 3:30 am or 3:30 am till 8 am :( it's killing me now though

I'm also suffering so bad with my skin, I have had to come off all my allergy tablets till I see the Dr and I'm so itchy it's awful!

So sorry newbie. Xx

Welcome everywhere xx

So I called the Dr's yesterday to book in with the mw and got told I had to see the Dr first :-/ ok that's fine but the next appointment is in a week!

Well I didn't want to wait that long so I asked for my hcg to be checked due to mc last year.
Well they won't draw blood because it's too expensive (good old NHS) so they are testing my urine for the hcg level!?!

Should get the result Monday I hope x
I sleep from 2030 - 0400. Sometimes I sleep in until 0600.
Hi Ladies! I'm excited to join you. Im 32, wife and mom to two girls (13,8). Just found out we are expecting and due 08/06/2015. I'm looking forward to continuing on this journey with you ladies.

Welcome! :) how are you feeling so far?

Other than being obsessed with every symptom?!? Ha ha I can't think of anything else. I have the worst heartburn Ever. That has always been an early pregnancy symptom for me. I am peeing every couple hours and my breasts are tender. I'm out of town on business travel right now but can't wait to get back and get some HCG levels done.

Thanks for asking. :)
How are you feeling?
Whew...just went to the gym and did shred!! I really hope I'm able to keep it up this time. and not give in to Doritos cravings...

I'm to scared of mc to even go to the gym!! I lift weights with my husband and now I'm just stopping cold turkey and watching what I eat. But that's just because I'm overly paranoid lol.

Gave in to my Doritos craving. They were delicious. Thanks Sunshine. Great suggestion haha. Now I want more...

Mmm.... Dorito's... I tried the Hot Corn ones over the holiday weekend (while in Izmir) and even though I hate spicy stuff normally they were so good. But right now I want some good ole fashioned nacho Doritos.

Just wanted to pop in and wish you August mummies a huge congratulations!! This time last year I'd just got my BFP and now I have a beautiful little 4-month-old sleeping at my side. August is a great month to be due and even though my august baby came very early and became a July baby, I still think August is the best month :haha: happy and healthy nine months to you all!

Thanks!! What day was your baby born on??

I think August will be a good month to have a LO too! My daughter was born in February which was so miserably cold and we were stuck inside most of the time! Yay for summer babies!

I'm excited to be pregnant, but I am not looking forward to summer and being full blown out there. I'm living in Turkey now and moving to New Mexico lol. Extreme heat to a lot of heat.

Hello ladies, please can I join you? I got my BFP this morning making me 3 weeks & 3 days today. I'm due around August 16th.

Welcome!! I kinda hope you have your LO 3 days early (mine and DH's anniversary lol)

Hi, I'm new here and somehow I found this thread haha. I just found out I was pregnant on black friday! This is my first baby and I'm so excited! I believe I am around 4 weeks but haven't seen a doctor yet to be sure. Have you all been to a doctor yet? When should I go? Anyways, based on my cycle I believe I will be due in August. :)

Congrats to everyone else in here! :hugs:

That's awesome! 6 years ago my little sister found out she was pregnant with my oldest niece on black friday... in a walmart bathroom.... we're redneck fabulous like that. She wasn't even trying lol. Had her on July 29th!

My tests have turned negative so seems like this one wasn't meant to be. Good luck to all of you ladies for healthy sticky beans xx

I'm so sorry Newbie :( :hugs:

I'm really hurting today. Havent got out of bed unless it's to puke or poo (diarrhea) I'm hoping this is normal, but it just feels far too strong for 5 weeks along. :( hoping this goes away.

Wow I'm so sorry you are going through this! I'd suggest calling your doctor to see if they can help - don't want to get dehydrated.

Congrats to all the new ladies! As for everyone wanting there hcg bloods, I say don't wrap yourself around it too much. This is my 4th pregnancy and I went and got my bloods done 2 days ago and the next day I got a call saying my hcg level was 268 which is low for 5 weeks and a day from LMP...however I believe I ov'd late and my cycles are usually 34days but this dr didn't care and was stuck on no no no they are very low you may mc WHAT!!!! and when your pregnant your supposed to stay away from stress so hey lets add some to the plate ugh.....anyways I went and got my bloodwork done again today and am now awaiting the results to see if its doubling every 48hrs......which I'm sure everything will be fine, my last pregnancy was a twin and at some point in my 4th week my levels were only 150....so keeping fingers crossed, we'll see

The only reason I want a HCG level told to me is because they haven't done a single one this time, and the doctor had reassured me they'd always do a quant. But right now she's not here and it's only her nurse so she didn't want to do a quant.

I'm done testing now :)


Ahahaha I'm the same! Except we don't have the weeks indicator one here. But o nice my test line hit twice as dark as my control line I stopped!

AFM - Kidney still hurts so I'm worried I may have some kind of infection. Feeling lots of tugging/pulling/small cramping so it has me paranoid. Back pain seems to be moving up slightly but I'm not letting myself stress over it. If I don't hear anything from my doctor's office by 18Dec I'm going to call them - or if I start spotting. I know they can't stop it if I start to lose it, but I'd feel better.

Congrats!!!!! :)

Which part of New Mexico? I'm actually from there. Born and raised in Albuquerque but now I live in Florida.
We're going to Holloman AFB - by Alamogordo. I'm kinda excited honestly.

Ugh back pain and tugging in the front got me all paranoid.
Morning ladies!

I'm not getting the lack of sleep you are talking about (sorry lol). I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 7 this morning. I"m usually an early sleeper, but not that early. I stick to a pretty good schedule though, usually 10-10:30-7 every day. What can I say, I love my sleep! And I need to get it all in now lol.

No cravings here, although I was very hungry yesterday all day. I remembered that peppermint tea helps curve appetite (it was like 7:30 pm and I'd already eaten a big dinner), and I'm happy to say it worked! :) So peppermint tea is going to be my go-to.

Last time I could not drink ANY hot liquids, it was sooo weird. I had to have iced coffee, and iced tea. While it was good, I'm enjoying my hot tea/coffee while I can.

Exercise is very important during pregnancy, so I wouldn't worry about mc...especially at this stage, in relation to exercise. It's important for you to keep active and healthy. So, if a mc happens, I know it won't be because I did shred at 4 weeks pregnant. I work out every day, yoga a few times a week, strength and core, and it helps keep me sane and healthy, and also helps grow a healthy baby.

What's up for today everyone?

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