**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

KylasBaby that scan is beautiful! So awesome! Now you have visual proof as to why you feel like crap all the time :haha:

Pink cm is normal I've been told. I had some randomly around 7-8 weeks with my daughter, freaked the eff out and thought mc, but nope all was well.

I can't fit into my jeans anymore. And I don't even fit into my maternity pants I own... Too tight in the legs which is odd bc I was a super fit police officer this year so thinking maybe muscular legs? Gosh I hope so lol

I finished all my Xmas shopping this afternoon. I have so much to wrap, need to clean out the car, make some food for dinner tomorrow night, shower, straighten my hair... I'm going to cry bc I literally have NO energy today at all. Oh, and need to finish my customized toy chests. Save me?

Very nauseous today to the point where I don't want to eat anything. Forced myself to eat some organic tortilla chips with guacamole and a bowl of cereal. Bleh.

Announcing our pregnancy tomorrow night at church... A little nervous tbh! Kind of bummed bc my SIL is 19 weeks and thought she was finding out the baby's gender yesterday only to be told that it's too early to see? What the heck kind of bs is that??? We found out my daughter was a girl at 17 weeks!
Hi ladies haven't checked in ages but hope everyone is doing well.
finally got my first midwife appt for 14th jan at 11+1 do you think they'll scan me then?
Anyone know what happens at first appt?(uk) xx

Your first appointment is an hour long, they take blood and chat to you about the ins and outs of stuff. You get your mat book and should get your form for your free prescriptions and dental.
Then you will get a letter in the post usually for a scan xx
Also, I had one last frer in my cabinet, so I peed on it for fun. I hadn't taken one since the two lines were equally dark. So this was a pretty sight to see - especially after barely any symptoms!
Lol, I took a test yesterday too. The first one I've taken in a month. We were at the Dollar Tree and I saw them hanging there and just felt the urge. SO laughed at me.

I haven't eaten much today. Literally nothing sounded good except for a turkey sandwich so I ended up eating that for lunch and dinner.

Working on these Christmas projects for my daughter and niece. They are both getting into the whole dress up concept so I am rehabbing two toy chests for them. Spent the majority of today painting them with my hubby (so I'm cramping a lil now and lower back is hurting). Tomorrow I finish painting and adding gemstones to certain areas as well as putting on new safety hinges. Tuesday I am glueing on their personalized wooden names and I'm so freaking excited I can't wait to post pictures lol
I also bought them a ton of costumes and dress up stuff to open on Xmas as well.
Sounds awesome! I'd love to see a pic when it's all done!

Greats, my son was on a 10 day course of amoxicillin for a double ear infection. The doctor told me tonight that since he had an allergic reaction to amox, then he's allergic to penicillin as well. Poor kiddo. Totally wish I had the hives and not him. :( Benadryl cleared him up, though.
I'm another one allergic to all the -cillin stuff. I'm sure the hives have all gone by now, poor guy! Luckily, neither of my kids are allergic.

AFM, nothing much going on. The nausea is still going strong but it's manageable. So far no actual throwing up, just feeling like it. I've been getting carsick, too. I think it's only when I'm not driving. I've been getting really hungry, but then it's hard to eat a normal portion. Where normally I'm a big eater, I had to split a regular lunch-sized portion (read, smaller size than a dinner portion) into two meals yesterday.

My oldest is on break from school and driving me nuts, fighting with the toddler. Earlier, he BIT HIS OWN ARM, nearly hard enough to draw blood, and then came running and said the little one did it! He's almost 9, the little one is 3, so at first I believed him. Made the little one apologize, which he did right away, and then sent him to time out. At this point he started sobbing uncontrollably and I guess the tears made the older one feel guilty and he started changing his story to oh, it was really an accident and just acting shifty, so I investigated the bite mark closer and determined that it COULDN'T have been the little one because the two front teeth were adult size teeth. Craziness. And the poor little guy, being sent to time out and he had no clue why.

Still no first appt, thought I had the insurance all straightened out after talking to a third person and a supervisor, but no. Start date still listed as Jan 1. At this point, that's only a week away so I'm not wasting my time calling anymore.
My OB took 14 vials of blood today! Dear God I don't know how I was able to walk out after lol.

Anyone else doing the Panorama blood test? My OB offered it even though I'm very low risk for just about everything, but were going to do it. She said insurance covers it if she does the blood draw in the office. So why not. Having it done next week so I'll have the results 7-10 days after that. It's a simple blood test and is 99% accurate and shows risks of a bunch of genetic abnormalities and stuff. And gender! I'll know what this little one is before 12 weeks!
Yikes! Me being bad with blood, I don't think I could handle it. My OB offered that to for my next appointment but I think I will pass. I'm comfortable with out it.

Food is not my friend today. I got sick again this morning and I didn't eat dinner because I felt so awful. I felt really guilty but I just wanted sleep. Not sure how dinner will be tonight. I might just have a bagel.
On a side note, I'll be happy when my little ticker moves to the next square. The one it's on right now looks like a squid and it kinda freaks me out.
Thank for the reassurance ladies. I've had nothing since that one time this morning. My fingers are crossed still. I also just had a pregnancy freak out of the century. My poor DH :((( I could cry I feel so bad. We were making macarons and I just lost it. Completely snapped and started crying. I have a lot going on right now with work and stuff and being so close to quitting. We also have a lot of unknowns right now and don't know where we'll be living in 5 months etc. so just a ton of stress. I snapped. I felt so bad. It was like another person and poor hubby just hugged me and dried my tears. I felt like a monster :(. I'm still apologizing hours later.

Nausea is fine. I did feel super tired after doing our cleaning. Lots of up and down and everything made me have to lay on the couch. But that's okay.

Greats so exciting about telling people! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Don't worry about your pants, it's def muscle.

Kylasbaby great scan! Must have been so exciting to see that :)

Celtic thanks for the reassurance. It's nice to know it's happened to you and all was well.

Queenqueso sorry but the biting story made me giggle lol. I work with kids and I found that really cute. Poor little one

Mrs Hudson. Sorry you can't eat. A bagel sounds food though. That's all I could eat last time. About this time. Try dry cereal also, like the shreddies with no sugar. Just to change it up and get some wheat. I found that helped. Variety of the plain lol
One of my friends had that, as well as one of my 'mom-aquaintances' at my son's school. Both of them are old enough to fall into the 'older mom' category ( I think the age for that is only 35!!) so insurance covered it, but I was under the impression it wouldn't be covered in younger moms. Both of them also elected to find out the gender during the test, both are girls!

I'll probably decline it anyway. I always decline that quad-screen test as well, it has such a high rate of false-positives you can't believe what it says anyway. I'm sure the newer test is more reliable, but still.
Hi! Also been away for a while, had a scan today and baby measured at 5w5d with a heartbeat, fetal pole and all the works, except I'm a little nervous bc I'm suppose to be 6w5d today... Anyone here had a similar experience with past pregnancies?
Scans can be anywhere within a 2 wk range, especially early on when bean is tiny. With ds my dates changed every time I had a scan.
I'm sorry you're having a rough day Sunshine! Don't feel bad, sometimes we can't help it. It sounds like he understood.

Thank you for the advice! I'll try some cereal too. I thought I was one of the lucky ones but nope. It hit me yesterday.

QueenQueso, same here! When it first popped up I sent it to DH and told him "look how weird your baby looks. It has a tail!" Maybe that was mean/insensitive of me but he got a kick out of it.
Kylas, lovely scan!

Sunshine, hope all is okay for you.

I'm not doing well with keeping up/remembering what's been posted in the last few pages. I apologize. Having a rough day. The ms is crazy. I'm struggling to eat much of anything. Woke up today with light pink spotting and it's still there, 8 hours later, though mostly only noticeable when I wipe. I had pretty intense cramping last night. So I'm trying (failing?) not to freak out and worry about it. I've taken some comfort in what many of you have written already to sunshine. My midwife sent in a prescription for progesterone as a precaution, but I'm so worn out that I'm thinking I'll wait for DH to get off work to drive me to the pharmacy. Then another appointment Monday to check my Hcg levels. Today my sister sent me a text with a pic of my mom cuddling a stuffed bear they got my grandma and said that she's gone crazy and is even talking to it. All I could do is start bawling and wish I could be the one cuddling it lol. They don't know yet that I'm pregnant, but I know if they call today there will be no way of keeping the tears in. DH really doesn't want to say anything to anyone yet, though....so just going to hope they don't call for once. Just had to get my thoughts and worries out in a safe space.
Such great scan news Kayla and kipod! Congrats!
I'm on team ms too. So bad today I turned white as a ghost and almost past out. Need food like crazy yet nothing seems good. Just trying to remind myself that ms is a good sign. Ordered some sea bands online today though. Anyone had any success with them?
So our high tech scan this morning was not any more high tech than the one at the doctor yesterday. They say they see a sac with a yolk sac, but that it's too early to see anything else. How can that be? Trying not to dwell on it but not doing great at it. They're letting me come in for another scan January 2.
Just feeling scared at this point. I'm sorry you're having such a tough day sunshine. I feel ya woman.
Thanks for the support ladies. I know we're all having tough days. I just try to be strong so much and keep it all in then it explodes. Today was that day. I was also nervous from the pink cm. but tomorrow is a new day!!! And Christmas Eve!!! :)

I hope everyone is relaxing. And mrs G I understand you're worries. I've bad them all day too. But I agree with all of the posts, and the hours of research I've done that pink cm is normal. Blood is not. So try to take a deep breath. One at a time, that's all we can do girl!
Anyone ridiculously constipated? A few weeks ago I was going more than normal but now I'm struggling like mad! Drinking a few sips of some strong coffee in the hopes it'll help move things along.
So nice to see those scans! I bet it's very reassuring!

Sunshine, hope the spotting has stopped. I know how worrisome it can be!

My headache is finally going away and my stomach still feels off, but now it feels like gas which is oddly reassuring. My boobs look huge, starting to bust out of my bras lol. And no more green stuff when I wipe so I'm just going to say it was a gross piece of CM that worked itself out.

Gotta love being off work for the holidays...I've taken a nap every day since Saturday! It's my favorite time of the day lol.

I'm noticing that some smells are bothering me that didn't used to. Wondering if it's a precursor to some morning sickness that will be starting. Or just because my head has been hurting. Guess we shall see.
Quick ladies, I need your help! Dh decided it would be an awesome idea to invite his fam over right now for drinks. Wtf do I say to decline a drink??? This is how they found out my SIL was pregnant bc she declined a drink. AHHHH!
Take fake sips and keep pouring it out into a sink when you're alone. If you can't make a fake drink...
Such great scan news Kayla and kipod! Congrats!
I'm on team ms too. So bad today I turned white as a ghost and almost past out. Need food like crazy yet nothing seems good. Just trying to remind myself that ms is a good sign. Ordered some sea bands online today though. Anyone had any success with them?
So our high tech scan this morning was not any more high tech than the one at the doctor yesterday. They say they see a sac with a yolk sac, but that it's too early to see anything else. How can that be? Trying not to dwell on it but not doing great at it. They're letting me come in for another scan January 2.
Just feeling scared at this point. I'm sorry you're having such a tough day sunshine. I feel ya woman.

Sometimes the position of your uterus and/or where baby implanted can hinder what all they see. Some heartbeats can be seen at 5wks + and others not until closer to 8 wks. I would ask your dr if your uterus is tilted. GL

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