Tried the Doppler tonight. Couldn't find the little bugger. Not worried though it's still early. Could be a couple more weeks. It did keep registering something in the 150s, but it was always quick and I didn't hear anything. Maybe tomorrow lol
Sass, I started feeling my daughter make the tiniest movements around 17 weeks and could visibly see her kicks by my belly button area around 19 weeks. Weirdest but coolest thing ever! Lol
Trying to upload my 9 week bump pic, let's see if this works...
Well glad they seemed happy, sunshine!
So I ended up going to bed at 7:30 last night and am now up at 3am with a massive headache. So am laying on the couch with my iPad bc I'm not tired anymore. Went to lay down, must have moved weird bc all of a sudden my uterus started hurting bad in the dead center of it. Scared the crap out of me and hope baby is ok.
I keep having these dreams of mmc. I don't know why but I am absolutely terrified it's going to happen to me.![]()
I keep accidentally coming across all these mmc articles online and on the news, and I've honestly started convincing myself that it's possible and I'm going through it. My symptoms are slowly starting to disappear and my ms isn't anywhere as bad as it was the past 2 weeks. I'm literally going crazy! I hate how there are all these articles and information warning moms of what's possible but come on! It's driving me crazy more than anything! Who the hell wants to be scared during their pregnancy when they should be happy!?
First pregnancy craving --- just ordered chinese food. Yes, I know it's only 4pm haha.
ellahopesky congrats hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy
Sunshine did you figure it out it is hard when those close to us do not support us as we expected
I had some pink spotting to night so far nothing else really hoping I don't see any more, I dtd for the first time last night so that could be why I tell you no more till over 3 months
Celtic- my doc told me Dtd can so easily make you spot that she recommended we not do it for a while cause she knew how much it would upset us. Hope your not too worried.
Greats did you post Starburst on FB? I ate some gummy life savers after that and yeah, not so much lol.
Colorado looks awful in the winter without snow so I hear ya!
Starburst do sound amazing!
We've just ordered a dominoes and I'm so excited for it to arrive! OH was taking ages to choose and i had to stop myself from yelling at him to HURRY UP FOR GODSSAKE! My hunger comes on so suddenly atm, I'm starving. Bring on the pizza (and the garlic bread, nachos, chicken strips, wedges, doughnuts...)
Tried the Doppler tonight. Couldn't find the little bugger. Not worried though it's still early. Could be a couple more weeks. It did keep registering something in the 150s, but it was always quick and I didn't hear anything. Maybe tomorrow lol
Yes sounds like round ligament pain to me with the sudden movement. I get it too. Lovely bump Greats. And I'm terrified of a mmc too, I think going on these sites mean that we know too much! Really though they are not very common and the odds are in our favour!
Glad they reacted well sunshine!
Thanks and I will!!!
Hope your headache stays away! Can you take them somewhere to get out and help distract you? That may help!
spotting again it is barley there I guess, I am watching so noticed
bit crampy as well but I know that is normal would really of liked none this time so I would not have to worry about it! hope it does not get heavier or turn red