<25 BFPs!! 12 births!! Welcome to the world turtle babies!>

April talking of showers ... I just looked at the state of my shower in the en suite and thought of you. You'd have a stroke! It's the main reason I want the x5 rly. It's beyond gross

ooooh white tiles gone a bit not white inbetween? mine were like that but with beige tiles! which is worse, no matter of scrubbing nothing, then x5 and boom i see white inbetween tiles! if you lived closer id send you the x5 for trial, i wonder if i can still do that?

God no, so much worse than that. Mildew everywhere. Orange residue on the tiles and shower unit, fluff and general grime all over the place. It's really shameful. I looked online and there's handheld steamers for about £20 and I think I'll defo get one as it was this aspect I rly wanted the x5 for

god i am so fricking depressed im actually wanting to cry about it! my head is not right at the moment and iv hit the wine tonight, and i dont drink! i think im only with Jay to not disappoint other people 3 kids 3 dads, why is it me that makes the wrong choices, i wish i could erase the men, im not sure what iv done wrong, but just want the best for my children, he just wont grow up and i cant make him :cry: im sorry to moan AGAIN
jesus someone shoot me!

I'm so sorry April. I know how AWFUL depression feels. Firstly, don't give a hoot what anything thinks. Who they hell are they? Are they all perfect? Also don't go thinking about being alone or what-not, you'll NEVER be alone because you have 3 lovely children who need and adore you. Don't go thinking that you need a man to be happy. Perhaps you specifically DON'T need a man to be happy. Think how peaceful your life could be! Big hugs to you. Don't be affraid to vent here. I do it all the time!
I've been awake since 5am with that "magic" pregnancy agony heartburn. Going to take today off work and go back to the doctors as I cant go on like this. I'm out of antacids, my pain meds arent working.

April I bought this! Only £21.99. Paying so much more for the mop function wasn't practical and I have a good normal mop and floor cleaner so this is ideal. Am I nesting?? Because I can't wait for it to get here and me attack my en suite!!
April talking of showers ... I just looked at the state of my shower in the en suite and thought of you. You'd have a stroke! It's the main reason I want the x5 rly. It's beyond gross

ooooh white tiles gone a bit not white inbetween? mine were like that but with beige tiles! which is worse, no matter of scrubbing nothing, then x5 and boom i see white inbetween tiles! if you lived closer id send you the x5 for trial, i wonder if i can still do that?

God no, so much worse than that. Mildew everywhere. Orange residue on the tiles and shower unit, fluff and general grime all over the place. It's really shameful. I looked online and there's handheld steamers for about £20 and I think I'll defo get one as it was this aspect I rly wanted the x5 for

god i am so fricking depressed im actually wanting to cry about it! my head is not right at the moment and iv hit the wine tonight, and i dont drink! i think im only with Jay to not disappoint other people 3 kids 3 dads, why is it me that makes the wrong choices, i wish i could erase the men, im not sure what iv done wrong, but just want the best for my children, he just wont grow up and i cant make him :cry: im sorry to moan AGAIN
jesus someone shoot me!

I'm so sorry April. I know how AWFUL depression feels. Firstly, don't give a hoot what anything thinks. Who they hell are they? Are they all perfect? Also don't go thinking about being alone or what-not, you'll NEVER be alone because you have 3 lovely children who need and adore you. Don't go thinking that you need a man to be happy. Perhaps you specifically DON'T need a man to be happy. Think how peaceful your life could be! Big hugs to you. Don't be affraid to vent here. I do it all the time!

thankyou Sarah :hugs: i find showers the worst! i guess its due to the hot steam, i bath but since getting with Jay he showers and iv noticed my job in the bathroom is harder! but steam mop should work wonders!
iv had depression on/off since i was 13 but since 16 its always resulted in it being because of a man! im not very good at choosing them am i lol, Im definitely not afraid of being on my own, I did that when i was pregnant with Faye until she was 7 months old, it was the most peaceful stage of my life! I do love Jay sooo much, despite how nasty he can be, he just cant seem to grow up, im only going to allow him to come over maybe twice a week now but not staying at all! Im at the point i cant stand having him stay the 2 nights! Sorry for the essay, i guess only time will tell what i decide to do in the end :(
I've been awake since 5am with that "magic" pregnancy agony heartburn. Going to take today off work and go back to the doctors as I cant go on like this. I'm out of antacids, my pain meds arent working.

oh no :( i hope it goes soon!

April I bought this! Only £21.99. Paying so much more for the mop function wasn't practical and I have a good normal mop and floor cleaner so this is ideal. Am I nesting?? Because I can't wait for it to get here and me attack my en suite!!

ooh iv seen that one advertised its meant to be really good! yes youre probably nesting lol youll love it!
sorry i missed your posts Addie, Luna and B thankyou for your comments they mean alot :hugs: il get there i suppose :shrug:
Morning myrtles,

I have a real urge to dye my hair. I might have to go to boots and see if any colours jump out at me.*

It's a very blustery morning here in Norfolk. We even had a bit of snow yesterday. I'm aiming to get my house spotless and make my cake decorations today. All dependent on how co-operative little minx is.*

Any news from Trin?

Ugh Sarah sorry you're suffering with your heartburn again. Are you thinking of getting another sick note or just a new prescription?*

April, it must be so frustrating when Jay acts like a child. My DH can be childish at times, and I have to remind him he's 25 not 17. I can't imagine having to face the decision of whether to split or not, it must be complicated especially with James. Maybe seeing a bit less of Jay will allow you to figure out what it best for you. :hugs:

Well done on your bloods and weight B :thumbup:


Addie/Hails don't mention lady garden hair, it's a bit of a traumatic subject here at the moment!

I used to get lee to hel me trim & shave i was not going into hospital with a furry fuff :blush:

sorry your still in pain and lovethe green shade for Elina's room:thumbup:..did your black tea and jam taste gross:shrug:?

Sezi, the better question is how are you feeling? i hope you've gotten some relief from the itching and heartburn :hugs:

i am feeling next to great as of the past 10 days or so.... nausea is finally starting to taper off and my energy is returning. i can actually stay awake past 9:30 again and most importantly, i've had energy to clean again :dance: thank goodness b/c the place was looking quite terrible for the past couple of months :blush:

Hey newbiedoobedoooooo........glad you are feeling more yourself and can do some chores:hugs:i think i did comment but your bump is coming along nicely now :thumbup:

My birth story (finally)

As you know I managed to go 8 days overdue. My due date was on 24th January. Had an appointment in hospital on 27th where I had sweep done and was booked for another appointment on 1st February to let them know if I go for section or induction.
So sweep. Hm, nothing (except a bit of cramping straight after and bleeding). Next day Saturday morning took castor oil (that was 4th time in total I thought I'm getting use to it as I didn't even go to the toilet) then lunch in Nandos accompanied by their hottest sauce. On the way to my in laws a started having some contractions and got so excited! They were coming every 10min to half an hour, but were not strong. Matt took Emily to his sister's for night just in case. Contractions all night. Next day Sunday afternoon they completely stopped. On Monday came back again a bit stronger this time. Decided to sleep on the sofa downstairs. At 1.30am my waters broke in my sleep (luckily managed to slide from sofa and quickly push rug away). Called hospital and they said to come over. My waters were clear, no concerns but they put me on monitor just in case. After half an hour were sent home and told to come at 6pm for induction. Contractions were getting stronger but still not regular. In the afternoon I had some blood in waters so back to the hospital. All ok, hospital told me to come at 6pm for induction as planned BUT they could not guarantee the will have a bed for me as they were struggling.
Panic. I was so stressed out! Luckily there was a bed for me.
I was examined and told I was 3-4cm dilated. They wanted to wait 4hours, examine again. Because there was a good progress I wasn't induced.
Sarachka must be wondering what pain releif I had. Well I tried gass and air, but felt so sick an dizzy, so chose epidural as I had to be constantly monitored (because of previous section). I couldn't stand being on my back during contractions! Just wanted to be on all fours.
After epidural it felt soooo nice, no pain just some twinges and tightening. When I was fully dilated they wanted to wait hour or more for baby's head to come as low as possible. That's when my evil pain started. I was in agony! Epidural was not doing anything. It was constant and very odd somewhere between lower Back and bottom on one side.
Final stage pushing. Was told I can push only for an hour because of section. I tried. I really tried I thought my brain will explode from all that pressure.
After hour and 40min doctor gave me 2 options ventouse or section. She was very positive ventouse will work. And it did. Had to have episiotomy, but it all worked out well. Finley came out so alert! And sneezing instead of crying :).
And we were home on the same day.

Thanks for sharing Emandi and as the other girls have said dont feel bad about any part of it its your preference sweetheart no one else's and Finley is here in one piece healthy and happy and very loved.
Emily looks ever the proud big sister and your FB pictures are fantastic:hugs:
can you pm your address just so i can post a little something for finley & emily:shrug:

Newbie I nuv your bump! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

And thanks for birth story Emandi :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I really don't get the guilt thing over epis and ventouses etc. I sooo have no ambition other than to get him out in one piece!!:fool:

I hatched a plan today- I thought I might take some tasteful but nudey photos of myself and print them out to make a little album for DH's wedding anniversary present- quite romantic that one year on I have a big bump, even though it's not our first. Wish you were here Sarachka though because my selftimer pics will be crappy!! But it's the thought that counts, and dh is obsessed with my pregnant body (boobs and bum mainly rather than bump :haha:) so he should like it.:shrug: I could wear the ostrich stole from my wedding and tiara and shoes and stuff, without much else...and put them in a little secret album for him. Bit naff but then anniversary gifts should be naff I say!

that sounds lovely idea :winkwink:

Isn't it crazy my baby is five and a half months old?!?!?!

it goes way to fast i cant believe nate is 7mths:cry:

Sorry for the repeat for FB friends... but for the (two?) of you not on FB...


That's a 12 month size onesie...! :shock:

:baby:beautiful baba:hugs::kiss:

I want my baby here! Im quite over being pregnant

oh dear are you already at THAT point :hugs:

Sorry guys, neglected you all day, been picking colours and planning wallpapers and what order i'm moving everything in! Busy busy busy.....packing already so i'm not rushing and I know where everything is!!! Much less hassle, as much as that can be moving is one big hassle!

ginge huge congrats again on the house again ......and please let me know that you recieve your little parcel:hugs:

I'm ready to give up this morning and it's not even 9am. Even jumperoo has failed me. Every time I put Lyra down she is howling. I tried just leaving her so I could get on but she was just getting in such a state. I have so much housework to do, and we were supposed to go into town to pick up some cufflinks I ordered but I don't think we will get there. Someone has stolen my lovely baby and replaced her with a gremlin.

Edit: she has finally settled to have a feed and sleep again. Doesn't help my housework or chores but I feel less like tearing my hair out.

i have a gremlin too:shrug:must chnge between 7-8mths hey:dohh:so sorry you ;ost your piccys:hugs:

kit hope you had a fab weekend
mollz hope our packing is going well:hugs:
addie hope your shower was fantastic:thumbup:

Trin hope your doing ok :kiss:
:hugs:...try not to worry too much, it won't be so bad I'm sure. *Just a bit of adjusting. *I understand completely though.

Oooo, the christening has crept up so fast! *It will be the perfect day I'm sure :thumbup:

Cara is great thanks although she's has a couple of sicky and slightly subdued days....she loved all the attention this weekend. *My friend who was here has no children but is so good with them I can't help thinking it's such a shame she has none. *This week will be a busy one..Monday, shopping, Tuesday baby swimmers, Wednesday I'm attending a work meeting, Thursday is Gymboree time and Friday I'm going round to my friend's! *Phew!

The christening has crept up so fast. I remember when we booked it I thought "that's ages away" but now it's just six days. Hopefully I'll get everything done in time :wacko:

Sounds like a busy week for you and Cara, I hope she's not sicky or subdued. Shopping for anything in particular or just doing the weekly shop?
Hayley! Glad you've had a lovely weekend. How's Nate? And i got my pics back! They appeared again yesterday so i quickly got them backed up on the computer :thumbup:
Trin i did message in the turtle group when april told me the news and your own message too i replied too......i did notice you we're labouring hope you dont mean me ;(

essie so so happy you got your pics back yipeeee

what are evryones plans today?
So, a full day of bh/ contractions 4-8 minutes apart, some rather bitey, led to nothing :shrug: I had a terrible night sleep with on and off contractions but nothing regular and woke up with a shocking headache. Took 2 paracetamols and went back to bed. Woken up feeling a bit better and have devised a plan:

Brisk walk around the mall (the cyclone is still blowing gales but the rain seems to have stopped so no walking outside), buy very hot paneer curry takeaway for dinner, and then twist dh's rubber arm for sex tonight. If that does nothing then we wait

I really trust the process of labour and birth and I'm happy for it to happen when it happens. It's the continuous strong bh that aren't really bh that are getting to me

Thank you everyone who has messaged me. It's so nice to know so many of you nuv me :hugs:
He is struggling with his teeth (he still has none) and is a grizzly grumpy bear come afternoon he is napping at the mo so im going to clean in between looking for bridesmaid shoes
Thank you Trin :flower: for your update.
It's all so exciting! :happydance:
I'm sure it won't be long now and precious Tori will make her appearance before her due date :winkwink:.

Thinking of you and hoping it all goes the way you want.:hugs::kiss:

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