Honestly i dont really care about the whole moving to a private group thing its how you went about it!. I was waiting for my account to be activated last night no idea i wasnt allowed in, you must have seen that my account was pending and yet no one saw fit to tell me that you all took a vote and decided no one wanted me in there. Thats horrible i would never do that to a person. I can understand the privacy thing im not completely ignorant. On many occations i have tried to join in conversations only to feel like an outsider / that i dont quite fit. LTTTC is hard at the best of times and it is hard watching people go through there pregnancys and births.
I agree Miss Zoie. Even though we don't know you very well there was no reason not to talk to you about it upfront. I'm sorry it was all done behind your back and turned so ugly as a result, and understand you feel hurt by all this. Sorry.
Can I just say one thing... I'm the person who gets the e-mails for new account activation and I'm on the West Coast in the US. When I got up, your account had been pending
for at least five hours. Being that I've only been on BnB for a little over a year, I wasn't sure who you were (and ANYONE can sign up for the turtle forum, not just people who've been sent a link) so I thought it was responsible of me to ask the other girls if 'Miss Zoie' was someone we knew. Again because of time difference and my wanting to give everyone a chance to see the thread I started asking who you were, your account ending up being pending for longer. I'm sorry you took this as us sneaking behind your back, but that simply wasn't the case. The biggest player here was time difference and I really can't do a thing about that.
I cannot say now due to how everything ended going whether or not I was going to e-mail you and let you know why your account was not approved, but I'd like to think that I was going to do just that.
Zoie, there were no hurtful intentions on our side. A lot of hurtful things were said after Ginge got defensive, but none of it was geared towards you or about you at all. We have no issues with you and I'm positive you're a lovely person.
I hope someday you can see this situation from our point of view and know that what happened was not only blown way out of proportion, but really not about YOU at all - but about anyone who we're not overly familiar with joining the private forum.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you do, and I wish you all the best in your TTC journey.