28-36 weeks forum

glad everything went well with mw hayley.

hope everyones growth scans go well! don't have any experience with it myself, but my friends baby is measuring very large atm - she's due august 4th but they're inducing her on 14th july. so you may well be induced x
Joining in here :happydance: 28w5d today. Cant believe I am this far already! So little time and so much to do :wacko:!
I wouldn't stress induction due to baby's size too much. I asked about this at my last appointment and she said it's not a reason for induction unless the growth is causing a health-related issue for mom or baby.
Just had a growth scan and baby is on the large side (although not too big) but a bit of a surprise as I am pretty small myself. The scan was an ultrasound and as well as measurements she also checked on the heart, kidneys, brain, circulation and placenta function. No particular reason for the scan other than being on the old side for a FTM.

Heartburn has been a constant problem for me. On my doctor's advice, I've been on Zantac (ranitidine) since the start of third tri. I find it does give me some relief but the 12 hour pills usually wear off after six or seven. Milk can help, but I find eating cheese to actually be more effective. Also avoiding trigger foods is a good idea, as some things are much more likely to cause it than others (but triggers seem to be ever-changing for me).
I've been stalking for a while. I'm now 36 weeks but it's all going wrong. Baby has barely any fluid. They found one pocket ofa very small amount. ...There go my vbac dreams. I know that vbac was risky enough but with no fluid and can't be induced also really high risk of him not coping I am resigned to c section. I'm coming to terms with it. Got steroids again today then fingers crossed get to 37 weeks. Doc didn't say much buti read notes and says delivery next week. .....We don't even have everything yet raaah
Oh bless you, i hope it all goes really well for u xx
Hey everyone can I join?! I'm not quite 28 weeks yet but will be in a few days!! Roll on the last trimester !
I was never destined for an easy pregnancy. The others certainly weren't straight forward. Just mixed emotions asi will never be pregnant again.so odd to know I've got days left.
I feel so rotten think I'm gonna stop work and start mat leave although that's 8 weeks I won't get paid for when baby is here x
Confused87, sorry to hear you're having a difficult time. Sound like your doctor is on top of things and wants to do what's best for both of you, though.

Hayley, I finished work at the end of last week just before the 35 week mark. The last few days were really tough due to insomnia- so glad I'm not working anymore and can relax and nap when I need to.
Had growth scan today and baby is currently breech and lying towards my back.
I was given positions to encourage baby to turn.... but incredibly sore

Now waiting for midwife to come, as I just can't deal with the pain... they feel like bad period cramps.
I had today off as well and had a nice pamper day got nails done leg wax and eye brows done gonna have a long soak and hair wash now I think.

I keep getting waves of nausea it's horrible :-(
Hayley that sounds great, Id definitely love a spa day about now x
Hey ladies, joining the waiting game...

This entire pregnancy has gone SO slow for me. I just want to be done already!!

Starting to get really large now - I've only gained ~14 lbs so far but I know that's going to skyrocket before I'm done, which is hugely disappointing. My initial goal was to keep it in the 15-20 lb range (I had a BMI of 34 pre-pregnancy so that's what's advised), but I knew when 24 weeks hit and I'd gained just over 10 already that it wasn't going to happen. I passed my GD test but the sugar cravings are CONSTANT, I try to stave them off with fruit but it only goes so far! Trying to be active too but work is very busy so I often forget to leave my desk for 2-3 hours at a stretch and then my hips/back/pelvis are so sore from sitting I can barely walk... Sigh....
Hi ladies, just checking in.

Has anybody else here got horrendous heartburn? Doesn't matter what I eat, anything sets it off and the only thing that helps is milk but then half an hour later it is agony again because of the fats in milk. Tried gavascon which worked but I had an allergic reaction to it and got itchy face/skin rash :dohh:. Rennie doesn't even touch it now. Water just infuriates it :haha:

I had heartburn with my son quite badly but Rennie helped then so I am at a loss!

Been having HORRIBLE heartburn constantly and tums do help but it always comes back when I eat again... It used to be certain foods that triggered it. Now everything triggers it!!
I had today off as well and had a nice pamper day got nails done leg wax and eye brows done gonna have a long soak and hair wash now I think.

I keep getting waves of nausea it's horrible :-(

Hayley I am almost 34 weeks and for the past couple weeks I have had bouts of nausea again!! Doesn't usually last for more then 30 minutes to an hour but I have it right now and it sucks.
Baby has been quiet. Having monitoring daily until Monday. Steroids will have taken effect by then and Monday I'm going to meet my boy. More excited than scared now. My last section went badly and ended up in intensive care....fingers crossed we both well be ok
Hey ladies! Popping on this forum if I may. Feeling like this is the longest and most boring stretch of pregnancy- just waiting for the bun to fully cook I guess:winkwink:I'm a FTM so everything is new and freaky to me, expecting a little boy sept. 18. I'm pretty uncomfortable and eating my words on how "easy" pregnancy is now that I'm in the third tri. I had an easy first and second trimester so I guess it's my turn now for achey hips, sore ribs, heartburn, indigestion, swelling, sweating and insomnia. Oh yay.
Good morning all yesterday's pampering Defo made me feel better x

Struggling to slp though and that's not a good thing I'm so moody with no slp lol x

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