Hope you get a + result
I might test a couple of days after 7th...AF due on the 7th. If I was pg it would be a miracle tho. DH would FREAK! I am feeling some little cramps though and I have alot of cm. Not sure when I ovulated tho exactly.
I need some fellow girlies to chat to over this 2WW I would be happy if I was pg. I have one daughter (3) she has autism, high functioning, so DH is too scared to have another one, but I still want another one, can't help it. Had a miscarriage last year, D&C. Growth went up to about 9.5 weeks
I felt like it was meant to be even though DH FREAKED OUT, but I guess it wasn't.
Anyway, wishing you all baby dust (cute term). This is going to be a long 2 weeks!