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3 DPO looking for a cycle buddy or support!

woohoo craigbaby! Better get busy!!

Disney your chart is looking good!!

I'm sooo confused right now. My opks were getting darker, and since I had some EWCM yesterday I decided to test in the afternoon. Almost blank it was so light. So I tested again this morning and a few min ago and the same. Super light. Wtf?! I know for sure I havent o'd yet, and I have mix cm today. Any advice? I'm hoping this is some weird hormonal thing before I get my surge this month. Never had it happen though.
Hmm...are you testing at the same times? Diluted urine? I'm not sure to be honest. Keep trying though.
approximately the same times. I'm not setting an alarm or anything but the best I can do with two little ones at home :) And I've been horrible about drinking bc I'm trying to do my 3 hr hold haha. Oh well I have no clue. I'll just keep with the plan and doing opks. Thanks!
Thanks Sophiasmom!! I'm excited it looks good to you guys. I'm nervous tho because I want it to keep up ya know. I feel like I'm a such a high this month. Me and my husband both.
As for your OPK'S I say just keep bd'ing. I feel like my OPK'S aren't always 100% reliable. I am clearly NOT good at reading charts, but doesn't your chart reflect a possible O on CD13? You had a dip and then a big spike. That could be indicative right?
Yayyy craigbaby!! SO excited for you!! I think we r close in testing days? When do u think u will test?
Sophiasmom, my Opks always did that for 1-2 days before O. The first time I wigged out thinking I qasnt gonna O that month, turned out it was just a thing that happens. :)
Thanks everyone! I was just worried bc I used to get a nice fade in. Based on cm and the opks I'm hoping it's soon. Disney I wondered the same, but I usually have very painful ovulation. Nothing like that this month. A change wouldn't be bad though. I'll see how my temps are tomorrow. My guess is I'll O this week.
Excited for u. Can't wait to watch your temps!!
No bd for me tonight. After r night in a row, we tried but I'm actually a little sore. Made me nervous but I think I've just never had this much bd this close together. I'm sure this is normal due to frequent bd'ing.

Will see how I fee tomorrow. My plan was bd saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. Now I will just try Sunday and Tuesday IF I can ...
Mommyb- my temp is still up but no cross hairs yet. Any thoughts y? I'm trying not to be nervous. I really think I O'D though. But it'd be nice to have reassurance with crosshairs!

I wonder if it's because the very first temp I charted on CD 5 was so high. I think that was because I had AF though. Do u think I should take that days temp out and see if a cross hair appears. Or maybe I should just give it 1 more day
Disney I think they are going to put cd17 as your O day because it was a peak fertility day. So probably after tomorrow's temp. I was thinking that yesterday but wasn't sure so didn't say anything. I'm used to OPK's so it's easier for me to predict O days. Lol. Your crosshairs will come :) So you're probably just 2dpo today.

Well my temps are crazy right now! Don't know if it's still a fallback rise but I hope they go back up tomorrow. My temps were so steady pre O and now they are so erratic. Maybe it's my being sick that is to blame. I will just keep temping.
Thanks mommyb. I didn't bd yesterday. Do u think that hurts my chances. I hate to even think that because we BD ' D 4 days in a row and then just skipped yesterday. I would be so upset if that was the day that "missed the egg" :(
Going to try and bd today if I can ..

And I deff agree I think the fact that u r sick if most likely affecting your temps.
I still think you have bd covered, I wouldn't worry :)
Mommyb looks like a fallback rise to me. I bet it is a little more drastic due to your cold. Interested to see how much it goes back up tomorrow.

Disney I'm sure you are sore! Lol! I would be too! I still think you hit the days right so you should have had plenty spermies waiting when you O'd. I wouldn't stress too much about bd the next few days. SMEP says to, but based on temps you obviously O'd.

I decided to really start opks twice a day. The one this morning finally has color and is darker than the ones before. Hopefully just a couple days away.
Thanks mommyb and Sophiasmom. We will see. I'm hoping tomorrow my temp is still up and maybe just maybe I'll get crosshairs! I'll definitely settle for at least an elevated temp though lol.
Sophiasmom- opk's sound promising! Can't wait to see what happens for u over the next few days.

Really stressful day coming up at work tomorrow. Trying not to be too stressed so as not to mess us my good rhythm of positive laid back thoughts. Blahh
We are about to get rocked with a few feet of snow too! Supposed to start tomorrow and go through Wednesday. I'm praying for snow days like I was back in school lol!!

Sweet dreams and baby dust to everyone!! :)
I got my crosshairs!!! So if this is right I bd ' d the 3 days leading up to O and then also on the day of O. Couldn't do anymore after that because I was sore. Do u think that was enough? Or I missed my chance since I did not BD after O

they have my testing date as 2/11. Anyone have any idea why? 2 weeks after O In 2/7. Should i listen to the chart and wait till 2/11?

SO excited for my crosshairs hehe
Yay!! I think you're good! And you got O day! Wish I got O day in :haha:

You definitely don't have to wait until then. FF always chooses they day after your AF is due. I'm going to test at 10dpo. You can test when you like :)
Hello Ladies... sorry I fell off again, this has been the roughest week and now me and my step son are sick with the FLU. UGHHH!!!!! So I have stopped temping, no point with a fever. DH and I have stuck very strictly to SMEP, even though everyone in the house is sick. It is definitely NOT the BDing I am used to, it is kinda depressing how robotic it is. But, we both agreed it is better than skipping! I got my pos opk on Saturday, so we BD that night, Sunday night and we will tonight, skip a day and BD on Wednesday. I don't know why it is necessary to BD after ovulation, if the egg doesn't stick around that long???

Disney, I think you are good bedding on O day! That is great!

Sophiasmom, I always do twice a day starting at 10 dpo. Last cycle I got my peak at like 10pm in the evening, I had just tested at 5pm and it wasn't there yet.

Mommyb, I wish I was already 5dpo! So jealous!
Craigbaby the last bd is called the "insurance" bd :rofl: Just to cover you incase you do O a little later then suspected. Sorry to hear you are sick :( I've been battling it since Thursday. It sucks. lol. Feel better!

Well my temp didn't rise this morning it stayed the same. I'm not too worried though. My temps are way higher then they were last TWW anyways. I'm sure they'll rise back up. I'm feeling pretty good this cycle. Hope it's my BFP cycle!
Mommyb fx'd for you! Everything sounds good. I bet your temp will be back up tomorrow!

Disney I really do think your timing was good! Just a matter of waiting now..

Craigbaby major props for bd when you two were so sick!

I started testing twice a day and have been having a lot of pre-O twinges and ewcm. I'm guessing it's not too far away. I worked last night and we loaded up the car and drove to the in-laws. No temp today as I've have about 45 min sleep since yesterday a.m. yuck.
DH and I had a massive fight before he went to work yesterday and haven't quite worked through it bc then I had to work. crappy couple of days :( hoping for some good news from one of you ladies while Im stuck in pre-o limbo!!

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