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3 DPO looking for a cycle buddy or support!

Thanks mommyb - and I'm glad you said that about the last bd lol. I have been worried about not bd'ing after my O day. It makes me feel a little bit better about it now. I will see how long I can hold out to test. I HATE HATE HATE being disappointed as I know we all do. My husband is always like "common just pee on the stick everyday" He says if he was a girl he would just pee on the stick everyday. He's like "whats the big deal?" LoL ... gotta love the laid back men .. :) BTW I'm sorry you have been sick as well. I hope you are feeling better? And your temps still look great! They are still above that midline! I PRAY mine stay up like yours!! FX!! I'm SO glad you are feeling so good about this cycle, I bet you will get your bfp! I am also feeling pretty good about this cycle but I don't want to get my hopes up just in case. Hard though because I feel so hopeful. LoL this sounds like a child but I feel like we "did a good job" this cycle lol! I'm like "cmon I studied I deserve it!" lol

Craigbaby - SO sorry to hear that you are sick!! I am seriously impressed though with you sticking to smep despite everyone being sick. You are one determined girl and I love it!! You are a smep queen lol!

Sophiasmom - I'm sorry for what you are going through. I say make up BD!! And y not get a little crazy and go for it at the in laws while u are there lol. If you get a bfp you will have a GREAT story behind it lol!

Currently they shut down our state due to this massive blizzard outside so me and my husband are both off of work tomorrow as nobody is allowed to be on the roads. If anyone is on the road after 11pm tonight, it is a misdemeanor and a fine up to $300. So I will be home snuggling with my husband. I know bd doesn't "count" anymore but I might have to sneak some in since there is nothing else to do lol ...
Disney definitely don't worry! I think you had plenty of spermies in there waiting for the egg! I'm still feeling crappy, but better then the previous days! Throat is still sore, my ears will not unplug and my nose is so congested. Just feel blah :( It's weird because you'd think after 5 full days of this I would be getting better. I like to think it's because my immune system is too busy protecting a little beany ;) :rofl: We'll see. I'm just hoping my temps go back up tomorrow. I might cave and test on Friday. Haha. I have 9 tests... ;)

That's crazy they've shut down the state! I heard about that storm :( Hope everyone is okay and definitely stay in! I'm a SAHM and if it snows I do not go anywhere! No way I'm risking my babies lives! Ugh I hate snow! Thankfully we've have a pretty easy winter so far (knock on wood). Better then last winter when we had a crazy ice storm that knock out power for days and damaged lots. You guys had that storm too right in NY? I think my brother went there and helped put hydro back on (he works for the hydro). Stay safe and warm! Keep us updated on the conditions!
Thanks mommyb! Aww I'm sorry, being sick is never fun UNLESS it's because your body is protecting a little munchkin hehe!! I'm SOO excited for you to possibly test friday!!! I actually just started to feel the itch to test earlier than the 14 day mark. I will see how far I get. Any symptoms for u yet? Or u think its still too early. I'm 2 days behind you in dpo right? I already feel like this tww is going to be an eager one lol. Ahh

Yes we had that crazy storm too last year. We r snuggled inside with food, drinks, flashlights, etc and of course these threads haha.
We will see how bad it is when I wake up tomorrow. Can't wait to temp! I'm excited but nervous!
I'm actually not having too many symptoms. Which is funny because my last four post BCP TWW's I had so many symptoms. I always said the one with no symptoms will be my BFP cycle! :haha: Or it just means my hormones are finally balanced! Lol. I've been doing pretty well controlling my emotions everytime I see a BFN, so when I see a BFP I'm going to freak! I hope this is my cycle!

How is the snow situation this morning?

Craigbaby and Sophiasmom how are you guys getting on?
Mommyb - it's like u don't want to be nauseas and bloated etc but u d lol. I never wanted to feel nauseas until I started ttc lol. Now it's almost exciting.. it's sick! I really have such good vibes from this board I am just positive we r going to start seeing bfp's!! Can't wait for u to test! So exciting we r all getting so close!!

We r currently in a blizzard. Wind is crazy but I haven't gotten out of bed yet to see how much snow. LOL. It's a state snow day basically so I'm taking advantage of laying in bed as long as I can.

So I'm a little nervous because my temps have been the same for the past few days. Is this NOT of a good sign. U can all be honest please. I don't want to get my hopes up too much. The only thing I was thinking was (and I know this sounds gross) I am the only one using this thermometer obviously so I hadn't washed it in between checking. But after seeing these temps all the same a few days in a row, I just washed it and tried again and it was up to 98.4. I'm not going to change today's temp though because it could have been from me haven't already gotten up and then taken it or it could have just been from the warm water I washed it with. I pray tomorrow is higher than 97.9 again. Unless this is a good sign?
I've googled a bit on flat temps post O and quite a few led to a BFP's! But I'm not too sure. Maybe it's a sign of balanced hormones?
Thanks mommyb. I hope I am a bfp!!!

... let's pass the time... these boards r the only thing keeping me from crying or freaking out during this tww lol
So what does everyone recommend for testing. What brands r good or bad?
Well I've personally had bad luck with FRER's since TTC #3. Last cycle I had a line that showed up in the first couple minutes. Then AF came. I did write the company and they sent me a full refund. This cycle I'm loaded with $store tests. Way cheaper to test with. Plus their OPK's work great for me. But they do suck for evaps so you definitely have to read in the time limit. I figured if I get a line on those then maybe I'll try a frer or a digi.
Well it's not a cold, it's the flu. Fever of 102.1. Needless to say we didn't bd last night, so I only got in the day before O and O day. I'm disappointment but o well. I can barely type this, much less bd.
Awww craigbaby I'm SO sorry for you!! Rest up! It still sounds like you did GREAT bd'ing in this cycle!!! I am excited for you!!!! Just rest up and feel better. By time you are better it will be time to test!

Mommyb - thanks I have a few dollar store tests I think that we just grabbed quick a month ago just to have. Can you explain what an evap is? Is it a line that you see after the minutes you are supposed to wait to a squinter that you might see within that correct amount of time? squinter/evap - same thing?
Sooo ... I went over to the BFP announcement boards just to look around and I found myself feeling SO happy for all of these girls and SO hopeful for myself. I did (and still do a little as I just got done looking) feel like I'm holding back a lump in my throat. I feel like its a happy anxious excited lump lol. I will not cry .. I will not cry ... lol. I'm okay though. I'm sure these emotions are just because I was looking at those boards. I'm sure its not a symptom as I am only 4dpo ... :: sigh :: Cmon time ... pass already!! LoL!
I think anything and nothing could be a sign of pregnancy :rofl: After my last 4 cycles of crazy preggo symptoms I'm assuming my TWW with the least symptoms will be my BFP cycle. And funny enough, this TWW has been very uneventful. Lol. And I'm buying some second hand maternity clothes so I'm hoping I'm pregnant....lol.
Go mommyb!! Buy those clothes! I used to think that doing things like buying baby clothes or diapers, etc was "bad ju ju" but I actually think "why not!" My husband does not believe in "bad ju ju" and I don't either anymore. Go for the clothes ... I think you ARE going to need them very soon!! :)
I'm so upset I want to cry. Hubby won't try anymore this month, he doesn't want to get the flu from me. So that is another month out for us... He actually just said to me "one more month isn't going to kill us" I DOESNT WORK THAT WAY!!!!! I'm so upset and furious!!!!

Mommyb, I love that your buying clothes!! Good for you!!!

Disney- I really think you have a great outlook. If I didn't think I was just out this month I would be right there with you.
Aww I'm sorry Craigbaby :( But you're definitely not out!
Thanks craigbaby but didn't u say u DTD prior to O and on the day of O? I can't remember who said it but the post O bd'ing is more of an investment to "make sure" just in case. I don't think u r out just because of this. We only bd ' d as u see in my chart below, 3 days leading up to O and on the day of O And now we haven't since. We had also bd ' d on CD 8 and 11 but I think those probably "didn't count" because they were early on. If u r nervous about no bd afterward, maybe I should be too?

Does anyone look at CM? I never have but maybe I need to start doing this. What should I be seeing for CM at 4 dpo?
Hope everyone is doing well during this storm! So sorry you have the flu, craigbaby! Get plenty of rest and fluid!!

Mommyb glad to hear you're feeling a bit better! Your temps are still looking good.

Disney I wouldn't worry too much about the flat temps right now. they're still above your coverline, so I wouldn't necessarily worry too much right now. An evap is basically a false positive. Usually after the allotted time (although I had one within 10 min) where the pee is evaporating and somehow the test appears to be positive. I really don't know how it does it. Usually blue dye tests are known for having evaps, which is part of the reason FRERs were great (that and sensitivity ) although I don't like them anymore. There used to be an awesome site called peeonastick.com that had TONS of information about all the tests. Not there now. Bummer.

Anyway, I typically think of a squinted as a verrry faint BFP. (Definitely within the time frame)

Afm- DH and I have made up but both fell asleep without bd bc we were so tired. Hopefully today. Being out of town limits where/when we can do it. Oh well. I feel like I'll get my positive opk tomorrow. Having a ton of pinchy pain in my ovary now. Fx'd!
Apparently my phone was slow to load the latest updates. I was a page behind.

Craigbaby I definitely don't think you're out. Day before and day of O is still perfect timing. I wouldn't worry about not dtd now. I hope that nasty flu is gone soon.

Mommyb that's great that you're getting clothes! And I've read before that some people who have a ton of tww symptoms have very few their BFP month!

Disney I agree with craigbaby- you have a great outlook. You should check out twoweekwait.Com. Totally addictive and so great reading all the bfp stories. :)
One more I swear! about cm- used to follow it a lot more closely during tww but from what I've read in the past, there really isn't a correlation between CM or CPand BFP during that time. Mine was all over the place with both pregnancies. And not in the same pattern either. I will say I never really dried up after O. Maybe only difference but I don't every month anyway.
Disney I never check CM internally. Just whatever is in my undies or when I wipe. If you ever check other BFP charts on FF I've seen some where they only DTD 4 days prior to o and got a BFP! I think we're all covered!

Sophiasmom I'm glad you made up with DH and I hope you get some good bd in before O :)

So since I've been sick I've had horribly plugged ears. I've felt pretty much back to normal today. But decided to google "early pregnancy and plugged ears" and apparently it's a symptom!! I rarely have plugged ears while sick and it is not going away! Plus I've had a super bloody nose today! I know that both nose and plugged ears are linked and a sign of early pregnancy. As uncomfortable as my ears feel I'm kinda excited!! :rofl:

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