Waiting -- don't let the softcups scare you. I started using them 2 months ago. I had never.. um.. reached in there for any reason, so I was very worried about having to push them in and then pull them out. But they go in super easy. You just smoosh the sides together and then it's about the size of a tampon. Just push it in til it's past the pubic bone. It kinda jut disappears suddenly when you get it in the right spot.
Now, getting it out is a bit more of a trick. I put mine in while still laying down, so I assumed it would be easiest to get out while laying down.

Don't try that! Best way is to sit on the toilet, bear down like you're going to the bathroom, and this will push the softcup closer for you to be able to reach in with your finger and hook the rim of the cup. Then just pull out and forward (not down). You'll very likely spill the contents of the cup, so another good reason to be sitting on the "loo".
It does take some practice, so the first time you use them be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to get it out. But once you've done it, it will be easy. I promise!
The biggest benefit I've found from them is that it keeps there from being a wet spot!!!!! Whether it helps with conceiving or not, I still love them!