30-somethings TTC #1 Testing and Support Thread!

The biggest benefit I've found from them is that it keeps there from being a wet spot!!!!! Whether it helps with conceiving or not, I still love them!

Isnt it messy when it goes in after BDing? This is probably way tmi (sorry) but when we BD we get a wet spot straight away?? :blush: You are making me curious now about perhaps ordering some. How long do you leave them in for?

Don't worry, very little is TMI around here! :haha: Ok, here's what I do. Immediately upon being done, I take a wash cloth and hold it against me, then try to get a pillow under me. Then because I'm tilted up a bit, I can get the softcup in no problem.

I got a bfp!!! Omg!!!

Hooray!! CONGRATS!!! :wohoo: :happydance: :dance:
Hmm perhaps I should order some and give them a go next month (assuming no bfp this month)
:happydance: Congrats MrsTTC

Britt so glad your cat made it back safely. I think I've decided if I don't get a BFP soon we're getting a dog!
LuckyD, could you please put me down for the.... oh let's say the 20th. My chart seems to think the 18th, but I'm going to trick myself into thinking I need to test later so I don't get the overwhelming urge to POAS too early! :haha:
Softcups scare the hell out of me - perhaps Im being a big wimp! Let us know how you get on Lucky.

Just said on the SMEP thread, I think I probably actually would have got a +opk last night so tonight will be the second :sex: in a row, then insurance BD on sunday. Am shattered. Will have done SMEP to the letter and dont think I could repeat it if the BFP doesnt come this month.

What are everyone's plans this weekend?

Will definitely let you know how I get on with the softcups. Good work on following the SMEP to the letter - not always easy! Hope that all that hard work pays off for you this month xx

Waiting -- don't let the softcups scare you. I started using them 2 months ago. I had never.. um.. reached in there for any reason, so I was very worried about having to push them in and then pull them out. But they go in super easy. You just smoosh the sides together and then it's about the size of a tampon. Just push it in til it's past the pubic bone. It kinda jut disappears suddenly when you get it in the right spot.

Now, getting it out is a bit more of a trick. I put mine in while still laying down, so I assumed it would be easiest to get out while laying down. :nope: Don't try that! Best way is to sit on the toilet, bear down like you're going to the bathroom, and this will push the softcup closer for you to be able to reach in with your finger and hook the rim of the cup. Then just pull out and forward (not down). You'll very likely spill the contents of the cup, so another good reason to be sitting on the "loo". :)

It does take some practice, so the first time you use them be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to get it out. But once you've done it, it will be easy. I promise!

The biggest benefit I've found from them is that it keeps there from being a wet spot!!!!! Whether it helps with conceiving or not, I still love them!

Thanks for all the helpful softcup info Squirrel! I am definitely going to read that again before I give them a go...

hello lovely ladies,
well I have had a hard couple of days- our beloved cat went missing for 2 days, she came back this morning on her own a little beat up but okay none the less :hugs:

An update on me, I had my IUI this morning and it was a bit painful as the nurse couldnt get into my cervix easily...lol, but it went well. The analysis on DH's sample was awesome, so now we just have to wait and see.

hope all is well, what is new? any new BFP's? the nurse doesnt want me to test until June 7th lol...the day my period would be due, I will try and hold out :winkwink:


Hey love, so happy that your cat came back! And that your IUI went well - that's really good news. Do you want me to put you down for testing on the 7th? Good luck - I hope this is it for you! xx

I got a bfp!!! Omg!!!

WOO HOO!!! Congrats MrsTTC - that is so awesome! :happydance::happydance:

LuckyD, could you please put me down for the.... oh let's say the 20th. My chart seems to think the 18th, but I'm going to trick myself into thinking I need to test later so I don't get the overwhelming urge to POAS too early! :haha:

No worries love! I have done the same thing - not testing until much later this month!

Hope everyone is doing well! I am good except slightly hungover...we went to a friends birthday dinner last night, and someone was making cocktails...delicious at the time, but feeling the effects of it today!
Softcups scare the hell out of me - perhaps Im being a big wimp! Let us know how you get on Lucky.

Just said on the SMEP thread, I think I probably actually would have got a +opk last night so tonight will be the second :sex: in a row, then insurance BD on sunday. Am shattered. Will have done SMEP to the letter and dont think I could repeat it if the BFP doesnt come this month.

What are everyone's plans this weekend?

Will definitely let you know how I get on with the softcups. Good work on following the SMEP to the letter - not always easy! Hope that all that hard work pays off for you this month xx

Waiting -- don't let the softcups scare you. I started using them 2 months ago. I had never.. um.. reached in there for any reason, so I was very worried about having to push them in and then pull them out. But they go in super easy. You just smoosh the sides together and then it's about the size of a tampon. Just push it in til it's past the pubic bone. It kinda jut disappears suddenly when you get it in the right spot.

Now, getting it out is a bit more of a trick. I put mine in while still laying down, so I assumed it would be easiest to get out while laying down. :nope: Don't try that! Best way is to sit on the toilet, bear down like you're going to the bathroom, and this will push the softcup closer for you to be able to reach in with your finger and hook the rim of the cup. Then just pull out and forward (not down). You'll very likely spill the contents of the cup, so another good reason to be sitting on the "loo". :)

It does take some practice, so the first time you use them be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to get it out. But once you've done it, it will be easy. I promise!

The biggest benefit I've found from them is that it keeps there from being a wet spot!!!!! Whether it helps with conceiving or not, I still love them!

Thanks for all the helpful softcup info Squirrel! I am definitely going to read that again before I give them a go...

hello lovely ladies,
well I have had a hard couple of days- our beloved cat went missing for 2 days, she came back this morning on her own a little beat up but okay none the less :hugs:

An update on me, I had my IUI this morning and it was a bit painful as the nurse couldnt get into my cervix easily...lol, but it went well. The analysis on DH's sample was awesome, so now we just have to wait and see.

hope all is well, what is new? any new BFP's? the nurse doesnt want me to test until June 7th lol...the day my period would be due, I will try and hold out :winkwink:


Hey love, so happy that your cat came back! And that your IUI went well - that's really good news. Do you want me to put you down for testing on the 7th? Good luck - I hope this is it for you! xx

I got a bfp!!! Omg!!!

WOO HOO!!! Congrats MrsTTC - that is so awesome! :happydance::happydance:

LuckyD, could you please put me down for the.... oh let's say the 20th. My chart seems to think the 18th, but I'm going to trick myself into thinking I need to test later so I don't get the overwhelming urge to POAS too early! :haha:

No worries love! I have done the same thing - not testing until much later this month!

Hope everyone is doing well! I am good except slightly hungover...we went to a friends birthday dinner last night, and someone was making cocktails...delicious at the time, but feeling the effects of it today!

thanks hon, we are really happy to have her back- lots of cuddles :)
We please put me down for the 7th of June
Morning Ladies :flower::flower:

Well, the weather is lovely in England at the moment! I spent the day in the garden chilling, enjoying the sunshine and had a BBQ. That's what life's about!

Well I've chosen an ICSI clinic and have our first appointment booked for 1st June. If I'm honest I'm still a little hesitant but OH wants to get moving and by then I'm sure I'll have worked things through in my head. OH has decided to stop drinking altogether, shock!! He hasn't been drinking much anyway but now wants his swimmers to be in the best condition possible for when we start. Obviously I've had to join him, I would feel guilty sitting next to him with a vino in hand.

I can see I've got some catching up to do on this thread!

Britt11 - So glad you got your cat back, it's awful when they go off isn't it. We had a problem with a womean down our road who kept feeding one of ours. Honey (thats the cat) keep going round there and I had to ask for our cat back. The woman said she thought Honey wanted to live with them, I said I wasnt surprised because you're feeding her all sorts of treats of course she wants to live with you!!!

Waitng4Baby#1 - I kinda started using softcups last month (well did it once) I don't think I'd pushed it in far enough because I could still feel it. Mid way through the push I got panicky that I wouldnt be able to get it out again. I'm definatley going to give them a go again though - Ever little bit helps right?! Hope you are getting lots of :sex: action at the moment!!

MrsTTC - Yeay congrats!!!!:happydance::happydance: Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!

MyTurnYet - Although fertility testing is an anwful thing to have to do at least you may start getting some answers as to why it hasn't happened for you yet. You never know you may while get the good news whilst you're going throught the process. :hugs:

LuckyD - Hop tge hangover's gone now :haha: Don't you start your new job on Monday? Good luck!!

Love to all you girls, we'll get there in the end!!! :hugs:
Thanks so much everyone. I was sure it wasn't my month . I tested from 8 dpo and had no syptoms but perhaps looking back i had some spots (don't normally get them), strange dreams and was clumsy...not normal symptoms!

We used preseed this month and the clear blue ovulation test kit. Obviously worked!

Trying not to get too excited, scary 8 weeks or so now to get to the safe bit!

Think it was 12dpo when I got BFP and used the cheapie internet ones and got such a faint faint line so bought a digital one and got a 1-2 weeks prego!
Well, the weather is lovely in England at the moment! I spent the day in the garden chilling, enjoying the sunshine and had a BBQ. That's what life's about!

Well I've chosen an ICSI clinic and have our first appointment booked for 1st June. If I'm honest I'm still a little hesitant but OH wants to get moving and by then I'm sure I'll have worked things through in my head. OH has decided to stop drinking altogether, shock!! He hasn't been drinking much anyway but now wants his swimmers to be in the best condition possible for when we start. Obviously I've had to join him, I would feel guilty sitting next to him with a vino in hand.

LuckyD - Hop tge hangover's gone now :haha: Don't you start your new job on Monday? Good luck!!

Love to all you girls, we'll get there in the end!!! :hugs:

Hey Springflower, great to hear from you. Sounds like you have had a lovely weekend! We are just heading into winter here...I miss summer already!

Wow, 1st June - that's not too far away! I hope that you are feeling ok about it - I can understand feeling hesitant. That is great that your OH has stopped drinking - he seems totally on board which is awesome. Let us know if there is anything we can help with - it seems from your post you still have a few things going on in your head about it all - if you want to talk about it we are here!

Hangover is not too bad thanks! :haha: Just tired and time for bed now!

Thanks so much everyone. I was sure it wasn't my month . I tested from 8 dpo and had no syptoms but perhaps looking back i had some spots (don't normally get them), strange dreams and was clumsy...not normal symptoms!

We used preseed this month and the clear blue ovulation test kit. Obviously worked!

Trying not to get too excited, scary 8 weeks or so now to get to the safe bit!


That's such great news love! Very happy for you. I hope the next 8 weeks go smoothly (I am sure they will!) and that you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!
Morning Ladies :flower::flower:

Well, the weather is lovely in England at the moment! I spent the day in the garden chilling, enjoying the sunshine and had a BBQ. That's what life's about!

Well I've chosen an ICSI clinic and have our first appointment booked for 1st June. If I'm honest I'm still a little hesitant but OH wants to get moving and by then I'm sure I'll have worked things through in my head. OH has decided to stop drinking altogether, shock!! He hasn't been drinking much anyway but now wants his swimmers to be in the best condition possible for when we start. Obviously I've had to join him, I would feel guilty sitting next to him with a vino in hand.

Love to all you girls, we'll get there in the end!!! :hugs:

Springflower, thank you for the kind words, makes me feel much better. :hugs: Good luck starting your treatment June 1 - that really is so quick! I'll be thinking of you. Great to hear your OH gave up the drinking, too. I'm trying to get mine to do the same. His most recent SA came back good so he doesn't seem to think drinking is hurting, but I want to try to do everything we can, you know?
:happydance: Congrats MrsTTC

Britt so glad your cat made it back safely. I think I've decided if I don't get a BFP soon we're getting a dog!

I agree w/ bongo, Britt. Glad your kittie is home safe. Already have a dog, but if no BFP for us soon, I'm going to get a kitten!! DH doesn't know it yet, but I just have to have something new, cute, and furry to look at and love.:cloud9:
I'm out for this month. :cry: Next test date is June 16th. The day I'm scheduled to go to OB to discuss my "fertility situation." Oh boy...


Good evening, ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm wondering, is anyone here using Vitex or Soy Iso? I bought both, but now I'm confused which one to take, as I was told on another thread that they cancel each other out!!


I use Vitex. Afraid to try Soy for fear that it'll make my Fibroids worse. I know you're not supposed to take Vitex w/ Clomid...and Soy is supposed to be nature's Clomid, so perhaps try just one for now? Not sure if that helps or not? :shrug:

I did a bit more research and plan to try Vitex for now.

Check this out.... I think I might try this "recipe"


Squirrel, that link was extremely helpful...thanks so much for finding and posting! :flower:
thanks girls, you all are so sweet- "Charlie" is still eating, drinking and sleeping lots!! making up for lost time :)
SpringFlower can I ask why you are going to ICSI? Was your dh's sperm analysis poor? sorry I think you might have mentioned it a few pages back, but I forget. I know ICSI is very expensive but has huge success.

Lucky- glad the hangover isnt too bad

I have a wicked headache since last night and woke up with it, its on one side of my head- hopefully not too serious, I never take any painkillers- and I have taken a ton of Tylenol with no relief...agghh


Springflower, thank you for the kind words, makes me feel much better. :hugs: Good luck starting your treatment June 1 - that really is so quick! I'll be thinking of you. Great to hear your OH gave up the drinking, too. I'm trying to get mine to do the same. His most recent SA came back good so he doesn't seem to think drinking is hurting, but I want to try to do everything we can, you know?

Hey Chick, It's quick because we are paying for it, we have enough saved up for 3 attempts, but after that all our savings will be gone. So fingers crossed it works for us! The wait for us to have one go for free is 2-3years, which is just too long for me!

I really stuggled in getting my OH to chill on the drinking. He'd do quite well but then go on a bender. He didn't realise that one heavy night can upset the swimmers for 3 months. I think the final appointment when they said we needed ISCI finally drove it home to him.

I find it very difficult to understand that I can't control this, I feel like it it was down to me I'd do everything I possibly could to help my body, unfortunalety I think with blokes it takes them a while to come round to that idea!

That's fab news that your OH's SA results were good. Are you guys having other tests?

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