I'm broken hearted. OH's swimmers havent improved at all. We've been told ICSI is our only option. Gutted.
Oh, Springflower, I am so so sorry love

I just did some reading about ICSI and people seemed really positive about it - I really hope it works for you. Sending you lots of hugs and support

Hi! Can you add me to May 31st? Thanks1
No problem, will add you now. Good luck!
My vacation was wonderful and DH and I got in a lot of

Hopefully it will do the trick. I think I have six more days until testing. No symptoms at all, but there is hope.
Welcome back! Glad you had a great time away and get lots of BD action! Good luck for testing xx
LuckyD, thank you for adding me. Im due to ov in about 6 days. Really looking forward to it. How are u doing, has AF arrived yet? All the best hey, dont worry at all, we'll keep trying til we get it right.
Thanks Rompy - woke up this morning to strong cramps and spotting, so just waiting for AF to arrive in full force! It's cool, I am ok - yep we will stick it out here til we are all knocked up! Have fun waiting to O!!
Hi, I was down for testing today but have had another early m/c. Three +ves; Monday, yesterday and today then bleeding started. Gutted and fed up. Not going to ask to be added to next month's list.
I am so, so sorry love

I can only imagine how hard this is for you, sending you much love and support

be kind to yourself and take it easy xx am really sorry
Am determined to stay upbeat, i am sure it was said somewhere that the word for sex in eskimo language translates to the laughing time, I am going to stick with that definition
This is just awesome Ejay, I love it! I am going to stick to that definition this month too!
Hi to everyone else here!!
So as I mentioned, I woke to strong cramps and spotting, so that is definitely it! But for some reason I am ok, no tears shed for the first time ever! I have positive things to focus on - a new job starting next week - and plus it means my LP is a bit longer this month so that's really good. Thanks so much for all your support - it really means the world. On to June!!! Once AF arrives properly I am going to figure out my testing date - June is going to be the month!