Giggles - I'm all for being realistic. For instance, I've realized that getting knocked up is going to take much longer than I expected initially so I'm just going to try and enjoy the "trying" without trying too hard. It is a fine line!
giggles and jaimie - totally agree about the 'realistic' thing - it's a good attitude, and then if you do get a BFP it's a nice surprise. I am going to try hard to do this as well this month!
Jaimie ... Yeah, it is taking longer than I thought but that was down to my own ignorance! Since TTC I have learnt loads! I am trying each month not to get my hopes up about a bfp and enjoy trying.
LuckyD ... A bfp would be a lovely surprise especially with the timing of everything this month.
I actually have my heart set on a Feb baby! So I think if I don't get my bfp next month I will be gutted!!! Not sure why a Feb baby lol.