I am hoping to be joining you, I'm only 3DPO and know it's too soon to symptom spot, however I feel really different this month. My BBs are huge and very sore, I'm stuffed up and keep bursting into tears, also this morning my gums bled when I brushed my teeth which never happens. FXed!
J x
Fingers crossed for you JJay!!!
Squirrel- Let us know how the soy works out. I'm tempted to try next cycle.
I'm just waiting...stuck in the 2ww. Temps seem to keep stair stepping up and I've had a good deal of CM. I've already packed a FRER in my vacation bag. We leave Wednesday night and will be gone for 10 days.
I hope you have a lovely and relaxing time away parkgirl, and hopefully you will come back with some good news to report! Sounds good about the temps and the cm
Good luck Park, and have a great vacation! I'll be sure to report on the Soy.
Ok, really dumb question time... you know the story Jack and the Beanstalk... what did they call the beans... just magic beans, or what? That's what I want to call my Soy Iso pills....... lol...
Ha ha, you're funny! Yes, I think they were just called magic beans....hope that your new magic beans grow you a nice little beanstalk!
I moved up my gyn appt to tomorrow and I have an appt with a fertility specialist in 2 weeks. I can't wait any longer. My periods make no sense and I'm impatient. I'm a little sad about the whole thing though
Sorry you are feeling sad lovely

That is good that you have moved your appt up, maybe it will feel positive to feel like some action is being taken? I wish you the best of luck
Thanks for all the kind words and congratulations ladies. It really, really means a lot. I love this thread - it's so supportive and it's so nice to have an understanding about what it means to be TTC your first when you are a bit older.
I am just wondering what you want to do about running this thread? I am of course happy to keep going but at the same time want to offer the opportunity to anyone else that wants to run it. Just so you know, the original person that started this thread got her BFP one month after starting it...I think this is the third month I have run it....so maybe it is good luck! Anyway, just want to put it out there. I can finish this month off and someone else can have a go if they want?? Up to you!
Thanks again lovely ladies