Hey Ladies
How are you all?
Well I am officially off the starting blocks. I started injecting on Tuesday morning. I was terrified at first, I think I said about 8 1,2,3's before I managed the 1st one. It hasn't really got easier but I'm managing so it's fine.
Feeling ab bit sorry for myself, but as I'm currently having the menopause induced, I'm not surprised!
Hope everyone is well. It's great to see JC got her postive! Think it's about time we had some more though, don't you ladies!

Hey springflower! Wow, good work on the injections - that must be hard. You know my fingers are super duper crossed for you xxx
Hi everyone
Thought I'd say hi as just come across this group which applies to me 
Just recently had mc on my first pregnancy first time ttc, been to epu today and told my hcg are 0 which is great, 9 days after mc started.
I have just opk tested this evening out of curiosity as had some left sided ovarian pain last two days and got a faint line! Which was a suprise as its right on cue with how my cycle was before I was pg as read after mc your cycles normally change to longer and unpredictable. So lets wait and see.
All the best of luck to you all and hopefully get to know you better 
welcome foxforce! I am so sorry to hear about your recent loss

hope you enjoy the thread. Love your name btw - is that a reference from Pulp Fiction?
Well ladies, I have had one crazy weekend - won't go into it all as have just done a big rant on my journal, so feel free to get the details there - but I have been staying at my Mums all weekend as my grandfather has been really sick. Friday it looked like he wouldn't make it through the day. Family from all of NZ came down, and we all got ready to say goodbye. However, he is a fighter and has amazed the Drs by slowly getting better! He is doing really well now - no-one can believe it and we are really happy!
Just got home a few hours ago, 14dpo today and have been cramping and spotting brown blood. I knew AF was arriving. Then the spotting stopped and for some reason I used an OPK - which came our really positive. So took a HPT - positive.
Am in disbelief and won't really believe it for a few days I think...still scared it is going to disappear...but also a bit excited.