Congratulations JCfromKC!! That is FANTASTIC! Do you mind sharing how long you've been trying for and any tips you think helped?
We've only been actively trying for 4 months, however, we were waiting to try for about four months before that. So, I've been taking prenatal vitamins for about eight months now and drinking Red Raspberry leaf tea somewhat regularly (not every day though, as when I drank it every day in the beginning, it gave me super heavy periods), and tracking my cycles really closely.
I totally thought that after waiting to try for four months (DH and I have been together for 12 years, married for five, so, in a way, I've been waiting to try for much longer!), that it would be immediate. But, after the first and second month went by, I started using an OPK. After that didn't work the first month, I finally realized that I just needed to relax a bit, and I think ultimately that is what helped the most.
DH and I only had a chance to BD twice around the time I was ovulating, but I was determined to not let it effect me. We worked a ton on the house which put me in a great mood, and I made plans to go out with girl friends to take my mind off of everything.
The only other thing we did differently this month was I had DH stop drinking soy milk last month, as I heard that excessive soy can mess with men's testosterone levels. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I figured it couldn't hurt. He drank a lot of soy milk!
WOOOOOOOO!!!!! That is so exciting!! Congrats love, that is amazing news!
What symptoms were you spotting?
Wow, so happy for you!!!!
I did have a lot of symptoms, which is why I tested early. I felt super tired all weekend, slightly nauseous, and my lower abdomen has been sore. Then, Sunday night I started spotting a tiny bit but it stopped Monday morning. Usually when I spot like that, the next day my AF will come. So, when it didn't I knew something was up.
first I must say congrats to JC. great news.
Ok ladies I need some help. Our friend is in town this week for a seminar and she's coming over tomorrow night to visit since we haven't seen her in awhile. We found out last month that she is pregnant (about 5 months now) and due in October. I openly admit I am jealous of her but I am of course happy for them as well. Can't help but being envious as it was my plan to be due in October so I feel she stole my plan (unbeknowst to her of course).
We haven't seen her since finding out about her pregnancy and I'll be honest I'm really really concerned about how I'll react when seeing her. I just have no idea what emotion is going to come out. I don't want to seem rude or disinterested, so I'm looking to you ladies to help me get through this. I need some words of wisdom or even some funny thoughts to put in my head so I don't totally lose it tomorrow. It doesn't help that I'm PMSing this week so my emotions are all over the place already. I'm fully prepared that the minute she leaves our house I will start bawling. Any advice would be greatly appreciate.
Sorry for the rant but I'm having one of those "why is it happening to everyone but me" kind of days and you guys are the only people I could think of to talk to about this. I know its childish and immature but I can't help it.
Bonjo, I hope your friends visit turns into a good thing for you. I think everyone on the forum has felt the way you do at some point. I know I have. I had to deliver something to a client of mine who had just gotten married two months beforehand. While I was there she told me she was 6 weeks pregnant. I congratulated her and then went home and totally cried. Pregnant on the first try and just two weeks after getting married? How is that fair. But, as soon as I got that out of my system, I was able to be happy for her.
I have a good friend who is also pregnant who, upon finding out that we were trying, proceeded to send me all of the info that she had accumulated on TTC and told me how long she and her husband had been trying. It made me feel really good to hear, not just the good news, but the trials and tribulations behind the good news. To know that most people go through at least some sort of wait and effort. It's a very few that get lucky right away.
So, I hope your friend's visit will end up being really good. Maybe she'll have some ideas or advise for you. I know everyone on here has their BFP coming to them soon! The best advice I got, I got on this thread. And that was just to relax and have fun! And ditto on the wine!