30 yo and TTC #1

Here's to trying again right away Ladders! Good for you! Hope your body snaps right back to its normal self!

Awww sorry Miskas! When are you due? I was looking at your chart from last cycle...you have a couple more days to hang on right?
As for me, no AF this am. My cramps kind of went away... Tmi but had another bm this morning like I usually do when I get AF and NOTHING! What the hell!?
Miskas, don't be upset until the witch shows! You're still above the line!

JCM, still sounds very promising! Gl! :)

Ladders, I'm here cheering you on! Good luck! : ) I'm so glad your husband was able to open up to you! It's always good to let it out! Wish my husband would do that more!

I am just so excited that I ovulated on CD16. I'm so excited about this cycle. I'm nervous because I noticed my temperatures are much lower than the rest of my cycles. I wonder if that means anything.
That's awesome lsd! What a great change. I wouldn't concern yourself with the lower temps, so many things can affect that. You saw a pattern, that's what matters.

Sorry about the BFN Miskas. How frustrating :( Maybe you implanted late?
Lsd, you got some good BD in around that day so I'm excited to see what happens! Woooohoooo!

In other news, I hired a dog trainer. I can't seem to crate train my dogs. I feel too bad. So she will be training them and me. Haha wish me luck. She will come to my house! I cleaned up the second pee spot of the morning, threw up on top of it, and said ok enough of this! Either I'm pregnant and this will happen every time I clean it up, or I'm just not able to handle an old smelling pee spot anymore at my old age of 30! Lol!
Bfn today. Lame. I told DH we should do it tonight to kick start AF...lol
Sorry about that negative, JCM! :( Hopefully you are pregnant or your period starts so y'all can get started on that baby! :) Hope the dog training went well!
Curious glad to hear things feel relatively normal. Hope this cycle will be back to normal for you!

JCM keep us updated! Hoping that AF comes soon so you can move on or you finally get your BFP!

Miskas I'm still hoping this is it for you! When will you go for a blood test to see if the tests just aren't showing a positive?

Ladders I'm sorry that you are going through all of this heartache but I am glad that you and your hubby can be open with each other enough to have an honest conversation. I hope that as you try for your rainbow, that it will be quick and this one will stick!
Alright, so I am obsessing a bit today. My temperature went up a bit more which started to make me think I ovulated on CD20 instead of CD16. However, once I started thinking about my CM (sorry if TMI) and the lack there of for the past couple of days makes me think I did ovulate on CD16 and not CD20. Plus there is a higher jump on CD16 than CD20. We were going to BD on CD18 but it just didn't happen and then last night(CD20) we were way too tired and felt a bit odd after eating a horrible (and I mean HORRIBLE) Mexican dinner. So if I did ovulate CD20 I'm shit out of luck. I have convinced myself that I did ovulated on CD16 but I am just not sure if I am saying that to make myself feel like I have a chance or because I really did. UUUGH.

I must keep myself occupied now and stop obsessing!
I'd go with the CM. Lots of environmental factors can mess with your temperature, but your CM isn't going to change because you had a couple cocktails or didn't sleep well or the bedroom was warm.

Hope those of you waiting for positive tests or AF get some good news soon! I'm peeking in and cheering everyone on while I wait for June.
RforReal, prob, will call the dr after we get back from DC next week, if AF doesnt show.

Still no sign of AF.. yesterday i felt like total crap! my hip was killing me, backache, headache, naseous, cramps(sort of).
Today i feel normal, other than (sorry TMI) the lots of CM.. and a few i guess you would call them Twinges, they are not really cramps... Oh and lets not even talk about the super sniffer, i can smell every little thing.. my coworkers lunch literally almost made me gag.
I have a question. I've only been tracking ovulation for 2 cycles, but it seems like my luteal phase might be a little shorter than ideal. The last 2 have been about 11-12 days, if I'm counting O as the day after my first OPK. Would you guys worry about that? I'm thinking about starting a B Complex vitamin to see if it extends it a day or two. How long would you give the B Complex before thinking about something like Vitex? If a longer luteal phase leads to a thicker uterine lining, is that going to potentially make AF longer or heavier?
FF is thoroughly confused by me right now. I updated my wakeup time since I started this new job but apparently when you do that it waits for the majority of your temps in a cycle to be taken at the new time before it starts marking the open circles correctly. Well, I haven't been able to take a consistent temp this cycle yet because the damn cat keeps waking us up between 5 and 6:30am. Luckily it's early in my cycle so it doesn't matter but darnit, I want my chart to look right! Also I'm shocked AF is still going when I'm pretty sure I didn't O. Hopefully this is a good thing.

lsd, I think CD16 is definitely right. Your chart makes much more sense that way. Don't think about it!

Miskas, I can't believe you're still hanging in there with no AF! Are you planning to test again?

MrsK, I've heard that you only need to worry if it's under 10 days. I don't think the Vit B can hurt since it's water soluble but I'd be leery of Vitex since you're ovulating regularly. The reports of women saying it messed up their normal cycles scared me when I was deciding whether or not to take it.
Lsd, I agree with MrsK about the cm. I'd go with that as your O.
Miskas, I feel the same as you, backache like my muscles are sore. I had cramps Tuesday then they were gone til last night . I peed before bed thinking here it comes (it's always comes full force) and nothing. I wiped and there was tan? cm. I've been pretty dry all week when usually it's cm city down there before AF! Anyway, I didn't even wear a liner last night to bed. I figured if I don't wear one AF will come. Nope! Woke up this morning, no cm, no flow. Hung by the pool with my 4 year old stepdaughter and our friends today. Started cramping, ran to the bathroom and nothing! I'm so frustrated. I'm testing again tomorrow with FMU.
I called my RE to say maybe the tan spot would mean my period is coming and can I can my ultra sound scan now? She said no, that's not your cycle you have to wait. Ugh. So you know what I'll do? I will have sex when DH gets home and that should knock it out of me!!!
MrsK, I don't know about Vitex but when my cycles were 21 days and my LP was super short my periods were 5 days, heavy the first 2 days and light the last 3. My RE adjusted my prolactin levels with bromocriptine and put me on heparin to reduce inflammation in my uterus. Stretched my cycle out to 24 days and gave me a longer LP. I still O around CD9 or CD10. My periods are exactly the same. Well, except this annoying one is almost 4 days late! : /
Thanks ladies. I ordered a B 50 complex, I'll start right away when it shows up on Saturday. That gives me a cycle and a half for it to work. Kind of hoping it extends my cycle by a couple days so I don't have to deal with AF while on vacation, but if it bumps O up by a couple days I'll still be happy. I've been ovulating on the late side, usually around CD 17 or 18 of a 30ish day cycle. I hope it helps. My LP isn't short enough that I'd bring it up to the doctor this early in TTC, but if I can tweak it a couple days and increase my chances, why not?
AF IS HERE!! I can have my ultra sound tomorrow! So excited to get started!
MrsK I would be careful with Vitex. I think B complex is fine but I've heard that Vitex can screw up your cycle of you are regular. My LP is 11-13 days, average of 12, and my doc said it was fine when I met with the fertility speciast.

JCM so exciting! Glad you can finally get started!

Miskas I can believe you are still waiting! I would be at the doctor by now for sure. You are patient!
my sister said the same thing! we are leaving tomorrow for Vacation, so i knew i wouldn't be able to get in before we left anyways. Hopefully AF stays away during vacation, and i can get a BFP!

Im gonna try another test tomorrow with FMU and see what i get.
Thanks guys! I'm pretty positive it was CD 16 now. I put the question up on the TTC forum on FF and got a majority vote on CD16 as well. So, I'm going with that!

MrsK, I agree with everyone else. I wouldn't take vitex since you are already ovulating! The Inositol that I have been taking for my PCOS is a form of B vitamin and I believed it has helped me tremendously and what helped me ovulate earlier than I normally do. I started taking around March 20th so it took at least one cycle.

JCM, I'm glad the witch finally showed so you can get started! :) Yay! :)

Owl, I bet the longer period is a good thing! Hopefully this cycle is a good normal cycle for you! :) At least you have the stuff to get you gearing up for ovulation if not!

Miskas, I look forward to getting an update from you tomorrow!
Jcm glad that af had arrived so you can get on with your plans. Keep us informed, wishing you luck.

Miskas any news on testing I'm crossing my fingers for you.

Just had my first flashing smiley on opks and not quite sure how I feel about it. Dos I know your not temping but are you using opks? Think we night be cycle buddies again

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