ladders, yay for a positive OPK. I know it's a bit upsetting and a bit exciting as well. There are some women who don't ovulate as soon as you have so feel blessed!

But it is very reasonable for you to have mixed feelings! Talk them out here! We'll listen! Lots of baby dust to you!
Miskas...booo for bfn! I don't know if I can wait for you to get off vacay to find out! LOL

I would say maybe you ovulated later than you thought BUT your chart would not make sense then. You have a clear ovulation day! GL! Have fun on your trip! Hopefully the witch stays away and baby dust sticks!
Dos, haven't heard from you lately! How is the taking a break from the temping going?! Making you feel less stressed I hope! If you are on ladders schedule as well then you'll be ovulating soon so just want to send some baby dust your way!!
I drove down to visit family this weekend and got to watch my niece last night and get to watch her this afternoon/evening! She is going to be spending the night with mom and I'm here at mom's house spending the night as well!

I get her all to myself this afternoon though. I would have taken her all day but my sister pays for daycare and wanted her to go in at least for a little bit. SO that is how my weekend is going! Keep my mind off of it for a while, because I'm so freakin excited about my chart. I've been through this once already a couple of charts ago so...don't want to get let down again!
My niece has just started crawling and pulling herself up to I'll be chasing her around all afternoon!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll be checking in on the evenings!