Hi everyone! So sorry I disappeared again! Hopefully though, I will be back to TTC here in a few weeks.
This is the gist of the reason I have been gone so long.
- I haven't ovulated or had a natural period since November.
-Went and saw an OBGYN about it in February and she did blood work and an ultrasound. She found several dozen cysts on each ovary. I got the blood work back a few days later and she said all my hormones were normal. I asked her if I had PCOS and she told me "no." She gave me provera to restart my period in hopes that it would reset my system. Had a provera induced period on March 1.
-Went to see my GP for my thyroid and asked her what she thought and she said that if I had cysts on my ovaries and hadn't been ovulating then I did in fact have PCOS. So, I made an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist for May shortly after.
-I had a follow up appointment with the OBGYN scheduled since I still hadn't ovulated (this was mid April) and she made me come in and see her (and pay her copay) only to tell me that she wouldn't do anything further for me until my husband got a semen analysis done. (I really felt that she could of told me this over the phone instead of making me take time off work and paying her).
- Got the semen analysis done on my husband and everything came back stellar:
-Sperm count was 75 mil
-Motility was 65%
-Morphology was 6 or 8% (hard to read)
- Finally got in to see the RE today and she looked at my blood results from Feb with the OBGYN and it is blatantly obvious that I do have hormone issues. (Even though OB said everything was perfectly fine) FSH was 5.3 then and LH was 22.7, so something like 5-6 times over what it should be for LH. So, she confirmed that I do in fact have PCOS. I am now going in tomorrow morning for a fasting blood test to check my insulin resistance and testosterone levels (amongst other things). Depending on my insulin results, she will be starting me on Metformin (or clomid if no insulin issues) after my period is done (she gave me a round of provera to start my period again).
She looked at my charts and she said my first two months looked great. So, with my husband's sperm being good and with me medicated, I SHOULD be able to get pregnant fairly quickly she says.
SO YEAH, thats been my life the past six months lol..... It's just been a really long, really frustrating road for me so far.

I have only been TTC #1 for 8 months but have been absolutely unable to TTC at all for 6 months of it. That and paired with a completely ignorant OBGYN that wasted my time the past 3 months.
Anyway, I am looking to be active around here again now that things are seemingly progressing. Like I said, It's just so hard to be active in a community like this when absolutely nothing is happening. But, I just took my first pill of this provera round so things will be moving right along now I hope!!