30 yo and TTC #1

Owl, I had the same sleeping problems every month I temped. I think it's just the pressure of knowing we're supposed to be sleeping well - and it keeps us up. It sucks. That's mostly why I took this month off temping...and I have slept like a baaaaby.

Fx lsd!

My husband and I spent the day together to celebrate my 30th which is tomorrow, and it was nice - but my day started out pretty crappy. I got an invitation in the mail for a baby shower for my 21 y/o niece. I was so afraid this was going to happen...that my parents would be made great grandparents before I could give them another grandbaby.... I cried...hard...and had a little panic attack until I threw up. I don't think I've ever literally cried myself sick before. It was rough. I'm feeling a little better but damn, it sucked to find out she was having a baby before me. Such a heartbreak.
Owl, I'm in agreement with Dos. I tend to get excited or nervous I'll over sleep when taking temps. Or you might be worried or used to the cat. ;-) Hope you get a full night's sleep this weekend!

Dos, finding out others are pregnant before you when you really want one is upsetting! I was upset when I found out my sister was having a baby before me. As the oldest daughter I wanted to have the first grandchild! I love my sister and niece tons! But it was so hard on me at first. I was still trying to talk my husband into having a baby then! ( I've been ready for three years and husband finally got on board last year!) Your time will come and you'll be a great mother! I'm sorry you were so upset! I have a great sister in law who could tell when I'd start to sulk about it around my sister and she'd touch my arm to tell me my time will come. Smile! I hope that helps some!
Ugh, sorry lsd! :(

Dos Glad you had a nice birthday, sorry about the invite. It's tough to deal with.

Anyone heard from Miskas? I wonder how she's doing!

As for me, I have my follow up with our FS in late June to talk about IVF. With the new job it's hard to get time off so I had to wait til I've been here for awhile. I hate the wait! I think we also need to talk to a geneticist but I imagine he will refer us once we talk next time.
I'm so sorry, lsd. :(

RF, I hope late June gets here in no time! I'm excited for you!
Aw, lsd. So sorry :(

Hugs Dos. That sucks. I know your parents will be thrilled to be grandparents again no matter when it happens but I completely understand how hard it is.

I'm back from our weekend away. We were staying with friends and she came off the pill a couple months ago so we've been comparing notes and commiserating. Her first cycle was almost exactly like mine, right down to being 39 days but then apparently she just got AF again, 30 days after that. She said she's not sure since she screwed up her chart but that sounds like Oing to me. I'm super happy for her because it sucks not Oing and I know her fertility has no affect on mine but I'm so jealous. They're not even ready to start trying anytime soon! It just feels really unfair and I feel so broken, I want to cry. Doesn't help that at CD15 I'm still having the faintest OPKs ever. I know it could still happen this cycle but I'm just feeling down. I'm giving it until we get back from Australia in late July and then I'm making an appointment with a RE. I know my Obgyn would give me Clomid in a couple months but they didn't even mention doing a SA for my husband before they would do that and that seems wrong to me. Hopefully things will happen before that (I so wanted to be pregnant before the wedding we're going to June 21st) but at least I have a plan. Seems crazy to already be talking about this only 4 months in but if I'm not ovulating what else can I do?
isd i really hope its just spotting and you get your bfp, that happens alot, have you tested recently? hope your ok, still have fingers crossed for you.

owl i would definitely think about taking clomid if i was you, i wasn't sure if id ovulate this month because of the mc and it was driving me insane so you my love have the patience of a saint and im in complete awe of you!

well i didnt manage to get a bd in on the thursday night but did on the friday morning, so i got a postive opk weds and we dtd mon, tues, weds, and friday. not quite smep as i wanted but am hoping we got enough in to have a chance
Thanks y'all. I'm just so sad. I am curious if I ovulated on CD20 actually but I guess there is no way of knowing since I didn't take any OPKs. I was in such a sad place last night. When af didn't arrive Saturday I think my hopes got up a lot! ladders, with the temp drop as well as the spotting yesterday, I have a good feeling my period is coming but MAYBE you're right?! I'd love for you to be right!

RF, late june will be here before you know it! Yay! Very excited for you to get things rolling!

Owl, do you plan on taking Vitex at all?! It sucks that you're not ovulating! I'm so sorry!

ladders, sounds like you got some good bding in during ovulation week! Good luck! Cheering you on! ;-)

So, I have a job interview this afternoon! :) This will keep my mind off my period coming soon! :)
Thanks ladders. I think your timing this cycle sounds great and that you have a really good chance :)

Really sorry about AF lsd but I still think Oing earlier is a great sign for things to come. Good luck today!

I've actually been taking Vitex for a month now! I started it CD55 last cycle. So it was a month yesterday. 2 weeks later I got AF, though who knows if that was connected. I know it works slowly so I'm trying to give it time to do it's thing. We'll see. I've been taking 1200mg a day.

Luckily work is good, but busy, so that keeps me distracted. It's just times like boring 5 hour drives from NC when I have too much time to think. But I'm trying to do some positive visualization and deep breathing anytime I feel down about all of this. I know stressing won't help at all.
Hey Ladies I have returned safely! we got back yesterday afternoon.

STILL NO AF!!! But another negative test as well. And i called my dr. before i left, they wont do a blood test without doing an exam first, which is such crap! So i am gonna hold out a few more days and try another test. Its kind of annoying now....

However, we had an awesome time on Vacation!!
Welcome back Miskas! How frustrating! I hate to say it (and hope you get a BFP in the next few days or from a blood test) but it sounds to me like you're having an anovulatory cycle. I think you and I are both proof that chart's aren't perfect! My chart last cycle was the one where FF was convinced I O'd on CD9 all the way until I got to CD27.
Hi everyone! So sorry I disappeared again! Hopefully though, I will be back to TTC here in a few weeks.

This is the gist of the reason I have been gone so long.

- I haven't ovulated or had a natural period since November.

-Went and saw an OBGYN about it in February and she did blood work and an ultrasound. She found several dozen cysts on each ovary. I got the blood work back a few days later and she said all my hormones were normal. I asked her if I had PCOS and she told me "no." She gave me provera to restart my period in hopes that it would reset my system. Had a provera induced period on March 1.

-Went to see my GP for my thyroid and asked her what she thought and she said that if I had cysts on my ovaries and hadn't been ovulating then I did in fact have PCOS. So, I made an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist for May shortly after.

-I had a follow up appointment with the OBGYN scheduled since I still hadn't ovulated (this was mid April) and she made me come in and see her (and pay her copay) only to tell me that she wouldn't do anything further for me until my husband got a semen analysis done. (I really felt that she could of told me this over the phone instead of making me take time off work and paying her).

- Got the semen analysis done on my husband and everything came back stellar:
-Sperm count was 75 mil
-Motility was 65%
-Morphology was 6 or 8% (hard to read)

- Finally got in to see the RE today and she looked at my blood results from Feb with the OBGYN and it is blatantly obvious that I do have hormone issues. (Even though OB said everything was perfectly fine) FSH was 5.3 then and LH was 22.7, so something like 5-6 times over what it should be for LH. So, she confirmed that I do in fact have PCOS. I am now going in tomorrow morning for a fasting blood test to check my insulin resistance and testosterone levels (amongst other things). Depending on my insulin results, she will be starting me on Metformin (or clomid if no insulin issues) after my period is done (she gave me a round of provera to start my period again).

She looked at my charts and she said my first two months looked great. So, with my husband's sperm being good and with me medicated, I SHOULD be able to get pregnant fairly quickly she says.

SO YEAH, thats been my life the past six months lol..... It's just been a really long, really frustrating road for me so far. :( I have only been TTC #1 for 8 months but have been absolutely unable to TTC at all for 6 months of it. That and paired with a completely ignorant OBGYN that wasted my time the past 3 months. :(

Anyway, I am looking to be active around here again now that things are seemingly progressing. Like I said, It's just so hard to be active in a community like this when absolutely nothing is happening. But, I just took my first pill of this provera round so things will be moving right along now I hope!!
Welcome back Bee Bee! I'm glad you got everything figured out! I too have pcos but I haven't had any trouble ovulating! I have high testosterone though. I have been taking Inositol for insulin resistance and also Vitamin D and Omega 3's to lower testosterone. Anyway, hope this all works out for you! :)

Miskas, I'm sorry! How annoying!
Ahhhh lsd I'm totally bummed!!! Still catching up with everyone...glad to see Dos! : ) welcome home Miskas and I agree, how annoying! Glad you had a great time! I think I'm ovulating today or I did yesterday. Lots of cramps. Not used to this not using opks but I feel so relaxed. Sex was actually fun yesterday! One more week and I get to stop putting bcps up my vagina! Lol ohhhhh my exciting life!
Massive hugs Bee. So glad to hear from you and so happy it sounds like things are finally moving along. That's great that you guys don't have any other issues.

Trust me, I feel your pain. I've been "TTC" since Jan and haven't O'd once. It definitely makes it hard to be active when you have literally 0 chance. I mostly hang out in this thread and that's it. It's just too hard to go onto the other boards.

I'm really glad to hear about your RE vs ObGyn experience. I'm planning on going to an RE if I don't O in the next month or 2, even though my Ob would give me Clomid. I like them a lot but I just don't trust them to handle this issue.

Thinking good thoughts for you! I know you're going to get your BFP soon.
Miskas and owl, I totally feel for you guys. How frustrating. I really hope your bodies start making sense soon!

Bebe, so good to see you again! I'm so sorry about your loser OBGYN. I've had my fair share of idiot doctors in my past and understand that frustration. But at least you are finally on the right path with good doctors behind you! And we're glad you're sharing it with us again. (:

Today has been a day of step-taking for me and I feel great about it! My DH finally "dropped our kids off at the lab" (his words for the SA), and that feels great! Also we finally pulled the trigger on some debt consolidation we've been needing to do. We cut our debt payoff time from 28 years to 4.5 years and we walked out of there feeling so much lighter. So today has been a good day. I've needed it after a rough few days. Plus I just got a card from my husband's sweet aunt that reminded me that 30 is actually a great decade...and I'm suddenly feeling good about saying goodbye to my 20's. Good stuff. Now I've just got to get through these next 2 weeks of summer-crazed teenagers and then I'll be on summer break!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Dos, I am so glad everything is working out for you and that you get your summer vacay soon! :)

I think I am going to follow in your feet, Dos. I am going to stop temping now. I originally wanted to start temping to see if I was ovulating and making sure there were no luteal phase problems! I think I am good in both! SO! No more temping! I think it'll help during the two week wait as well! :) I am no going to keep up with how many dpo I am. I'll just know when my period is due and try to relax until then! I am also starting some Yoga and try some mediation at night. Trying to relax is very stressful. LOL :)

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