30 yo and TTC #1

yuck owl i feel your pain... 6 months post pill, and nothing yet.... my dr told me the same thing.. :hugs: hope you get the house!
Ugh, Miskas! Sorry about your body this month. What a jerk! Hopefully the spotting just stops!
Welcome, tuamora! The book lsd recommends is excellent! Good luck to you!
Owl and Ladders, I went to real estate school. Ugh! What a nightmare! My parents actually just sold their house in less than 30 days and found one they love and are in the process of closing on it now. I hope it goes quick for you girls!

As for me, ultrasound today confirmed my cysts are bigger and my body has decided to ovulate right through the work of these birth control pills. Yuck. So I will do an hcg trigger tonight and force the rest of ovulation out and get a blood test Monday to confirm my progesterone levels are above a 3. Thennnn I will stop birth control and start my period on our Disneyland trip. Isn't that lovely? I planned this trip around my period so what a bummer! Oh well. Then I get another ultra sound on June 5th to make sure cysts are gone for clomid start. Sooooo fingers crossed I have the iui mid June. I will however BD like crazy the second I get this trigger shot tonight. Just in case! ; )
Sorry owl! I can understand how frustrated you are! I hope everything works out soon! :)
Well, ladies. I have decided to take a break this cycle. Relaxation is really what I need to be doing so I think taking a break for one month will help me out tremendously. Ever since getting pregnant in November and having a miscarriage I have just been DETERMINED to get pregnant. I think I need to relax and enjoy this process! ya know?!

How is everyone else?

Ladders, has the witch arrived yet?!

Miskas, have you been to the doctor yet?!
Thanks guys. I so appreciate all of the support. It's just frustrating to be 4 1/2 months into this process, still not be ovulating, and yet keep seeing everywhere "the pill has no affect on your future fertility!" Knowing what I know now I would have still taken it when I was younger but I would have stopped much, much sooner. And it's kind of crushing to see women who went off it after I did already be in their 2nd trimester. It feels like, okay, what's wrong with me?

Anyhow, all our terms on the house were accepted, just finalizing the price negotiations now! Not looking forward to our 3rd move in 3 years but it will so exciting to be somewhere we can do what we want and have a little more stability, so yay! And it's a perfect set-up for when we get our baby :)

Miskas, your chart is cracking me up. FF might be drunk. 38dpo, really? Looks like AF is on her way though hopefully. After my last cycle I spotted for 4 or 5 days before she finally showed up full force.

Crossing my fingers for you JCM that you either get an amazing surprise or that your body cooperates!

That sounds like a great plan to relax lsd. Are you planning to not try at all or just no timing, tracking, etc?

Dos? ladders? What's up with you ladies?
LSD i was supposed to have an appt today, which i ended up having to canceling, because i was sure AF had arrived.... Now today NOTHING... spotted for 2 days, now its gone...

And Yes Owl this morning FF seems to think i am 38 DPO... i think its on Crack... Really???
Yeah, good job FF! That one makes sense. Speaking from experience, long anovulatory cycles seem to really do a number on it. I can't remember how many times I got fake crosshairs last cycle. 4? 5? Something like that. It's almost like adding insult to injury, I swear.

I also had a day last cycle, a few days before AF started, where the spotting completely stopped so don't worry too much yet. I bet she's still on her way.

Sorry though :( I know you're frustrated too.
Ok so I'm due on today and this morning had a very slight brown tinge when I wiped, thought was the start of af and put an industrial pad in as Dr said first af after miscarriage would be heavy. Nothing all day and have just done a hpt and not sure if I can see a very faint line! Don't know what to think not sure if I have line eye!!! Ahh where's a digital when you need it
Good luck, ladders!

We got pretty bad news today regarding DH's SA. His morphology is poor, low motility (26%), low progression (22%) and low normal count (26 mil). I'm pretty heart-broken. My doctor is supposed to call tomorrow with the plan. My heart just sank when his numbers were significantly lower than last time. Heart-broken and feel like hiding under the bed and giving up.
Owl, hopefully the move and all of the stuff that comes with it will be perfect distraction to stress less on baby making!
Hey Ladders!!! That is weird plus exciting! Fingers crossed it turns into something positive!
Dos, those were practically DHs results and it is fixable. He did everything he could to raise his testosterone levels plus some clomid. That was November and now he is almost totally normal to get me pregnant without any help! I just apparently have a hostile environment myself so it's iui for us! Look into what your insurance covers for fertility. Iui really could help you guys with a low count. They actually "wash" the sperm off and send them directly to where they are supposed to swim to. Might really increase your chances. Hopefully your dr will start him on clomid ASAP. My husband also took lots of vitamins, fish oils and ate sardines! Yuck! Now he's on this total workout kick and seriously looks so good. Makes me think I need to get my butt in better shape! Do any of you ladies workout? I'm thinking I might do this 30 day ab challenge...
Miskas - how frustrating! Keep us updated when you go to the doctor! Hope you can get some answers soon.

Dos - those numbers don't sound too terrible, don't get too discouraged! They are low, but a FS can work with those kinds of numbers. I second the advice to check your insurance. It sounds like you may be really good candidates for IUI. And clomid can work for guys if it's a hormonal imbalance causing the sperm issues.

JCM - fingers crossed for you as you head into IUI. So exciting! But maybe you'll get lucky this time around!
I do work out. I run almost every day. I'm bad about weights and stuff, I should be better, but I miss running when I don't get to go! I like the 30 day challenges. I did the squat one, maybe I'll do one again!

Ladders - fingers crossed for you! Keep us updated, sounds promising!

Curious - congrats on the house progress! That's awesome! We are just starting that process of looking for a place. It's exciting! I feel like a real grown up now. :haha:

Lsd - sounds like a break is a good choice for now. We are pretty much back to NTNP since we figured there's no point in actively trying if we have such low chances of successful natural pregnancy. It's actually a bit freeing to not have to take my temperature everyday or even really pay attention to signs and stuff. I know I'll be back at it as soon as we start next steps with out doctor but for now I am enjoying relaxing!
So I got up this morning and obviously had to poas but I only have Internet cheapies. Definitely a line but very very faint so I'm just crossing my fingers it sticks, so hard when I don't know exactly when af due but I do know I'm 15sports today.
Isd sorry for such a personal question but when you had your chemical when did your af come in relation to dpo. Just want to know at what point I can relax about that aspect.
I'm so so scared, showed Dh and he just said let's ignore it and test again in a week. Funny how different that was to last time when we was both practically jumping off the walls
I really think this break for us will do us some good! We're not temping, no poas, nothing. Just NTNP. If it happens then it happens. :) It feels good not having to wake up same time everyday and take my temp! :) My husband was beginning to feel like a sperm donater instead of a hopeful father to be! So it's just the best time for us!

Ladders, no worries. I'll be happy to answer any questions! I got my period within a normal time period. I will say it was a weird period! It was more like a brown blood and only lasted 3 days. However I didn't have a faint line! When you were finished bleeding did you poas again to make sure your line on the test was gone?

Owl, yay for moving! Well, not really. I hate moving. I moved 3 times in 3 years and it was just the worst. But finally moving into a house where you can change the colors of the walls and do WHATEVER you want with it feels great! :) We're looking into doing a renovation soon!

RforReal, how much longer do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?!

Dos, I'm so sorry that the results didn't come out so good but it seems like it possibly could be reversible or you have other options at least! It's not the end of the road for you! :)

MIskas, hopefully something happens for you soon! :)

JCM, 30 day ab challenge eh? WOW! I've started doing a bit of Yoga and I go for a walk every day but I am about ready to pick up my game and I've been thinking about doing some tae bo Billy Blanks dvd's. I'd really LOOOVE to loose 10 more pounds before the end of June! :)

Hope everyone is going to have a great weekend. We don't have anything planned on this side which is a great change! :) We've been so busy the past few weekends!
Yeah I had a negative hpt and then started opks and had over a week of negative opks before my positive so I know it's definitely not left over hormones.
Think that taking a break will be good for you does help with the sanity!
Oh yay ladders! I really hope this is your rainbow baby. Thinking good, sticky thoughts for you.

:Hugs: Dos. I'm so sorry for the bad news. Try not to freak out too much until you get to talk to your doc. There's so many things they can do.

JCM- I'm definitely hoping for some distractions. I need it! I do work out too, that actually helps me chill out. (After I didn't have a gym membership for a couple months DH assured me we'd always find room in the budget for it since I'm so much nicer to be around when I'm working out, lol.) I go to the gym 5 days a week or so and mostly do a bunch of different classes. Everything from Zumba to kickboxing to weights to spinning. I get bored so I like to do something new every day.

RForReal- I know, my DH and I keep laughing about the same thing. It's like we're grown-ups or something! Actually, I keep calling my dad with questions all the time, lol. Good luck on your hunt!

lsd- So glad to hear your enjoying your break! A renovation sounds exciting. We have some of that to do before we move in :)
My husband bought a squat rack! Plus now the couch is moved out of our gym at the house...so I can't just eat snacks and watch tv in there anymore! Lol
Ladders!!! That's amazing! I hope it sticks!!
Lsd I don't know how you or any of you girls temp...lol it would drive me crazy and I would never be accurate. The dogs sleep with us, I have 4 step kids 50% of the time and I wake up so much in the middle of sleeping. Plus, my husband snores. Loud.
Hey everyone. I am still stalking everyone. Hoping some BFPs are on the horizon for all of you. Just a quick note to say that we had our gender scan today and are having a girl. But I have to go back in a month for another ultrasound because there may be a problem with the placement of my placenta. Hoping everything moves to where it supposed to be. Good luck to everyone!
Just got a positive on clearblue digital so definitely a bfp! Just praying for a sticky bean.
I'm feeling really neurotic about it so hoping just to stay on this thread talking to you ladies for a while if that's okay?
Wow ladders, this happened so fast! That's so great. So happy for you. I think I've mentioned this but my mom had me the first cycle after a MC. But stay as long as you want :)

Congrats Reggie! Aw, a girl, that's awesome. Hoping everything turns out okay for you. Let us know what happens.

Very cool JCM. My DH desperately wants a squat rack for the home gym. I'm neutral since I have my gym membership and since we're not planning to live in this part of the country for too much longer (despite buying a house now!), it's just one more thing to move.

As for temping, now that I have my evening Vitex dose straightened out (can't take it too close to bedtime or it gives me insomnia), I have no problems but I know it doesn't work for some people. I've always been a really heavy, good sleeper. Most nights I'm completely dead until the alarm goes off.
Wow, that did happen fast for you ladders! Congrats! :) Hope this one sticks for you! :)

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