I really think this break for us will do us some good! We're not temping, no poas, nothing. Just NTNP. If it happens then it happens.

It feels good not having to wake up same time everyday and take my temp!

My husband was beginning to feel like a sperm donater instead of a hopeful father to be! So it's just the best time for us!
Ladders, no worries. I'll be happy to answer any questions! I got my period within a normal time period. I will say it was a weird period! It was more like a brown blood and only lasted 3 days. However I didn't have a faint line! When you were finished bleeding did you poas again to make sure your line on the test was gone?
Owl, yay for moving! Well, not really. I hate moving. I moved 3 times in 3 years and it was just the worst. But finally moving into a house where you can change the colors of the walls and do WHATEVER you want with it feels great!

We're looking into doing a renovation soon!
RforReal, how much longer do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?!
Dos, I'm so sorry that the results didn't come out so good but it seems like it possibly could be reversible or you have other options at least! It's not the end of the road for you!
MIskas, hopefully something happens for you soon!
JCM, 30 day ab challenge eh? WOW! I've started doing a bit of Yoga and I go for a walk every day but I am about ready to pick up my game and I've been thinking about doing some tae bo Billy Blanks dvd's. I'd really LOOOVE to loose 10 more pounds before the end of June!
Hope everyone is going to have a great weekend. We don't have anything planned on this side which is a great change!

We've been so busy the past few weekends!