30 yo and TTC #1

By the way, in case y'all are interested, I heard about this site originally for PCOS but was looking and saw they have meditations for all, including IVF and IUI. I am going to try it this month! It's worth having a look anyway!

How is everyone? Big plans for the weekend?!

I think I will enter my fertile window by tomorrow or already in fertile window (don't know for sure, confused by cm). Plan for the weekend is to have :sex: and make that :baby: :winkwink: I am going to POAS on opk from Saturday.

What's your plan for the long weekend ?
Sorry miskas, when do you plan on going to doctor?

fairy, get to bding! :) Have fun! :) hehehe

This weekend my Australian husband has one of his Australian friends coming to visit for a couple of days. He was here in the US to do some work and decided to spend the weekend with us. My husband is going crazy. He's super excited! LOL

Hopefully everyone has a great long non stressful weekend! Good luck fairy!
Hello, ladies! I've been laying low, trying to take it easy during my 2ww and not think about TTC much. With not temping and not symptom-spotting, this cycle has been so low pressure for me - such a nice break without actually taking one. It has also helped that I really don't have any symptoms to spot...lol. The only noteworthy thing is that my tatas hurt twice as bad as I can ever remember. Oh my good lord, if I accidentally lightly brush my hand across them, I go through the roof. They're always tender post-O, but this is more like feeling like I got hit in the boobs with a softball without even touching them. Haha...dunno, but trying not to read too much into it. As we all know too well, it could go either way with these stupid symptoms!

I'm glad you're taking a break from temping this cycle, lsd...I think you'll find it's a nice little mental break and it helps cut the obsession. Plus I'm telling you, I've slept like a baby this whole month...no more tossing and turning worrying about getting enough sleep for an accurate temp. I think you'll enjoy the change!

Miskas, I'm so sorry your body's being a bitch. I can't imagine that frustration. I'm rooting for it to make up its mind!

Owl, how's your body doing these days? Ladders, love, how's your 2ww going? Anyone else in the 2ww?
CD20 here and another super faint OPK. I thought they were getting darker for a couple days but not so much. I don't think it's looking good for this cycle either. I'm giving it until CD45 then it's Provera time. The only good thing I can say is at least I'm not having fertile CM when I'm not fertile, like the last 2 cycles. Still having weird sleep issues. It's super bizarre for me. I've never had trouble like this consistently in my entire life. The only thing I can attribute it to is the Vitex. Because I've been temping since Jan and didn't have any problems until now. A quick google search says it's a possible side effect so boo. I'm going to keep taking them but blah. I'm going to try to move my doses earlier in the day, see if that helps at all. I also picked an RE. I'm not going to go for a couple more months but I like to be prepared. I feel a bit better knowing I have that covered if I need it.

Rooting for you Dos, ladders, and anyone else in the 2WW!

Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend! It's mine and DH's first wedding anniversary so we're going to a super fancy dinner on Monday, doing some house hunting (think good thoughts for me ladies, our lease is up super soon and we desperately want to buy but there are so many terrible properties out there), and possibly having some friends over for a BBQ.
i caved and made a drs appt for thursday. i am insisting on a blood test, "they dont normally do them without an exam" is what the receptionist told me. I am not leaving that office until they do one.

Trying to keep busy doing other things. DH rototilled my garden last night and i have been planting all day :happydance: love gardening! Have a nice memorial day weekend for us here in the US
Hi all!!!
Oh Miskas I'd be going nuts if I were you!
Being on birth control these last two weeks is really screwing with me. My boobs have been killing me the last 2 weeks!!! I'm still on meds to control my prolactin levels. I feel like I did before I started taking them. : ( I can't even shower without feeling like my nips are being sliced right off too! Ugh! I have an ultra sound on Tuesday and then he will have me start my period (I'm supposed to start next weekend anyway) then, on day 5 I get my clomid! Oddly enough we are taking my husbands kids to Disneyland day 5-8. Lol please let me be normal on this drug! Then we will hopefully do the actual iui in the next week or so after Disneyland! Hooray! I'm so interested in how this will happen. Multiples is a high possibility! I have to say, it's been rather nice this last two cycles not using opks and having sex when I feel like it.
Happy anniversary, owl! I hope it's a good weekend so far.

Miskas, good luck with your appointment. I bet they'll do a blood test if you demand it. If not, they're nuts. I've never heard of them not doing a simple blood test without a full exam. That'd be dumb. I'm glad you're getting some gardening in to take your mind off things. I'm a terrrrrrible plant-parent, and I wish I were better at it. I could kill a cactus.

JCM, I'm so excited for you! Things seem to be progressing quickly. I can't wait for you to get to IUI day! So exciting!

I hope everyone else is having a good long weekend. My DH has been working all weekend but tomorrow he'll be home and we're grilling! I'm looking forward to some BBQ chicken, grilled corn and grilled stuffed jalapeños.....mmmmm.

I'm right at the end of my 2ww and it's starting to get harder. I'm leaning toward the feeling that AF is on her way, but I'm not positive. I've thought about testing, but I don't think I want to. Tomorrow will be 12dpo/CD24...my cycles are 24-25 days on average with lp's at about 12 days...and usually I would have started to feel a little cramping by now or spotting. It could just be a long cycle for me I guess? I dunno. I don't want to have hope is all...I feel more comfortable assuming I'm not. :\
Good luck dos keep us informed I'm really excited for you this month for some reason!
Miskas and owl I'm thinking of you guys and can't understand how super frustrating that must be

Sorry iv not been around much been a really busy week, we put our house on the market Monday and already have five offers of asking price so now going to bidding. Which is great but we can't find another house we like!! I gave spent every second house hunting lol. Still is keeping me from obsessing on the 2ww for the first time ever! Af due Thursday or Friday but won't test until Saturday because I can't risk seeing a chemical
Hope you find your perfect home, ladders!
Oh Dos, so sorry. I was thinking about you after you let us know about the issue you and hubby are having...maybe iui is an option for you? Might be worth checking into. Does your insurance make you wait a certain amount if time before seeing a specialist? I was able to go see a reproductive guy and he treated me for "endocrine problems" so all of my blood work and exams plus some meds were covered. Now that we are in the stage of actually making a baby, we pay cash. Semen analysis was always cash pay though... Iui where I am is about 500 bucks. My insurance covers NOTHING though.
I'm really not sure what my insurance covers regarding that. It's something I'm going to have to look into. I'm going to call my OBGYN tomorrow and see if they have our SA results yet. Maybe if they're low numbers again, this OBGYN (who seems more go-get-em than my last) can give him something to increase his numbers. I think I've heard they sometimes give guys clomid for that, right? I just want them to do something. We were able to get 2 successful BD's in this month at the exact right time and it made no difference. I think we might be on our way to solving our problem I talked about before (we finally found a few solutions that helped him), but if his little swimmers are sleeping on the job, it's not going to matter. Ugh. This sucks.
Yes! DH took clomid! Started with a quarter of a pill per day...now he takes half a pill. It has helped so much for his testosterone levels. Then he started working out and his levels kept climbing. He is almost at normal sperm count. It took a couple of months for things to get figured out. I guess sperm can take up to 3 months for reproduction? Try fertile aid as well. You can get them through amazon. Obviously try and get your results first... .let me know what the numbers are and we can compare! Lol I will find all of his results so I can give you the differences!
Hi everyone,

My BF and I have decided to TTC. I am 34 years of age and we have decided now or never. We went through some traumatic events in the past couple of months and have moved from one city to another during the time that I was supposed to ovulate. I believe I ovulated late and am beginning to spot. I am 7 days late for my AF, so the spotting could be my AF or Implantation bleeding, I am not sure. I have had 6 BFN's, for I have been testing daily since the missed period.

If this is my AF, I have no idea how to chart and I am new to the ovulation test kits, etc. Does anyone know any good literature for new person's such as myself?
So looks like AF is starting.... Had some spotting this morning... However my chart confuses the crap out of me.... Seems like a significant dip about 5 days ago.. The another sort of dip yesterday...and back up today and spotting... I am going to see what happens today.. If it starts I am going to cancel with the dr.. Now I'm kind of sad, i was really hoping that the tests were wrong... Stupid body :cry:
Hey Tuamora! Welcome! :) Implantation bleeding usually occurs 7-10dpo which would be inbetween the day you ovulated and your period. So if your period is already 7 days late I doubt it is implantation unless you ovulated later than normal. There is a great book on charting and family planning called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is a great book and I highly recommend it! :)

Sorry Dos! :( Stupid STUPID witch! Fx for you this cycle!

Owl, Happy belated anniversary! Hope you had a great time! Good luck on house hunting! I know how stressful it can be! We bought a house a year and a half ago! We're still trying to figure out how to decorate it! haha Hope you're closer to a darker line!

Ladders, Good luck on house hunting for you too! Hope the bidding went well! :) Hopefully it went OVER asking price! :) Fx for you!! :)

Miskas, I hate that AF is starting! I hope you get some answers soon!

JCM, looks like everything is in order! Hopefully everything continues to go smoothly for you!!

We had a great weekend! Husband got to spend some time with an old friend! We enjoyed having him. Now we're back to our regularly scheduled programs! haha.I'm already feeling pretty good about not charting this month! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! We had a good anniversary. DH took me out to a super nice restaurant in DC (best scallops and risotto, ever) and we spent some time looking through our wedding album and talking about all the good memories. I can't believe it's been a year already! It's gone by so freaking fast with moving out of state, starting new jobs, TTC, and now house hunting. Speaking of which, ladders, I feel your pain! I feel like house hunting is all I've done lately too. We're putting an offer in on a place today though so hopefully this will all get wrapped up sooner rather than later!

So sorry about AF Dos and Miskas :( Looking forward to hearing how the SA is, Dos.

Nothing new to report here regarding my cycle. Still no sign of ovulation. I kind of want to strangle all my ObGyns from over the years. No one ever even hinted that it was a possibility that the pill was going to ruin my fertility, which is kind of what I feel like it did at this point. Pre-pill I had a pretty regular cycle and I have no signs of PCOS. Maybe I'm a rare case (all of the women getting pregnant in their first couple months post-pill suggest so) but still. And I had some bad times with side effects, etc on some pills I tried so why did no one ever tell me, "hey, maybe try not being on the pill"? And I feel bitter about my ObGyn telling me, "Make sure you use condoms if you don't want to get pregnant your first cycle off the pill, otherwise you WILL get pregnant!" Ugh. So, I'm only 30 years old and don't have PCOS and used to have regular cycles but here I am looking at fertility specialists and contemplating serious fertility drugs... WTF.

Anyhow, sorry for the rant. Just feeling frustrated. DH has heard this word for word about 5 times and I think he's over it.

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