30 yo and TTC #1

Oh ladders I just teared up! I'm so happy this happened quickly for you. My heart broke last month. Please stay and chat! Hope you and your hubby have a relaxing nice weekend.
Reggie a girl! How exciting! Hopefully your ultra sound is just fine. Good that they are being proactive. How are you feeling otherwise?
Owl I need your energy and motivation! Funny that everyone seems to be moving/house hunting around me in my life. I'm trying to be caught up in everyone else's crazy lives so I don't focus too much on my own! Lol that trigger I had the other day worked exactly 36 hours later. I for sure felt ovulation cramps. I got some BD in but I better do it again tonight! : ) just in case you know...oh and ps I am so emotional this last 2 days. I'm a nightmare!
Ladders, I hope this is it for you!

I haven't been around because we've been out of town and we were preventing last cycle. I just wanted to update on the vitamin B complex. I'm not sure it's lengthened my luteal phase, since I haven't sat down with a calendar yet. I didn't notice any spotting leading up to AF this month, and this period has been super easy, relative to other months. I've been taking Aleve for unrelated soreness, so that may have helped, but I haven't had any cramping or backache, and I always have at least one night when terrible backache keeps me awake.

I'll report on luteal phase once I do some math - it might have lengthened by a day or so. Or next month, assuming I don't get pregnant.
Started brown spotting, well it's like brown tinged cm so I'm really starting to worry its a chemical. Af was due Thursday and I'm still getting a positive hpt Saturday morning. Isd when you said you never got a faint line did you mean you didn't get a line at all or it was darker than a faint line? Sorry I'm just freaking out a bit
This is my test today, does it look too faint to be 16dpo?


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Wow ladders, congrats! Hope this one sticks for you!

Reggie - a girl! so exciting! I hope everything gets worked out, I don't know anything about that but hope they can give some answers and easily correct it!

My insurance is all worked out, I just am waiting for my appointment on June 20th to discuss IVF. We had to wait until I was at my job awhile so I could take time off for the appointment. I hope that we can get started soon after my appointment in June, I'm really sick of waiting. Since it would take a miracle to get pregnant naturally, I feel pretty helpless with my future family in the hands of someone I have to schedule time with at least a month in advance. The limiting factor is that in order for FMLA to work for me, I have to be at my job for a year. But I don't think I'm at risk of that anyway.
Ladders, that is awesome! Hope it sticks this time!!!

So now I'm just super confused.... Someone please look at the last 2 weeks of my chart...

Owl, did you get a super spike?

This am my temp was 97.69! Never been that high before.. Ugh, I'm defiantly calling the dr now... I was hoping to just start, but I had that one day of spotting, now nothing more....
Miskas I wish I could help but was never able to temp because of my work shifts.

Dos did you hear back from the doctor about a plan? Hope your okay
Hi MrsK! I hope the Vit B helped out and keeps working. Good luck this cycle.

Yeah Miskas my temp has been super weird! I was hoping the low temps meant I might O or get AF but then it jumped .9 degrees overnight. I've never seen that. So weird. And all of these temps have felt accurate (slept well, wasn't too warm or cold, etc). So I have no clue. I guess it's just being screwy because of yet another anovulatory cycle.

Your temps to me look like the same kind of thing. Just that crazy up and down shit. But it was super high today. It's hard to tell without the last couple days but maybe you O'd? Give it a couple days. If you didn't I'm sure it'll drop again. Sorry AF hasn't come :( Definitely get Provera from your doc if you can. No reason to keep dragging it out. I'm giving this cycle 45 days, so 15 more, then I'm taking it.

I do like that FF is sticking to it's guns with you now 42DPO, lol.
RforReal, it's almost June 20th! Yay!!!
I'm not really a temper because I have no patience for it but you seems to be exactly like owl! I'm so sorry these cycles are happening for you. So annoying!
Ladders, when will you get to go in and see so,done for confirmation? Are you still testing?

Amf, I had my p levels checked and just waiting to make sure I ovulated ok after the trigger so I can stop these stupid birth control pills and let my period happen. My face is completely broken out along with my back (ew I know!) I feel like a high school boy going through puberty. : ( hoping for no cysts on Thursday at my ultra sound! Then I can go to Disneyland for the weekend and hopefully be getting over my period so I can have a real shot this cycle!
Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing good! I've been pretty busy as of lately. Just now catching up!

Ladders, I got a faint line and it started to get a bit darker but never got same as the test line. How is everything going?

MrsK, I hope your luteal phase does lengthen and good luck! :)

Miskas, anything new?! Going to doctors to get tested or pretty sure you haven't ovulated yet?

RforReal, glad you got something set up and can get going! Only a couple more weeks to go! Fingers crossed you can get started right away! :)

JCM, good luck at your ultrasound on Thursday! :) NO CYSTS! :) Disneyland sounds like a blast!

Owl, how is it all going? When do you start moving?
Jcm here you don't go in to see the dr for confirmation just make an appointment with the midwife and I provisionally have on at the end of June. Thinking I might pay for a private reassurance scan at 8 weeks if I make it that fair.

Isd I'm doing okay, brown tinged cm disappeared so thinking either implantation or breakthrough as it was the four days I should have had af and maybe my lining extra thick as not had af following mc.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone coming to ovulation or in the tww?
Glad to hear no bleeding, etc ladders!

Things are moving right along, huh, JCM? That's great :) Have fun on your trip!

We had our home inspection this morning. It went pretty well. A few things to work out with the current owners but mostly all seems good! The timeline is a mess since we won't close until the end of the month, then we go to Australia for 3 weeks a few days later, then our lease is up August 1st, and in the meantime we need contractors to come in and fix a few things. Oh, and we go to an out of state wedding the first week of August! Not so sure how it's all going to work out but at least it's distracting me from my endless anovulatory cycles. I'm giving my body until the beginning of next month to O and then I'm making an RE appointment for when I get back from the August wedding (we also have another wedding to go to out of state in a couple weeks). But hopefully I will O (and get my BFP!) before it comes to that. Just trying to be positive :)
Good luck with the closing, Owl! And Ladders, I'm glad things are still looking good for you!

Hope everyone else is doing well. I still have a week or so until Go Time, so I'm enjoying the last little bit of relaxation.
Owl, I forgot you're going to Australia. You'll be going during their winter! What all do you have lined up to do? What cities will you be visiting?!
Congrats Ladders!!!

Owl- I might of missed it but have you gone to the doc yet? I stopped ovulating because of PCOS, not BC. Going off of BC can cause PCOS to come on. Might want to go and get that checked, just to be sure!

AFM: My blood results came back and I do have an insulin resistance. My insulin is supposed to be 5 at the highest and its 16. So, I started on Metformin on Monday and my period also started (from Provera) on Monday. So, I'm hoping that by CD19 then I will have been taking Metformin long enough that I will be able to ovulate. I've also been trying to cut out carbs slowly since eating low carb should help as well. And by carbs I mean bad carbs, like sugar and bread and so on. But still will consume good carbs as much as possible. Also they tested my blood type and apparently I am A+ :P
Bee, it might be worth looking into taking a supplement called Inositol for your insulin resistance. I've been taking it for 3 months now and it has seemed to help me. I ovulate on CD20 normally and just after two months I ovulated on CD16. My insulin resistance is actually not bad but I tend to produce more testosterone than normal. So I have been taking Omega 3's to help that as well. I have also cut out carbs, which has been hard for me because I LOVE bread! I try to eat meat and veggies mainly. But when I do want bread I buy the Ezekiel bread. I've lost a little over 10 pounds now just by changing my diet and taking those supplements! :)

Anyway, just wanted to share a website with you that has a bunch of different articles and talks about what foods are good and what foods are bad. She has an entire article on why people with PCOS shouldn't have dairy. I still have milk in my coffee but have taken out cheese and creams. Worth having a look if you'd like! I'll post the link of the Inositol article.

Hope you find this helpful!

Sooooo... I think I ovulated! For real this time, lol. I noticed my OPK strips starting to get darker on Tues. They kept getting darker until yesterday afternoon when I got what was either positive or 99% there. (I can see the draw of digitals now!) It was lighter this morning and even lighter this afternoon. Evening tests don't work for me so I'll double-check tomorrow morning but I think that was it. I've been having tons of watery CM and this morning I had some weird cramping. Actually, I've felt like it was the first day of AF all day. Considering the only dark OPK I ever got before this was hours before AF started, that doesn't surprise me too much. I think for me the symptoms might be pretty similar. I've been forcing my poor exhausted DH to BD. I'd like to get in tonight and tomorrow too, just to be safe. We'll see. Fingers crossed FF agrees with me over the next couple days. Everything fits so just so hoping this is it. It'd also make me really happy if I did finally O that I didn't listen to my doctor when she told me to take Provera every 30 days.

Bee- Yup. I went to the doctor when I hit CD59 last cycle. I had a trans vaginal ultrasound and she said I didn't have any of the signs of PCOS. If I keep having screwy cycles and don't get a BFP I'm planning to go to an RE in a few months to make sure since I'm not sure how much I trust an Ob/Gyn to make that diagnosis. Good luck with the Metformin!

lsd- We're going to go to Sydney, Brisbane (where the conference DH is going to is), and Port Douglas (to go the Reef). In Port Douglas we're going to dive at the Reef. The tour I booked has both snorkeling and diving so I don't have to decide beforehand. We're also going on a trip up to the jungles north of there. We'll do normal touristy things in Sydney and we'd also like to rent a car and go out to the Blue Mountains since we love to hike. I'm also pretty into photography so I can't wait! I know it might be a little chilly in southern Australia but hoping it'll be nice on the east coast. Just so excited :)

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