Looks good owl, and boy did you get some good bd in! I'm both impressed and exhausted looking at your chart he he
Looks good owl, and boy did you get some good bd in! I'm both impressed and exhausted looking at your chart he he
Awesome news owl!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! My trip was good. Now I need a vacation from my vacation...I have another ultra sound this Friday to check on my cysts. Hopefully they are below 9! I think they will be since they were 28 and last week measured at 13. If they are smaller again I think I get to have a period and start my meds this next week! Longest wait ever but progress is good!
My best friend since the 2nd grade found out she is pregnant this last weekend! So excited for her but she wasn't trying and just stopped her birth control a month ago! Lucky girl! While I wish it was me, I'm glad we get to have our first babies together! Well, hopefully if it happens for me in the next 9 months. Lol
Hahaha! I'm going to have to learn to read charts one of these days!
How are things going for you, Ladders? Still good? You've been on my mind a lot.
Owl, I hope all the activity pays off! And JCM, good luck with the cysts. Sounds like you're on the right track.
I'm headed towards O, so DH is at bat tonight and every other night til I ovulate. I keep forgetting to take OPKs, after my month offI've resorted to leaving one on the edge of the sink waiting for me and hoping nobody other than DH and me unexpectedly uses our bathroom
My brother's wife invited us to join them on a cruise in February, and of course we can't commit if we don't know if I'll be pregnant (most lines don't let you cruise past 24 weeks). I put off answering on the basis of having just spent a lot of money on vacation, after a little mental hemming and hawing about whether to just tell SIL that we're TTC. Got home, mentioned it to DH. He works with SIL and they're also friendly, and apparently he told her ages ago, so I could have just come out with it. I swear we need an "in the know" list...
Hey Ladies.
I thought I would stop by and catch up on all that is going on. It sounds like there is some good stuff going on and some nice vacations!
Ladders: congrats! I wish you all the best and hopefully this one sticks!
A little update on myself: Life has just been really crazy and the hormones have been absolutely awful! I have gotten to the point where I will be going back on my anxiety/depression medication as I just can't take it anymore. Luckily, DH and my psychiatrist and OB have all been really supportive. Had our anatomy scan, we have a baby girl! Went for a fetal echocardiogram but they couldn't see everything because she was moving a lot and not in a good position so I go back on Thursday for a follow up and growth scan. That pretty much summarizes where I am at right now.
I hope everyone had a good Monday!
OWL! YYYAAAAYYYY!'Bout freakin time!
You did get a lot of BD in!
Good luck to you!
I believe I'm in the tww. Depending oh when I ovulated I guess. We didn't actually get a lot of BD because we've been so tired from working and going to water parks and such, lol. But we managed to do it a few times. We'll see. I believe I am going to keep up with not taking my temps and peeing to see if I am ovulating. We're just going to continue trying to BD every other day until CD25. I've really enjoyed not keeping up with it. It's a bit more relaxing and less stressful.
Mrsk and isd thanks for your thoughts, iv been okay, massively sore Boobs and Hpts now as dark as the control line and having a little bit of nausea morning and night but not sure if that's because house stuff causing stress but I'm happy with any symptoms because it makes me hope things are sticking. Getting a bit worried about the weekend as I was 6 weeks and 2 days when I first started bleeding and that's on Saturday which happens to be my birthday, just want to get past that mark and get to seven weeks safely. I know that it doesn't necessarily mean anything but I feel like it's a point I have to get past before I can start getting excited.
Has anyone heard from dos? Hope she's doing okay
Curious your chart looks great I can't stop checking it he he
Hey Ladies.
I thought I would stop by and catch up on all that is going on. It sounds like there is some good stuff going on and some nice vacations!
Ladders: congrats! I wish you all the best and hopefully this one sticks!
A little update on myself: Life has just been really crazy and the hormones have been absolutely awful! I have gotten to the point where I will be going back on my anxiety/depression medication as I just can't take it anymore. Luckily, DH and my psychiatrist and OB have all been really supportive. Had our anatomy scan, we have a baby girl! Went for a fetal echocardiogram but they couldn't see everything because she was moving a lot and not in a good position so I go back on Thursday for a follow up and growth scan. That pretty much summarizes where I am at right now.
I hope everyone had a good Monday!
Awww, another girl! Congrats MGreen. I hope you're still liking your new job. Sorry to hear things have been rough but it sounds like you're doing what you need to do to be healthy for you and your daughter. A good mom alreadyKeep us posted.
My appt got moved to Thursday! A whole day sooner! Yay! I honestly think these cysts might be bursting or something. I'm having pains like O cramps. Fingers crossed that it's them leaving the building. Lol
Ladders, happy birthday week! I'm actually happy to hear about your symptoms. I feel like it puts MY mind at ease for a sticky bean!
I heard from Dos a bit ago...she is looking into having hubby see someone to help his count I think. I'm hoping it's an easy fix like ours was. Maybe she's taking an internet break but I'm sure she will be back!
Oh, RforReal, if all goes well with my cysts, I may be in the 2ww while you are doing your RE appt! That's soooo soon! And I'm so excited!
I think I may O earlier this month. I've already got EWCM and a little spotting this evening, and my OPK was getting darker. Maybe the B50 is doing its job.
This thread has obviously been going strong for awhile, but I wanted to pop my head in and say hi to MrsK - I'm 31yo, so I don't know if I can postBut we are trying for our first, this is my fifth cycle, testing on Sunday!
My appt got moved to Thursday! A whole day sooner! Yay! I honestly think these cysts might be bursting or something. I'm having pains like O cramps. Fingers crossed that it's them leaving the building. Lol
Ladders, happy birthday week! I'm actually happy to hear about your symptoms. I feel like it puts MY mind at ease for a sticky bean!
I heard from Dos a bit ago...she is looking into having hubby see someone to help his count I think. I'm hoping it's an easy fix like ours was. Maybe she's taking an internet break but I'm sure she will be back!
Oh, RforReal, if all goes well with my cysts, I may be in the 2ww while you are doing your RE appt! That's soooo soon! And I'm so excited!
Yay JCM! I hope the pain is nothing serious. I've heard that cysts bursting are super, super painful so I would assume that O-like cramps probably wouldn't be anything bad. Keep us posted.