I'm the same way dreaming, I now don't consider testing until it's a couple days after my longest cycle...not that I've ever gotten that far.
I was wondering what day this month that was going to be for you.
Haha tree! I bet DH is juuuust fine with that! I remember telling DH alright I'm gonna need it a lot this week and his face would light up. It never felt like homework to him to do it. He was totally ready and on board!!!
I woke up this morning with lots of AF cramps in my lower back. Then I pooped and I felt fine. Lol started progesterone and estradiol last night so maybe the tricky P has me cramping already? I feel good though now. Some small sharp pains on the left side of my tummy but that's about it. On and off for about 20 mins. Maybe it's gas. Hahahahaa ohhhhh this is so fun.
Lol Jumping! I always feel like they have one job and we get all of the rest! Worrying and stressing about cramps and o days and cycles and spotting...etc etc. so whenever DH was like why aren't you I'm the mood? I responded with ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME!? I'm trying to figure out the rest of our lives here!!!"
I promise, I'm a nice wife but this infertility thing has made me nuts...and gassy apparently. I really despise these progesterone things. So mean. First of all, they're messy and it's gross and most annoying they mimic every single symptom pregnancy or PMS related. Before it was like "is this AF or am I knocked up?" Now progesterone is a 3rd option for me. If I'm pregnant, I stay on this stuff the first trimester which I will happily do as long as I have a baby in there. I should have bought stock in panty liners. I'm really grateful for those little gems. Whew! Rant over. I guess I'm a little cranky.
Try and hold out until 14dpo if you can!
I woke up this morning with lots of AF cramps in my lower back. Then I pooped and I felt fine. Lol started progesterone and estradiol last night so maybe the tricky P has me cramping already? I feel good though now. Some small sharp pains on the left side of my tummy but that's about it. On and off for about 20 mins. Maybe it's gas. Hahahahaa ohhhhh this is so fun.
Lol Jumping! I always feel like they have one job and we get all of the rest! Worrying and stressing about cramps and o days and cycles and spotting...etc etc. so whenever DH was like why aren't you I'm the mood? I responded with ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME!? I'm trying to figure out the rest of our lives here!!!"
I promise, I'm a nice wife but this infertility thing has made me nuts...and gassy apparently. I really despise these progesterone things. So mean. First of all, they're messy and it's gross and most annoying they mimic every single symptom pregnancy or PMS related. Before it was like "is this AF or am I knocked up?" Now progesterone is a 3rd option for me. If I'm pregnant, I stay on this stuff the first trimester which I will happily do as long as I have a baby in there. I should have bought stock in panty liners. I'm really grateful for those little gems. Whew! Rant over. I guess I'm a little cranky.
Try and hold out until 14dpo if you can!
Soooo I did something dumb. I tested today. Way too early I know!!! I was bored and it was my 3rd pee of the day. So I get a faint line on a dollar test. I had 7k of Novarel for my trigger plus a little bit of lupron. I read the half life for Novarel is 23 hours. So, that would mean I have 6.8 left in me today. 6.8! I mean, is that enough to give me any line at all? I'm crazy. I'm insane. But you guys already know this so I feel like it's fine. All I can really do is test in another day or two right?
Whyyyy did I do this! When I had my iui I triggered with 10k of pregnyl and that crap stayed in me til 11 days after the trigger (you all remember my false positive I got right?) and today would be day 11. I feel like this line is darker than that one was. Ugh! I have some hope but I know it's possible it's the trigger. Dammit, ivf! Why do you do it to me!?
JCM, I'm with Owl, I have such high hopes for you this cycle!Can't wait to see if we get our first set of twins on this thread!
Two for the price of one ain't so bad. ;-)
I get you on being gassy. I don't know much about progesterone but while trying to conceive (during the two week wait) I would constantly be farting and feel VERY gassy! It felt so unlady like but my husband thinks farts are hilarious (he was my first kid! haha) so at least he didn't get repulsed by me!
Thankfully, we're both immature 12 year old boys who laugh at farts hereI nearly kicked him out of the bedroom a couple nights ago, though... Between him and the dogs and my stronger sense of smell!!
AFM- We have a heartbeat![]()