30 yo and TTC #1

CD1 today, first cycle off the pill! I'm really going to try to not put too much pressure on this cycle, even though I did the math and likely if I don't conceive this cycle I'll need to skip the next couple if I don't want to be due too close to Xmas. But who knows if I'll even ovulate at all this cycle or how long it'll be. The only other time I went off the pill I had a normal cycle but I don't know if I ovulated. Although it'd be great to get knocked up right away, financially it would be even better to wait a bit longer so I'm just going to look at it as being positive either way :) This cycle is going to be crazy too, I'm traveling without DH CD7-10 (crossing my fingers I don't ovulate early!) and then we're both traveling out to CA CD14-21. So I think temping might already be a lost cause but I'm going to try!

That said, I feel like OPKs are going to be the most important thing this cycle. Does anyone have any thoughts on when I should start them? CD8? CD10? I just have no idea.
I think you should start testing around CD10. A normal cycle is 28 days and ovulate on day 14 so unless you're positive your cycles are shorter than that I'd say test CD10.
thanks ladies! she is doing better today :)

Really pleased to hear it. X :flower:

How is everyone today? I'm having one of those over emotional days maybe because had my blood test this morning and brought up the nerves. Tried to book a joint appointment for me and dh to get all results (is the sperm ones I'm scared of) and reception made it so difficult i actually burst into tears, felt very stupid and also quite sorry for the poor woman who didn't know where to look! We get results week tomorrow and feels like forever! :shrug:
thanks ladies! she is doing better today :)

Really pleased to hear it. X :flower:

How is everyone today? I'm having one of those over emotional days maybe because had my blood test this morning and brought up the nerves. Tried to book a joint appointment for me and dh to get all results (is the sperm ones I'm scared of) and reception made it so difficult i actually burst into tears, felt very stupid and also quite sorry for the poor woman who didn't know where to look! We get results week tomorrow and feels like forever! :shrug:

Sorry you are having a rough day. Hope you get good results! Waiting a week can be awful!

I am actually doing pretty well so far today (just woke up! and I slept REALLY WELL!). Sunday would be cycle day 28 and no sign of AF yet...With starting a new job next month, I really hope that AF comes...honestly, we have had so much transition recently, that would just add to another. Either way, I know everything will be fine...I just kinda have this feeling...not sure when I should test...
CD1 today, first cycle off the pill! I'm really going to try to not put too much pressure on this cycle, even though I did the math and likely if I don't conceive this cycle I'll need to skip the next couple if I don't want to be due too close to Xmas. But who knows if I'll even ovulate at all this cycle or how long it'll be. The only other time I went off the pill I had a normal cycle but I don't know if I ovulated. Although it'd be great to get knocked up right away, financially it would be even better to wait a bit longer so I'm just going to look at it as being positive either way :) This cycle is going to be crazy too, I'm traveling without DH CD7-10 (crossing my fingers I don't ovulate early!) and then we're both traveling out to CA CD14-21. So I think temping might already be a lost cause but I'm going to try!

That said, I feel like OPKs are going to be the most important thing this cycle. Does anyone have any thoughts on when I should start them? CD8? CD10? I just have no idea.

Good Luck! We can learn this temping thing together. My one co-worker who I tell everything to, comes into my office every morning to make me pull up my chart so she can see what it looks like today. (we are a strange bunch) She isn't TTC. She's actually mostly single right now. But she's just intrigued by the whole charting thing as she calls it. It's nice because it makes the charting kind of like a game and I don't stress about it.

thanks ladies! she is doing better today :)

Really pleased to hear it. X :flower:

How is everyone today? I'm having one of those over emotional days maybe because had my blood test this morning and brought up the nerves. Tried to book a joint appointment for me and dh to get all results (is the sperm ones I'm scared of) and reception made it so difficult i actually burst into tears, felt very stupid and also quite sorry for the poor woman who didn't know where to look! We get results week tomorrow and feels like forever! :shrug:

:hugs: I hate when I have those days. Plus the blood work just makes everything more stressful. Good luck!

Sorry you are having a rough day. Hope you get good results! Waiting a week can be awful!

I am actually doing pretty well so far today (just woke up! and I slept REALLY WELL!). Sunday would be cycle day 28 and no sign of AF yet...With starting a new job next month, I really hope that AF comes...honestly, we have had so much transition recently, that would just add to another. Either way, I know everything will be fine...I just kinda have this feeling...not sure when I should test...

Good luck. With whichever it needs to be this month. And with the new job
It didn't happen this cycle and I'm glad. I thought I had a sinus infection and went to the doctor and I have sinus and ear infection and walking pneumonia. At least I have 5 days off work and af is supposed to be here tomorrow so I won't have to be at work with the cramps

Trying to stay on the bright side
Sometimes I feel like waiting to O is worse than the TWW..... I know I missed O last time. So we are try to BD every other daydrom CD 10 on. So far I'm on CD13 and BD has been fun so far! My DH said not to tell him we I think I am about to O because last month he said he felt like he was being used. Lol.
I think you should start testing around CD10. A normal cycle is 28 days and ovulate on day 14 so unless you're positive your cycles are shorter than that I'd say test CD10.

Thanks! That makes sense, I'm just nervous about missing it. It's been a very long time but pre-pill I think my cycle was around 30-31 days so probably unlikely I'd ovulate before CD10. Since I'm going to be out of town maybe I'll toss a couple OPKs in my bag and just use one if I feel like it. I have a bunch of cheapies so no big deal if I use up a few I don't need to.

Good Luck! We can learn this temping thing together. My one co-worker who I tell everything to, comes into my office every morning to make me pull up my chart so she can see what it looks like today. (we are a strange bunch) She isn't TTC. She's actually mostly single right now. But she's just intrigued by the whole charting thing as she calls it. It's nice because it makes the charting kind of like a game and I don't stress about it.

Thank you! That's great that you have your coworker to chat about it with :) Definitely keep me posted what you're learning and how it's going for you. I'm so excited to see what my body does. Just seeing that first line today after I put in my second temp was super exciting, lol.
How is everyone today? I'm having one of those over emotional days maybe because had my blood test this morning and brought up the nerves. Tried to book a joint appointment for me and dh to get all results (is the sperm ones I'm scared of) and reception made it so difficult i actually burst into tears, felt very stupid and also quite sorry for the poor woman who didn't know where to look! We get results week tomorrow and feels like forever! :shrug:

Aw, crossing my fingers that you get positive results. We've all had those times when we just couldn't keep it together. A few months ago I burst into tears in the social security office when I was having trouble changing my name. It wasn't about that but that's where it came out. Do something tonight that will help you feel better! Long bath or lots of TV in pajamas or something. Hope you feel better tomorrow!

It didn't happen this cycle and I'm glad. I thought I had a sinus infection and went to the doctor and I have sinus and ear infection and walking pneumonia. At least I have 5 days off work and af is supposed to be here tomorrow so I won't have to be at work with the cramps

Trying to stay on the bright side

Oh jeez, just take good care of yourself and relax! I'm glad your dr figured out what's going on.
Thank you! That's great that you have your coworker to chat about it with :) Definitely keep me posted what you're learning and how it's going for you. I'm so excited to see what my body does. Just seeing that first line today after I put in my second temp was super exciting, lol.

I know I keep wanting there to be something else to do with it. I have a weird obsession with pushing the button! :winkwink: I just want to enter information all over the place. I tried to copy it to my signature so we will see how it goes.

It didn't happen this cycle and I'm glad. I thought I had a sinus infection and went to the doctor and I have sinus and ear infection and walking pneumonia. At least I have 5 days off work and af is supposed to be here tomorrow so I won't have to be at work with the cramps

Trying to stay on the bright side

That sounds awful but I'm glad you got to a doctor and will hopefully feel better soon.
I know I keep wanting there to be something else to do with it. I have a weird obsession with pushing the button! :winkwink: I just want to enter information all over the place. I tried to copy it to my signature so we will see how it goes.

:haha: Yeah, if I could take my temp several times a day to have more data to enter I would totally do it. But I'm excited to be doing anything so it helps. I see your chart, will definitely be stalking :D
It didn't happen this cycle and I'm glad. I thought I had a sinus infection and went to the doctor and I have sinus and ear infection and walking pneumonia. At least I have 5 days off work and af is supposed to be here tomorrow so I won't have to be at work with the cramps

Trying to stay on the bright side

feel better!
Okay, kiddos...I'm in full-on TWW sanity-hanging-on-by-a-limb mode. I have refused to voice any of my symptoms aloud because Im scared to death to feel hope. But I figured if I can talk to anybody, I can talk to my forum girls. (:

I'm 9dpo today, and I am focused on *trying* to wait to test until I'm 14dpo, which is also the day I'm supposed to start (on average). I really do have symptoms, guys...my tatas are CRAZY sore and my areolas are darker than normal (Im a redhead and extremely pale, so I don't have much of an areola...lol...but right now, I actually have them! I cant remember this ever happening.) I'm exhausted for no discernible reason, I've got heartburn, I'm moody. I also have a sore throat. Maybe I'm getting sick? I also linked my chart...is it too early to tell anything? I mean, I know better than to symptom spot (hell, Ive told others not to do it), but I cant help it...i have them and they drive me NUTS. However...everything except for the areolas has happened to me before. OHMYLORD I hate this. :cry::help:
Okay, kiddos...I'm in full-on TWW sanity-hanging-on-by-a-limb mode. I have refused to voice any of my symptoms aloud because Im scared to death to feel hope. But I figured if I can talk to anybody, I can talk to my forum girls. (:

I'm 9dpo today, and I am focused on *trying* to wait to test until I'm 14dpo, which is also the day I'm supposed to start (on average). I really do have symptoms, guys...my tatas are CRAZY sore and my areolas are darker than normal (Im a redhead and extremely pale, so I don't have much of an areola...lol...but right now, I actually have them! I cant remember this ever happening.) I'm exhausted for no discernible reason, I've got heartburn, I'm moody. I also have a sore throat. Maybe I'm getting sick? I also linked my chart...is it too early to tell anything? I mean, I know better than to symptom spot (hell, Ive told others not to do it), but I cant help it...i have them and they drive me NUTS. However...everything except for the areolas has happened to me before. OHMYLORD I hate this. :cry::help:

I wish I had awesome words of wisdom but I don't. I would do your best to wait to test, but I know how hard it is to wait. It sounds very promising and I wish you all kinds of luck. While I really want my own BFP I think the only thing I want as much is to start seeing you guys start showing off some BFPs!

Quick strange question....I thought we took temps first thing in the morning because the temp goes up when you get up and move around. But mine temps go down. Is this odd?
Okay, kiddos...I'm in full-on TWW sanity-hanging-on-by-a-limb mode. I have refused to voice any of my symptoms aloud because Im scared to death to feel hope. But I figured if I can talk to anybody, I can talk to my forum girls. (:

I'm 9dpo today, and I am focused on *trying* to wait to test until I'm 14dpo, which is also the day I'm supposed to start (on average). I really do have symptoms, guys...my tatas are CRAZY sore and my areolas are darker than normal (Im a redhead and extremely pale, so I don't have much of an areola...lol...but right now, I actually have them! I cant remember this ever happening.) I'm exhausted for no discernible reason, I've got heartburn, I'm moody. I also have a sore throat. Maybe I'm getting sick? I also linked my chart...is it too early to tell anything? I mean, I know better than to symptom spot (hell, Ive told others not to do it), but I cant help it...i have them and they drive me NUTS. However...everything except for the areolas has happened to me before. OHMYLORD I hate this. :cry::help:

All I can say is hang in there! Is there anything else that you can focus on? When I need to redirect my attention I find scrapbooking and reading to be super helpful. Mood swings don't typically occur in the first couple of weeks of pregnancy right? Or did I misread something somewhere?:shrug:
Okay, kiddos...I'm in full-on TWW sanity-hanging-on-by-a-limb mode. I have refused to voice any of my symptoms aloud because Im scared to death to feel hope. But I figured if I can talk to anybody, I can talk to my forum girls. (:

I'm 9dpo today, and I am focused on *trying* to wait to test until I'm 14dpo, which is also the day I'm supposed to start (on average). I really do have symptoms, guys...my tatas are CRAZY sore and my areolas are darker than normal (Im a redhead and extremely pale, so I don't have much of an areola...lol...but right now, I actually have them! I cant remember this ever happening.) I'm exhausted for no discernible reason, I've got heartburn, I'm moody. I also have a sore throat. Maybe I'm getting sick? I also linked my chart...is it too early to tell anything? I mean, I know better than to symptom spot (hell, Ive told others not to do it), but I cant help it...i have them and they drive me NUTS. However...everything except for the areolas has happened to me before. OHMYLORD I hate this. :cry::help:

Darkening of the areolas is a VERY good sign!!!! :happydance: good luck!!!
Okay, kiddos...I'm in full-on TWW sanity-hanging-on-by-a-limb mode. I have refused to voice any of my symptoms aloud because Im scared to death to feel hope. But I figured if I can talk to anybody, I can talk to my forum girls. (:

I'm 9dpo today, and I am focused on *trying* to wait to test until I'm 14dpo, which is also the day I'm supposed to start (on average). I really do have symptoms, guys...my tatas are CRAZY sore and my areolas are darker than normal (Im a redhead and extremely pale, so I don't have much of an areola...lol...but right now, I actually have them! I cant remember this ever happening.) I'm exhausted for no discernible reason, I've got heartburn, I'm moody. I also have a sore throat. Maybe I'm getting sick? I also linked my chart...is it too early to tell anything? I mean, I know better than to symptom spot (hell, Ive told others not to do it), but I cant help it...i have them and they drive me NUTS. However...everything except for the areolas has happened to me before. OHMYLORD I hate this. :cry::help:

Oh man, those all sound great! And your chart looks to me like it could be triphasic if you have a couple more really high temps. Which isn't a guarantee of course but still! I'm crossing everything for you! My advice is wait to test but tell us the minute you do :D
I went ahead and took a FRER test this morning and as expected - bfn. My temp dipped a little today. I was up aaaall night because I couldn't sleep and felt like crap. I started having pains last night in my very lower back that feels like kidney pain. It hurts especially when I have to pee and when I pee. It's not strong enough to be a stone (I know all too well what those feel like), but it still hurts like a mother. I don't know what's up with that, but it kept me up, too. Any temping is probably not super accurate since I didn't really sleep. :\ In any case, I'm pretty sure I'm out this cycle, but we'll see what happens in the next few days. AF is due on Monday...which is fitting since Mondays suck anyways. Boo face. :(
I went ahead and took a FRER test this morning and as expected - bfn. My temp dipped a little today. I was up aaaall night because I couldn't sleep and felt like crap. I started having pains last night in my very lower back that feels like kidney pain. It hurts especially when I have to pee and when I pee. It's not strong enough to be a stone (I know all too well what those feel like), but it still hurts like a mother. I don't know what's up with that, but it kept me up, too. Any temping is probably not super accurate since I didn't really sleep. :\ In any case, I'm pretty sure I'm out this cycle, but we'll see what happens in the next few days. AF is due on Monday...which is fitting since Mondays suck anyways. Boo face. :(
feel better!

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