30 yo and TTC #1

So, my sister just called to tell me she's pregnant. 9 weeks! She was waiting to finish grad school in December, so I guess it happened right away for her...a little early actually. I'm a lil jealous, but really happy for her and for her in laws who have been bugging them for kids.

congrats! At least she is close to done with grad school! I understand the little bit of jealousy. I think we all feel it sometimes.
MgreenM - it's actually much better when you can hold off, so it's good you're feeling that way. No need to break your heart with a BFN if you don't have to!

Ladders - it looks like we're cycle buddies! Our cycles are even about the same length...mine range between 24-27, but it's most commonly 25. Have you tested at all yet?

Miskasmommy - Sorry about AF, but good attitude! You recently came off the BCP right? That would explain that crazy long cycle. Hopefully it will even out this time.

that's right..lets hope next month is more normal! i am going to assume that it will go back to right around 30 days.. thats what it used to be.
Fairyy and miskas mommy sorry to hear the witch has arrived truly gutting I know.

Pdreggie I'm exactly the same three co workers in the last month announced pregnancy one trying for three and a half years i was really pleased for. One for two years i was happy for and one first month younger than me and not so bothered that I just can't bring myself to be happy for. Horrible of me really. The worst was when I had to take dh sperm sample to the fertility clinic as dh has a low sperm count not sure just yet how bad, not only was the centre past the labour part so all massively pregnant woman around which you have to walk past that not bad enough but on the way back walked past a woman massively pregnant in dressing gown clearly about to go into full blown labour chain smoking! Could have run over and kicked her felt so jealous and mad!

I sorry. That sucks! I'm a former smoker and try not to birch at others about it because I know how effing hard it was to quit but I probably would have run her over!

That's true. Seeing that BFN is awful! I am thinking I might wait another week. With how stressed I have been this week, that could have an effect on my cycle. In addition, if I do get a BFP, then I can 100% say (even though it is true today) that I really didn't know I was pregnant when I accepted the offer. I did write my resignation letter today and I will be handing it in on Monday. I know I will feel a lot of relief once I do that.

Do you ladies have anything fun planned for the weekend?

Good luck! On everything! I hope everything gets less stressful soon.

So, my sister just called to tell me she's pregnant. 9 weeks! She was waiting to finish grad school in December, so I guess it happened right away for her...a little early actually. I'm a lil jealous, but really happy for her and for her in laws who have been bugging them for kids.

Good for her! But hopefully you will be there soon too.
Ya ever notice how the last couple of days of the TWW feel like two weeks in and of themselves? Oh myyyyyy. Torture, I tell you...torture.

The other thing that is torturous is that I've been having lower back pain for about 3 days now that feels kidney-related. Today I started to have some pain in my right ovary area. None of it is severe, but it's at least moderate. I have no idea what it could be. I'm not having any UTI symptoms or anything...it's just weird.
I'm new to this site and hoping to gain some more information as well as support in this process. My partner and I just tried for the first time this cycle, we are only 4 DPO and we inseminated 2 days prior to ovulation and on the day of ovulation (advice about when to inseminate welcome). We are still VERY new to this process though and still in the process of trying to get a handle on my basal temperature cycles. My temperature spiked yesterday, cycle day 20, and jumped even higher today, cycle day 21. I know it is too early to really look for signs or anything but maybe you all can help with what to look for..... I know I want my basal temperature to stay high, but at what cycle day can I begin to get excited if my basal temp is still high? Obviously a good indicator will be a missed period, but can I use early pregnancy tests before a missed period?

I have been reading everything I can but I am finding some inconsistencies and I would rather hear from others experiencing this or whom have already experienced this. Thank you!
I am so frustrated! I recently came off bcp so not sure exactly when I ovulated or when AF is due. I had 2 days of withdrawal bleeding after stopping the pill. So I'm assuming I'm between 8-18 dpo. Depending on my last AF which was 12/18 or counting from the wb on 12/28.

I keep feeling wet down there and thinking AF is coming any minute. Past two days I've had the tiniest bit of red blood on the tissue when I wiped after using the bathroom, like barely there, so not sure if that is implantation bleeding? Of course I've been testing like a crazy person and all bfn. I haven't used an FRER yet because my husband and I are going thru a rough patch financially and can't afford them (especially with the chance of wasting them) :(

So, that's where I'm at now. Stressed about money and feeling like a brat cause my 30th birthday is in a few weeks and can't do much to celebrate. I'm still clinging to a lil hope that I can get a bfp as a birthday gift but with my luck I am just having a long cycle because of stopping bcp.

Sorry for the rant :/
I'm new to this site and hoping to gain some more information as well as support in this process. My partner and I just tried for the first time this cycle, we are only 4 DPO and we inseminated 2 days prior to ovulation and on the day of ovulation (advice about when to inseminate welcome). We are still VERY new to this process though and still in the process of trying to get a handle on my basal temperature cycles. My temperature spiked yesterday, cycle day 20, and jumped even higher today, cycle day 21. I know it is too early to really look for signs or anything but maybe you all can help with what to look for..... I know I want my basal temperature to stay high, but at what cycle day can I begin to get excited if my basal temp is still high? Obviously a good indicator will be a missed period, but can I use early pregnancy tests before a missed period?

I have been reading everything I can but I am finding some inconsistencies and I would rather hear from others experiencing this or whom have already experienced this. Thank you!

Welcome! Well I can't really help answer your question about insemination timing, as I don't know anything about it.

As far as your other questions - in general, you're looking for a drop right before ovulation, and a rise after, though the way it rises is different for everyone. Sometimes it spikes the day after, sometimes gradually. What you're describing sounds pretty typical, regardless of pregnancy. *Usually* your temp will stay high-ish (though fluctuations may happen) throughout your luteal phase (the part between ovulation and AF). If you're pregnant, it stays up. If you're not, you'll see a dip just before AF arrives...sometimes 3 or 4 days before, sometimes only a day before. It will take some time of you charting before you figure out what is typical for you.

Some pregnancy tests work up to 6 days before a missed period, some not as much. It depends on the amount of the pregnancy hormone they detect, which varies by brand. First Response Early Results (FRER) seems to be the most sensitive on the market. However, even with that test, you may have to wait until you miss a period. It's always better to wait. If you start testing several days before, you're more likely to get negatives (even if you are in fact pregnant), and negatives do a number on your emotions and sanity. If you can hold out, do.

The reason you see inconsistencies in info is because the way your body behaves is not going to be exactly like anyone else's. It's a learning process.

Hopefully that helped some. Good luck and baby dust! :dust:
I am so frustrated! I recently came off bcp so not sure exactly when I ovulated or when AF is due. I had 2 days of withdrawal bleeding after stopping the pill. So I'm assuming I'm between 8-18 dpo. Depending on my last AF which was 12/18 or counting from the wb on 12/28.

I keep feeling wet down there and thinking AF is coming any minute. Past two days I've had the tiniest bit of red blood on the tissue when I wiped after using the bathroom, like barely there, so not sure if that is implantation bleeding? Of course I've been testing like a crazy person and all bfn. I haven't used an FRER yet because my husband and I are going thru a rough patch financially and can't afford them (especially with the chance of wasting them) :(

So, that's where I'm at now. Stressed about money and feeling like a brat cause my 30th birthday is in a few weeks and can't do much to celebrate. I'm still clinging to a lil hope that I can get a bfp as a birthday gift but with my luck I am just having a long cycle because of stopping bcp.

Sorry for the rant :/

I am so sorry to hear all this. :hugs: It's hard when your body changes and you don't know what to expect with your cycles. While I have been off birth control for a while, my cycles have been a little inconsistent lately and that is stressful! What if you plan a potluck dinner party for your birthday? It would be low cost but you can still do something special. If you live somewhere that is warm, you could always do a picnic or something. Have you told your husband how you are feeling? I know sometimes they may not fully understand, but if they don't know, they can't support you. I told DH some of my frustrations and where I think some of my feelings are coming from and I feel a little better. I don't think anything changed, but just being able to talk about it helps.
So AF finally shows her ugly face today..... 46 days.. what a :witch: she really is.. but that is ok.. now i can actually try and start figuring out my cycle...

and an update on my memier.. she is still hanging in there.. but not much change... she is trying to breath on her own without the vent.. going ok.. but still pretty rough.

Booo about AF but glad to hear things are okay with your memier. Hope she continues to improve! And here's to a better cycle next go around.

Ya ever notice how the last couple of days of the TWW feel like two weeks in and of themselves? Oh myyyyyy. Torture, I tell you...torture.

The other thing that is torturous is that I've been having lower back pain for about 3 days now that feels kidney-related. Today I started to have some pain in my right ovary area. None of it is severe, but it's at least moderate. I have no idea what it could be. I'm not having any UTI symptoms or anything...it's just weird.

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well!! I'm hoping it is weird BFP symptoms for you ;) Are you planning to wait until AF is late to test again? Try to distract yourself with fun things the rest the weekend!

I am so frustrated! I recently came off bcp so not sure exactly when I ovulated or when AF is due. I had 2 days of withdrawal bleeding after stopping the pill. So I'm assuming I'm between 8-18 dpo. Depending on my last AF which was 12/18 or counting from the wb on 12/28.

I keep feeling wet down there and thinking AF is coming any minute. Past two days I've had the tiniest bit of red blood on the tissue when I wiped after using the bathroom, like barely there, so not sure if that is implantation bleeding? Of course I've been testing like a crazy person and all bfn. I haven't used an FRER yet because my husband and I are going thru a rough patch financially and can't afford them (especially with the chance of wasting them) :(

So, that's where I'm at now. Stressed about money and feeling like a brat cause my 30th birthday is in a few weeks and can't do much to celebrate. I'm still clinging to a lil hope that I can get a bfp as a birthday gift but with my luck I am just having a long cycle because of stopping bcp.

Sorry for the rant :/

That really sucks that your body isn't cooperating, sorry. My dr did tell me that coming off the pill can be a really fertile time so don't count yourself out yet. I hope you get your BFP this cycle but if not maybe try temping and/or OPKs if they're at all feasible? It's only been a few days here and I can already tell those will be the only things keeping me at least sort of sane.
Yep, curiousowl, no more testing unless I actually miss it. Three more days! Stay away :witch: :thumbup:
Dospinkies we definitely are cycle buddies I'm 11dpo today and usually cycle either 25 or 26. Haven't tested yet because have had a weekend with both myself and dh being off work which doesn't happen very often and knew testing and getting a bfn would upset me and ruin the weekend. Dh also starting to feel like is his fault its not happening and is getting grumpy when I get upset so I'm trying to hide it from him and don't want to test while he's around if that makes sense. Trying to hold out until weds but know I'll be so tempted in the morning!
When are you planning on testing? Your af would be due tomorrow right?
Ladders - That's a good reason not to test. Even if you tell you yourself you won't be disappointed and upset, it's inevitable. Your poor DH :( I know mine gets sensitive whenever it comes up (we had an SA done and his numbers weren't TERRIBLE, but they weren't great either...35mil count and 40% motility)...and he's flat-out admitted that it makes him feel like less of a man - like his manhood is a failure. I of course told him that's the furthest thing from the truth, but I know that's how men think. It breaks my heart. I just have to encourage him that no matter what his SA says, it's no big deal and it means nothing about him as a man. He seems to have gotten to a better place with it lately. Have you gotten an SA back on your DH yet?

AF could arrive as early as Monday. Monday would be CD24, which is sometimes when it comes, but it averages CD25. However, it's been as late as CD27 (well, once CD29 but that was a weird fluke). My plan is to wait all the way through Tuesday (CD 25) and if it hasn't come by the time I wake up Wednesday, I'll test. Fingers crossed, but I'm admittedly pretty pessimistic about it. I wish I weren't, but I am. I've felt out this cycle ever since ovulation...just didnt feel like we timed stuff right. You can see on my chart that we didn't get much BDing done - for lots of different reasons including DH's work schedule - so I just haven't been hopeful. :( I'm still crossing my fingers though. I guess we'll see! [-o<

I'm keeping my other fingers crossed for you! :dust: for us both.
Have been out of town for a couple of days, just got caught up on everyone's progress. Wanted to say I'm sorry for the BFNs I saw. Here's hoping the next cycle is BFP positive for you!!

DosPinkies, my fingers (and toes, and eyeballs, and anything else I can think of) are crossed for you!

Miskas Mommy, is she doing any better? Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way.

Ladders, I'm sorry the visit was so frustrating, that sucks. Are you still waiting on results? Completely understand on waiting to test - I hope you and DH were at least able to have a nice weekend together. Fingers crossed for when you do start testing!

I finally tried to post my chart in my signature (first month with temping and it's been really helpful to hear everyone's advice and input in this forum), but not sure I did it right. We'll see when I post if I did it right.

Today's supposed to be the day AF shows here, so just sitting here waiting. :dust: to everyone!!
Have been out of town for a couple of days, just got caught up on everyone's progress. Wanted to say I'm sorry for the BFNs I saw. Here's hoping the next cycle is BFP positive for you!!

DosPinkies, my fingers (and toes, and eyeballs, and anything else I can think of) are crossed for you!

Miskas Mommy, is she doing any better? Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way.

Ladders, I'm sorry the visit was so frustrating, that sucks. Are you still waiting on results? Completely understand on waiting to test - I hope you and DH were at least able to have a nice weekend together. Fingers crossed for when you do start testing!

I finally tried to post my chart in my signature (first month with temping and it's been really helpful to hear everyone's advice and input in this forum), but not sure I did it right. We'll see when I post if I did it right.

Today's supposed to be the day AF shows here, so just sitting here waiting. :dust: to everyone!!

Trying - I hope you had a good trip! Today would be CD 28 for me. Still no sign of AF. Haven't decided when I want to test yet...Maybe next weekend...since things have been so wacky and stressful over the last week. I don't think I want to add anything. Plus, as my NP said, no need to make a pregnancy "longer" than it already is. If I do get a BFP, I don't know how excited I will be just because of the timing with all of my transitions that are going on. I mean, of course I will be happy, just the timing isn't the greatest. Oh well...we will see what life throws my way and I will deal with things as they come.
Have been out of town for a couple of days, just got caught up on everyone's progress. Wanted to say I'm sorry for the BFNs I saw. Here's hoping the next cycle is BFP positive for you!!

DosPinkies, my fingers (and toes, and eyeballs, and anything else I can think of) are crossed for you!

Miskas Mommy, is she doing any better? Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way.

Ladders, I'm sorry the visit was so frustrating, that sucks. Are you still waiting on results? Completely understand on waiting to test - I hope you and DH were at least able to have a nice weekend together. Fingers crossed for when you do start testing!

I finally tried to post my chart in my signature (first month with temping and it's been really helpful to hear everyone's advice and input in this forum), but not sure I did it right. We'll see when I post if I did it right.

Today's supposed to be the day AF shows here, so just sitting here waiting. :dust: to everyone!!

Trying - I hope you had a good trip! Today would be CD 28 for me. Still no sign of AF. Haven't decided when I want to test yet...Maybe next weekend...since things have been so wacky and stressful over the last week. I don't think I want to add anything. Plus, as my NP said, no need to make a pregnancy "longer" than it already is. If I do get a BFP, I don't know how excited I will be just because of the timing with all of my transitions that are going on. I mean, of course I will be happy, just the timing isn't the greatest. Oh well...we will see what life throws my way and I will deal with things as they come.

Mgreen, how long are your cycles usually? Hope this next week is less stressful for you! :flower:
Have been out of town for a couple of days, just got caught up on everyone's progress. Wanted to say I'm sorry for the BFNs I saw. Here's hoping the next cycle is BFP positive for you!!

DosPinkies, my fingers (and toes, and eyeballs, and anything else I can think of) are crossed for you!

Miskas Mommy, is she doing any better? Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way.

Ladders, I'm sorry the visit was so frustrating, that sucks. Are you still waiting on results? Completely understand on waiting to test - I hope you and DH were at least able to have a nice weekend together. Fingers crossed for when you do start testing!

I finally tried to post my chart in my signature (first month with temping and it's been really helpful to hear everyone's advice and input in this forum), but not sure I did it right. We'll see when I post if I did it right.

Today's supposed to be the day AF shows here, so just sitting here waiting. :dust: to everyone!!

Trying - I hope you had a good trip! Today would be CD 28 for me. Still no sign of AF. Haven't decided when I want to test yet...Maybe next weekend...since things have been so wacky and stressful over the last week. I don't think I want to add anything. Plus, as my NP said, no need to make a pregnancy "longer" than it already is. If I do get a BFP, I don't know how excited I will be just because of the timing with all of my transitions that are going on. I mean, of course I will be happy, just the timing isn't the greatest. Oh well...we will see what life throws my way and I will deal with things as they come.

Mgreen, how long are your cycles usually? Hope this next week is less stressful for you! :flower:

Prior to last summer, I was clockwork 28 days, then I had about 6 months of clockwork 21 days. Last month was 25 days. I am turning in my letter of resignation tomorrow.
Texas - thank you! My fingers and toes are crossed that your :witch: stays away, too. Ever since we started trying, I've been kind of fascinated by how life stages change how you look at things. Before this (mid-20s to now), I never even noticed when AF was about to arrive and truly, I didn't care. Before that (late teens-early 20s), I was relieved when AF arrived. And now? The wait feels like months and then when it does get here, all I want to do is cry. I miss the days when I didn't even think about it, ya know?

Green - you got it right when you said whatever it is that life gives you right now (or doesn't give you), you can handle it. It's good that even if AF gets here soon, you have so many good things coming up to be excited about!

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