30 yo and TTC #1

Soooo I hate my body. I can't ever figure it out. As you know, I started spotting yesterday - figured I was out. I was cramping a little, too. Well very very rarely do I spot for 2 days before AF comes full flow - it's happened once or twice that I can remember, but it's not common. And today, still spotting, but I'm only barely spotting. Barely - even less than yesterday. Yesterday it was mostly light pinkish, a tiny brownish. Today it's brown and mixed in with a tiny bit of stretchy CM (I'm so glad we're not squeamish about talking about this stuff...lol). Anyways...I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it could be IB. I already cried a lot yesterday and came to acceptance, so Im afraid to have hope. But still...I can't help but wonder. On top of that, don't my temps still look good? Or is that just my hope talking? And a couple of days ago, there was a small dip...implantation? Ah, who knows. I'm planning on testing with a FRER tomorrow morning if AF doesn't come over night. Can any of you ladies weigh in on this? What are the chances that I'd get IB 13dpo with mild cramping?

I have no idea! but wanted to send you a :hugs:! Our bodies sure can play mean tricks on us!

Still no AF here! I feel more like myself today. Hopefully this feeling will persist! I even left work early because of the snow! Then, DH and I shoveled the driveway, although I am sure there will be more later!
Soooo I hate my body. I can't ever figure it out. As you know, I started spotting yesterday - figured I was out. I was cramping a little, too. Well very very rarely do I spot for 2 days before AF comes full flow - it's happened once or twice that I can remember, but it's not common. And today, still spotting, but I'm only barely spotting. Barely - even less than yesterday. Yesterday it was mostly light pinkish, a tiny brownish. Today it's brown and mixed in with a tiny bit of stretchy CM (I'm so glad we're not squeamish about talking about this stuff...lol). Anyways...I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it could be IB. I already cried a lot yesterday and came to acceptance, so Im afraid to have hope. But still...I can't help but wonder. On top of that, don't my temps still look good? Or is that just my hope talking? And a couple of days ago, there was a small dip...implantation? Ah, who knows. I'm planning on testing with a FRER tomorrow morning if AF doesn't come over night. Can any of you ladies weigh in on this? What are the chances that I'd get IB 13dpo with mild cramping?

I was actually going to tell you that your temps look really good! Does it normally go down before or after AF arrives for you?

I think you have reason to be slightly positive. Different can be good!

I have heard of women having bleeding or spotting and still having a perfectly healthy pregnancy. It does happen so bleeding or spotting doesn't mean you are out for sure. I would wait until tomorrow and if AF doesn't show, test again. Good luck!
I don't know what my temps do actually, because this is my first cycle temping. I can only go by CD1 from last cycle and it was way lower than I am now. That doesn't mean I won't take a nose dive by tomorrow, but we'll see.
Soooo I hate my body. I can't ever figure it out. As you know, I started spotting yesterday - figured I was out. I was cramping a little, too. Well very very rarely do I spot for 2 days before AF comes full flow - it's happened once or twice that I can remember, but it's not common. And today, still spotting, but I'm only barely spotting. Barely - even less than yesterday. Yesterday it was mostly light pinkish, a tiny brownish. Today it's brown and mixed in with a tiny bit of stretchy CM (I'm so glad we're not squeamish about talking about this stuff...lol). Anyways...I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it could be IB. I already cried a lot yesterday and came to acceptance, so Im afraid to have hope. But still...I can't help but wonder. On top of that, don't my temps still look good? Or is that just my hope talking? And a couple of days ago, there was a small dip...implantation? Ah, who knows. I'm planning on testing with a FRER tomorrow morning if AF doesn't come over night. Can any of you ladies weigh in on this? What are the chances that I'd get IB 13dpo with mild cramping?

I was actually going to tell you that your temps look really good! Does it normally go down before or after AF arrives for you?

I think you have reason to be slightly positive. Different can be good!

I have heard of women having bleeding or spotting and still having a perfectly healthy pregnancy. It does happen so bleeding or spotting doesn't mean you are out for sure. I would wait until tomorrow and if AF doesn't show, test again. Good luck!

I think there is still a chance you could be preggers! For starters, it ain't over til the witch shows! :) But the temps do look good and you started spotting at 12dpo, right? Which is a normal time frame! Lots of hugs and baby dust sent your way! GL! Keep us updated!
Ladders, I echo what Dos said as well. Knowing what you are dealing with, if anything, can only help. It gives you a little control back since you can work to correct any issues that may be present. When I told my OB/GYN that we were trying, she said to remember that many women take up to or even over a year to conceive and it's completely normal. I keep telling myself that I've been in this for a year and it's definitely harder than I anticipated, but when I do finally get that BFP this time will feel like nothing. I think back to college and high school and how long 4 years felt at the beginning and how short it felt when it was all over. I imagine TTC will be the same way. Even if it hurts now and is upsetting not knowing, at the end of the day it will all be worth it. Don't give up hope and try not to get too discouraged. I firmly believe it will happen for you!

I keep telling myself that too. It's hard when my sister got pregnant her first month trying. I tell myself in that situation, she's a freak. lol. She's the anomaly, not me. It just grinds my gears a bit because she's always been kinda flaky and oblivious in life, so it's very much her to be like 'omg I'm totally pregnant, this is like... so crazy, I wasn't even trying!' I love her and my future nephew and everything, but I still roll my eyes with frustration.

And I keep telling myself how much sweeter the reward will be for me. Not to say that women who get pregnant easily don't adore their children. I just think when you have to work that much harder for something, you appreciate it ten fold, you know?
Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

and I told my mom that we are TTC and she was super excited for us. This will be grand baby # 6 for my parents so no pressure from them.
Ladders, I echo what Dos said as well. Knowing what you are dealing with, if anything, can only help. It gives you a little control back since you can work to correct any issues that may be present. When I told my OB/GYN that we were trying, she said to remember that many women take up to or even over a year to conceive and it's completely normal. I keep telling myself that I've been in this for a year and it's definitely harder than I anticipated, but when I do finally get that BFP this time will feel like nothing. I think back to college and high school and how long 4 years felt at the beginning and how short it felt when it was all over. I imagine TTC will be the same way. Even if it hurts now and is upsetting not knowing, at the end of the day it will all be worth it. Don't give up hope and try not to get too discouraged. I firmly believe it will happen for you!

I keep telling myself that too. It's hard when my sister got pregnant her first month trying. I tell myself in that situation, she's a freak. lol. She's the anomaly, not me. It just grinds my gears a bit because she's always been kinda flaky and oblivious in life, so it's very much her to be like 'omg I'm totally pregnant, this is like... so crazy, I wasn't even trying!' I love her and my future nephew and everything, but I still roll my eyes with frustration.

And I keep telling myself how much sweeter the reward will be for me. Not to say that women who get pregnant easily don't adore their children. I just think when you have to work that much harder for something, you appreciate it ten fold, you know?

I completely agree! Not that I wouldn't appreciate and love a child regardless of how quickly I got pregnant. This just makes me so much more appreciative because it's not an easy road and I know I will be so thankful. When you have to wait for something, it makes you appreciate it so much more. I don't truly appreciate the sun until it's been raining for a while.

Forget it. :growlmad: the stupid #*$@!% :witch: got me good.

Heartbroken. Again.

So sorry Dos! :hugs:

Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

and I told my mom that we are TTC and she was super excited for us. This will be grand baby # 6 for my parents so no pressure from them.

I'm so sorry for your loss Miskas. :hugs: but I'm glad to hear that you aren't getting pressure from your parents! Makes things a bit easier!
Forget it. :growlmad: the stupid #*$@!% :witch: got me good.

Heartbroken. Again.

so sorry! Big hugs!

Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

and I told my mom that we are TTC and she was super excited for us. This will be grand baby # 6 for my parents so no pressure from them.

so sorry for your loss! Even though you know she is no longer suffering, it is still hard. Hugs to you! :hugs:
I'm out of town now visiting my best friend (we've been friends since we were 7!) and her almost 8 week old little guy. He's adorable and amazing. It melts my heart when she smiles at him and he smiles back. He looks so much like her! And then reality smacks me in the face when she talks about things like pumping breast milk and having a bottle be pink with blood because her nipples were so messed up. I cringe just thinking about it. But I know it will all be worth it. She asked me if I was trying and I said was off bc but just seeing what happens. I know she would mean well but she would ask about it a lot if she knew we were seriously trying and since she got pregnant her first cycle trying I would feel pressure.

Not much else new, other than we BD'd for the first time without birth control, which was kind of fun. Oh, and I also took an OPK today. Definitely not ovulating at CD7, lol. I happened to have some time to kill at around 2pm and was just curious as to how dark a line I would get. Answer, not very. That's good though because I'm out of town until Friday anyways.

Miskas mommy, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

DosPinkies... all I can say is a big screw you to AF. That truly sucks.
I'm so sorry, Miskas Mommy :( I hope you're holding up ok.

DosPinkies, what a bummer. Our bodies are such jerks. I swear as soon as they hear the phrase "trying to conceive" they just start doing whatever to mess with us.
I'm out of town now visiting my best friend (we've been friends since we were 7!) and her almost 8 week old little guy. He's adorable and amazing. It melts my heart when she smiles at him and he smiles back. He looks so much like her! And then reality smacks me in the face when she talks about things like pumping breast milk and having a bottle be pink with blood because her nipples were so messed up. I cringe just thinking about it. But I know it will all be worth it. She asked me if I was trying and I said was off bc but just seeing what happens. I know she would mean well but she would ask about it a lot if she knew we were seriously trying and since she got pregnant her first cycle trying I would feel pressure.

Not much else new, other than we BD'd for the first time without birth control, which was kind of fun. Oh, and I also took an OPK today. Definitely not ovulating at CD7, lol. I happened to have some time to kill at around 2pm and was just curious as to how dark a line I would get. Answer, not very. That's good though because I'm out of town until Friday anyways.

I remember our first time without protection. It was weird! :haha:

I do know what you mean, that's why we aren't telling people. There's certain people that would ask all the time and we just don't want that. I feel like they should realize that once we get pregnant we will tell them. If we aren't telling them, we aren't pregnant. I know they mean well too but, all the more reason to keep it to ourselves.
Dos Pinkies, I'm so sorry! I always enjoy sorrow with a big fat lemon pie and a big fat coke! I'd send you some if I could but I guess these virtual hugs will have to do!

Miskas, I am very sorry for your loss! If I could I would make you a casserole but once again a virtual hug will have to do!

Well, apparently my sorrow always includes food! :)
Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

So sorry about that! She is in a better place.
Miskas so sorry to hear your news hope that you are doing ok, we are all thinking of you.

Dospinkies really sorry about the witch coming just been catching up on the thread and as I read through was really starting to think this was your month. Hate how our bodies do that. My af still not arrived but I know I'm not pg so just serves to build me back up with a little hope just to go through it all again. Really sorry. Thank you for the support for Friday its appreciated

Rforreal thank you too for the support I guess I'm kind of neurotic about things and have well in truly got in my head something is wrong. Would like to think it is because of the home sperm test we did that showed was low less than 20mil but maybe i would be like this anyway :-(.

Thank you all for the support this thread is the only place I feel normal because not one other person I know understands
Shame we are all so far away so can't get together and get drunk and vent when the witch arrives
well, another error! Am I inept with this or something? Maybe it's a bad batch? Maybe tomorrow I will try peeing in a cup and dipping the stick in that way? You have to hold it there longer, but clearly I may be doing something wrong? If that doesn't work, should I get one of the cheaper tests? non digital? which brand would you recommend? Or, should I just call my doctor and see what they say? The only catch with calling my doctor is that I have decided to change doctors because I am changing jobs and the location of my current doctors are going to be super inconvenient once I start the new job.

Oddly enough, this is only mildly annoying...I am not really upset by it at all and feel pretty calm...I swear, sometimes I just don't understand myself/my body.

For those of you in the US with the snow/cold -stay warm and safe!
Forget it. :growlmad: the stupid #*$@!% :witch: got me good.

Heartbroken. Again.

I'm so sorry! That really sucks. :hugs:

Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

and I told my mom that we are TTC and she was super excited for us. This will be grand baby # 6 for my parents so no pressure from them.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it doesn't help but I will totally send you virtual hugs! :hugs:

Also, be happy you have no pressure. My parents have 9 grandchildren and they still pressure my husband and I to start. It's why none of my family know we are trying. I'm the baby and they all feel like they have to tell me how to do things and how to live my life. I love them all dearly but I really couldn't handle it with this.

well, another error! Am I inept with this or something? Maybe it's a bad batch? Maybe tomorrow I will try peeing in a cup and dipping the stick in that way? You have to hold it there longer, but clearly I may be doing something wrong? If that doesn't work, should I get one of the cheaper tests? non digital? which brand would you recommend? Or, should I just call my doctor and see what they say? The only catch with calling my doctor is that I have decided to change doctors because I am changing jobs and the location of my current doctors are going to be super inconvenient once I start the new job.

Oddly enough, this is only mildly annoying...I am not really upset by it at all and feel pretty calm...I swear, sometimes I just don't understand myself/my body.

For those of you in the US with the snow/cold -stay warm and safe!

I'm sorry. That has got to be frustrating. I would just go out and buy a cheap one at this point. Where are you in cycle now? Are you far enough where you may not need a early pg test? Good luck!

And by the way it is effing cold in Ohio. Why did I move to the frozen tundra?!?!?!?!

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