Soooo I hate my body. I can't ever figure it out. As you know, I started spotting yesterday - figured I was out. I was cramping a little, too. Well very very rarely do I spot for 2 days before AF comes full flow - it's happened once or twice that I can remember, but it's not common. And today, still spotting, but I'm only barely spotting. Barely - even less than yesterday. Yesterday it was mostly light pinkish, a tiny brownish. Today it's brown and mixed in with a tiny bit of stretchy CM (I'm so glad we're not squeamish about talking about this Anyways...I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it could be IB. I already cried a lot yesterday and came to acceptance, so Im afraid to have hope. But still...I can't help but wonder. On top of that, don't my temps still look good? Or is that just my hope talking? And a couple of days ago, there was a small dip...implantation? Ah, who knows. I'm planning on testing with a FRER tomorrow morning if AF doesn't come over night. Can any of you ladies weigh in on this? What are the chances that I'd get IB 13dpo with mild cramping?
I have no idea! but wanted to send you a

Still no AF here! I feel more like myself today. Hopefully this feeling will persist! I even left work early because of the snow! Then, DH and I shoveled the driveway, although I am sure there will be more later!