30 yo and TTC #1

Also, forgot to tell this story. So, yesterday, I had a female client come to court with her mom. Her mother asked that the court order her to take her BC. I explained that the court would love to order people to take BC but that it is illegal and if girl doesn't want to take it, there is nothing the court can do. So here is how the rest of the conversation went.

Mom: "It's not that she refuses to take it, it's that she doesn't take it seriously and so she doesn't take it right."

Girl: Exasperated teenage noise. "I caught up on my missed pills from last week yesterday."

(In my head: I'm keeping an open mind at this point that she only missed 1 or 2)

Mom: "Taking like 6 pills at once isn't going to keep you from getting pregnant. That's not how it works."

(In my head: True but it will probably prevent you staying pregnant.)

Girl: "I didn't take 6..."

(In my head: please, please, please don't be this dumb.)

Girl: "...I took 9."

(In my head: head slap. Can you OD on BC? Should I call for a medical evaluation? Don't pat her or mom in sympathetic gesture, just got approved to go back to school after the scabies were cleared up.)

Me: "Well that's not why we're here today, so let's focus on your charges."

(In my head: I need wine, is it too early for wine? I haven't ovulated yet, I can still drink right? I have obviously made some bad life choices to end up standing here listening to this.)

Whoever said we should be closer so we can drink when AF shows up is right!
I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers
I know it is still way too early but has anyone looked at iui or ivf? I have looked at the cost and what my insurance covers just to have an idea.
I have always been a worst case scenario kind of person.
well, another error! Am I inept with this or something? Maybe it's a bad batch? Maybe tomorrow I will try peeing in a cup and dipping the stick in that way? You have to hold it there longer, but clearly I may be doing something wrong? If that doesn't work, should I get one of the cheaper tests? non digital? which brand would you recommend? Or, should I just call my doctor and see what they say? The only catch with calling my doctor is that I have decided to change doctors because I am changing jobs and the location of my current doctors are going to be super inconvenient once I start the new job.

Oddly enough, this is only mildly annoying...I am not really upset by it at all and feel pretty calm...I swear, sometimes I just don't understand myself/my body.

For those of you in the US with the snow/cold -stay warm and safe!

Last month I bought EPT digital pack of 20 sticks at CVS for $50. This month Walmart had Clear Blue 20 pack for $38. The kind with the digital smiley face if you're O. I tried the cheap strips but hated them. I didn't like having to interpret them. I don't trust myself. I'd rather shell out the money and know for sure. I do a little cup and dip, because I'm not the best aimer..lol. Then I worry was I holding it in the stream long enough?
Miskas so sorry to hear your news hope that you are doing ok, we are all thinking of you.

Dospinkies really sorry about the witch coming just been catching up on the thread and as I read through was really starting to think this was your month. Hate how our bodies do that. My af still not arrived but I know I'm not pg so just serves to build me back up with a little hope just to go through it all again. Really sorry. Thank you for the support for Friday its appreciated

Rforreal thank you too for the support I guess I'm kind of neurotic about things and have well in truly got in my head something is wrong. Would like to think it is because of the home sperm test we did that showed was low less than 20mil but maybe i would be like this anyway :-(.

Thank you all for the support this thread is the only place I feel normal because not one other person I know understands

My hubby has low count too. Since the home test came back low, do you plan to get a SA done at the doctor? I know that it can vary from test to test so try not to get too discouraged. My hubby only has 8 million count and his urologist told him that he is optimistic and people get pregnant with these kinds of numbers all the time. It's helpful to hear those words from a professional.

Shame we are all so far away so can't get together and get drunk and vent when the witch arrives

This is awesome and I 100% agree.

well, another error! Am I inept with this or something? Maybe it's a bad batch? Maybe tomorrow I will try peeing in a cup and dipping the stick in that way? You have to hold it there longer, but clearly I may be doing something wrong? If that doesn't work, should I get one of the cheaper tests? non digital? which brand would you recommend? Or, should I just call my doctor and see what they say? The only catch with calling my doctor is that I have decided to change doctors because I am changing jobs and the location of my current doctors are going to be super inconvenient once I start the new job.

Oddly enough, this is only mildly annoying...I am not really upset by it at all and feel pretty calm...I swear, sometimes I just don't understand myself/my body.

For those of you in the US with the snow/cold -stay warm and safe!

I always dip it. I have more control that way. If you overload it or don't have enough it can give an error. But I would also start with a cheapie and then a digital later.

Also, forgot to tell this story. So, yesterday, I had a female client come to court with her mom. Her mother asked that the court order her to take her BC. I explained that the court would love to order people to take BC but that it is illegal and if girl doesn't want to take it, there is nothing the court can do. So here is how the rest of the conversation went.

Mom: "It's not that she refuses to take it, it's that she doesn't take it seriously and so she doesn't take it right."

Girl: Exasperated teenage noise. "I caught up on my missed pills from last week yesterday."

(In my head: I'm keeping an open mind at this point that she only missed 1 or 2)

Mom: "Taking like 6 pills at once isn't going to keep you from getting pregnant. That's not how it works."

(In my head: True but it will probably prevent you staying pregnant.)

Girl: "I didn't take 6..."

(In my head: please, please, please don't be this dumb.)

Girl: "...I took 9."

(In my head: head slap. Can you OD on BC? Should I call for a medical evaluation? Don't pat her or mom in sympathetic gesture, just got approved to go back to school after the scabies were cleared up.)

Me: "Well that's not why we're here today, so let's focus on your charges."

(In my head: I need wine, is it too early for wine? I haven't ovulated yet, I can still drink right? I have obviously made some bad life choices to end up standing here listening to this.)

Whoever said we should be closer so we can drink when AF shows up is right!

Umm..there are no words. None.

I know it is still way too early but has anyone looked at iui or ivf? I have looked at the cost and what my insurance covers just to have an idea.
I have always been a worst case scenario kind of person.

I've looked into it. Our insurance covers both which I am so thankful for. We are going to talk to a FS in March so I want to be prepared with my options. We will likely try IUI first as long as we can. Need to see if my hubby's sperm count is high enough for them to do it. Hopefully the fertilaid has increased his count.
Shame we are all so far away so can't get together and get drunk and vent when the witch arrives

It is a shame! My how I would enjoy that! :)

For those of you in the US with the snow/cold -stay warm and safe!

That's why I love being in Mississippi....it does not get THAT cold although this winter has been a bit colder than normal.

I know it is still way too early but has anyone looked at iui or ivf? I have looked at the cost and what my insurance covers just to have an idea.
I have always been a worst case scenario kind of person.

I haven't looked yet, but I have thought about it. Just really curious to the cost and if my insurance covers it but not doing it yet because my husband would just think I'm crazy to plan for that!

Last month I bought EPT digital pack of 20 sticks at CVS for $50. This month Walmart had Clear Blue 20 pack for $38. The kind with the digital smiley face if you're O. I tried the cheap strips but hated them. I didn't like having to interpret them. I don't trust myself. I'd rather shell out the money and know for sure. I do a little cup and dip, because I'm not the best aimer..lol. Then I worry was I holding it in the stream long enough?

I just bought the digital smiley face ones! Haven't used them yet. I've used the cheap ones for the first three days of testing! I am kind of excited! Haha Can't wait to see the smiley face!
Ok so I need help. I either need answers or for someone to let me know if there is a forum I'm missing that could answer this. My cycle as far as the computer can tell is about 32 average. I am on cycle day 12. So far the prediction is that based on averages I will ovulate somewhere between CD 16 and 20 since that would be 12 to 16 days prior to expected period. This is my first month temping but I know that it will only tell me after I ovulated. I've been trying to check CM too but I'm a little confused so I'm mostly just feeling it out so to speak, hehe, and keeping track of observations for next month. However, I just went to the bathroom and TMI when I wiped, I had a rather large, blob is the only description I can come up with, of clear kind of mucus looking stuff come out. I didn't really feel it to see if it was stretchy or not. There are some things I just can't handle doing yet. But now I'm wondering if this is meaning that I am going to ovulate within the next few days and perhaps I ovulate really early? Any ideas, suggestions, or comments on my crazy would be appreciated.
AF got me today. I'm a little disappointed but I'm also relieved. This was my first cycle off bcp and AF was a week late. So instead of 28 days my cycle was 35 days which isn't so bad considering I just stopped the pill. One positive is that I can celebrate my 30th birthday in two weeks with some drinks! Lol. It also looks like I should be ovulating around that time- it'd be nice to possibly conceive on my bday :)
Ok so I need help. I either need answers or for someone to let me know if there is a forum I'm missing that could answer this. My cycle as far as the computer can tell is about 32 average. I am on cycle day 12. So far the prediction is that based on averages I will ovulate somewhere between CD 16 and 20 since that would be 12 to 16 days prior to expected period. This is my first month temping but I know that it will only tell me after I ovulated. I've been trying to check CM too but I'm a little confused so I'm mostly just feeling it out so to speak, hehe, and keeping track of observations for next month. However, I just went to the bathroom and TMI when I wiped, I had a rather large, blob is the only description I can come up with, of clear kind of mucus looking stuff come out. I didn't really feel it to see if it was stretchy or not. There are some things I just can't handle doing yet. But now I'm wondering if this is meaning that I am going to ovulate within the next few days and perhaps I ovulate really early? Any ideas, suggestions, or comments on my crazy would be appreciated.

It's hard to know but it sounds like you are describing EWCM which you get around your most fertile time. I think that everyone is different so some women get EWCM for days, some just one day, and some not at all. It sounds like you are ovulating soon so I would just get to it! :haha: it might be a weird cycle that you will have a shorter cycle than normal. Or maybe you get EWCM early. This month I saw some on CD 12 and today on CD 17 which is when I typically ovulate. Until you have charted for awhile it's hard to say. If you are ovulating, a LP longer than 14 isn't unheard of. I think up to 16 days is considered normal. But I would expect AF earlier this cycle if you are ovulating today.

AF got me today. I'm a little disappointed but I'm also relieved. This was my first cycle off bcp and AF was a week late. So instead of 28 days my cycle was 35 days which isn't so bad considering I just stopped the pill. One positive is that I can celebrate my 30th birthday in two weeks with some drinks! Lol. It also looks like I should be ovulating around that time- it'd be nice to possibly conceive on my bday :)

I'm sorry to hear that but loving your attitude about it. Bright side! :thumbup:
Got a letter saying abnormal sperm results so have appointment tomorrow. Absolutely broken
ladders - sorry about your results
Jess- keep up the positive attitude!

Reggie- today is day 31. My plan is to dip tomorrow morning and hopefully there won't be an error! Also, I need to schedule my annual exam anyways...working on getting into a new doctor. Called today and left a message so I will also ask them what they think I should do if I continue to have a problem...My gut at this point is saying I will see a BFP...but who knows!

I want to share an email I sent to DH and his response with you...All I can say is my reaction was "really? really?" (know that DH is full of puns for every occasion!)

my email:Another error...I will try peeing in a cup and doing it that way tomorrow. also, Hailey woke me at 530, I took her out and she only peed and wanted to come right back in. So, do your best but she may just hold things in until she can't anymore...don't forget to feed her.

DH's response Geez, what's with all these piss-poor results?
:haha: Oh no, that's so bad! That sounds like something my DH would say though unfortunately. He loves puns too! Good luck!
Thanks everyone for all the support. CD1 it is! Again. Yaaaaa.....y. But hey - one thing that has me more hopeful this time is that DH has been taking FertilAid. Maybe that will be the boost we need. I know they say give it 3 months of the vitamins, but I've read a lot of stories of how it helped after just a month, so hey...why not be hopeful?

Hey ladies, i just wanted to thank you all for the positive thoughts this week. Sadly my memier passed away this morning. She is in a better place now and not in pain anymore..

and I told my mom that we are TTC and she was super excited for us. This will be grand baby # 6 for my parents so no pressure from them.

I'm very sorry for your loss. :hugs:

Shame we are all so far away so can't get together and get drunk and vent when the witch arrives

100% agreed! Too bad.

Also, forgot to tell this story. So, yesterday, I had a female client come to court with her mom. Her mother asked that the court order her to take her BC. I explained that the court would love to order people to take BC but that it is illegal and if girl doesn't want to take it, there is nothing the court can do. So here is how the rest of the conversation went.

Mom: "It's not that she refuses to take it, it's that she doesn't take it seriously and so she doesn't take it right."

Girl: Exasperated teenage noise. "I caught up on my missed pills from last week yesterday."

(In my head: I'm keeping an open mind at this point that she only missed 1 or 2)

Mom: "Taking like 6 pills at once isn't going to keep you from getting pregnant. That's not how it works."

(In my head: True but it will probably prevent you staying pregnant.)

Girl: "I didn't take 6..."

(In my head: please, please, please don't be this dumb.)

Girl: "...I took 9."

(In my head: head slap. Can you OD on BC? Should I call for a medical evaluation? Don't pat her or mom in sympathetic gesture, just got approved to go back to school after the scabies were cleared up.)

Me: "Well that's not why we're here today, so let's focus on your charges."

(In my head: I need wine, is it too early for wine? I haven't ovulated yet, I can still drink right? I have obviously made some bad life choices to end up standing here listening to this.)

Whoever said we should be closer so we can drink when AF shows up is right!

Wooooooooowwwww. Wow.


Ok so I need help. I either need answers or for someone to let me know if there is a forum I'm missing that could answer this. My cycle as far as the computer can tell is about 32 average. I am on cycle day 12. So far the prediction is that based on averages I will ovulate somewhere between CD 16 and 20 since that would be 12 to 16 days prior to expected period. This is my first month temping but I know that it will only tell me after I ovulated. I've been trying to check CM too but I'm a little confused so I'm mostly just feeling it out so to speak, hehe, and keeping track of observations for next month. However, I just went to the bathroom and TMI when I wiped, I had a rather large, blob is the only description I can come up with, of clear kind of mucus looking stuff come out. I didn't really feel it to see if it was stretchy or not. There are some things I just can't handle doing yet. But now I'm wondering if this is meaning that I am going to ovulate within the next few days and perhaps I ovulate really early? Any ideas, suggestions, or comments on my crazy would be appreciated.

What you're describing is EWCM. Like someone else said, some women get it just a day before ovulation and some for several days. Mine comes 3-4 days before ovulation. However, lots and lots of women get EWCM at random times with no logical explanation for it. It doesn't always match right up with ovulation like it's supposed to, so it can't be trusted on its own. If you're temping, you can start looking for a slight drop. It will typically drop right before ovulation and then rise. That low temp day is typically your O day. If you see your temp drop and you've got the EWCM, you're likely about to O. It's a little bit of guess-work though without using an OPK. A lot of women say that they thought they knew when they ovulated until they used ovulation kits and found out they were wrong. Have you thought about using one of those?

Got a letter saying abnormal sperm results so have appointment tomorrow. Absolutely broken

That's crap that they just give you bad news in a letter without details, just so that you can wait and stress over it. How crappy of them. Sweetheart, it will be okay! No matter the results, spermy issues can be worked around. A lot of times, it's just a matter of putting DH on vitamins. Try to think positive thoughts the best you can. :hugs:

AF got me today. I'm a little disappointed but I'm also relieved. This was my first cycle off bcp and AF was a week late. So instead of 28 days my cycle was 35 days which isn't so bad considering I just stopped the pill. One positive is that I can celebrate my 30th birthday in two weeks with some drinks! Lol. It also looks like I should be ovulating around that time- it'd be nice to possibly conceive on my bday :)

Sorry about AF but way to go for that attitude! :thumbup: happy early birthday!

ladders - sorry about your results
Jess- keep up the positive attitude!

Reggie- today is day 31. My plan is to dip tomorrow morning and hopefully there won't be an error! Also, I need to schedule my annual exam anyways...working on getting into a new doctor. Called today and left a message so I will also ask them what they think I should do if I continue to have a problem...My gut at this point is saying I will see a BFP...but who knows!

I want to share an email I sent to DH and his response with you...All I can say is my reaction was "really? really?" (know that DH is full of puns for every occasion!)

my email:Another error...I will try peeing in a cup and doing it that way tomorrow. also, Hailey woke me at 530, I took her out and she only peed and wanted to come right back in. So, do your best but she may just hold things in until she can't anymore...don't forget to feed her.

DH's response Geez, what's with all these piss-poor results?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! And your DH is funny. :haha:
AF got me today. I'm a little disappointed but I'm also relieved. This was my first cycle off bcp and AF was a week late. So instead of 28 days my cycle was 35 days which isn't so bad considering I just stopped the pill. One positive is that I can celebrate my 30th birthday in two weeks with some drinks! Lol. It also looks like I should be ovulating around that time- it'd be nice to possibly conceive on my bday :)

this month was my first off BCP as well and my cycle was 45 days! on cd6 now. good luck
Got a letter saying abnormal sperm results so have appointment tomorrow. Absolutely broken

I'm so sorry Ladders! :hugs: we are dealing with male factor too so I know how devastating that can be. But the good news is that now you'll know and you can take steps to deal with it. Just know it's not a death sentence. People with male factor conceive all the time.
RF - what are you guys doing to combat the male factor? Is he on vitamins?
I'm sorry to hear that, Ladders. I know there are workarounds for sperm issues, I hope they prove to be not too complicated in your case.

My insurance covers up to 6 fertility treatments, but I don't know to what extent or what procedures specifically it covered. Since we're just starting out I haven't bothered to research it.

If it gives anybody hope, a dear friend of mine who spent nearly a year TTC gave birth to a beautiful baby girl today. Sometimes it just takes time (which I'm sure will be absolutely zero comfort to me if I haven't conceived in a year :P ).
Thanks for all the answers guys. I want to do a month of just temping before I get some OPKs. I just want to get an idea of what my body does every month prior to spending money to dial in the exact day. I figure since I don't know what is going on for sure, I will just take advantage of DH as much as possible until my temp spikes! :winkwink:

To those who are out this month, I'm sorry. On to next month!

To the testers, fingers crossed!

M, keep us all updated!
Not too sure about the EWCM question but your chart's looking good PD! It seems like it should be super clear to tell when you've ovulated so that's awesome for your first cycle temping.

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