30 yo and TTC #1

Yay MGreenM!!!! I am so happy for you :) Congratulations! Of course life is that it would happen the month it's less convenient, right?! But it might be a little stressful right now but it will all be okay. Yay! First BFP! I hope you will keep us posted on how it goes.

PD, I would probably end up disregarding the temp but I don't think it should be a huge deal either way. I screwed up my temp today too. I should have temped when I woke up an hour and a half before my alarm but I was too tired to realize that. Of course when I temped at my normal time it was way high.

Dos, I would count the next day as CD1. That's what FF recommends I believe.
Okay - I need your charting opinions on something. If you were spotting all day before starting AF, and she arrived late that evening at around 9 p.m., would you count that day as CD1 or would you count that day as spotting and the next as CD1? I'm thinking I should count the next day as CD1...especially since that's when my temp dipped dramatically. You ladies agree?

I would say yes. The day you start bleeding no matter what time is the day that is CD1.
Okay - I need your charting opinions on something. If you were spotting all day before starting AF, and she arrived late that evening at around 9 p.m., would you count that day as CD1 or would you count that day as spotting and the next as CD1? I'm thinking I should count the next day as CD1...especially since that's when my temp dipped dramatically. You ladies agree?

Thank you. For what it is worth, I count where I'm at in the day when I go to bed. So I would count today as CD1 since it full on started prior to bed.

Thank you everyone! I think DH is actually rather excited...he sent me an email this morning saying "Just let me know when I can tell the world. I am eagerly waiting to make a post about this on Facebook." I almost had a meltdown at work because when I called to make an appointment, they said they wouldn't do it until week 8 which happens to be my first week at the new job! I was freaking out so much I ended up telling a co-worker that is like a mom to me and asking her advice. Well, fortunately, today was a slow day and I was able to call a few other practices and one that is actually associated with the dr. I had been going to said they would do it the week before including the sonogram! I am still a little edgy, but having people being excited for me helps. I hope my babydust rubs off on all of you!

Ladders- I wish I could help, but I know NOTHING about SA!

And I am no help with the temping stuff either! lol! I am not very useful to you guys right now, huh? Well, you have my support and hugs whenever you need them!

I am incredibly excited for you! I want two things. First is constant updates on your pregnancy. If the others here don't, friend me so we can do messages. Second, I want to see your status change soon! Safe 9 months!
Sorry for the bfn. You never know though.

So random temping questions....

First, I am seeing a lot of people going really hardcore about temping without moving in the morning. I actually have to sit up to get to my alarm because I would totally sleep through it otherwise. So I at least sit up and turn the alarm off before temping. I don't feel like it's that bad since I have been "experimenting" with temping and take my temp when I'm still in bed after sitting up and after I've gotten up and peed and brushed my teeth. It is usually only .1 degree different. I'm really not willing to move my alarm closer so I can turn it off and end up at the wrong time and late for work. How badly is this affecting my temps do you think?

Second, this morning, I overslept anyway. (I'm special) and dreamed I took my temp while still in bed but didn't. So I took it after I peed and brushed my teeth. It was the same as yesterday's temp and because of the small difference I've been seeing in temps this way, I recorded the temp and different time, but recorded it as a temp that might be inaccurate. Do we think it's a problem to do this? Should I have completely disregarded the temp? Since it wasn't crazy different I didn't disregard it completely.

Any answers are appreciated. Who knew you could be so bad at something as simple as taking your own temp on a digital thermometer.

I think temping after sitting up is not a big deal. If u do it every day, it's probably reflected consistently in your chart anyways.

I'd keep the temp for today and leave it as inaccurate. I had a bunch like that this cycle where I had to wake up really early, or I ended up oversleeping. Ff marks it for u so it's fine. Plus one temp won't skew ure whole chart.
Ok, I changed it...I think...lol. I emailed my psychiatrist to tell him so that I can manage the anxiety/depression appropriately. Still feeling edgy...wonder if it is related to the hormone changes? There is so much going on, so much transition it is really hard to say. Please let me know how much of updates you guys want. I don't want to make anyone feel bad/jealous as I know it's hard when you find out others get there BFP. I plan to keep up on this thread just to see how you guys are doing.
Sorry Soon, Good luck this month.

My temp went up a lot this morning but I also had an incredibly bad night last night. So, I said f it and got drunk. I'm obviously a shining example of adulthood. Then because my mind was still in a bad place, I was up and down all night long. I kept waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. I would get up to pee and go back to bed. I did this about 12 times over the course of the night. So I'm assuming the temp this morning may be an outlier. For now, since this is my first month, I'm just keeping them all as may be inaccurate readings. I figure one or two won't kill the chart. While I want to get pregnant this month, at least if I don't I will know next month about when I ovulate so I will have a better idea of when to do OPKs and what is completely wonky and what is maybe just incredibly early ovulation. Is it wrong that I am weirdly obsessed with temping? I find it fascinating what my body does every day.
So sorry to hear about your af soontobe, hope you feel better soon and we'll go through the next cycle together again hopefully we'll have lots more bfp soon

Pd I'm with you on the drinking I'm trying to be good but when af arrives its wine time!

Plot thickens with our tests my bloods came back today with high prolactin so needs repeating on Tuesday is still high then will be referred for neuro exam and possible mri as could be a benign tumour on the pituarty gland in the brain. Could be stress or excessive exercise and definitely not the excessive exercise lol! Have to try to relax and not worry about it because then could elevate next levels. Has anyone any experience of this?
So sorry to hear about your af soontobe, hope you feel better soon and we'll go through the next cycle together again hopefully we'll have lots more bfp soon

Pd I'm with you on the drinking I'm trying to be good but when af arrives its wine time!

Plot thickens with our tests my bloods came back today with high prolactin so needs repeating on Tuesday is still high then will be referred for neuro exam and possible mri as could be a benign tumour on the pituarty gland in the brain. Could be stress or excessive exercise and definitely not the excessive exercise lol! Have to try to relax and not worry about it because then could elevate next levels. Has anyone any experience of this?

I have no experience but I will keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out well for you. That sounds rather scary. Be safe and keep us updated.

My own FYI is that I got back from court this afternoon to find out one of the higher up attorneys is changing jobs so I am being "promoted" to Municipal court. It's good and more experience but I have to leave my little delinquents, which is sad. But I'm excited to start a new experience. And to have jury trials.
Ah congratulations about the job pd that's great news hopefully it will mean that while concentrating on new job that bfp will sneak up on you!

Trying to not stress and have told dh if I have a brain tumour then I should be excused for all ttc neurosis because clearly not my fault. He failed to see the funny side of that lol
Sorry to hear about AF, Soon. Wishing you good luck that everything is well, ladders. MGreenM, I want ALL the updates but that's just me! :)

I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting to head home. It'll be nice to get back to DH and the fur babies but I'm sad to leave my friend and her sweet little man. I wish I could see him grow! But I'll be back out this way in June so that will have to do.

Tried another OPK today and it was still faint but slightly darker than yesterday, I think? I'm only at CD10 so still early. I'm just impatient and worried that because it's my first cycle off the pill I might not ovulate at all. Trying not to get ahead of myself though. Will definitely start the BDing when I get home because why not? Can't hurt! Also I'm annoyed at how bad my chart looks. I did end up discarding yesterday's temp because I'd only slept an hour and a half before I took it and I know it was completely off. But it was still up today so I have no idea. I'm really bad at this not obsessing thing...
Sorry Soon, Good luck this month.

My temp went up a lot this morning but I also had an incredibly bad night last night. So, I said f it and got drunk. I'm obviously a shining example of adulthood. Then because my mind was still in a bad place, I was up and down all night long. I kept waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. I would get up to pee and go back to bed. I did this about 12 times over the course of the night. So I'm assuming the temp this morning may be an outlier. For now, since this is my first month, I'm just keeping them all as may be inaccurate readings. I figure one or two won't kill the chart. While I want to get pregnant this month, at least if I don't I will know next month about when I ovulate so I will have a better idea of when to do OPKs and what is completely wonky and what is maybe just incredibly early ovulation. Is it wrong that I am weirdly obsessed with temping? I find it fascinating what my body does every day.

so sorry you had such a bad night! I hate those!

So sorry to hear about your af soontobe, hope you feel better soon and we'll go through the next cycle together again hopefully we'll have lots more bfp soon

Pd I'm with you on the drinking I'm trying to be good but when af arrives its wine time!

Plot thickens with our tests my bloods came back today with high prolactin so needs repeating on Tuesday is still high then will be referred for neuro exam and possible mri as could be a benign tumour on the pituarty gland in the brain. Could be stress or excessive exercise and definitely not the excessive exercise lol! Have to try to relax and not worry about it because then could elevate next levels. Has anyone any experience of this?

I am so sorry to hear that! I hope that everything turns out alright! Keep us posted!

So sorry to hear about your af soontobe, hope you feel better soon and we'll go through the next cycle together again hopefully we'll have lots more bfp soon

Pd I'm with you on the drinking I'm trying to be good but when af arrives its wine time!

Plot thickens with our tests my bloods came back today with high prolactin so needs repeating on Tuesday is still high then will be referred for neuro exam and possible mri as could be a benign tumour on the pituarty gland in the brain. Could be stress or excessive exercise and definitely not the excessive exercise lol! Have to try to relax and not worry about it because then could elevate next levels. Has anyone any experience of this?

I have no experience but I will keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out well for you. That sounds rather scary. Be safe and keep us updated.

My own FYI is that I got back from court this afternoon to find out one of the higher up attorneys is changing jobs so I am being "promoted" to Municipal court. It's good and more experience but I have to leave my little delinquents, which is sad. But I'm excited to start a new experience. And to have jury trials.

congrats on the promotion! so excited for you!
Ladders - I'm sending positive thoughts for you that it turns out to be no big deal.

PD - congrats on the promotion! I'd miss the little delinquents, too, though. But we're apparently gluttons for punishment. (;

Soon - sorry about AF. :\ But hey...you, me and ladders - cycle buddies. Now for some baby dust to woft over here from green... (:

Okay, girls...who uses the ClearBlue happy face OPK? On the box, it specifically says not to reuse the tester the next cycle. Well...why? I popped a new test strip in there, and it started up just like normal. I have about a million strips left. I only used 2 last month! If I can just use it again, that would save $30. But since it says not to, I'm paranoid. I'm thinking...did they just say not to because they want me to buy another $30 kit, or is there a legitimate reason not to? Thoughts?
Oh god, I'm such a mess tonight you guys! I seriously feel like I'm PMSing. I really hope that's not the case. When I took a month off the pill a couple years ago I had a normal length cycle so maybe this is just my hormones being wacky. But it is uncannily like PMS. I got home and sobbed on DH's shoulder that I'm going to miss my friend's baby growing up and that I'm anxious and overwhelmed with my job hunt. And when I couldn't find anything else to be upset about I cried about the fact that in the (fictional) book I was reading a kitten got run over. And then I ate a bunch of chocolate and felt slightly better. Ugh... Off to BD I guess! Maybe that will make me feel better?
Dos i use the clearblue digital opks been using the dual hormone ones which give either a blank flashing smiley or solid smiley. With the holder i think that what they mean is to not use a new holder in the middle of the cycle because the first time you pee on it it calibrates to those levels so it can detect changes, if you changed holder half way through you would loose all the saved info. I've reused the holder before and figured they wouldn't supply a box of 20 which is a 2 month supply with only one stick if you wasn't able to. So as long as you stick with the same holder throughout the full cycle you are fine.

Curiousowl hope you are feeling better today, some days we are a bit more emotional than others and chocolate and bd'ing sounds like a great way to cheer yourself up!

Need to learn how to relax and destress anyone have any relaxation tips or techniques mine all involve wine which I'm trying to avoid!
Oh god, I'm such a mess tonight you guys! I seriously feel like I'm PMSing. I really hope that's not the case. When I took a month off the pill a couple years ago I had a normal length cycle so maybe this is just my hormones being wacky. But it is uncannily like PMS. I got home and sobbed on DH's shoulder that I'm going to miss my friend's baby growing up and that I'm anxious and overwhelmed with my job hunt. And when I couldn't find anything else to be upset about I cried about the fact that in the (fictional) book I was reading a kitten got run over. And then I ate a bunch of chocolate and felt slightly better. Ugh... Off to BD I guess! Maybe that will make me feel better?

Just so you know, for the 10-14 days before my bfp, I was an emotional wreck...don't know if it was the hormones or not....
I am trying really hard to just let this happen when it's "meant" to happen, but sometimes I just wish the universe would at least attempt to merge its schedule with mine. Haha. Here's the deal.

My recent goal has been to at least be pregnant by my 30th birthday (t-minus...well I'm too lazy to count the days, but we're talking less than 4 months...it's in May). I was thinking - okay, that's totally doable. Guaranteed, no, but very likely. Weeeellll....my husband is a paramedic with an ambulance service, but has decided recently that he wants to test with the fire departments in the area to become a firefighter/paramedic on their ambulances. I am 100% behind him on this decision, both because it's what he's always wanted as his next career step and because it's financially the best thing for us (pretty good chunk of a pay raise). Here's the stressful part of it. Testing is going on in February for most of the departments he's interested in, so it's coming up very soon. I'm pretty confident he will be offered a job at at least one of them. Well, they will send him to rookie school (boot camp/fire school)...which is down in south Arkansas (about 6 hours from us) for EIGHT WEEKS. He will be gone the entire week and can only come home on weekends. Yeaaaah...besides the obvious fact that I'll miss that man, this puts a damper in baby-making, doesn't it? We'd have to really luck out that I'd actually be ovulating on the weekend. Ugh...it's always something.

I feel like that makes this cycle (I should be ovulating in about a week) our last decent shot for a while. I don't want to put pressure on myself, because I know stress-free is the way to go, but um...easier said than done, ya know? I know I just have to let it work out the way it will...who knows what will happen...but I just wish for once in my life somebody would clear the obstacle course for 5 minutes. :wacko:

Somebody pet me. :awww: :haha:

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