30 yo and TTC #1

I am trying really hard to just let this happen when it's "meant" to happen, but sometimes I just wish the universe would at least attempt to merge its schedule with mine. Haha. Here's the deal.

My recent goal has been to at least be pregnant by my 30th birthday (t-minus...well I'm too lazy to count the days, but we're talking less than 4 months...it's in May). I was thinking - okay, that's totally doable. Guaranteed, no, but very likely. Weeeellll....my husband is a paramedic with an ambulance service, but has decided recently that he wants to test with the fire departments in the area to become a firefighter/paramedic on their ambulances. I am 100% behind him on this decision, both because it's what he's always wanted as his next career step and because it's financially the best thing for us (pretty good chunk of a pay raise). Here's the stressful part of it. Testing is going on in February for most of the departments he's interested in, so it's coming up very soon. I'm pretty confident he will be offered a job at at least one of them. Well, they will send him to rookie school (boot camp/fire school)...which is down in south Arkansas (about 6 hours from us) for EIGHT WEEKS. He will be gone the entire week and can only come home on weekends. Yeaaaah, this puts a damper in baby-making, doesn't it? We'd have to really luck out that I'd actually be ovulating on the weekend. Ugh...it's always something.

I feel like that makes this cycle (I should be ovulating in about a week) our last decent shot for a while. I don't want to put pressure on myself, because I know stress-free is the way to go, but um...easier said than done, ya know? I know I just have to let it work out the way it will...who knows what will happen...but I just wish for once in my life somebody would clear the obstacle course for 5 minutes. :wacko:

Somebody pet me. :awww: :haha:

good luck to your hubby! I learned a long time ago, setting time/age based goals for things like marriage or pregnancy is a REALLY bad idea! I was convinced that during grad school I would meet someone and by the time I graduated we would be ready to be engaged/married...yeah, that didn't even come close to happening! I didn't date much in grad school and didn't meet DH until I moved out to the DC area for my first job! Even then, we didn't start dating until about a year later! Needless to say, when I hadn't reached my goal at the end of grad school, I was pretty upset about it. I set myself up for that disappointment. While a time frame is important for goal setting and achievement, we have to remember that sometimes things are beyond our control and things come up in life that may screw with our ideals. :dohh: Besides, this can only make you stronger, right?:thumbup:
Wishing the best for your hubby Dos. Lots of words of wisdom flowing from Mgreen there so I don't have much to add. I do believe things will happen when they are supposed to, and we should really only worry about things we can control / influence. Easier said than done right? Lots of baby dust to you this cycle, but if it doesn't happen, can you go visit him at his base on the week that you're expecting to ovulate for a day or two? If not, then it'll all about BD'ing on the weekends, and remember, it only takes one sperm to get there.
Oh god, I'm such a mess tonight you guys! I seriously feel like I'm PMSing. I really hope that's not the case. When I took a month off the pill a couple years ago I had a normal length cycle so maybe this is just my hormones being wacky. But it is uncannily like PMS. I got home and sobbed on DH's shoulder that I'm going to miss my friend's baby growing up and that I'm anxious and overwhelmed with my job hunt. And when I couldn't find anything else to be upset about I cried about the fact that in the (fictional) book I was reading a kitten got run over. And then I ate a bunch of chocolate and felt slightly better. Ugh... Off to BD I guess! Maybe that will make me feel better?

Hope you are feeling better this morning. Our hormones can be messed up sometimes. I enjoyed some wine and sushi last night, to "celebrate" CD1.
Dos I feel for you u get grumpy when dh is on lates over o time, he's a dr so his shifts all over the place and still trying to disguise its a bd and pretend I just can't keep my hands off him, hard to make that believable when he comes in at 4am and I get up at 6!
Try to stay positive and think of all the extra swimmers he will have saved up over the week, might actually work in your favour!
Oh god, I'm such a mess tonight you guys! I seriously feel like I'm PMSing. I really hope that's not the case. When I took a month off the pill a couple years ago I had a normal length cycle so maybe this is just my hormones being wacky. But it is uncannily like PMS. I got home and sobbed on DH's shoulder that I'm going to miss my friend's baby growing up and that I'm anxious and overwhelmed with my job hunt. And when I couldn't find anything else to be upset about I cried about the fact that in the (fictional) book I was reading a kitten got run over. And then I ate a bunch of chocolate and felt slightly better. Ugh... Off to BD I guess! Maybe that will make me feel better?

I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Maybe it's just a bad day. I've done that before. Just had stress build up until I exploded. I didn't even realize how stressed I was until I just lost it. Hoping you feel better soon.:hugs:

Dos i use the clearblue digital opks been using the dual hormone ones which give either a blank flashing smiley or solid smiley. With the holder i think that what they mean is to not use a new holder in the middle of the cycle because the first time you pee on it it calibrates to those levels so it can detect changes, if you changed holder half way through you would loose all the saved info. I've reused the holder before and figured they wouldn't supply a box of 20 which is a 2 month supply with only one stick if you wasn't able to. So as long as you stick with the same holder throughout the full cycle you are fine.

Curiousowl hope you are feeling better today, some days we are a bit more emotional than others and chocolate and bd'ing sounds like a great way to cheer yourself up!

Need to learn how to relax and destress anyone have any relaxation tips or techniques mine all involve wine which I'm trying to avoid!

Besides wine, I also do yoga at a studio a few days a week. I try to do it at home too but it's more relaxing at studio. Good luck.

I am trying really hard to just let this happen when it's "meant" to happen, but sometimes I just wish the universe would at least attempt to merge its schedule with mine. Haha. Here's the deal.

My recent goal has been to at least be pregnant by my 30th birthday (t-minus...well I'm too lazy to count the days, but we're talking less than 4 months...it's in May). I was thinking - okay, that's totally doable. Guaranteed, no, but very likely. Weeeellll....my husband is a paramedic with an ambulance service, but has decided recently that he wants to test with the fire departments in the area to become a firefighter/paramedic on their ambulances. I am 100% behind him on this decision, both because it's what he's always wanted as his next career step and because it's financially the best thing for us (pretty good chunk of a pay raise). Here's the stressful part of it. Testing is going on in February for most of the departments he's interested in, so it's coming up very soon. I'm pretty confident he will be offered a job at at least one of them. Well, they will send him to rookie school (boot camp/fire school)...which is down in south Arkansas (about 6 hours from us) for EIGHT WEEKS. He will be gone the entire week and can only come home on weekends. Yeaaaah...besides the obvious fact that I'll miss that man, this puts a damper in baby-making, doesn't it? We'd have to really luck out that I'd actually be ovulating on the weekend. Ugh...it's always something.

I feel like that makes this cycle (I should be ovulating in about a week) our last decent shot for a while. I don't want to put pressure on myself, because I know stress-free is the way to go, but um...easier said than done, ya know? I know I just have to let it work out the way it will...who knows what will happen...but I just wish for once in my life somebody would clear the obstacle course for 5 minutes. :wacko:

Somebody pet me. :awww: :haha:

Good luck to your husband. You just have to remember that all the good things in life will also be good for a baby. Even if it doesn't happen by 30 maybe he was meant to be working in the next career step before you guys start a family. I know that's no help when you had your heart set on something. You still have plenty of time before you're birthday. It can still work out
Funny story - my DH has a bad cold and found some old thermometer to check and make sure he's not running a fever. He came over just now and said..hey, maybe now we can start taking our temperature together in the morning. I BURST out laughing.
Thanks so much ladies! I'm feeling much better this morning so I bet you were all right and it was just an isolated bad day.

Dos, good luck to your husband! I think MGreenM was so right on about how setting time goals isn't good. But I know I do it too! And I completely understand the "this is really good for your husband's career but it really affects your life". It's why I'm job hunting now when I had a job I loved. But we do these things because we know they're the best step for our family. :hugs: Try not to think about it until it happens! Just take it 1 cycle at a time.
So sorry to hear about your af soontobe, hope you feel better soon and we'll go through the next cycle together again hopefully we'll have lots more bfp soon

Pd I'm with you on the drinking I'm trying to be good but when af arrives its wine time!

Plot thickens with our tests my bloods came back today with high prolactin so needs repeating on Tuesday is still high then will be referred for neuro exam and possible mri as could be a benign tumour on the pituarty gland in the brain. Could be stress or excessive exercise and definitely not the excessive exercise lol! Have to try to relax and not worry about it because then could elevate next levels. Has anyone any experience of this?

Sorry to hear about all this! I hope everything turns out ok! :)

Oh god, I'm such a mess tonight you guys! I seriously feel like I'm PMSing. I really hope that's not the case. When I took a month off the pill a couple years ago I had a normal length cycle so maybe this is just my hormones being wacky. But it is uncannily like PMS. I got home and sobbed on DH's shoulder that I'm going to miss my friend's baby growing up and that I'm anxious and overwhelmed with my job hunt. And when I couldn't find anything else to be upset about I cried about the fact that in the (fictional) book I was reading a kitten got run over. And then I ate a bunch of chocolate and felt slightly better. Ugh... Off to BD I guess! Maybe that will make me feel better?

I'm sorry you feel so crappy! I understand those days. Sometimes a commercial comes on and I see a mom loving on a baby and start crying! LOL Sometimes just a hug between a couple gets me going! I can be a cry baby at times!

I am trying really hard to just let this happen when it's "meant" to happen, but sometimes I just wish the universe would at least attempt to merge its schedule with mine. Haha. Here's the deal.

My recent goal has been to at least be pregnant by my 30th birthday (t-minus...well I'm too lazy to count the days, but we're talking less than 4 months...it's in May). I was thinking - okay, that's totally doable. Guaranteed, no, but very likely. Weeeellll....my husband is a paramedic with an ambulance service, but has decided recently that he wants to test with the fire departments in the area to become a firefighter/paramedic on their ambulances. I am 100% behind him on this decision, both because it's what he's always wanted as his next career step and because it's financially the best thing for us (pretty good chunk of a pay raise). Here's the stressful part of it. Testing is going on in February for most of the departments he's interested in, so it's coming up very soon. I'm pretty confident he will be offered a job at at least one of them. Well, they will send him to rookie school (boot camp/fire school)...which is down in south Arkansas (about 6 hours from us) for EIGHT WEEKS. He will be gone the entire week and can only come home on weekends. Yeaaaah...besides the obvious fact that I'll miss that man, this puts a damper in baby-making, doesn't it? We'd have to really luck out that I'd actually be ovulating on the weekend. Ugh...it's always something.

I feel like that makes this cycle (I should be ovulating in about a week) our last decent shot for a while. I don't want to put pressure on myself, because I know stress-free is the way to go, but um...easier said than done, ya know? I know I just have to let it work out the way it will...who knows what will happen...but I just wish for once in my life somebody would clear the obstacle course for 5 minutes. :wacko:

Somebody pet me. :awww: :haha:

I know how you feel! I had discussed with my husband the whole doing the SMEP thing this month and of course that was out the window! We were supposed to BD every day but because of work and other things that have come up we haven't done it every other day on schedule and it really got me upset! But I had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes life isn't always as planned!

Anyway, I'm just saying that it will all work out, unfortunately not the time and way we want it too!!

Also, you asked a question about the clearblue digital OPK. This is my first time using it this month. I just assumed you could keep reusing the digital and just buy the pee sticks. I'm going to have to go google that now! LOL

What is everyone's plans this weekend? I just started my own business. I do a lot of crocheting at home so I thought I'd start my own business by selling some of it. There is a shop in town that put them in their store last month and I sold a few scarves! :-) Anyway, I thought since I am pretty good and enjoy crocheting, I'd try to pick up knitting. I didn't realize how difficult knitting is! Any of you guys knit or crochet?!
Owl, I'm glad you're feeling better. We all have days like that. I've come home from a particularly rough day at school before and drank a whole bottle of wine in the bathtub. Lol.

Thank you everyone for the support and advice. You're all extremely right. In the end, if my husband gets on at one of the fire departments, he will be ecstatic which will make me ecstatic. He deserves it, and if that interrupts TTC, then we'll start right back up when he gets home and we'll eventually have our little family whenever that's what the universe puts in our lap. Besides...in the meantime, I can just start planning cute newborn pictures in a fire hat. :winkwink: :haha:
Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in to say HI. :P I haven't been as active on here just due to the crazy nature of this long cycle of mine. It's hard to talk about or even do much TTC when your body is doing absolutely nothing to help the issue! lol!

I feel right now, more than other times in my cycle, that I MIGHT O soon. Boobs are a bit heavier and been experiencing quite a bit of watery CM being "expelled" (not sure on the scientific term for that! lol) which I haven't experienced in a long time. (meaning, I hardly ever feel anything come out of me. Used to a lot when I was younger but not lately). I also keep getting O pains, but I've been getting those periodically all cycle so I'm not paying it too much heed. Been taking OPKs randomly though and still nothing on that front. Today I am CD59.

Been eating extremely healthy the past week. About 90% fruit/veg. I'm hoping by cutting out a lot of fat, sugar, soy, and dairy that maybe I can restart my body some how. I'm not sure if I mentioned but someone mentioned that I might be estrogen heavy (thus why I have so much fertile CM most of the month) and a lot of those items I cut out carry estrogen in them. I've lost 3-4 lbs this week already from it.

I've also got a boudoir shoot coming up this upcoming Friday! I'm excited and nervous about it. Excited because its a gift for my husband, nervous because I am not in my ideal body right now (far from it). But, I am hoping that a boudoir shoot will help me appreciate my body a bit more!

Other than that, I have another doc appointment on Feb 11th for thyroid levels. If I haven't O'd by then then I will bring it up to the doc and see what she thinks. I'll be CD76 by then, if that's the case!
Wow I haven't been around the past few days and I missed a lot! MGreen congrats on your BFP! So exciting!!

Ladders I hope you get everything figured out soon. The numbers you posted from the SA don't look that bad to me. I think you've definitely got a good shot!

Still reading throughout everything so I may have more comments later!
Owl, I'm glad you're feeling better. We all have days like that. I've come home from a particularly rough day at school before and drank a whole bottle of wine in the bathtub. Lol.

Thank you everyone for the support and advice. You're all extremely right. In the end, if my husband gets on at one of the fire departments, he will be ecstatic which will make me ecstatic. He deserves it, and if that interrupts TTC, then we'll start right back up when he gets home and we'll eventually have our little family whenever that's what the universe puts in our lap. Besides...in the meantime, I can just start planning cute newborn pictures in a fire hat. :winkwink: :haha:

Dos, I really sometimes think we might actually be the same person! Good luck to him!

Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in to say HI. :P I haven't been as active on here just due to the crazy nature of this long cycle of mine. It's hard to talk about or even do much TTC when your body is doing absolutely nothing to help the issue! lol!

I feel right now, more than other times in my cycle, that I MIGHT O soon. Boobs are a bit heavier and been experiencing quite a bit of watery CM being "expelled" (not sure on the scientific term for that! lol) which I haven't experienced in a long time. (meaning, I hardly ever feel anything come out of me. Used to a lot when I was younger but not lately). I also keep getting O pains, but I've been getting those periodically all cycle so I'm not paying it too much heed. Been taking OPKs randomly though and still nothing on that front. Today I am CD59.

Been eating extremely healthy the past week. About 90% fruit/veg. I'm hoping by cutting out a lot of fat, sugar, soy, and dairy that maybe I can restart my body some how. I'm not sure if I mentioned but someone mentioned that I might be estrogen heavy (thus why I have so much fertile CM most of the month) and a lot of those items I cut out carry estrogen in them. I've lost 3-4 lbs this week already from it.

I've also got a boudoir shoot coming up this upcoming Friday! I'm excited and nervous about it. Excited because its a gift for my husband, nervous because I am not in my ideal body right now (far from it). But, I am hoping that a boudoir shoot will help me appreciate my body a bit more!

Other than that, I have another doc appointment on Feb 11th for thyroid levels. If I haven't O'd by then then I will bring it up to the doc and see what she thinks. I'll be CD76 by then, if that's the case!

Good luck! That must be incredibly frustrating. Keep us up to date on what your doctor says. Hope everything goes smoothly but maybe if their is an answer it can also be fixed.

I know how you feel! I had discussed with my husband the whole doing the SMEP thing this month and of course that was out the window! We were supposed to BD every day but because of work and other things that have come up we haven't done it every other day on schedule and it really got me upset! But I had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes life isn't always as planned!

Anyway, I'm just saying that it will all work out, unfortunately not the time and way we want it too!!

Also, you asked a question about the clearblue digital OPK. This is my first time using it this month. I just assumed you could keep reusing the digital and just buy the pee sticks. I'm going to have to go google that now! LOL

What is everyone's plans this weekend? I just started my own business. I do a lot of crocheting at home so I thought I'd start my own business by selling some of it. There is a shop in town that put them in their store last month and I sold a few scarves! :-) Anyway, I thought since I am pretty good and enjoy crocheting, I'd try to pick up knitting. I didn't realize how difficult knitting is! Any of you guys knit or crochet?!

Good for you! I have tried both crocheting and knitting but I'm horrible at both. I have no patience nor am I artsy as hard as I try to be. We are going to the shooting range tomorrow and then I'm going to try and plan what I need to pack this week for our trip to New Mexico next weekend. I'm also going to try and avoid thinking about switching divisions so I don't freak myself out.
one of my friends taught me to crochet...I only made part of a baby blanket (was supposed to be for my niece who is now 4) before life got too busy...I should start doing some sort of craft...haven't started the scrapbook for our wedding as we haven't gotten our pro pictures yet (they guy has been a real jerk...and DH knows him personally!) But scrapbooking is something I really enjoy. Maybe I will pick up the crocheting again...
What is everyone's plans this weekend? I just started my own business. I do a lot of crocheting at home so I thought I'd start my own business by selling some of it. There is a shop in town that put them in their store last month and I sold a few scarves! :-) Anyway, I thought since I am pretty good and enjoy crocheting, I'd try to pick up knitting. I didn't realize how difficult knitting is! Any of you guys knit or crochet?!

Ohhh, you should start an etsy store! I spend way too much money on etsy things. My mom's taught me to knit several times but she's such a pro at that and crocheting that I always just ask her to make things for me instead of making them myself :D Like when I found 5 different pairs of fingerless gloves that I liked parts of and she just created a pattern. How can I compete with that? lol

Also, thanks for the good thoughts :) You had a big temp jump, any chance you O'd?

Owl, I'm glad you're feeling better. We all have days like that. I've come home from a particularly rough day at school before and drank a whole bottle of wine in the bathtub. Lol.

:haha: Love it!

Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in to say HI. :P I haven't been as active on here just due to the crazy nature of this long cycle of mine. It's hard to talk about or even do much TTC when your body is doing absolutely nothing to help the issue! lol!

I feel right now, more than other times in my cycle, that I MIGHT O soon. Boobs are a bit heavier and been experiencing quite a bit of watery CM being "expelled" (not sure on the scientific term for that! lol) which I haven't experienced in a long time. (meaning, I hardly ever feel anything come out of me. Used to a lot when I was younger but not lately). I also keep getting O pains, but I've been getting those periodically all cycle so I'm not paying it too much heed. Been taking OPKs randomly though and still nothing on that front. Today I am CD59.

Been eating extremely healthy the past week. About 90% fruit/veg. I'm hoping by cutting out a lot of fat, sugar, soy, and dairy that maybe I can restart my body some how. I'm not sure if I mentioned but someone mentioned that I might be estrogen heavy (thus why I have so much fertile CM most of the month) and a lot of those items I cut out carry estrogen in them. I've lost 3-4 lbs this week already from it.

I've also got a boudoir shoot coming up this upcoming Friday! I'm excited and nervous about it. Excited because its a gift for my husband, nervous because I am not in my ideal body right now (far from it). But, I am hoping that a boudoir shoot will help me appreciate my body a bit more!

Other than that, I have another doc appointment on Feb 11th for thyroid levels. If I haven't O'd by then then I will bring it up to the doc and see what she thinks. I'll be CD76 by then, if that's the case!

Crossing my fingers you O soon! That sounds so frustrating, I'm so sorry it's dragging so much.

Have fun with the boudoir pictures! I did some as a wedding gift to my DH and I was super nervous since I've had some body image issues in the past. But the lighting and everything was super flattering and it was so much fun. There was a couple pictures when I got the proofs where I was critical of some things but that's what photoshop is for :) And I would say it definitely made me appreciate my body!

Not too much going on here this weekend. I figured out how to change my own windshield wiper blades after DH decided to try to run them while they were frozen to the windshield (I swear I should write a blog about 2 Californians trying to figure out seasons!), which I was pretty proud of since I'm so bad at car-related things. And I just pulled a pan of banana bread out of the oven. Other than that just prepping for Monday's interview and getting ready to fly out again Tuesday!
Dos I feel for you u get grumpy when dh is on lates over o time, he's a policeman so his shifts all over the place and still trying to disguise its a bd and pretend I just can't keep my hands off him, hard to make that believable when he comes in at 4am and I get up at 6!
Try to stay positive and think of all the extra swimmers he will have saved up over the week, might actually work in your favour!

I totally feel you on the schedule thing. Mine works 24 hour shifts, and literally for the past 3 cycles he has been working when I'm Oing. Last cycle I actually called into work so that I could be home in the morning (right after my O day) to molest DH in hopes I could still catch my eggo. Haha. (:

Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in to say HI. :P I haven't been as active on here just due to the crazy nature of this long cycle of mine. It's hard to talk about or even do much TTC when your body is doing absolutely nothing to help the issue! lol!

I feel right now, more than other times in my cycle, that I MIGHT O soon. Boobs are a bit heavier and been experiencing quite a bit of watery CM being "expelled" (not sure on the scientific term for that! lol) which I haven't experienced in a long time. (meaning, I hardly ever feel anything come out of me. Used to a lot when I was younger but not lately). I also keep getting O pains, but I've been getting those periodically all cycle so I'm not paying it too much heed. Been taking OPKs randomly though and still nothing on that front. Today I am CD59.

Been eating extremely healthy the past week. About 90% fruit/veg. I'm hoping by cutting out a lot of fat, sugar, soy, and dairy that maybe I can restart my body some how. I'm not sure if I mentioned but someone mentioned that I might be estrogen heavy (thus why I have so much fertile CM most of the month) and a lot of those items I cut out carry estrogen in them. I've lost 3-4 lbs this week already from it.

I've also got a boudoir shoot coming up this upcoming Friday! I'm excited and nervous about it. Excited because its a gift for my husband, nervous because I am not in my ideal body right now (far from it). But, I am hoping that a boudoir shoot will help me appreciate my body a bit more!

Other than that, I have another doc appointment on Feb 11th for thyroid levels. If I haven't O'd by then then I will bring it up to the doc and see what she thinks. I'll be CD76 by then, if that's the case!

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine how frustrating such a long cycle would be. I'm so sorry! :hugs: I think the boudoir shoot is such an awesome idea...I hope it helps you feel better.

Owl, I'm glad you're feeling better. We all have days like that. I've come home from a particularly rough day at school before and drank a whole bottle of wine in the bathtub. Lol.

Thank you everyone for the support and advice. You're all extremely right. In the end, if my husband gets on at one of the fire departments, he will be ecstatic which will make me ecstatic. He deserves it, and if that interrupts TTC, then we'll start right back up when he gets home and we'll eventually have our little family whenever that's what the universe puts in our lap. Besides...in the meantime, I can just start planning cute newborn pictures in a fire hat. :winkwink: :haha:

Dos, I really sometimes think we might actually be the same person! Good luck to him!

That's so funny you say that, because I've thought that, too. Lol. And ironically, my husband and I are planning to go to the shooting range tomorrow, too! Nuts, huh? He bought me a little handgun for Christmas to keep by the bed (since I'm alone so often due to his schedule), and I still haven't gotten to shoot it yet. I have tiny doll hands for some reason, and I can't even grip his big chunky manly guns...so his guns got together and made a baby gun that I can shoot. Lol.
Thanks ladies! I forgot to mention it (i might have before but I don't remember) but I currently have hyperthyroid, so my doc thinks the lack of O is from that mostly. But she lowered my medication 4 weeks ago. So, I did the food change and such in conjunction with the medication change. :)
Well - just in case this is our last cycle TTC before we have to take a break, I decided to get some extra tools for my box. No pun intended...Lol. I just ordered softcups (didn't think I'd ever do it, as the thought kinda weirds me out, but I'll get over it) and I'm going to try taking musinex, too. Ladders, Im like you...I always feel like I have to add a new trick each cycle!

Have any of you girls ever thought about these or tried them?
Well - just in case this is our last cycle TTC before we have to take a break, I decided to get some extra tools for my box. No pun intended...Lol. I just ordered softcups (didn't think I'd ever do it, as the thought kinda weirds me out, but I'll get over it) and I'm going to try taking musinex, too. Ladders, Im like you...I always feel like I have to add a new trick each cycle!

Have any of you girls ever thought about these or tried them?

I tried mucinex one cycle and wasn't a fan. We did soft cups this month so we'll see. I'm pretty discouraged so I'm feeling like it's never going to happen for us. One of my best friends told me today that she is pregnant. I'm of course happy for her but it makes me think that I've been trying for a year and I hope that I'm pregnant before she has her baby. She just found out 2 weeks ago so she's not telling many people. She was only trying for a few months which also kills me. Why couldn't we be so lucky?

Sorry to be such a downer. Just feeling really discouraged today.
Aw I'm sorry :( You're allowed to feel discouraged. I have a good friend who should be having hers any day now, and every once in a while that twinge of jealousy hits me again. I hate it, because I really am happy for her, but it can't be helped to feel down sometimes about it. We're human. She got pregnant after being too lazy to go get her BC pill filled...3 weeks off the thing and BAM...by complete accident. That punk. (; I'm jealous that I couldn't get pregnant by accident without OPK's and temping and BD scheduling and planning and soft cups and driving my DH insane, not to mention myself. Unfortunately, we're not all that lucky. It sucks, darlin'. I know you've been trying for a year, and it probably feels like 4, but I know in my heart that you'll get there. We all will...and we'll be even more grateful for our little one because of it. :hugs:
Aw I'm sorry :( You're allowed to feel discouraged. I have a good friend who should be having hers any day now, and every once in a while that twinge of jealousy hits me again. I hate it, because I really am happy for her, but it can't be helped to feel down sometimes about it. We're human. She got pregnant after being too lazy to go get her BC pill filled...3 weeks off the thing and BAM...by complete accident. That punk. (; I'm jealous that I couldn't get pregnant by accident without OPK's and temping and BD scheduling and planning and soft cups and driving my DH insane, not to mention myself. Unfortunately, we're not all that lucky. It sucks, darlin'. I know you've been trying for a year, and it probably feels like 4, but I know in my heart that you'll get there. We all will...and we'll be even more grateful for our little one because of it. :hugs:

Thanks. It's one of those head vs heart things you know? My head knows all of this and I am super happy for her! She's one of my best friends and this is great news. Some days are worse than others so today was just one of the low days. Thanks so much for your kind words, it really does make me feel a bit better!

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