30 yo and TTC #1

So since you ladies know about my headaches, I figure I'd share this. I went to my pain specialist today. A month ago on Dec. 30th I got an occipital nerve block. (It's two shots in the back of your head with an anesthetic and a steroid anti-flamatory shot.) Anyways went back today and he believes it was the shot that has helped my pain. I wasn't sure because it took 1.5-2 weeks, but he said it could definitely have taken that long since it was my first shot. He wants me to do a 3-month cycle (once each month) and then take a break to see if the pain management is long term. So, he gave my second course of the 3 today. We'll see.

Welp...since I have the TTC mind, I asked my doctor if the injections could inhibit conceiving. Not the answer I wanted. :( He said it "could." He said sometimes it can mess with your menstrual cycle and sometimes cause spotting, but sometimes not and I "could" conceive or it "could" cause a problem. Yeaaaah...thanks. Very helpful. When he wasn't in there, my nurse was talking to me about TTC, and I mentioned to her my January cycle (after my first shot) was 100% normal...25 day cycle like clockwork (that stupid witch needs to get lost next time...for months and months ;)) and no weird spotting. She said that might mean it won't have that effect on me. But of course...I'm concerned. I can't take another setback in timing. Grrr! What if they build up and start messing me up this cycle or next? Dumb headaches. Always screwing with me. I just hope she's right.
So since you ladies know about my headaches, I figure I'd share this. I went to my pain specialist today. A month ago on Dec. 30th I got an occipital nerve block. (It's two shots in the back of your head with an anesthetic and a steroid anti-flamatory shot.) Anyways went back today and he believes it was the shot that has helped my pain. I wasn't sure because it took 1.5-2 weeks, but he said it could definitely have taken that long since it was my first shot. He wants me to do a 3-month cycle (once each month) and then take a break to see if the pain management is long term. So, he gave my second course of the 3 today. We'll see.

Welp...since I have the TTC mind, I asked my doctor if the injections could inhibit conceiving. Not the answer I wanted. :( He said it "could." He said sometimes it can mess with your menstrual cycle and sometimes cause spotting, but sometimes not and I "could" conceive or it "could" cause a problem. Yeaaaah...thanks. Very helpful. When he wasn't in there, my nurse was talking to me about TTC, and I mentioned to her my January cycle (after my first shot) was 100% normal...25 day cycle like clockwork (that stupid witch needs to get lost next time...for months and months ;)) and no weird spotting. She said that might mean it won't have that effect on me. But of course...I'm concerned. I can't take another setback in timing. Grrr! What if they build up and start messing me up this cycle or next? Dumb headaches. Always screwing with me. I just hope she's right.

ugh! I hope she is right too!
Yeah, that's super frustrating, sorry Dos. I know a lot of these times these medications just haven't been studied that way but it's so hard when you need a straight answer!
Question for you ladies using OPKs. Are you doing any sort of hold/restricting fluids prior to taking the tests? Do we think this is critical? I keep reading things that say hold your urine for 4 hours and restrict fluids or nope, doesn't matter at all. Up to now I haven't been doing either and I do drink a lot of water. But (sorry, TMI) when I've taken the tests I haven't particularly noticed that my urine is totally clear or anything. Now I'm scared I'm giving myself false negatives! :help:

So I take the tests in the afternoon around 4 PM. I try not to have anything to drink past 1. I think if you drink a lot of water it could mess it up so maybe not try to drink water for at least a couple of hours.

So since you ladies know about my headaches, I figure I'd share this. I went to my pain specialist today. A month ago on Dec. 30th I got an occipital nerve block. (It's two shots in the back of your head with an anesthetic and a steroid anti-flamatory shot.) Anyways went back today and he believes it was the shot that has helped my pain. I wasn't sure because it took 1.5-2 weeks, but he said it could definitely have taken that long since it was my first shot. He wants me to do a 3-month cycle (once each month) and then take a break to see if the pain management is long term. So, he gave my second course of the 3 today. We'll see.

Welp...since I have the TTC mind, I asked my doctor if the injections could inhibit conceiving. Not the answer I wanted. :( He said it "could." He said sometimes it can mess with your menstrual cycle and sometimes cause spotting, but sometimes not and I "could" conceive or it "could" cause a problem. Yeaaaah...thanks. Very helpful. When he wasn't in there, my nurse was talking to me about TTC, and I mentioned to her my January cycle (after my first shot) was 100% normal...25 day cycle like clockwork (that stupid witch needs to get lost next time...for months and months ;)) and no weird spotting. She said that might mean it won't have that effect on me. But of course...I'm concerned. I can't take another setback in timing. Grrr! What if they build up and start messing me up this cycle or next? Dumb headaches. Always screwing with me. I just hope she's right.

I'm sorry! I hope she's right as well! :) :)
ISD2721, why do you test in the afternoon? the test instructions say to use the first morning pee...
So I just got my positive OPK test yesterday afternoon! :) Wooohooo!! We'll be doing the BD for the next two days and hope for the best! :) I'll soon be in the two week wait period and HOPEFULLY I won't be symptom spotting as bad as last time! :)

Now to sit and wait for my temp to spike! :)
ISD2721, why do you test in the afternoon? the test instructions say to use the first morning pee...

I read somewhere it was best to test in the afternoon because if you test with fmu you could miss the first day of the LH surge.
ISD2721, why do you test in the afternoon? the test instructions say to use the first morning pee...

I read somewhere it was best to test in the afternoon because if you test with fmu you could miss the first day of the LH surge.

Oh, we're talking about 2 different things... you're talking about OPKs and Im talking about HPTs! hahaha sorry for the confusion!! You're right, i heard that too about OPKs...
Thanks girls :) I'll try to hold/not drink for a couple of hours pre-test. I did that this afternoon, really expecting to see a positive since my temp had a huge dip this morning and I was hoping it meant ovulation but still the test line is super faint. Gah! My DH is losing his mind with my freaking out about this, lol. Of course, tomorrow I'll be taking my temp on the West Coast so I have a feeling it's going to look like I O'd regardless. I guess it was a random temp drop though and we'll keep on BDing!
So I just got my positive OPK test yesterday afternoon! :) Wooohooo!! We'll be doing the BD for the next two days and hope for the best! :) I'll soon be in the two week wait period and HOPEFULLY I won't be symptom spotting as bad as last time! :)

Now to sit and wait for my temp to spike! :)

Yay! Super excited for you! :D
So I just got my positive OPK test yesterday afternoon! :) Wooohooo!! We'll be doing the BD for the next two days and hope for the best! :) I'll soon be in the two week wait period and HOPEFULLY I won't be symptom spotting as bad as last time! :)

Now to sit and wait for my temp to spike! :)

Yay! Super excited for you! :D

I'll double that yay! :happydance::happydance:
Good luck to everyone getting ready to or currently ovulating. I'm hoping to o any day now but DH is having a scrappy week and not feeling it which frustrates me like you would not believe. Especially since work is going crazy. We may lose more attorneys. I have to remind myself that we come first so if he is having a hard time, my job is to worry about him and not about some abstract desire. But arrrrrrgh!

Dos, good luck with the headaches. I hate when the doctors won't give you a straight answer.
Good luck to everyone who is O'ing. I have a long way to go so I get to BD for fun for now :)
Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!
lsd - yay! Yay for BD fest!

Owl - your temp dip was huge! I'm thinking you might get a + OPK tomorrow. Does yours usually dip that much randomly?

Reggie - I'm sorry it's not going the way you want. Doesn't BDing make hubby feel better though? Lol. Maybe tomorrow will be better. (:

My BD fest starts tomorrow! Lol. DH and I agreed I wouldn't give him details this time on when exactly O day was...but um, he's probably going to figure something out when I start molesting him for the rest of the week. I'm expecting O Saturday...maybe Sunday? (CD11-12) so my plan is BD tomorrow and Thursday (CD8-9), day off CD 10 (DH works a 24 that day) and BD 11 & 12. Sound good? If this schedule actually works and I O when I'm supposed to, this will be our best month yet as far as BDing enough and at the right times. This is the first time he hasn't been working on my expected O day in like foreeeever. C'mon body and circumstances - work with me here!
Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!

You are definitely not alone in any of that. We all do the exact same things and worry and stress and get afraid there's something wrong. It's impossible to relax when it's so important. I temp, OPK, schedule BD (as you can see above...lol), have DH on FertilAid, adding musinex and softcups this cycle, research constantly, worry constantly, symptom spot, drive my DH crazy...comes with the territory. We're human and we want a baby. Don't feel bad, my dear.

Hopefully finding the forums and this thread (we're pretty awesome girls) will give you an outlet to get it off your chest. It really does help calm the stress I've found.
Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!

Welcome! I'm also 29 and will be 30 this year. It is nice to know that we aren't alone in TTC around 30! How long have you been trying?
Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!

You are definitely not alone in any of that. We all do the exact same things and worry and stress and get afraid there's something wrong. It's impossible to relax when it's so important. I temp, OPK, schedule BD (as you can see above...lol), have DH on FertilAid, adding musinex and softcups this cycle, research constantly, worry constantly, symptom spot, drive my DH crazy...comes with the territory. We're human and we want a baby. Don't feel bad, my dear.

Hopefully finding the forums and this thread (we're pretty awesome girls) will give you an outlet to get it off your chest. It really does help calm the stress I've found.

welcome! Ladies, I think I am living proof that relaxing works... Last month, we just BD'd when we felt like it...and boom...BFP! I don't think I was really even thinking about it this past month! Of course, my BFP has added other stressors into my life, but even that seems to be a little better. I am not in my complete and utter freak out mode (at least not today!) that I was in for the last several days. Also, found a new psychologist that I think will be great! Working on setting up an appointment with her and might end up cancelling my appointment with my current therapist because this one might be able to get me in pretty quickly. Not sure, we'll see...alright, my dog wants attention and I need to shower and go to bed (hoping I sleep until my alarm rather than waking up at 530 again!). Have a good night ladies, and have fun!
Wow thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! I'm struggling a bit with this site...is there an easier way to find this news feed? Can I bookmark it somehow? And I don't know what all these terms are: BD, BFP

We started trying in October....now we have to wait until April to try again.

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