30 yo and TTC #1

the ugly red face just came.. i hate hate hate it :( i am out

aww. I'm so sorry! :( :( Have a good cry and some good junk food! :)

I am so sorry ladies!! I am not sure if I am going to make it :( I am cramping like crazy and my back is killing me

I'm sorry! I hope you're wrong though!

Isd and Mrsk.... I see you both have a ticker and a chart in your signature. I am unable to add a ticker to mine because bnb says it's too long to paste into. Can either of you help me figure out how to add it? I know how to get the ovulation chart in.

What code are you using? Can you copy and past the bbcode?
Also, I have a question. I know we're not all doctors but thought maybe ya'll might have some ideas. I have googled it a bit and plan on making an appointment with my Obgyn. Since I had that miscarriage or chemical my periods haven't been the same. They aren't as heavy and much shorter. Have been lasting 2-3 days. Is this still normal? Am I crazy? or just worrying too much?
You know, I have just now realized you are from Australia. What part? My husband is Australian. I lived in Sydney for 4 years and really loved it!

i am from sydney .. which part of australia he is? Sydney is great and i love it 2 :) you are welcome to visit anytime ^_^

I'm going to have to talk to both of you! DH is going to Australia for work in July or so and I'm definitely tagging along. Will need to pick your brains :D

Sorry to hear about AF, Hope :(

It's started snowing...part of me wants to call out tomorrow...but if I do that, I will lose out on money that I would get when they payout PTO when I leave this job. 2 more days ladies! My mood continues to be pretty good, I really think it's because of the job change...the job has been such a stressor for me.

Just be careful! I was driving home an hour ago and almost skidded twice in my neighborhood!
Freak. Ing. Out. I started spotting. Pink-ish. Omg. I'm on CD22...25 day cycles. But I think I started spotting on 24 last month, which was early. So 22 is really early. It seems early but the more I think about it...it's probably AF. Could it be implantation bleeding the day after a dip? I thought it comes on the same day.

Well, dammit.

You can definitely get spotting not on the day of implantation. I can't wait to see an update tomorrow! Good luck! Fingers and toes crossed for you!

the ugly red face just came.. i hate hate hate it :( i am out

Sorry! :hugs:

I now have an appointment scheduled with the fertility specialist at the end of this month. I'm a little nervous but glad that we are hopefully going to get some advice and a plan.
Mgreen be careful! My office is already closed tomorrow so I'll be working from home. It's supposed to be a mess out there.
the ugly red face just came.. i hate hate hate it :( i am out

Really sorry to hear that, we all feel your pain. I usually spend the whole four days of af grumping, drinking wine and eating pizza. Be nice to yourself while your on because it's a sucky time. :hugs:
Freak. Ing. Out. I started spotting. Pink-ish. Omg. I'm on CD22...25 day cycles. But I think I started spotting on 24 last month, which was early. So 22 is really early. It seems early but the more I think about it...it's probably AF. Could it be implantation bleeding the day after a dip? I thought it comes on the same day.

Well, dammit.

Dos I'm getting more and more excited for you! When are you testing?
Well it's 4am and I'm awake. It was the worst night of sleep ever. I was too amped up to sleep. I'm not kidding - I even tried counting sheep. Literally. My temp went back down some, but because I never had more than an hour straight up sleep, I don't know how seriously I should take it, ya know? On top of that, I really thought I had one FRER left and NOPE. All I had was a cheapie that's not very sensitive - took it and it was a bfn. But even the control line was kinda light...crappy test. So all in all...not exciting and really frustrating. I still have no idea what's going on there and I can't think straight. Arg. No more spotting after yesterday though - not so far anyways. I guess I'll buy a FRER today and test in the morning. I'm feeling rather discouraged now. I really started to think yesterday...wow, I might actually be pregnant. Now I just don't know.
Mgreen be careful! My office is already closed tomorrow so I'll be working from home. It's supposed to be a mess out there.

Well, we got about 11 or 12 inches...we live on a cul-de-sac and there is NO WAY I can get out of my neighborhood safely or without getting stuck! So, I called/texted work and said, IF they plow my neighborhood at a reasonable time, I will go in...but the dog won't even go out to go potty! I am waiting for DH to get up so he can help me finish shoveling (I started to try to get the dog to go out, but there is just so much, I don't want to be out there doing it by myself...). I might do some cooking/baking today. We'll see...

Well it's 4am and I'm awake. It was the worst night of sleep ever. I was too amped up to sleep. I'm not kidding - I even tried counting sheep. Literally. My temp went back down some, but because I never had more than an hour straight up sleep, I don't know how seriously I should take it, ya know? On top of that, I really thought I had one FRER left and NOPE. All I had was a cheapie that's not very sensitive - took it and it was a bfn. But even the control line was kinda light...crappy test. So all in all...not exciting and really frustrating. I still have no idea what's going on there and I can't think straight. Arg. No more spotting after yesterday though - not so far anyways. I guess I'll buy a FRER today and test in the morning. I'm feeling rather discouraged now. I really started to think yesterday...wow, I might actually be pregnant. Now I just don't know.

Awww, hugs! :hugs:
I take it back. I'm still spotting just a little. To be completely honest, I'm pretty sure AF is on its way now. This spotting is identical to my pre-AF spotting, my temps didn't stay high, I'm starting to feel a little pre-AF-ish, and most of my symptoms are gone. This sucks giant monkey balls. Pardon my French (; haha. How could it be coming this early? Why does my body do this to me? If it comes full force even by tomorrow, that'll be an 11 day LP and a 23 day cycle...shortest ever for both. Quite frankly, I'm livid. I'm so sick of my body faking me out. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry out these frustrations, but apparently I still have to be an adult and go to work. Not a good day so far, guys...not a good day.
Thank u everyone ... U have been all great support... As soon as I had my AF I had to go to a meeting and as soon as I walked in a girl who just got married and she is 23 came telling she is pregnant and how I should be next blah blah blah... I brushed it off and I told her I am not planning it but deep inside I was crying :( it's a now cycle and new month .. I hope it is my turn too.. I am supper happy for her as she is very nice but the timing if the news was bad .. I promise I wish her the very best, I am not a mean person ...
One question ladies .. Did anyone used pre-seed. I never did and I don't know where to find it but if it is good then I'll make the effort to get it !!!
lsd - any change is worth talking to your obgyn about. If not g else but for your own peace of mind, it's worth talking to them. Good luck!

Mgreen- we have about a foot of snow already here, it's crazy out there! Stay warm and safe. Baking sounds like a good option for today!
I take it back. I'm still spotting just a little. To be completely honest, I'm pretty sure AF is on its way now. This spotting is identical to my pre-AF spotting, my temps didn't stay high, I'm starting to feel a little pre-AF-ish, and most of my symptoms are gone. This sucks giant monkey balls. Pardon my French (; haha. How could it be coming this early? Why does my body do this to me? If it comes full force even by tomorrow, that'll be an 11 day LP and a 23 day cycle...shortest ever for both. Quite frankly, I'm livid. I'm so sick of my body faking me out. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry out these frustrations, but apparently I still have to be an adult and go to work. Not a good day so far, guys...not a good day.

:hugs: Sorry you are having a rough day!

Thank u everyone ... U have been all great support... As soon as I had my AF I had to go to a meeting and as soon as I walked in a girl who just got married and she is 23 came telling she is pregnant and how I should be next blah blah blah... I brushed it off and I told her I am not planning it but deep inside I was crying :( it's a now cycle and new month .. I hope it is my turn too.. I am supper happy for her as she is very nice but the timing if the news was bad .. I promise I wish her the very best, I am not a mean person ...
One question ladies .. Did anyone used pre-seed. I never did and I don't know where to find it but if it is good then I'll make the effort to get it !!!

We used it last cycle and liked it. I've heard great success from it but can't speak to that personally. I got it at the drugstore here but you can get it online too.
lsd - any change is worth talking to your obgyn about. If not g else but for your own peace of mind, it's worth talking to them. Good luck!

Mgreen- we have about a foot of snow already here, it's crazy out there! Stay warm and safe. Baking sounds like a good option for today!

R- I forgot where you are! Is it still snowing by you? I think it is sleeting here. I shoveled a little more, almost to the end of the driveway (one shovel width) and a small patch of grass for Hailey to go potty (which she ignored and went right back into the house). I came back in when I started to feel warm and thirsty. I have to shovel because I will need to get into work tomorrow since it's my last day...

Oh, on a side note, last night at the end of my walk with Hailey, I saw our new neighbor (well one family member) getting stuff out of the car so I took the opportunity to introduce myself and learned that it is a young couple with an 11.5 month old son! I am so excited! He seemed really nice and it will be great having a young family right next door!:happydance:
Dos so sorry you think af is coming really hoping its not. Still got fingers crossed for you

Hope I know how you feel it's always the worst time that people decide to ask or mention something baby related. Happens to me all the time!

So today feel less grumpy but still getting the back pains like af but only 9dpo and lh has never been shorter than 14 days so I don't know what's going on. Have quite a lot of creamy cm but think I did same time last cycle too
Mgreen- it seems to have stopped or it's very very light here now. It's crazy! I hope you'll be able to get out to go to work tomorrow! Last day, whoohoo!

Dos- So sorry! I know lots of women say they felt like AF was coming, had all the symptoms, but still got their BFP. So I wouldn't count yourself out til the witch shows. I know it's tough because you want to have hope but you don't want to be too hopeful. TTC is terrible! Fingers crossed for you!
I take it back. I'm still spotting just a little. To be completely honest, I'm pretty sure AF is on its way now. This spotting is identical to my pre-AF spotting, my temps didn't stay high, I'm starting to feel a little pre-AF-ish, and most of my symptoms are gone. This sucks giant monkey balls. Pardon my French (; haha. How could it be coming this early? Why does my body do this to me? If it comes full force even by tomorrow, that'll be an 11 day LP and a 23 day cycle...shortest ever for both. Quite frankly, I'm livid. I'm so sick of my body faking me out. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry out these frustrations, but apparently I still have to be an adult and go to work. Not a good day so far, guys...not a good day.

So sorry. :hugs: Keep us posted. I really hope you're wrong!

Thank u everyone ... U have been all great support... As soon as I had my AF I had to go to a meeting and as soon as I walked in a girl who just got married and she is 23 came telling she is pregnant and how I should be next blah blah blah... I brushed it off and I told her I am not planning it but deep inside I was crying :( it's a now cycle and new month .. I hope it is my turn too.. I am supper happy for her as she is very nice but the timing if the news was bad .. I promise I wish her the very best, I am not a mean person ...
One question ladies .. Did anyone used pre-seed. I never did and I don't know where to find it but if it is good then I'll make the effort to get it !!!

What a rough day to have that happen :( I hope this cycle is it for you!

Mgreen- we have about a foot of snow already here, it's crazy out there! Stay warm and safe. Baking sounds like a good option for today!

We have about a foot too! I'm definitely staying in until things are less scary after nearly skidding twice last night.
I still haven't given up on you, Dos!

We actually haven't had snow for a few days, which is kind of weird at this point. It's even supposed to get up to the low 30s today. Like summer! I bet it gets just warm enough to psych me into thinking spring is around the corner, then plummets. Just like every February. Why do I live in Chicago?
Reggie your chart looks really good! When are you testing?

If AF doesn't show I will test prob. Sunday. I have been having light cramps though so I think it's coming. It's just being annoyingly late. Even if it shows up today it will be my longest cycle to date at 34 days. I'm hoping it doesn't show but who knows.

I take it back. I'm still spotting just a little. To be completely honest, I'm pretty sure AF is on its way now. This spotting is identical to my pre-AF spotting, my temps didn't stay high, I'm starting to feel a little pre-AF-ish, and most of my symptoms are gone. This sucks giant monkey balls. Pardon my French (; haha. How could it be coming this early? Why does my body do this to me? If it comes full force even by tomorrow, that'll be an 11 day LP and a 23 day cycle...shortest ever for both. Quite frankly, I'm livid. I'm so sick of my body faking me out. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry out these frustrations, but apparently I still have to be an adult and go to work. Not a good day so far, guys...not a good day.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for you!

Thank u everyone ... U have been all great support... As soon as I had my AF I had to go to a meeting and as soon as I walked in a girl who just got married and she is 23 came telling she is pregnant and how I should be next blah blah blah... I brushed it off and I told her I am not planning it but deep inside I was crying :( it's a now cycle and new month .. I hope it is my turn too.. I am supper happy for her as she is very nice but the timing if the news was bad .. I promise I wish her the very best, I am not a mean person ...
One question ladies .. Did anyone used pre-seed. I never did and I don't know where to find it but if it is good then I'll make the effort to get it !!!

It's natural to be a little upset. Every time someone mentions having kids to me and is like why don't you have kids yet? I want to punch them. I'm always happy for my friends who are having children but of course I'm still a little sad when it doesn't happen for us.

Just got back for two hours for lunch then am off again. It is a LONG day in court today! But I'm taking tomorrow off to go play with one of my friends and we have Monday off for President's Day so I am getting ready to head into a 4 day weekend!!!! So excited. What is everyone doing this weekend? I expect a report on any good Valentine's Day surprises.

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