Curiousowl, we also live near each other! I'm in Maryland, about an hour north of DC.
Oh wow! We actually probably live really close then because I'm in College Park. (I just put DC because it's the closest big city

) Where are you exactly? Are you originally from this area? We're pretty new and this snow has certainly been a shock, lol. I just spent the past hour looking for warmer boots to buy online!
That makes 3 of us in the area!

I am about 45 minutes north of DC, 20-30 south of Baltimore. Curiousowl, where did you live before? If you want warm boots, you likely won't find much that is considered least from my experience. Although, I haven't worn real winter boots since jr. high or high school (you learn to do without when you live in MN, boots are such a hassel if there is only a few inches of snow on the ground.
I don't know if any of you have odd dreams, but I always have. Anyways, in high school, I would have all sorts of weird pregnancy dreams. I haven't had any of those in a VERY LONG TIME. Last night, I dreamed that I was pregnant, went to the hospital to give birth, gave birth -no big deal, the babies (you read that right, in the dream I had 3 babys 2 girls, 1 boy) just popped right out, the staff at the hospital shifted myself and 2 other women to various beds, one gave birth around lunch, i gave birth around dinner time and afterwards, I went out, with the babies to get McDonalds(never my first choice), then came back and started searching for my cell phone so I could call and tell my mom. Remember, this was just a dream!
Have any of you ever had weird dreams? I am midcycle so I haven't even considered testing at this point. This dream may top some of my strangest!