30 yo and TTC #1

So, I am now 8dpo and my boobs are slowly getting even more sensitive and I do feel kind of bloated and crampy but just not sure if its AF trying to show up or if it is due to pregnancy or if I am just making myself feel certain things b/c I really want this pregnancy! I am trying to hold out to do my FRER test on Friday or Saturday this week....but it's so hard!!!

Sending lots of good thoughts your way! Hope it's a good sign!

I am 30 too and NTNP # 1 since January 2013.

Welcome! We've been trying about the same amount of time. We started with NTNP in February 2013 and then decided to go full into TTC a month later. Good thing too because I wasn't ovulating when I thought I was!

I'm resisting the urge to order OPKs and all kinds of stuff. I have really regular cycles, I have no reason to believe I'll have trouble conceiving. It's our first cycle trying, there's really no reason not to just give it a couple months and see what happens before getting hardcore about it. Must stop obsessing :P

I have regular cycles too. OPKs helped me tell for sure when I was ovulating though. Just did it for a few months and now I know so I don't have to do it anymore.

As for me, back to CD1 so I'm out for this month. On to next! We decided that if we aren't pregnant by March we are going to go to a fertility specialist. Hoping we don't get there but okay if we do.
MrsK - I'm like you that there is no reason to think there's anything going on with me that would give me trouble conceiving. Now, we do know that hubby's numbers are kind of on the low side, but my side has always seemed normal. I was like you that I figured I'd just try without the OPK's and such for a while...that lasted 1 cycle and then I broke down and got them. The reason I decided to do so is just because the OPK allows you to better time your BDing. A lot of women don't ovulate exactly when they think they do, so they mistime BDing. That was my fear. Personally, I regret not doing it even in the first cycle, but that's me. A lot of women obviously get pregnant just fine without it! (:

MgreenM - I'm excited about the puggy! And jealous! Will somebody please tell my DH to get me a puppy? (:

You got a ton of good information. I'm glad you feel more at ease. Sometimes I find that reading the forums actually makes me more anxious, because I see all of these posts flying around about problems and trying for years and surgeries and drugs, and it scares the holy bajeebus out of me. I definitely need to relax more.

I will share as many pictures as you like!

Fx and good luck to everyone testing.

I'm testing Jan 14th but have no symptoms and had no + OPKs so I don't expect much. I plan on getting a BBT and temping just because it's frustrating with the OPKs not knowing whether I didn't ovulate or whether I missed it. I figure if i start temping now, by next cycle i'll have something to compare to.

I think using OPKs and BBT would seriously stress me out way more than is necessary. My NP thought it was find the approach we are taking.

3. My mom had A LOT of fertility issues and I wanted to know if I should be concerned. My NP said, regardless of family history, no one is considered "infertile" or to have fertility issues until you have been TTC for one year (which is consistent with what others have posted on this forum).

Thanks for the information, really helpful. I've always wondered about family history and what impact it would have. My grandma on my dad's side had like 10 kids, but my mum's side only had 2 after a lot of trouble. My mum had 5 kids though, and her sister had 4..so they seemed fine. I just wonder if the fact that my grandma had issues may impact me...

Yeah, it sounded to me like a wait and see kind of thing. I think if it was your mother, it would be more of a concern. But it really sounds like there isn't any hard evidence to say that genetics play a role in either direction.

I am glad the information I got is helpful to you ladies. I hope that we can all continue to share as we learn throughout this journey!
He is an African Meyer's parrot. He is super sweet. He made the trip to visit Hailey as well. And, we have decided to adopt her! I am so excited! I just emailed her foster dad to find out what we need to do next.

Yay! Can't wait for more pics :)

Everything your NP told you is really similar to what my Dr told me too when I went in for preconception genetic screening and to talk about getting preggers. It's nice to hear that they're similar since you never know!

I've always wondered about family history and what impact it would have. My grandma on my dad's side had like 10 kids, but my mum's side only had 2 after a lot of trouble. My mum had 5 kids though, and her sister had 4..so they seemed fine. I just wonder if the fact that my grandma had issues may impact me...

That's really similar to my mom's mom. My mom was an only child until they adopted and they had a lot of miscarriages. I used to really worry but I finally brought it up with my mom and turns out that it was my grandpa who was the issue and my mom had no problems conceiving.

I switched to a regular one (the Nature Made ones with DHA) after the dogs ate an entire brand new bottle of gummy prenatals (every once in awhile, I can imagine life without my dogs :P ). I think the only 2 things stopping me from running out and buying OPKs and a thermometer are laziness and the knowledge that I'll be really mad if I spend the money and get pregnant right away without them. I figure if we aim for BD ever other day starting in the next day or two, and then increase to every day if possible closer to "average" ovulation, we'd be covered even if I'm off by a few days. I'm also not letting myself buy 100 pregnancy tests yet. I have 3 FRERs under the sink that'll have to do me for now. I'm way too prone to obsessing...

We'll give it this month and next month, and then take a couple months off - I don't want a dead of winter baby, and I work in taxes, so I won't have time for conception anyway ;) I'll look into extras when we pick back up again post tax season.

That is too funny about your dogs eating the vitamins! My parent's dogs ate an entire bag of raisins one time after one of the cats knocked them out of the cupboard :haha: I take those gummy ones since I'm terrible about forcing myself to swallow pills.

I'll also be taking a couple months off since I don't want to be due at Xmas.

I'm testing Jan 14th but have no symptoms and had no + OPKs so I don't expect much. I plan on getting a BBT and temping just because it's frustrating with the OPKs not knowing whether I didn't ovulate or whether I missed it. I figure if i start temping now, by next cycle i'll have something to compare to.

Good luck! Yeah, that's my reasoning for planning to start temping and OPKs. I know I'll lose my mind if I'm not sure if I'm ovulating.

As for me, back to CD1 so I'm out for this month. On to next! We decided that if we aren't pregnant by March we are going to go to a fertility specialist. Hoping we don't get there but okay if we do.

Aw, sorry! Hopefully this cycle is your month.
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

I thought the same thing! I don't want my baby's birthday to be over taken by Christmas...so if we are still trying when march comes...I will be skipping that month! LOL

I also broke down and took a test...and of course a BFN. I'm not sad. I was expecting that! I have like 20 tests now because my best friend just found out she's pregnant and gave me all her tests she didn't use to add to my pile...lol.
Sorry to hear about that RForReal! Hopefully the baby dust will get you this cycle!!

I would love to have a Steptember/October baby! We have so many birthdays around that time and there are some traditions that are based on that in my family. Although it would also be nice to have celebrations spread out a little more during the year!
Me, too, Mgreen! For one, DH's birthday is in October, two, October is my favorite month, and three...I'd love to have a teensy little one to dress up for Halloween. (:

Heh heh heh...
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, it wouldn't be my preference to be due around Christmas but I would be happy just to get pregnant. But we also have a documented male factor issue so I know that our chances are lower each month than people without issues.
That is too funny about your dogs eating the vitamins! My parent's dogs ate an entire bag of raisins one time after one of the cats knocked them out of the cupboard :haha: I take those gummy ones since I'm terrible about forcing myself to swallow pills.

Oh no! Were they ok? Raisins are so so so bad for dogs.

Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

There are two reasons, for me. There are already a lot of winter birthdays in our immediate family, so the kid's birthday would be overwhelmed by both the holidays and every other birthday in the family. My birthday is in mid-December, and I don't love it :P Also, living in Chicago, there's always the risk of being stuck in the house for 2 days on account of terrible weather. We have a windchill of -40 today, imagine going into labor during that! If we've been trying for a year and we're still not successful, I'm sure we'll just keep going next year, though.
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, it wouldn't be my preference to be due around Christmas but I would be happy just to get pregnant. But we also have a documented male factor issue so I know that our chances are lower each month than people without issues.

I know we've talked about this before, because we have a documented male factor issue as well, but I can't remember...how low are his numbers?
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, it wouldn't be my preference to be due around Christmas but I would be happy just to get pregnant. But we also have a documented male factor issue so I know that our chances are lower each month than people without issues.

I know we've talked about this before, because we have a documented male factor issue as well, but I can't remember...how low are his numbers?

No worries! He has low count and motility. Count is 8 million, motility is only 20%. His morphology is great at 80%.
Got blood work results from CD3 labs today, showing low estrogen and low progesterone. Dr wants to test again on CD21-24. I still don't know or understand why my levels would be low and what to do. I got pregnant on try #3 the first time, and don't understand why now after my m/c & D&C I am having so much trouble. It is so frustrating not having any knowledge or understanding of what your body is doing. I am considering having a second opinion from another doctor, to see if they are more informative, as I feel like I have to dig and dig for answers from my current doctor. I never thought it would be this hard.
Oh, okay. Are you guys doing anything to help correct it? My DH is going to start taking FertilAid with motility boost here in a few days.
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

Personally, I just don't want to be due or have too tiny a baby at Xmas because we've missed Xmas with DH's huge family in CA for the past 2 years. I want to be able to go this year, hopefully either with a baby or pregnant! I thought about holding off to theoretically be due in the summer since my mom's a teacher and then could come for a while but that's too long for me to wait :)

Heh heh heh...

Haha, so cute!

Oh no! Were they ok? Raisins are so so so bad for dogs.

They actually had to have their stomachs pumped. Turned out smart dog had eaten no raisins and stupid dog had eaten 2 cups of raisins :rolleyes: She was fine though, being a big dog.

Got blood work results from CD3 labs today, showing low estrogen and low progesterone. Dr wants to test again on CD21-24. I still don't know or understand why my levels would be low and what to do. I got pregnant on try #3 the first time, and don't understand why now after my m/c & D&C I am having so much trouble. It is so frustrating not having any knowledge or understanding of what your body is doing. I am considering having a second opinion from another doctor, to see if they are more informative, as I feel like I have to dig and dig for answers from my current doctor. I never thought it would be this hard.

So sorry to hear that :( I hope the later results are better. I would definitely see another Dr if this one isn't explaining things completely. You definitely don't need that added stress.
Got blood work results from CD3 labs today, showing low estrogen and low progesterone. Dr wants to test again on CD21-24. I still don't know or understand why my levels would be low and what to do. I got pregnant on try #3 the first time, and don't understand why now after my m/c & D&C I am having so much trouble. It is so frustrating not having any knowledge or understanding of what your body is doing. I am considering having a second opinion from another doctor, to see if they are more informative, as I feel like I have to dig and dig for answers from my current doctor. I never thought it would be this hard.

You always want a doctor who is very informative and feel better when you leave the doctor's knowing what is going on or what the next step is! Getting a second opinion couldn't hurt either! :-)

Sorry to hear about this!
Just out of curiosity, why no winter babies for you guys? I guess I haven't really thought about timing...except that if I were due around Christmas, it might coincide with Christmas break for me and I could get more paid time off. Just wondering your thinking behind it...maybe Im not thinking it all the way through.

I don't think I want a December baby either since I want to spread celebrations all around as well. That being said, my bigger priority now is to be done by the time I am 35, so I'll take any month for my baby.
Got blood work results from CD3 labs today, showing low estrogen and low progesterone. Dr wants to test again on CD21-24. I still don't know or understand why my levels would be low and what to do. I got pregnant on try #3 the first time, and don't understand why now after my m/c & D&C I am having so much trouble. It is so frustrating not having any knowledge or understanding of what your body is doing. I am considering having a second opinion from another doctor, to see if they are more informative, as I feel like I have to dig and dig for answers from my current doctor. I never thought it would be this hard.

Sorry to hear about this ... I think a second opinion is a good idea. Hopefully, you'll get a doctor that you are more comfortable with.
Got blood work results from CD3 labs today, showing low estrogen and low progesterone. Dr wants to test again on CD21-24. I still don't know or understand why my levels would be low and what to do. I got pregnant on try #3 the first time, and don't understand why now after my m/c & D&C I am having so much trouble. It is so frustrating not having any knowledge or understanding of what your body is doing. I am considering having a second opinion from another doctor, to see if they are more informative, as I feel like I have to dig and dig for answers from my current doctor. I never thought it would be this hard.

So sorry to hear this! Hopefully you can get everything worked out quickly.

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