30 yo and TTC #1

Ohhh, I love pugs. We have 2 Boston terriers, and we already decided that our next fur baby will be a pug. This last month I begged and pleaded to get a baby pug every day (my need to nurture had taken over all other thoughts and needs in my body). I finally came to my senses and knew we don't really need a 3rd dog in our little house, and what I really wanted was a baby, not a puppy. Soooo, no puppy for now. :( I'll just keep working on that whole baby thing instead. (:
What a cute little doggie!! :)

Dospinkies, I LOVE boston terriers! We had one growing up named Foxy! She was wonderful but she passed away a couple of years ago. I now have her paw print sitting here in my den! My DH does not want a dog so we haven't gotten one yet. I am hoping one day he changes his mind! :)
That is an adorable puppy. I hope it works out for you!
Our Boston terriers were actually his before we met, so I'm their step-petmama (: I love them to death though, and even my DH admits they're closer to me now than even him. Lol. We have Brandy who he rescued when she was just a puppy. She's 12-13 now and in really poor health. :( Our other one is Gus, who is about 6 and like a bull in a china shop! Haha! Boston terriers are awesome dogs. So are pugs...I've always wanted one I could name Walter. (:
Our Boston terriers were actually his before we met, so I'm their step-petmama (: I love them to death though, and even my DH admits they're closer to me now than even him. Lol. We have Brandy who he rescued when she was just a puppy. She's 12-13 now and in really poor health. :( Our other one is Gus, who is about 6 and like a bull in a china shop! Haha! Boston terriers are awesome dogs. So are pugs...I've always wanted one I could name Walter. (:

I love those names! :) My dad now has two boston terriers named Maggie and Bitsy. Bitsy is a year old and Maggie is 9 years old. Maggie is a LICKER! One of the arms on my dad's fav chair is all licked out! :)
So, I am now 8dpo and my boobs are slowly getting even more sensitive and I do feel kind of bloated and crampy but just not sure if its AF trying to show up or if it is due to pregnancy or if I am just making myself feel certain things b/c I really want this pregnancy! I am trying to hold out to do my FRER test on Friday or Saturday this week....but it's so hard!!!
Aw, those are cute names, too! Brandy is OUR licker. I have a video of her licking the wall for a good 2 minutes straight. Actually, just a few minutes ago, she was licking one of our surround-sound speakers. She cracks me up!

You are just like me! I always seem to have those symptoms at about that stage past O-day, and I'm never sure if I'm actually willing them to happen because I want so bad for them to be there, or if they're actually there. I'm also so bad about testing too early and too much. I've set my goal this cycle to cut out all the testing before I've actually missed the witch. We'll see how that goes...I admittedly have little self-control, so I totally feel you.
So, I am now 8dpo and my boobs are slowly getting even more sensitive and I do feel kind of bloated and crampy but just not sure if its AF trying to show up or if it is due to pregnancy or if I am just making myself feel certain things b/c I really want this pregnancy! I am trying to hold out to do my FRER test on Friday or Saturday this week....but it's so hard!!!

Good Luck and baby dust. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. AF is due the 8th or 9th here and I got nothing. My boobs are sore but that's it. I'm not really sure what to make of it. It's weird. I don't even have the urge to test this month because there is nothing I can say makes me think I "COULD" be. I enjoy the licking comment. We had a black lab who licked the couch incessantly. You always had to look before you sat down!

I am 30 too and NTNP # 1 since January 2013.

Wow, licking the wall and sound speakers! That's hilarious!

I have little self control when it comes to this as well! I'm seriously not wanting to test until no AF but we'll see. :)
It's hard. It's like a big build-up that you're scared is going to end in tears, but logically, the end result won't change no matter how often you test. All that changes is that if you aren't, you have to see a bunch of BFN's instead of one...and if you are, you may see BFN's and be unnecessarily heart-broken at first. Either way, it's torture for you. Even though it's the hardest thing ever, it does make sense to wait.

I'm not only trying to convince you, but myself, too. (:
So, I am now 8dpo and my boobs are slowly getting even more sensitive and I do feel kind of bloated and crampy but just not sure if its AF trying to show up or if it is due to pregnancy or if I am just making myself feel certain things b/c I really want this pregnancy! I am trying to hold out to do my FRER test on Friday or Saturday this week....but it's so hard!!!

Thinking good thoughts for you! I hope this is it! Keep us posted.
I'm resisting the urge to order OPKs and all kinds of stuff. I have really regular cycles, I have no reason to believe I'll have trouble conceiving. It's our first cycle trying, there's really no reason not to just give it a couple months and see what happens before getting hardcore about it. Must stop obsessing :P
Here is one picture, as promised. HOpefully the quality will be decent. I had to resize it. I will work on getting the others off my phone a little later (it's being finicky).

Super cute! I hope it works out. I love your bird, too. Is he some kind of conure?

He is an African Meyer's parrot. He is super sweet. He made the trip to visit Hailey as well. And, we have decided to adopt her! I am so excited! I just emailed her foster dad to find out what we need to do next.

It's hard. It's like a big build-up that you're scared is going to end in tears, but logically, the end result won't change no matter how often you test. All that changes is that if you aren't, you have to see a bunch of BFN's instead of one...and if you are, you may see BFN's and be unnecessarily heart-broken at first. Either way, it's torture for you. Even though it's the hardest thing ever, it does make sense to wait.

I'm not only trying to convince you, but myself, too. (:

I'm resisting the urge to order OPKs and all kinds of stuff. I have really regular cycles, I have no reason to believe I'll have trouble conceiving. It's our first cycle trying, there's really no reason not to just give it a couple months and see what happens before getting hardcore about it. Must stop obsessing :P

The wait is definitely torture! I just had my physical and asked tons and tons of questions (ok, it was really only like 3 or 4) but I feel so much better having talked to my PCP. Here are the things I asked about in case you are wondering about similar things:

1. Over the summer, my cycle went from 28 days to 21 days and then in december 26 days. I asked if I should be concerned. My NP said that I should not be concerned at all. I am regular, having a period means I am ovulating and I shouldn't worry at all about cycle length unless I go 6 weeks and don't get a BFP.

2. I asked about prenatal vitamins. When I went to Target to look, there were so many different brands and slight differences in formula so I wanted to know if I should be taking them and if so, what brand/formula to get. My NP said that any prenatal vitamin will be good, not to worry about the brand/formula. The most important piece is the folate which they will all have.

3. My mom had A LOT of fertility issues and I wanted to know if I should be concerned. My NP said, regardless of family history, no one is considered "infertile" or to have fertility issues until you have been TTC for one year (which is consistent with what others have posted on this forum).

4. I also asked about HPT vs a blood test at the doctors. What my NP said is that the HPTs are VERY accurate after a missed period and that my OBGYN probably won't even see me until about 9 weeks when an ultrasound can be done.

I really like my NP, and she really put me at ease about TTC. Although, we will see how anxious I get when AF is due next week (although not sure what cycle length to base my estimate on)!
MrsK - I'm like you that there is no reason to think there's anything going on with me that would give me trouble conceiving. Now, we do know that hubby's numbers are kind of on the low side, but my side has always seemed normal. I was like you that I figured I'd just try without the OPK's and such for a while...that lasted 1 cycle and then I broke down and got them. The reason I decided to do so is just because the OPK allows you to better time your BDing. A lot of women don't ovulate exactly when they think they do, so they mistime BDing. That was my fear. Personally, I regret not doing it even in the first cycle, but that's me. A lot of women obviously get pregnant just fine without it! (:

MgreenM - I'm excited about the puggy! And jealous! Will somebody please tell my DH to get me a puppy? (:

You got a ton of good information. I'm glad you feel more at ease. Sometimes I find that reading the forums actually makes me more anxious, because I see all of these posts flying around about problems and trying for years and surgeries and drugs, and it scares the holy bajeebus out of me. I definitely need to relax more.
Fx and good luck to everyone testing.

I'm testing Jan 14th but have no symptoms and had no + OPKs so I don't expect much. I plan on getting a BBT and temping just because it's frustrating with the OPKs not knowing whether I didn't ovulate or whether I missed it. I figure if i start temping now, by next cycle i'll have something to compare to.
3. My mom had A LOT of fertility issues and I wanted to know if I should be concerned. My NP said, regardless of family history, no one is considered "infertile" or to have fertility issues until you have been TTC for one year (which is consistent with what others have posted on this forum).

Thanks for the information, really helpful. I've always wondered about family history and what impact it would have. My grandma on my dad's side had like 10 kids, but my mum's side only had 2 after a lot of trouble. My mum had 5 kids though, and her sister had 4..so they seemed fine. I just wonder if the fact that my grandma had issues may impact me...
Thanks for all the info, MgreenM! And congratulations on the new pup! I can't imagine life without my dogs!

I've been taking a prenatal for a few months now. I switched to a regular one (the Nature Made ones with DHA) after the dogs ate an entire brand new bottle of gummy prenatals (every once in awhile, I can imagine life without my dogs :P ). I think the only 2 things stopping me from running out and buying OPKs and a thermometer are laziness and the knowledge that I'll be really mad if I spend the money and get pregnant right away without them. I figure if we aim for BD ever other day starting in the next day or two, and then increase to every day if possible closer to "average" ovulation, we'd be covered even if I'm off by a few days. I'm also not letting myself buy 100 pregnancy tests yet. I have 3 FRERs under the sink that'll have to do me for now. I'm way too prone to obsessing...

We'll give it this month and next month, and then take a couple months off - I don't want a dead of winter baby, and I work in taxes, so I won't have time for conception anyway ;) I'll look into extras when we pick back up again post tax season.

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