30 yo and TTC #1

I'd start as soon as possible. Even if you get data that's less useful for this month (I have no idea if it would actually be less useful because I don't temp), it give you something to compare to next month, if this isn't your month.
miskas, I'd temp asap. FF will be able to still detect ovulation with only a few temps even if you're only 3 days before ovulation. I'd continue to take opk as well just to make sure you don't miss it! :) Good luck and have fun with temping!

I got my positive OPK this morning. My temp went up as well. I'm just a bit concerned because I have done the bd as often as we had wanted! So I'm kind of scared I ovulated and didn't know it and that I might not have caught the egg. Trying to relax but my mind keeps wandering back! I even tried to bd this morning with hubby when I saw my temp went up! However he wasn't in the mood. I try not to play the baby card so that he doesn't feel like he's being used! haha I'm sure getting to it later in the day/evening won't be bad or too late.

Ladders, every cycle we find something new to obsess about don't we?! UGH! lol It seems though we tend to obsess about the same things! Last cycle we obsessed on the two week wait now we're all obsessing about ovulation! :) Except Owl. You're chart looks really good! :) MUUUUCH better than the previous cycle! :)

I have a friend coming round this late afternoon/evening to play games and eat dinner and catch up. Hopefully that will get me to relax! :) I trust everyone is having a great weekend!
Thanks! :D I don't think my chart could look much worse than last cycle, lol. I'm trying not to get too excited about it since I know it could go back to being crazy any day and this doesn't guarantee I'll O but I'm reaaaally hoping it means my body is regulating itself. That said, I'm in obsessing mode today too, even worse than normal. Googling post-pill cycle things, etc constantly. Going for a walk with a friend soon so that should be a good distraction.

I bet your temp goes up more tomorrow and FF puts your crosshairs on today. That would make perfect sense since you got your + OPK in the morning. And it would be similar to last cycle where your O day was the one after the temp dip. So tonight would be great timing! Crossing my fingers for you! I'll be stalking your chart the rest of the cycle :)
Sorry to hear about after mrsk that ducks especially as she made you wait so long and increased the tension of the tww.
Hello to the new faces welcome and I look forward to you guys stressing with us!
Still no solid smiley and I'm on cycle day 13 which is strange because I usually o on cycle 12 or 13 so don't know what is going on. I have 26 day cycle so if I don't of soon then lp will be short. How is there something new to stress about everytime!

I think your cycle is just delaying so that we can continue to be cycle buddies...lol. Mine's taking its time, too - kind of a funny coincidence. It might turn out that your lp will be the same length as normal and you'll just have a longer cycle than usual. I'm sure it's no big deal. Your smiley will stand still soon.

Dos, hope you are feeling better, and the new puppy is adorable!
welcome to the new ladies.
Quick update from me, still on vaca.. AF came :( but we are having a good time. going to buy a thermometer when i get home.. but should i wait until the next cycle to start, or can i start a week after AF?

Lots of catching up to do when i get home on Tuesday.

Sorry AF came...and on vacation nonetheless! I agree with everyone else that you should start temping ASAP.

miskas, I'd temp asap. FF will be able to still detect ovulation with only a few temps even if you're only 3 days before ovulation. I'd continue to take opk as well just to make sure you don't miss it! :) Good luck and have fun with temping!

I got my positive OPK this morning. My temp went up as well. I'm just a bit concerned because I have done the bd as often as we had wanted! So I'm kind of scared I ovulated and didn't know it and that I might not have caught the egg. Trying to relax but my mind keeps wandering back! I even tried to bd this morning with hubby when I saw my temp went up! However he wasn't in the mood. I try not to play the baby card so that he doesn't feel like he's being used! haha I'm sure getting to it later in the day/evening won't be bad or too late.

Ladders, every cycle we find something new to obsess about don't we?! UGH! lol It seems though we tend to obsess about the same things! Last cycle we obsessed on the two week wait now we're all obsessing about ovulation! :) Except Owl. You're chart looks really good! :) MUUUUCH better than the previous cycle! :)

I have a friend coming round this late afternoon/evening to play games and eat dinner and catch up. Hopefully that will get me to relax! :) I trust everyone is having a great weekend!

That is funny that we all seem to obsess about the same things each month! And I'm sure you did enough this month. :)

Thanks! :D I don't think my chart could look much worse than last cycle, lol. I'm trying not to get too excited about it since I know it could go back to being crazy any day and this doesn't guarantee I'll O but I'm reaaaally hoping it means my body is regulating itself. That said, I'm in obsessing mode today too, even worse than normal. Googling post-pill cycle things, etc constantly. Going for a walk with a friend soon so that should be a good distraction.

I bet your temp goes up more tomorrow and FF puts your crosshairs on today. That would make perfect sense since you got your + OPK in the morning. And it would be similar to last cycle where your O day was the one after the temp dip. So tonight would be great timing! Crossing my fingers for you! I'll be stalking your chart the rest of the cycle :)

Your chart is looking great! I think I got your chart from last cycle. Compared to my others, it looks like a psycho killer has been chasing my temps.
Isd I did the same this morning I thought I'd get a positive and dh is out all day and night, we bd last night but I wanted to get another one in this morning but was not happening and trying made it worse. Am so desperate I'm debating trying it on when he comes home drunk lol. Still no positive so if comes tomorrow then smep still has a chance. Just want the little smug bleeding smiley to stand still!

Dos I think that's exactly what's happening, are you still opking?

Question ladies iv only just started ewcm this and last cycle so not really sure about these things. I had ewcm (whoop whoop) Thursday and Friday but today has gone to wet but still no positive on opk. I thought you got ewcm at o time?!
Your chart is looking great! I think I got your chart from last cycle. Compared to my others, it looks like a psycho killer has been chasing my temps.

haha, sorry to curse you! :p I know how much it sucks. But at least we know the reasons for our crazy charts. It would be so much worse if we didn't! I really think you'll still O this cycle and then next cycle you'll be all back to normal.
So my current ovulation theory...haha...is that I ovulated yesterday-ish but missed my LH surge on the OPK because I didnt test for several days. The reasons for my theory are that 1- my temp rose a lot today (not a solid piece of evidence admittedly since my temp has been nuts this cycle from the stone/surgery...but we'll see what it does in the next few days) and 2- my tatas hurt which is always my first clue I ovulated because it's the first thing that happens and they absolutely never hurt until right after I ovulate. So that's my theory...but we'll see. I hope I'm right because I just want this cycle to keep moving to its end so that I can start again and have an actual shot this time. I'm anxious to get this show back on the road and ya know, make a baby. Lol.

Ladders, my love, any luck with getting your dumb smiley to stop having seizures?
Hey Dos no my stupid smiley face is still damoving around like a knob! Getting quite stressed about it now because this cycle of opks is really weird compared to normal. Just hope I'm going to ovulate because been really reallyGood at abstaining from alcohol and dh been stressing but managed to bd on time because of stupid night shifts. Iv never not got a positive before I don't understand what's gone wrong
Okay, Quick temping question ladies! So on CD18 I took my temp and got a reading of 96.8 but I felt overheated and took it again after laying there for a few minutes and it went down to 96.3. CD19 I took my temp and it read 97.0 and I decided to take it again within a few seconds of each other and it still read 97 and 96.8. CD20 I took my temps (today) and first one read 97 then I took it again and it read 96.8 and again at 96.3 and again at 96 and again at 96.5. Now this was within a few seconds or a minute within each other. So since we're all obsessing about ovulation I took another OPK test today and still got a positive. So what temps should I use? Just stay with the first ones? I changed my temps on FF to the first readings I got each morning.

Ladders, hope the smiley face stays still for you soon! :)

Dos, hope this cycle ends quickly so you can get to making that beautiful baby soon! :)
I'm sorry ladders :( How many days of high is that now? Didn't you have a lot of days of high last time, too? How many days of flashing did you have last cycle?

Isd - I suppose I would go with the first temps, but it is perplexing how much they go down as you keep taking them. Still, I guess I'd go with the first ones and pretend you only took it once. I compared your temps to your last cycle, and even though they're slightly higher than they were a few days ago, they're still low compared to last cycle's post-ovulation temps...so since you're still getting positive OPK's, I'm thinking you're going to ovulate today. Go BD again! Lol.
Dos has a good point I think lsd, in that your temps are still low compared to post-O last cycle. I bet they shoot up! I think it makes sense to use your first temps. The one I might question is when you specifically felt overheated but I do know I've woken up super warm, even sweaty, and had huge temp drops so who knows. Fingers crossed you get that clear temp shift tomorrow.
Dos I did get lots of flashing smileys last cycle but got the first one cycle day 8 and then solid cycle day 12 this time I got empty until cycle day 11 and have had flashing since then I'm on cycle day 14 and before have always o on day 12 or 13 so already past that. Worried that the fertilecm I have started taking has messed my cycle up and has stopped me ovulating. Feeling very frustrated and upset
Well what I would say is that last cycle you had 4 high fertile days before you got peak. This cycle you have now had 4 high fertile days. Yes, it's a little later than normal, but hey - so is mine. I don't think that this means you won't ovulate. I think you're just ovulating slightly later than normal. You're having the estrogen surge which is a great sign, and so far your estrogen surge is following the same pattern as last cycle. If in a couple of days you still haven't had the LH surge, there might be something more to be concerned about, but as of right now, I don't think there's any sign of a major issue. We don't always ovulate at the same time every month...it happens. Don't panic yet, hun. I bet you anything you'll see the solid smiley tomorrow or the next day. :hugs:
Thanks I hope so, wish we'd all just have one normal cycle none of us seem to have much look with our stupid bodies!
I know, right?! What is with us these days? Quick, somebody in this group have a normal cycle!
So....my crazy popped out today.

We're off school today because of ice/snow...which is great since I really wasn't ready to go back after surgery anyways, but I planned to. Sooo, I'm home and lying on the couch with my dogs and decided to watch The Price is Right. It's a theme day. Wanna know what the theme is? BABY DAY.....and all of the contestants are pregnant chicks.

At first I thought...okay, I can handle this. After all, I've been feeling more normal and sane this cycle since I can't obsess over it. I watched 3 minutes of it and was crying like a baby...had to turn it off. Jealousy is a bitch. :cry:
awww, Dos, I'm sorry! I would have felt the same way! One of my best friends told me yesterday she was pregnant. She is only 6 weeks along but she's scared she might loose this baby (she lost her last baby). I found myself getting somewhat jealous of her! I just kept thinking I want to be pregnant!! I mean I hope it all turns out positive for her, but there was that part of me that was sad because I wanted to give her the same news! She doesn't know I'm trying yet. I only told one best friend and my mom and sister so I can't get too upset! :)

So I think owl and dos, you guys were right. I think I ovulated yesterday. We tried to BD last night but poor husband felt sick and was having tummy issues so he tried best he could but couldn't do it in the end. Bless him for at least trying! So we're going to try to give it a go tonight hoping it is not too late! It will make us both at least feel a bit better that we tried best we could!

Dos, glad you're getting some rest at least! Did ya'll have pretty warm weather yesterday? We were up in the 70s but then today or last night (after all sorts of rain) it went down to 30s here. Just wondering if Arkansas was the same. Enjoy your day off! :)

RforReal, have you gotten the blood test results back yet?!
So....my crazy popped out today.

We're off school today because of ice/snow...which is great since I really wasn't ready to go back after surgery anyways, but I planned to. Sooo, I'm home and lying on the couch with my dogs and decided to watch The Price is Right. It's a theme day. Wanna know what the theme is? BABY DAY.....and all of the contestants are pregnant chicks.

At first I thought...okay, I can handle this. After all, I've been feeling more normal and sane this cycle since I can't obsess over it. I watched 3 minutes of it and was crying like a baby...had to turn it off. Jealousy is a bitch. :cry:

So normal! I feel like a terrible person for being jealous but it happens. I spent the weekend with my pregnant friend and all she and everyone else talked about was her pregnancy. Made me want to strangle someone. I'm happy for her and she doesn't know that we have been trying but it still sucks to hear her complain about gaining weight, morning sickness, and how they aren't really financially prepared for a baby which is why it wasn't planned. Tough to hear when we are financially ready and have been trying for 13 months.
awww, Dos, I'm sorry! I would have felt the same way! One of my best friends told me yesterday she was pregnant. She is only 6 weeks along but she's scared she might loose this baby (she lost her last baby). I found myself getting somewhat jealous of her! I just kept thinking I want to be pregnant!! I mean I hope it all turns out positive for her, but there was that part of me that was sad because I wanted to give her the same news! She doesn't know I'm trying yet. I only told one best friend and my mom and sister so I can't get too upset! :)

So I think owl and dos, you guys were right. I think I ovulated yesterday. We tried to BD last night but poor husband felt sick and was having tummy issues so he tried best he could but couldn't do it in the end. Bless him for at least trying! So we're going to try to give it a go tonight hoping it is not too late! It will make us both at least feel a bit better that we tried best we could!

Dos, glad you're getting some rest at least! Did ya'll have pretty warm weather yesterday? We were up in the 70s but then today or last night (after all sorts of rain) it went down to 30s here. Just wondering if Arkansas was the same. Enjoy your day off! :)

RforReal, have you gotten the blood test results back yet?!

I haven't gotten it done yet! Stupid traveling this month messed with my cycle and I'm not sure when I ovulated because of it, so I'm waiting for AF still. Thinking she will arrive today or tomorrow based on how I feel right now and my typical symptoms. Then I have to schedule it for CD3.
Yay lsd, so glad to see that temp jump for you! I think your timing looks great :) Crossing my fingers for you this cycle!

:hugs: Dos. So sorry. The day after I ended last cycle and didn't ovulate, I was yelling at the TV when I saw a teenage mother on some program, getting another positive pregnancy test.

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