30 yo and TTC #1

Miskas, a proper bbt thermometer measures to the hundredth (00.00) rather than just to the tenth (00.0). Now, some ladies just use their regular old thermometer, but with a bbt one, you can get more specific and see even the tiniest of changes, which can be really important in charting. I decided to get a bbt thermometer because I figured - hey, if I'm going to go through the pain in the butt of temping, I might as well do it right I suppose.
I'm having my tubal ligation reversal March 18th in Houston Texas it's a drive but hey.! So I have 3 beautiful daughters 9,11&13 and I'm adopting a boy 2 he's a handful. I am 31 this month and my husband who has no kids is 21 this month. We both look 25 so it works lol now I'm nervous about sooooo many things

What if it's a tubal
What if I don't conceive
What if I miscarry

I want twins
He wants a girl

Help me also with the acronyms please
OMG Lelismom, you are so courageous! 3 big kids, one 2 year old, and you want twins? You're now my idol! :)
Miskas - I agree with Dos, you should get a more accurate bbt thermometer to tell the small differences. I got mine at walmart, it was around $8-10

Lelismom- wow! That's awesome! Hope your appointment goes well and smoothly! I think we all worry or get nervous about different complications. The good news is that most couples don't have them so you have good chances of going through a perfectly normal TTC experience and pregnancy! I think it's about 1 out of 8 couples have trouble conceiving. Pretty good odds for normal fertility. Good luck!
Lol I love kids but really I'm wanting his baby for him he's a wonderful man and 2 years of putting up with mine shows me how committed he is to being a father but yes I keep asking myself is this really happening
My body is acting strange though I had a tubal ligation in 2005 damn near a decade well I have regular periods every 28days bleed about 5 days then resume life as normal until the next cycle.never had any spotting between cycles.. We'll for the last 3-4 months I have been spotting blood and a brownish discharge around what would be my ovulation time wtf???! Anyone heard of this.. Could it be the anticipation of ttc
Good luck Lelis! I'm not too sure about the spotting. I know there are groups specifically of women who have had reversals and I would also try the general Trying to Conceive (TTC) board. We're all trying for our first so I think you might get more answers there.
Miskas, what I heard about thermometers is that you really do want one that is specifically a BBT. Mine is and it's a reputable brand, but it only goes to the tenths. That worried me when I realized but what I read places was that the major difference between a BBT and normal digital thermometer is that a normal digital thermometer will round to give you a faster read-out. BBT's take longer to read because they're more accurate. So as long as it's truly a BBT, whether it goes to tenths or hundredths, you're fine.
Good Luck Lelis! I haven't heard about the spotting thing either! Hope you get your answer!

RforReal, congrats on your promotion! I'm sure it was well deserved! I'm glad everything looks good at the doctors so far and good luck on the HSG! I'm glad you wrote tonight! I was actually thinking about you tonight and wondering how your tests went! :)

Well, crap, I've been using just a regular thermometer. Maybe after this cycle I'll go get the BBT thermometer. I just didn't think it'd make that much of a difference...but maybe it does!

So I just got really excited for a few minutes! While I was taking a bath tonight I glanced down at my left boob and saw a huge ass blue vein from top of my boob all the way down to the nipple. I saw a bit of a vein on my right boob but not as noticeable as the left one! I got so excited b/c I heard this was a pregnancy symptom (was it from you Dos and ladders?). My nipples have been feeling kind of burny as well....LOL. It is either a symptom or I'm just making up crap or making my body do stuff so that I think I am back in! :)

Hello, my name is Lauren, and I am a TWW symptom spotter addict.
Courteous owl,.... Congratulations to all you ladies and baby dust as you say and prayers yes I have 4 and idk nothing about being on a forum how do I unsubscribe from this one??.
ok guess that solves that question. i will go get a bbt one... they sell them at the drug store here in town....

HAHA LSD.... thats funny, but I have also read and heard that that is a big sign! I hope you get your BFP this time!!
Hey Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA recently, there's been a lot going on so been busy. I just got a new job, I start there in a few weeks. I love my current job but this will be a promotion of sorts at a different place so I'm excited about that but sad to leave at the same time.

Also got my bloodwork done on cd 3 which was yesterday along with an ultrasound. They said everything looks good and healthy so that's good news. Scheduled my HSG for next week. Trying to get as much done before I change jobs and my insurance changes!

Congrats to sheyan on the BFP! I still need to read back to get updated on everyone, I'm so behind!

Glad you're back and congrats on the new job! I'm so glad your tests are looking good thus far!

Good Luck Lelis! I haven't heard about the spotting thing either! Hope you get your answer!

RforReal, congrats on your promotion! I'm sure it was well deserved! I'm glad everything looks good at the doctors so far and good luck on the HSG! I'm glad you wrote tonight! I was actually thinking about you tonight and wondering how your tests went! :)

Well, crap, I've been using just a regular thermometer. Maybe after this cycle I'll go get the BBT thermometer. I just didn't think it'd make that much of a difference...but maybe it does!

So I just got really excited for a few minutes! While I was taking a bath tonight I glanced down at my left boob and saw a huge ass blue vein from top of my boob all the way down to the nipple. I saw a bit of a vein on my right boob but not as noticeable as the left one! I got so excited b/c I heard this was a pregnancy symptom (was it from you Dos and ladders?). My nipples have been feeling kind of burny as well....LOL. It is either a symptom or I'm just making up crap or making my body do stuff so that I think I am back in! :)

Hello, my name is Lauren, and I am a TWW symptom spotter addict.

Hiiii, Lauren. :rofl:

You probably did hear it from us, because we're a couple of crazy symptom spotters, too! Yes, it's definitely a symptom! 2 or 3 cycles ago I noticed I had huge crazy veins and was hoping it was a symptom. Turns out though...I'm a redhead with translucent freaking skin and pretty much always have those veins......just never noticed before because I didn't used to stand in front of the mirror for 10 minutes feeling myself up. Strange. :haha: But anyways, yes my dear, if that's a new thing for you, it's definitely a good sign!

My body is acting strange though I had a tubal ligation in 2005 damn near a decade well I have regular periods every 28days bleed about 5 days then resume life as normal until the next cycle.never had any spotting between cycles.. We'll for the last 3-4 months I have been spotting blood and a brownish discharge around what would be my ovulation time wtf???! Anyone heard of this.. Could it be the anticipation of ttc

I was going to suggest the same thing Owl did - to talk to those ladies in the tubal ligation group about it. They'd probably know what's up. Good luck!
So my temps are still climbing which has prompted FF to give me dotted crosshairs in the weirdest of places. Lol. I'm pretty sure if those crosshairs could talk, they'd say, "Um...girl, your chart be CRAZY, but to make you feel a little better, we'll just have a seat riiiiighhhht.....HERE. No promises though. Don't quote us on this." I know they're wrong, because they're calculating my cover line based on a mess and obviously the system can't possibly know that I was sick and temps shouldn't be trusted. I tried going back and discarding all of the kidney stone-era ones, but it didn't help. Maybe I should override it? I don't even know how though.
:haha: Dos. That made me laugh, a lot! Yeah, no offense to FF but uh, no.... Not so much. It's like when it gave me random crosshairs twice last cycle. I'm not sure how to override either but my guess is that it'll take 'em away at some point and after the cycle ends you can tell to ignore this cycle so it won't throw off your predictions.

That sounds exciting lsd! I really hope this is it for you!

RFor, congrats on the new job! How exciting. And that's great that the Dr said things looked good. Keep us posted for sure.
Awesome news, sheyan!! So exciting! RforReal, I was wondering how your blood tests were going...
My update...saw my fertility doc for all of my blood results. He seems to think I have some virus issues which don't allow me to fully implant. : / so I get the breakthrough bleeding at implantation time and it ends up triggering my period. I'm on acyclovir, lovastatin, another pill that I take vaginally at bedtime and heparin shots twice a day. Amazing because my cousin had this exact same treatment 4 years ago and was pregnant 45 days after starting! So I have some hope. Of course, I got my peak on the monitor this morning and dr says don't really try to conceive this month. (My husband says he's a cockblock LOL) but we did it anyway this morning. Imagine that, someone tells me not to try when I'm finally getting a positive opk. I think I'll just try to relax this month and next (since I'm due for AF in 10 days anyway). Plus, I will be 30 on April 6th and....I rented a taco stand and margarita machines!!! I'm so excited! Hope everyone is feeling nice and positive this weekend!

Side note, has anyone ever given themselves injections twice a day? I'm supposed to do them in my stomach and it doesn't feel so great. In fact, it makes me feel sick before it has to happen. Normally I'm good with needles and blood draw stuff. Any advice?
Dos, I bet that is really frustrating. The crosshairs could be possibly be right since I noticed on your chart you had a bit of EWCM before then. But at this point we don't really know so I'm with Owl on this one and throw this chart out so It doesn't screw up the rest of your charts! :)

JCM, it's good to know what the problem is so you can fix it! GL! Hope you get your bfp in 45 days! I've also never had to inject myself with anything but I imagine it would be awful!

So since my husband was out last night and spent the night at my cousins house (since he goes out to drink and I drop him off...he doesn't want to bother me because they stay out late so he just stays over at my cousin's house...so nice of him! haha) he didn't see me during my " I have veins on my boobs episode". So I noticed this morning it went back to normal except for a piece in my areola that was bright blue. So when I showed him to see what was normal he said he hadn't seen that part in my areola before...so hmm...but the piece leading around my boob up to my shoulder/chest area were normal and he said he'd seen that before but I swear yday it was so much more dominant than that! It was like a crazy blue like it was going to pop out of my skin! LOL I guess only time will tell.

I ended up going to Walmart today and bought 10 of the 88 cent tests so when I do feel the urge I can just use those and not feel guilty! :) Infact I plan on testing everyday starting Monday! :) Because I'm crazy and proud of it. Plus I'm going to a St Paddy's day parade next weekend and have the Elton John concert the next week on Tuesday...so I'd really like to know so that if I'm not I will feel good about having a few drinks!

End of rant! :) Thanks for listening to my crazies!
Thanks all for the kind words! I'm excited but a little nervous about the new position and job. Also means my insurance will change so I'm trying to get as much testing done now before that happens.

Courteous owl,.... Congratulations to all you ladies and baby dust as you say and prayers yes I have 4 and idk nothing about being on a forum how do I unsubscribe from this one??.

Don't feel like you have to unsubscribe but if you want to, when you go into your User CP, there's a button by this thread that says unsubscribe. I do think you will get more answers in the other forums though since we all haven't been through what you are going through. Good luck!

So my temps are still climbing which has prompted FF to give me dotted crosshairs in the weirdest of places. Lol. I'm pretty sure if those crosshairs could talk, they'd say, "Um...girl, your chart be CRAZY, but to make you feel a little better, we'll just have a seat riiiiighhhht.....HERE. No promises though. Don't quote us on this." I know they're wrong, because they're calculating my cover line based on a mess and obviously the system can't possibly know that I was sick and temps shouldn't be trusted. I tried going back and discarding all of the kidney stone-era ones, but it didn't help. Maybe I should override it? I don't even know how though.

You can override it, I've done it. On the phone app you go to More, then Settings, then Detector/override settings, then choose the chart you want to override and then under Detector click manual. It will let you put a specific date in that you think you ovulated.

Awesome news, sheyan!! So exciting! RforReal, I was wondering how your blood tests were going...
My update...saw my fertility doc for all of my blood results. He seems to think I have some virus issues which don't allow me to fully implant. : / so I get the breakthrough bleeding at implantation time and it ends up triggering my period. I'm on acyclovir, lovastatin, another pill that I take vaginally at bedtime and heparin shots twice a day. Amazing because my cousin had this exact same treatment 4 years ago and was pregnant 45 days after starting! So I have some hope. Of course, I got my peak on the monitor this morning and dr says don't really try to conceive this month. (My husband says he's a cockblock LOL) but we did it anyway this morning. Imagine that, someone tells me not to try when I'm finally getting a positive opk. I think I'll just try to relax this month and next (since I'm due for AF in 10 days anyway). Plus, I will be 30 on April 6th and....I rented a taco stand and margarita machines!!! I'm so excited! Hope everyone is feeling nice and positive this weekend!

Side note, has anyone ever given themselves injections twice a day? I'm supposed to do them in my stomach and it doesn't feel so great. In fact, it makes me feel sick before it has to happen. Normally I'm good with needles and blood draw stuff. Any advice?

Wow, that sounds promising! Hopefully this is the answer you have been looking for. I haven't had to give myself injections but I told my husband that if I had to, he would have to do it. So I don't think I'm any help in the advice area on that! But in other news, a taco stand and margarita machines?!?! Can I come? :haha:
Haha! Yes, RforReal you are all invited! It's so nice to have women that get all of this! Hubby gave me the injection in the hip fat area....MUCH easier to handle. Stomach feels so sensitive! So my doc said to add for folate and some B12 to the list of pills. Found some great ones tonight that are tiny so I don't gag. I swear I'm the worst at taking pills! My prenatals had to be the gels because I get sick over taking the giant chalk ones. Insurance is such a pain. I found if I'm being treated for "endocrine problems" the fertility will be covered later if it needs to go down that road.

lsd, I get veins every month recently (or every other sometimes) and I always got so excited!!! As it turns out, my body has been attempting to hang on after implantation but I always lose it so I feel like that's a promising sign! Excited to hear everyone's symptoms as they are in the two week wait as I think I'm always a little bit behind and then a little bit ahead because of my cycles.

I honestly feel like cycle after cycle was so stressful until I was able to jump in to the forums. Such a relief coming on here after a hectic day!
I think I might start temping. I didn't so far because I was trying to "relax" lol but everybody's doing it!!!!
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't checked in in awhile. I've been peeking in, but I've been pretty swamped at work.

I have an OPK question. I'm on cycle day 10 (or I will be by the time you're reading this in the morning) of a usually 29ish day cycle. I'm using OPKs for the first time this cycle. I used the first one today and got a faint line. I know a line as dark as the control means that I'm going to ovulate in the next day or so, right? But what kind of time range might there be between faint line and dark line? Normally I'd just say "Hey, sexy time all the time!" but I work in taxes, so I'm stuck kind of carving out time in the schedule this month :p I really don't want to miss the window. I'm guessing it varies by woman like everything else, but I'm just looking for a general idea. Does ovulating around CD 14 or 15 still make sense?

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